A/N- In honor of my 50th review I decided to give a bounus.


After so many days, weeks, and months that I've waited and cursed...it was finally here. I was happy that Moka was excited about it. Why wouldn't she be. She's been talking about it ever since the Headmaster had given the OK. It almost made the thought about going bearably, but inside I was dreading it like the thought of graduation. Thank God that was over! Everyone was so torn up and in a crying fit about it! Even Moka, when she knew good and well that we would be moving in together. Yukari kept asking how come I wasn't so torn up about it…well I was. I'm going to miss my harem, but my heart belonged to Moka. I looked around our dorm room which helad too many not-so-happy-memories. And now…I have to face another blast-from-the-passs that I would greatfully love forgert. hell of a chance that happening. I've argued with Moka about it countless times, but of course she won. I looked at my lovely blood maiden before me and smiled. If are relationship would ever go anywhere…it was time that I to met…I swallowed thickly…the-parents.

"Ready to go Tsukune?" Her cheery voice brought me out of my gloomy thoughts.

I gave her the best smile I could muster at the momment, "Ready-to go."

I carried both Moka's and my belongings to the buststop. She had warned me that her father, Issa Shuzen and her mother, Akashiya Bloodriver, combined were much worst than the experienced with Tanner combined, which of course worried the hell out of me. The natural thing when asking a vampire's hand in marriage, was to fight the head of the family. Issa is known to be brutal, according to Moka. When she told me that I remembered the time I had a playdate with her as a kid. She dared me to kiss her on the cheek. When I did her father immediately grabbed me by my shirt and made me sleep outside. As far away from his daughter as possibly. I shuddered openly. Well, at least I knew now how'd he gotten there so fast, or even heared what we were doing.

"Is everything OK Tsukune?" She askes concerned.

"Yeah," I lie, "everything'-great!" Again I shudder. this is not going to end well, I just know it!

"I'm sure father's loosened up since we were kids. Anyway…I'm as nervious as you are. I hope he likes you. You're as strong as an S-class vampire maybe even stronger. You're already praticly apart of the family."

"Not as of now. This is the third bracelt the headmaster created, and it worse than the last one. I was sick for weeks and even you had trouble taking this one off," I complained. Moka looked at her watched and smiled, "Oh no-" I tried to protest, but she interupted.

"C'on Tsukune if you want to learn how to control it you need to do this regularly. We already talked about this. Besides, the bus driver will be here any minute and I don't want him to see us necking." She began to move her pink silvery hair aside and exposed her neck. I looked away at the sight of her large, pulssating, blue, vein. "Tsukune," she siad threatingly.

"What if I hurt you like the first time?" I said now making up exuses.

"That was weeks ago! Now hurry up!" she demanded.

Letting out a forcefully sight I showed her my fangs to let her know I was ready. I chuckled when she jumped then blushed with embarassment. I opeaned my arms for her. Once she was in my grapse; I immediately went for her plae inviting neck. Twice a day I had to do this. I'm supposed to take a little more blood than I do the first time to build a tollerance for it. AND DAMN WAS THIS HARD! Over time Moka seemed to get shorter and shorter since spring break, so I had to bend down while she was on her tippytoes to reach what I craved and hungered night after night for. She had punched me and told me I was getting taller and not the other way around. Of course I had to tease her about it. This was my second feeding from her today, so I had to drink more than this morning. I pulled her closer to me and I heard her moan. My grip on her seemed to get tighter and tigher with each mouthfull. Whenever I did this I felt like I was starving myself of her. All we had to go on was donated lukewarm blood. YUCK! Moka's blood was like a wakeup call. Hot, thick, sweet and more like a moist fresh chocolate chip cookie-

I heard her heart skip mutipal beats. I let go-I had to let go, painiced."A-are you," I took a deep breath, "Ok? Did I hurt you?"

"Yeah and-no," she smiles weakly. "You did better than last night." I walked away from her to rid myself of her scent momentarly. I then walked back and inspected her neck. "Already healed, no worries."

"I only did better this time 'cause I didn't nearly bleed to death from one of your rigerious trianing sessions," I joked tring to lighten the mood; though it seemed I was the one trying to convinced myself.

"HEY!" she says mockingly offended, "Without those rigerious session-you wouldn't have the tempting body you have now." she smiled and ran her fingurs over my chest.

I had to supress a growl that was building in my chest just as the bus pulled up. Like usual, it was empty and the only ocupants on it were Moka and I. It wasn't like we minded the lack of eyes. Its summer so the bus was kind of muggy; that didn't stop us from cozying up and away from the bus driver's shadowed face. It wasn't until nightfall that the bus reached the outskerts of the…are you kidding me is that a real European castle? I gawked.

