So I've posted this little sexy romp of a story here already, but it was a McStizzy story, since there had been some interest shown for that couple. However, it didn't seem to go over quite as well as I anticipated, and I thought maybe it could be redone as a MerDer fic, so I'm changing it over and posting again. In case you did read it as the other version, called A Bad Romance, I've expanded this version and added some new chapters. Overall, it's not a long story, just for fun and it's nice and enjoy...let me know how you enjoy it! Basic premise is Meredith and Derek have a one night stand, and figure they can continue on without any strings attached...but will that work?

Warning as always...rated for mature readers only ... lots of sex and adult please read responsibly...

Oh, and usual disclaimer...don't own Grey's or the characters...blah blah blah...

The title I've used comes from the song by Michael Buble...which does kind of sum up this just never know when to expect when love comes out of nowhere and into your life...but I'm getting ahead of myself...

I'm not surprised, not everything lasts
I've broken my heart so many times, I stopped keeping track
Talk myself in, I talk myself out
I get all worked up, then I let myself down

I tried so very hard not to lose it
I came up with a million excuses
I thought, I thought of every possibility

And I know someday that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, that I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

I might have to wait, I'll never give up
I guess it's half timing, and the other half's luck
Wherever you are, whenever it's right
You'll come out of nowhere and into my life

And I know that we can be so amazing
And, baby, your love is gonna change me
And now I can see every possibility

And somehow I know that it'll all turn out
You'll make me work, so we can work to work it out
And I promise you, kid, I give so much more than I get
I just haven't met you yet

Chapter One – The Morning After

Meredith bolted upright in bed, and clutched the sheets around her, and several things hit her consciousness at the same time…she didn't recognize said sheets, she was naked, and there was a guy sleeping beside her. Taking a quick peek beneath the covers, she realized that he was also naked, and extremely well built. With a small groan, she rubbed her forehead, trying to piece together what had happened the night before, and who the hell the hot guy was.

She took a look around, noting the scattered clothes markng a trail on the polished hardwood floor from the bedroom door towards the bed. There were her shoes (her favorite Louboutin pumps actually), and the spangly black dress she'd worn to the New Year's Eve party. Her panties were tangled in with black dress pants and a shirt, and a tie was hanging from the lampshade. The furniture all had a definite masculine look about it, and the drapes and bedding were all dark navy.

"Oh, god…too much champagne," she moaned. She noted two champagne flutes on the bedside table, and an upended bottle in an ice bucket. Her head throbbed, and she was just about ready to make a break for the bathroom when the guy beside her moved. His arm snaked out and landed across her hips, and he pulled her beneath him in one smooth move.

"G'morning, beautiful," he murmured, as his hand roamed knowingly along her curves. He was all toned muscle and masculine strength over her, and also very well endowed from the feel of him between her legs. To her dismay, her own body responded, with a flutter of need in her core. Damn, how did she manage to get herself into this predicament, she wondered briefly. She was so going to have a chat with Izzie and Cristina later about letting her leave the party with this guy – sexy as he may be.

"Um…good morning," she managed to reply, looking up into his very amused blue eyes. His lips twitched into a smile, as if he knew just what she was thinking. "Did we, um…I mean, last night…well, you know…?"

"Did we have mind-blowing sex last night?" he finished for her, before putting his mouth against her throat. His lips covered her pulse point, his tongue moving in a sinuous trail along her skin. "Yes, but I'm hurt you have to ask…"

"Oh…it's just that…I think I had a wee bit too much to drink…"

"Well then, I'll have to remedy that and do it all over again so that you remember this time," he chuckled, lowering his mouth to skim her breasts. His stubbled jaw tickled a little, and she was caught between a giggle and a throaty moan at how good he made her feel. Then his tongue slid over one nipple, and she gave up any pretense of not enjoying it. Shivers ran down her spine, and she instinctively arched her back, letting him take more of her breast with his mouth. It was insanity, pure erotic insanity, giving herself to this guy that she didn't even remember his name, but suddenly at that moment she didn't care.

"Oh god…now I'm sorry I don't remember…" she sighed, as he raised himself over her. The impressive muscles in his arms bunched, and she ran her fingers along his shoulders. Feeling more daring, she let her hands slide down his back, coming to rest against his ass. And he was just as tight there too, and she closed her eyes in appreciation. Hell, she might as well take advantage of this since she was here, and he was so…impressive…

"Like what you're finding there, Meredith?" he asked, his voice rough with desire. "You weren't shy about grabbing me last night when we were dancing…"

"What?" Her eyes snapped open, and he laughed out loud. She blushed, hurriedly moving her hands back to the relatively safe territory of his lower back. "I don't grab…"

"I beg to differ, babe…you were bumping and grinding and taking charge. It's not a bad thing, trust me. I kinda like a woman who knows what she wants and isn't afraid to go after it."

