A/N: So, I started writing this chapter, then went back through this story to do some major mind refreshing, realized that based on ch 11, half of this chapter wasn't going to work, so a had to scrap it and start again. Then I realized that the version of chapter 11 I'd used to refer to was an edited version, not the one that I had posted on this site. Rather than Rewrite this chapter, AGAIN, I went ahead and updated chapter 11. Basically I added about 300 words to the middle of chapter 11 and you might want to read that first.

Oh-and taking two years to update was totally uncool of me and I was this close [] to abandoning the story all together, but here I am! Back! Hoping you don't find this chapter disappointing after such a long wait. And sorry!

Chapter Thirteen: Surprise

Sunlight was flooding through the window blinds. Darry was rapping my door. I knew it was Darry because no one else ever does.

"I'm up," I croaked. The rapping ceased. You know those days where you would give anything to not have to get up? Today was one of those days. I rolled myself onto the floor and sat up with my back against my bed. What was today? After a moment I decided it was Tuesday. That meant Johnny's court date was tomorrow. Well, assuming my brother was back to being sane. I'm not a huge believer, but I said a quick prayer to God anyways.

At school I was constantly on the lookout for Curly, my plan being to avoid him at all costs. I'm must be suffering some sort of paranoia because every time I walked down the hall at passing time, everybody looked like him from the corner of my eye and I swear half the guys have his voice today. I considered spending the next few hours with the nurse. Telling her I felt sick to my stomach wouldn't be a lie. I probably looked a little strange the way I kept glancing over my shoulder.


I jumped reflexively, but I recognized Two-Bit's voice. He was walking the opposite direction down the hall.

"You got an ax murderer after you or somthin?" He grinned. I laughed as he passed, but it sounded forced. I wondered if he noticed.

I told Katie not to wait up for me and hid in the bathroom during lunch. Curly definitely wouldn't find me in there. I locked myself in a stall and worked on my homework to pass the time. You know you've got problems when you're reduced to hiding out in bathroom stalls. I don't think I once breathed freely till I reached my house. Everyone was home. Darry had stayed home to watch after Ponyboy and he had made Soda call in sick cause he was so worn out he was falling asleep shaving this morning. When Darry asked me how school was I answered, "Fine," not because it was true of course, just because that's the answer to give.

"How's Ponyboy doing?" I asked.

"A lot better." I could hear the relief in his voice plain as day. I hadn't realized just how dead I'd been feeling until I felt some of it go away. My eyes light up with a sort of hope. He was going to be okay.

"Really?" I didn't wait around to hear what Darry was saying before I rushed into Pony's room. He and Sodapop were both out. Darry came up behind me. "Don't wake 'em up." He said quietly. "Lord knows they need the sleep."

Ponyboy was supposed to be on bed rest for the next week. His hearing was changed for the last time. It would officially be next Saturday. I counted this as a small miracle. I didn't know how our lives would change after the hearing. I didn't want to think about it. Any extra time was a miracle. Anyways, as I was saying, Ponyboy was supposed to be on bed rest for the next week, but he was still going to make it to Johnny's. I had a bad case of the jitters. I wanted to go too, but Darry wouldn't let me.

"But Darry, I have to go!"

"You have to go to school." He said firmly.

"But if-"

"Do you know what's going on today?"

"Well kind of, Dally said-"

"A preliminary hearing. They're just going to decide if there's probable cause that Johnny committed the crime before they move on to the next step."

"Okay, but they might-"

"It's not going to happen." Darry said this with such finality that tears suddenly pricked at my eyes and my throat got tight. I was mad at myself for starting to cry again. I'd thought I was over that. It was just hard to hear that kind of truth, or almost truth when you had finally worked yourself up to almost believing in the best case scenario.

"At least, not today," Darry added, his voice softer. "Maybe next week they'll-"

"I get it," I said, heading for the front door before Darry saw the tears getting ready to run down my cheeks. "You're right. See you later!" and I slammed the door behind me so I was safe to get the water works out of my system before Darry followed me out to give me a ride.

That's how I ended up at school, drumming my fingers incessantly against my desk. Anxiety stopped me from thinking. I didn't see anything and I didn't hear anything. I can't remember the last time I paid attention to my lessons. I didn't even want to know what my grades were. More importantly, I didn't want Darry to know what my grades were. My fingers stopped drumming in math when Katie slammed her hand down on mine.

"You gonna be okay?" She asked. Her eyebrows were raised in concern, but there was an unmistakable edge off annoyance in her tone too. I concentrated on keeping my fingers still. No need to make your best friend crazy just because your life's ending after all.

