OMG! Sorry I Was Gone So Long Been So Freaking Busy! : (. You Know I Love You Guys Since Im Writing This Story While feeling like Shit! Okay Enough Here. WE. GO !

Previously: "Isabella Marie Swan will you go out on a date with me Friday night?" He said with a smile but he looked nervous for an answer. "S-ure." I told him and his eyes sparkled. He jumped up and hugged me and I laughed. "We'll lets get to biology and about the whole going out with you thing that's all up to you." He said still smiling.

I looked at him and all I could do was nod.

As we sat I wondered. WHAT WAS I GOING TO WEAR OR DO!

NOW: Bella's Pov

"TOLD YOU HE HAD THE HOT'S FOR YOU BELLA!" Rosalie said, Alice shook her head and snorted. "Edward has had a crush on Bella since 2 Grade." Alice Chimed in, I rolled my eyes. " No he didn't." I argued back, but I knew not to argue with Alice, NEVER! She grinned devilishly. "Yes he does; one time I was in my room and he had on Avril's Girl friend song; but instead of Hey;Hey;Hey;Hey I don't like your girlfriend; he was singing hey hey hey I wish Bella was my girl friend." Alice said and Rosalie and her busted out laughing, I blushed furiously.

"Okay Enough messing with Mrs. Future Cullen, My Sister." Alice said and I glared at her. Thankfully we where interrupted.

"Hey, Bellaaaa !"Sky said skipping over to us. Rosalie and Alice looked confused. "Who's that?" Rosalie said. "My Dance teacher slash new friend." I said as she came over to us. " I like her style." Alice said. Of course you do.

"Hey; is it okay if I sit with you guys?" She asked with a large grin plastered on her face. "Sure." We said in unison. "Thank you." She said sitting down. I started to think about how they where going to get along. Alice I know would love her Alice was pretty physic too, and their style was pretty much the same, And Rosalie likes anyone with a good impression.

"Sky, These are my best friends-" I said and Sky surprisingly interrupted. "Nice to meet you Rosalie and Alice." She said a bright smile on her face. Rosalie Gawked and Alice had that "I Love this girl face". I looked at her shocked. "How'd you know our names?" Rosalie asked. "Long story." Alice and Sky said in unison.

"Another Witch in the room, Like you already." Alice said looking at Sky in approval. "Like You all too, its nice to meet you guys." Sky said, and we laughed, and once Rosalie picked up on everything we went into normal talk.

"So what yah wearing for your date Bellllllla!" Sky and Alice said at the same time, Two Alice's Great! "Oh lord!" Rose said. I rolled my eyes. "I want to be physic too." Rose said and we laughed. "Sorry it's a gift!" Alice chimed. "I have no idea what I'm wearing." I finally said. "Of course not silly, I'll dress you like always, BELLA BARBIE TIME." Alice said. "You are welcome to join us Sky." Rosalie said. "Thanks, I would love too." Sky answered back, chewing on sushi, raw fish, good but weird for school.

"Great, War paint, and Dresses WOOO HOO!" I said and Sky looked shaking, but before I could make sure she was back to normal. "You okay sky?" I asked. "Yeah im fine, Don't stay out to long on your date, please." She said and before I could ask she got up. "I have to get going see you guys." She said get up and after a chair screech she was gone. "That was weird, whats wrong with her?" Rose asked. I shrugged. "I'll find out." I said looking at a frustrated Alice. "How couldn't I see whats bothering her!" she said. Huh?

Me and Rose looked confused. "She was looking at something in the future about you and I couldn't see it but she could!" Alice said. "What did she see?" Rose asked. "OBVIOUSLY I DON'T KNOW!" Alice yelled. "Calm down I'll find out." She calmed after a while.


After lunch I walked to gym and I couldn't find Sky anywhere, I was getting worried due to the mood change at lunch. HOW BIPOLAR, She's like bits of pieces of us cause that's a Edward thing.

My thoughts where cut off by Jessica and Lauren in my face. "Stay away from Edward!" Lauren said. I laughed at her. "Thanks for the Advice mom, but I cant do that." I shot back. "Your not even hot, He'll be all over me by the end of the day, HE KNOW HE L.U.V me." Jessica said and Lauren smirked. "Its funny how you guys like sharing the same men and you can go ahead and do that but it wont be with Edward, And by the way Jessica learn proper grammar last time I checked love was spelled L.O.V.E not L.U.V and he's far from that feeling, Trust me." I said walking away.

When the hell did I get so Protective over him? O gosh im turning into a stalker! I got dressed into the little shorts and shirt and walked out and met Alice in the gym. "You aren't dressed?" I asked shocked, that's not very Alice. "No, I have to much on my mind, I still need to figure out how she saw this and not me, My head hurt." She put her hand on her head and rubbed it. ( Alice is human but like on the book she Physic, Just a weaker version of it.) "Go sit and calm down weirdo." I told her giving her a pat on the back soothingly. "SWAN OVER HERE NOW." Coach Crawford said. (Did the coach have a name in the book? Tell me in the reviews : ) )

"Sorry Coach." I said looking at Alice one more time as she sat on the bench and I walked over to the rest of the group. As he explained that we where playing volleyball, I was impressed, I loved volley ball something my mom always made me play, I liked that better then the ballet she made me do, And that's something I can do without falling on my ass, Besides dancing of course. As we started playing I noticed Jessica, Lauren, and Tanya smirking at me and I knew what was to come.