"But…oh god...did I really...?" Meredith had a dim recollection then of dancing at the club, drinking tequila shooters before the clock struck midnight, throwing caution to the wind as she danced and flirted. Had she really been that uninhibited...and what the hell happened after that? Then she realized he was sliding down her body, and parting her legs, placing soft kisses along her belly and lower. "Wait…!"

He looked up at her, one eyebrow raised. "Now you want to wait?"

"I don't even remember your name," she confessed, biting her lip. "I think I should at least know that before you do what you're going to do…"

"Ah, yes…it's not fair that I remember your name is it?" He winked at her, before tracing one lazy finger along her hip and down her thigh. Meredith twitched, her breathing ragged, as he explored her slowly before speaking again. "But it's kind of exciting, isn't it…being touched like this…not even knowing anything about me but how good I can make you feel?" His fingers found their way along her damp folds, sliding just inside of her enough to make her lose track of her thoughts.

"Oh…god…do you do this a lot?" she gasped, her hips bucking.

"Fucking?" he grinned. "As much as possible…"

"Damnit…I mean…waking up with someone like this?"

"I confess, I have a weakness for women…I like to make them feel good, I like to watch them come and moan and give themselves up to the pleasure."

Meredith gulped. "Ohmigod…are you a male escort?"

This drew a bigger laugh. "Oh hell no, sweetheart…you don't owe me anything but your body and your orgasm…so come for me now…" His mouth landed along her skin, adding to the torment, and his tongue flicked over her, finding that spot that throbbed. It sent Meredith into a tailspin of bliss, and she exploded into a sudden orgasm that took her by surprise. As she rode the lingering waves of pleasure, he managed to grab a condom from the side of the bed and sheath himself before he moved into her, making her cry out for more. "Just like that, honey…hell yes…" he urged her, as she wrapped around him.

The world spun away, as they rocked together, their mouths colliding in a long, hungry kiss. His tongue invaded and danced with hers, and all she could do was hang on and let him take control. His hips ground against hers, as they slid together, their bodies hot and damp with sweat. He knew just how to retreat and then thrust again, each time giving her just a little more depth. Meredith gave up trying to keep track of how many times she came - it all rolled together into one long intense rush of delight. Her nails dug into his back, and she felt his body tense, ready for his own release.

"Harder…don't stop…" she begged him, matching his desire, desperate to give him just as much as he gave her. If this was just a one-night stand, she was damn well going to make it memorable. "Now…just…oh god now…." He pushed into her in one last thrust, and she welcomed all of his heat, coming again as he lost himself with a low growl of satisfaction.

"Damn, woman…this is a helluva way to wake up," he groaned, falling against her and rolling them over to lay side by side. He kissed her again, as their breathing slowed and sanity returned.

"You can say that again," she sighed. "Now are you going to tell me your name?"

"It's Derek. Derek Shepherd…" he replied, taking her hand. "Nice to meet you…"

"Ass…" she muttered, rolling her eyes. Then she gasped and clapped her hand over her mouth. "Derek Shepherd…? As in Derek Shepherd, the divorce lawyer?"

"The one and only," he smirked.

Meredith sat up and pushed away from him, swinging her feel off the side of the bed. She grabbed the sheet and yanked it away from him, wrapping it around her body. "How the hell did I end up here with you? Of all people…"

He frowned, propping himself up on one elbow, totally unconcerned that he was left naked after she took the sheet away. "What did I say wrong?"

Meredith studiously avoided looking anywhere but at his face, as she crossed her arms over her chest. "I hate you." She turned to march away, trying to maintain an air of dignity, but she tripped over the edge of the sheet, ruining the effect.

"Careful there, darling," he said, watching her catch herself, and try to keep the sheet from unraveling. "I have to admit, I don't usually get that kind of response after fucking…"

"Well, it's just fucking isn't it?" she muttered. "And I'm leaving…" She scooped up her dress, and pulled her panties from beneath his pants.