"This is as far as I'm allowed to go, boy." he said, exhaling a cloud of smoke my way.

"Moka, it's time to wake up," I say as I shake her softly. This only accomplished her to snuggle up to me closer.

"Ten more…minutes Tsuki,' she mummbles.

I cursed inwardly. She's seriously going to leave me to face her parents! ALONE! I grabbed the sleeping bueaty and carried her bridal style off the bus with our stuff. Only God know's how I managed that without making myself look like a compleate fool. I watched the bus drive off leaveing me alone in the dark. A little faster than it did arriving here too. What was he running away from? I looked around me. The trees were as dead as ever like the one surrounding the academy. The only odd thing was the moon; a giant crimson orb painted on a black canvass.

"Isn't she beautiful?" came a mysterious voice from behind me.

"Yeah, is said slightly dazed, "It re-" Out of reflex I shielded Moka with my body from the was no way I was going to let what happen months ago happen again! I swallowed the snarl that was building in my throat and glared at the stranger. "Who-are you," I say nervioulsy. This man's very exsistents made me nervious for some reason.

Formally, he bows before me and says, "Nice to see you again Aono, Tsukune."

"Count Shuzen-sama?" (I think that's the right formal suffix. Correct me if I'm wrong.) He had shoulder length midnight black hair with some of it decorating his chin. Shuzen was also sporting a grey suite with a black trench coat over it despite the night's heat.

"That I am. You remember my mate, Akasha Bloodriver, and it's seems you finally came into you own skin," he comments as his frighten scarlet eyes gazed over me. I had the odd feeling that it wasn't by body. They stoped at the Holy Lock on my wrist. "You have that much of his blood in you?" he then questioned.

I nodded hello to Moka's mother then said, "Excuse me?" I say now beyond confused. What was he talking about?

"Moka, be a good girl and unseal Master Aono," he commanded suddenly.

My eyes widen at his words then Moka shifted in my arms. Before I could stop her the Holy Lock was off my wrist. Quickly I shoved her away form me and I away from her. I fell on one knee and tried to gain as much control over myself, but the unwelcome thirst was beating itself murderous at the back of my throat. My marks burned slowly across my shoulder and neck. I had to bite my tongue till it was bloody to keep myself from howeling in pain. I glared at Moka, pleading she put the lock back on.

She shrugged and looked away, now unsealed and said, "Daddy's orders," she said and danggled my chain before me still not looking. "If you want it Tsukune-"

"-stop eyes my daughter and kill me," he finished, hands clasped around my neck.

Briefly I was stunned. I knew this was going to happen, but I didn't think so, so soon. My hand grasped the arm that was pinning me down and twisted trying to break bone. I was after blood. Shuzen's eyes narrowed at my unspoken challenge and decided not to hold back any longer. I kick him off me; sending him flying into a tree. In seconds I'm after him, but where the destrustion stops he was not there. I closed my eyes and focused on his youki and killing intent...behind me. Before I can turn he has his hands set apon me to where he can break my neck. I paused for a second. He reacted faster than Moka did when we were training. I didn't let that stop me though; quickly, I jabbed my elbow into his ribcage hard. Shuzen buckled over, surprised that I wielded such strenght. I would have stopped there. Despite his order I didn't want to kill him, however, I somehow got drunk off the thrill. I wanted to kill man oh man did I want to kill him! To slay the strongest vampire, to drink his blood during my victory dinner, to see his eyes go vacant as death took slowly took over…and win Moka's hand. I licked my lips and balled my fist in anticipation. Power without feeling is meaningless. Moka's words ranged through my head.

"Boy you're such a fool," he chuckled.

As soon as he said that I could no longer see him, but I knew where he was going. I planted my right foot and pivoted behind me. I smiled when my fist connected with his face. Without warning I felt the fire in my blood suddenly receed as well as my strength. I need blood…

"That's enough Tsukune," she whispers in my ear and kisses me on the cheek, "You beat him." I leaned on her for support. Shit, I hated that cursed lock!

"Are you OK dear?" asked Moka's mom. My eyes widen at the resemblances between her and her daughter.

The count brushed off himself and smiled at me. "How a boy like you aquired Alucard's blood I do not know. The Headmaster was right to put such a strong Rosario on you."

I blink, having to do a double take at his words… "WHAT! DRACULA!" I exclaimed. My hunger quickly forgotten.

Shuzen ignored my question and walked away, but Akasha aproched me and held out her hand smiling just like the pink haired Moka I knew.

"Welcome to the family Tsukune!"

Of course you have to review. Hoped you liked it!

ANGELHINATA16 love's her supportive readers! R&R