I was glad I learned to play this game because Tanya's Followers of Bums couldn't, A lot of hits where "Accidentally" thrown at my direction. By the end of the game I was smiling smugly while they where looking pained from the hits I "Accidentally" Threw back.

I walked over to Alice and she smiled at me weakly. "This is why I love you, you have the bitches in check, nice game babe." She said throwing a arm around me. "Thanks muffin." I said rubbing her hair.


As A confused but excited Rose, And A annoyed but happy Alice pulled and combed at my hair, I sat there thinking something was going to go wrong. But what? We expected Sky to come but she didn't show up and I tried to call her but there wasn't an answer.

"Bella chill your going to look Fabulous on this date, Edward wont be able to keep his hands off you." Rose said putting a little bit of pink lip gloss on my lips. Alice smiled, finally. "You heard the women, Edward always gets on his knees for you." I laughed at that. "What ever you say guys."

It was stupid to me how Edward was right next door, Literally. We where in Rosalie's room and Edward was with Jasper's and Em getting ready. I couldn't leave nor him till we were finished, This is more like a wedding then a date.

"ALLLL DONE." Alice singed. I hopped up to look at myself in the mirror. I LOOK HOT! My hair straight with a few flips on the bangs and straight hair on me really reflects my face shape, and highlights. I had on my gold B and my gold 3 necklaces, with my lucky 3FAME tennis bracelet. A grey forever 21 boyfriend tee that hung under my shoulders, bleached holey jean jacket and jeans, and grey converse. At least that means where not going somewhere to fancy because that's so cliché to me. My make up wasn't to much, Pink lip gloss, black eye liner, mascara, and grey eye shadow. I was ready.

I smiled and Thanked Alice And Rose and headed down stairs. Edward was already down stairs and I took all him in, it was like slow motion, very hard to breath. His copper colored hair stood out a lot, do to the fact he wore a grey button down with light jeans. ALICE. I smiled. "You Look lovely as always Miss. Swan." He said coming closer and taking my hand I blushed and he smirked. "Awe Thank you Mr. Cullen, You look pretty spiffy your self." I told him winking.

"What a charmer, ready to go?" He asked keeping his eyes on me. "Yes sir."

As we drove I began to be curious. "Where we headed today?" I asked. He smirked his cocky smirk, I rolled my eyes. "If I tell you, I'll have to kill you and I like you to much to do that." He said chuckling, I smiled at least he wasn't cocky with it. "And you know you wouldn't want me to kill you before you got a ride with the stud here." He said smirking. Why do I always speak to soon. "What ever Cullen." I said and he looked at me. "I'll give you a hint, It's like old times." He says.

Before I could think about it we where there. I busted out laughing. "Adventure land's paint ball?" I asked quirking an eye brow. "Just like old times." He says smiling. "This is sooo sweet." I say and he led me in.

Me and Edward always use to come here in middle school. I never can forget how much we shot the hell out of each other, Where probably the most famous in this place. If the same people where here that is.

As we walked in I saw there where the same people and I smiled Brightly. "BELLA, EDWARD! It's been so long, look at how much you guys grown, what a fine thing you are Bella." I blushed at Mr. Daniels. He was an old man but very funny and Bright, we where always sent here to be watched by him and we always left with a stomach ache because he was just to hilarious.

"Poppa D, this is my lady." Edward said putting his arm around my shoulders, I rolled my eyes at him and he smiled. Mr. Daniels smiled also but didn't look surprised. "I knew you to lovers would grow up and get together one day, even since 6 grade you guys where so good together." He said, and I laughed. "We'll see." I told him and we got in without pay since where like family. We put our suits on top so our clothes wouldn't get pantified and we also put on the head caps so our hair wouldn't be messed up. I grabbed the walkie talkie's and ran to my hiding place, with the paint gun in my hands.

"Swan you ready for our Adventure part 1098." He said on the talkie. "Roger that, 1098?" I asked. "Yeah that's the number of times we did an Adventure, I keep everything counted." He said and I smiled at that. " Okay big boy lets go." "I like that name, call me that more often." He said with a hint of flirt. "Yeah yeah, lets go." I told him on the walkie and we began I routine.

Edward Likes to cheat so I know for sure he going to now. I shot him a few times and he got me. But he got me a lot because he's a big cheater. For Instance. "Where are you swan, im going to find you." He says. "No your not, hahaha try it." I said with a whisper so he didn't find me. "Okay, BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH, SWAN SWAN SWAN!" He started yelling. "What are you doing?" Before I could do anything I was getting shot by paint. I fell on the ground. He laughed. "I could here my beautiful voice from across the hay stack." He said laughing at my dumbfounded look. I glared at him playfully.