"Wait…at least tell me what you hate about me…"

"Just that I hate lawyers…and especially slimy divorce lawyers…how could I have let myself do this?" Meredith stormed away, towards the door, snatching up her shoes along the way. Her heart thudded in her chest, and she shook her head angrily. She found her way into the bathroom and slammed the door forcefully. "Stupid stupid Meredith…" she muttered, peering into the mirror at her reflection. Her hair was a tangled mess around her face, and any trace of makeup was long gone. Her skin was flushed and her mouth looked bruised and pouty from Derek's hard kisses, and her eyes were rimmed in black mascara.

"You need your head examined, girl," she sighed. "Even if he was damn good in bed…you are not going to give him the satisfaction of falling all over him. So what if he's got muscles on top of muscles, and his mouth is decadent…" She kept talking to herself as she freshened up as best she could, and putting on her clothes. The dress was wrinkled and smelt like champagne, but it would have to do. Now all she needed was her purse and her cell phone, and she could call someone to get her the hell out of here.

When she opened the door, she found Derek waiting for her, a wolfish grin on his face. His black dress pants were in place, hanging low on his hips, but that was all he was wearing. He crossed his arms over his chest, and met her gaze steadily. "Still mad?" he asked. "And do you always talk to yourself?"

"Yes, and yes…" she replied, marching past him, determined to get out of here before she did something stupid again.

"Your purse is by the front door, where you dropped it last night," he called out, and she gritted her teeth. "But I can drive you home, if you want…"

"Forget it, I would hate to put you out," she muttered, snatching her purse up from the foyer floor, and rummaging for her cell phone. She flipped it open and was relieved to see there was still a sliver of battery life left. Stabbing the small buttons without thinking, she dialed Izzie's cell phone number.

"Izzie? Thank god you're home…I need a ride…"

"Mer…this isn't a good time," Izzie whispered, and Meredith sighed. "I'm kind of busy right now…"

"Just kick him out of bed and come get me."

Izzie giggled, and Meredith could hear a masculine voice in the background, low and seductive, and she realized that Izzie wasn't going anywhere right now. "Mer…I'm sorry, but Mark just isn't letting me go anywhere right now."

"Fine. Just remember this the next time you need me to come and rescue you," Meredith hissed in warning.

"I'll make it up to you…" Then Izzie's voice trailed off, lost in a whoosh of air and more giggles, and the sound of rustling sheets. Meredith snapped her phone shut in irritation. Phoning Cristina wouldn't be much better, she decided, and tried to think of the number for a cab company.

"Need a ride?" Derek asked, from behind her, and she rolled her eyes.

"Well, aren't you the astute lawyer? I'm just calling a cab, if you'll tell me the address here. Then I'll be on my way…"

"Meredith…let me take you home. It's the least I can do," he offered, and she eyed him suspiciously. He sounded sincere, but she knew his type far too well. Her cousin had gone through a nasty divorce not long ago, and the memory of it left a bad taste in Meredith's mouth. Still, she wanted to leave, and god only knew how long a cab would be on New Year's Day, after all.

"Fine…" she acquiesced, none too gracefully, tapping her foot on the tile floor.

"Good," Derek grinned, crossing the space to join her. He'd thrown on a sweater and leather jacket, and he managed to look drop-dead sexy, much more so than should be legal. "It's the least I can do after dragging you here for a night of decadent sex."

"Just save the boyish charm for someone else," she groaned. "I'm immune."

"Really? And here I thought you enjoyed our time together…was I wrong?" He took her hand and drew her closer to him. This time he kissed her softly, his mouth a warm promise. "Maybe I need to start this all over again…"

Meredith's knees went weak. "Start what…?"

"The art of seduction." He winked at her. "Don't you think you could handle a purely sexual relationship? No strings attached?"

"You just want a physical relationship, not a romantic one…"

"True, but are you willing to give it a try? I'm not asking for your heart, here, Meredith...just some fun...not everything lasts, so we should enjoy this while we can. Don't deny we have a connection here."

Meredith bit her lip, torn between wanting to give in to the promise of pleasure beneath the surface of his offer, and the realization that he was just a playboy, ready to take what he could from her before moving on. Her eyes met his, and she shivered. "Maybe…" she hedged. "Just for fun?" She could do this...she could live in the moment...right?

"Just for making each other feel good," he agreed, kissing her again.

"Well, then…I guess there's nothing wrong with that…" she sighed. "But I still hate you…"

"Of course you do," he grinned, whistling a little as he walked her outside to his car. This was going to be interesting..