"You're an ass whole Cullen, A big fat cheating bo beanie bo poopy, Volvo driving, Cocky acting, sexy ass, handsome ass, cheating ass whole!" I yelled, not thinking about my words. He looked at me with amusement and what looked like adoration. "I'm sorry baby." He said and I almost melted. I looked away hands crossed and pouting like a 6 year old. "How stubborn." He said laughing and pulling me up. I looked at his green eyes smoldering my brown ones and he smiled pecking me on the lips lightly, but it was powerful to me.

"Ready for adventure part 2 of 1098?" He asked, as I calmed down I finally answer. "Yes." He chuckled at that and grabbed my hand. We said bye to Mr. D and ran out.

We ended up at the movies which made me bust out laughing again. "Let me guest where going to go movie hopping like old times?" I asked. He laughed. "Like old times." He repeated.

Okay our movie hopping is a little more fun and mean. We go get a ticket to the baddest already seen movie, and we walked in erupt it, run out before we get kick out and do the same in about 20 more other movies, till we get kicked out.

We bought a ticket to see Hannah Montana movie. Which makes me wonder why the hell it's still out. (I couldn't think of a suckie movie at the moment, and since I'm not a 11 year old girl anymore the movie sucked to me. Ha-ha give me credit here.)

We walked in just as the movie stared good. "You ready." I whispered. I could see Edward smirking in the dark. "Always." He said. I nodded and we got our game faces on and stomped in the movie theater like we owned the place. "AYEEEEEEEE MOVIE TIME BABE YOU READY FOR THIS!" I yelled. And me and Edward Swished in there, as eyes looked at us like we where crazy. "YEAH BABE I AM WERE GUNNA ROCK THIS!" He said and I almost laughed and we walked all the way to the top and sat down.

After fifteen minutes of quit it was time to get loud again. "MILEY CYRUS IS A HOTTY!" Edward said in a booming voice, I almost thought I was on a date with Emmett. "I DON'T THINK SO DUDE, YOU SEE HER SKINNY ASS LEGS." (No Offence to miley I like her very much, but she does have chicken legs lol . : ) Some one shushed us but we continued. "YOU KNOW I LOVE YOU WAY BETTER." "AND?" "AND YOUR LEGS ARE LONG, FULL AND SEXY AS HELL." HE Yelled. I couldn't tell if that was real or he was going with the act.

I still blushed. "Can you two shut the hell up!" Someone said. And this was our q. "WHAT EVER THIS MOVIE IS STUPID ANY WAY, SHE ENDS UP TELLING HER SECRET TO THE WHOLE TENNESEE AND THEN SHE ALMOST GETS IT'S BLOWN TO THE WHOLE WORLD BUT THE ANNOYING REPORTER CHANGES HIS MIND. WELL BYE!" I yelled and me and Edward ran out laughing. (Me and My friends actually did this, Very fun, hahaha.")

"Okay movie number 2?" I said. "Yup lets go, by the way your legs are long, full and sexy ass hell, if you where wondering." I stopped processing that. "Coming?" He said with a smirk and I rolled my eyes and followed.


After the movie we finally got kicked out and went to the carnival. This date is more fun, especially being on a date with Edward.

Then we went out on a walk, another thing we use to do, and it was dark as heck, but that's me and Edward. But before we got to finish our fun it all happen too fast. One minute me and Edward are laughing and flirting with each other. Next I see some one who I haven't seen and never wanted to see in a while. I stopped breathing. "Bella whats wrong?" Edward asked in panic. "Well, well, well, Bella it's been too long, you thought you wouldn't see me?" The person said and Edward glared at him. "Who are you?" He said.

But before anyone could say anything else. A car came screeching right next to us. (Race car) WTF IS GOING ON! Then the door open and there was Sky. "Get in!" She yelled. I couldn't move as he Got closer. "Bella Get the hell in the car NOW!" She yelled and Edward pushed me in. We sped off before he could get close to us.

I was Breathing, breathing hard as hell. It was torture trying to contain myself, Edward calmed me. "Bella Didn't I tell you not to stay out for to long!" She said yelling. "Well I thought you where joking!" I yelled back finally able to speak. "I Wasn't you should have listened to me." She argued back. "WELL MAYBE YOU SHOULD HAVE TOLD ME THAT MY FREAKING MOM'S MURDERER WAS OUT OF JAIL, OR EVEN BETTER THAT HE WAS LOOKING FOR ME!" I yelled at a verge of tears. Forgetting Edward was in the car he finally spoke. "What? Bella who was that, TELL ME NOW BELLA !" He panicked.

I spitted his name out with venom. Here is another old time I have to live again and not in a good way.


Ohhhh didn't expect that lol. REVIEW. I'll promise I'll make another chap ASAP!