"I don't know." I switched to biting my nails. I never bite my nails, but it was something to do and I figured the class would appreciate it over me clicking my pen.

"Johnny's going to be okay." She whispered. I wanted to tell her to shut up, that she didn't know what she was talking about and I was trying not to think about it. After all, Two-Bit was right: there was nothing to worry about until there was something to worry about. I just nodded.

Don't think. Don't hope. Don't think.

It didn't occur to me till the end of class bell rang that I should have taken notes over whatever Mrs. Carlson was trying to teach us about geometry. Too late now. I grabbed my bag and mindlessly found my seat in History class, where I sat and thought about how Johnny's preliminary hearing was or is or will be going, despite my efforts not too.

"Miss Curtis, if there's something on your mind so important that you can't pay attention to a word I'm saying, by all means, please share it with the class."

"Sorry Mr. Richardson, I was wondering about…" I trailed off and felt my face go hot. I hadn't meant to say that. "Nothing," I finished. A few students snickered behind me, but other than that the room was silent. Everyone knew about Johnny. I quickly picked up my pencil and began doodling in my notebook, so it would at least look like I was taking notes on the lecture about whatever it was.

"What were you wondering, Miss Curtis?"

I looked up from my notebook and my face felt even hotter. Why can't he just let it go and get back to his usual droning? "Oh, I was just-"

"I presume you're referring to Mr. Cade, hmm?"

My stomach twisted into another knot just at the mention of his name. I looked down and muttered a "Yeah."

"Well I for one should certainly hope he's found guilty."

My pencil lead snapped against the paper and I froze. Did he just say that?

"It's unstable, dangerous hoods like him that pollute our city."

Don't react. Don't react. Don't react.

"Well, today would be his preliminary hearing, I believe. That means it's decided upon if there is probable cause to believe he committed the crime-which there is of course."

"Yeah, I know that!" The words had escaped my mouth before I had time to think.

"Miss. Curtis, I will not tolerate that tone in my class."

"Sorry," I muttered again, looking down. I have never hated this man before.

"Are you ready to proceed with the lecture?"

I could only manage a slight nod.

"Good then if you would be so kind as to open you book like the rest of the class and take notes…"

"Actually Sir, my I be excused? I'm not feeling well."

Mr. Richardson looked aggravated, but sighed and nodded his consent. There was more snickering behind me as I quickly packed up my things and left, not daring to look at anyone.

I spent lunch in a bathroom stall again (I really need to think up a better solution to this Curly mess), only this time I couldn't have gotten any homework done if I tried. I could hear a small group of girls walking in the bathroom door.

"No way!" one of them was saying. "A poor kid killing a rich one? He doesn't stand a chance. And he ran away. That proves he's guilty."

My breath caught in my throat.

"Aw, but he's a hero Joanie. He sounds kinda sweet."

"Don't think he's sweet for a second Linda," said a third voice. "He's just another greasy hood. I seen him in my classes all year. Always comin in with some new bruises or other marks. He gets in fights all the time, no doubt."

"Uug! Look at my hair," Linda's voice whined. "Does someone have a brush?"

"Linda, would you stop worrying about your hair? It looks better than ours."

I stopped listening as they all started obsessing over their appearances and eventually they giggled themselves back out of the bathroom. I wondered if the whole school was talking about Johnny. I suppose it makes sense to gossip about a supposed murderer from your school.

An odd thing happened as I was leaving the bathroom. I bumped into Evie. I gave her a good natured "Hi," like usual and she opened her mouth like she was going to return the greeting, but then stopped herself when she realized who I was. She just stared at me for a very awkward second, then said, "Oh, hey," but not like usual, more like a Soc girl who thought I was beneath her. I was so disconcerted by this that I couldn't think of anything to say before she brushed passed me, so I just proceeded to head to my next class. I was going to tell Two-Bit about the experience because he's in my next class due to him flunking grammar twice now, but he wasn't there. It's not that unusual for Two-Bit to be late to class after lunch, but he didn't show the whole hour. I guessed he'd decided to abandon afternoon classes altogether then. I soon forgot about my run in with Evie however, because my thoughts wandered back to Johnny.

"I've thought it through again and again," I whispered to Katie during Home Ec. "Darry's right. Johnny has no chance at getting let off today, even with Cherry testifying. After all, he's a greaser and we always get the tough breaks, but I'm just sure he'll be-"

"Girls, quiet please!" Mrs. Dawson snapped. Of course, as soon as she went back to her demonstration, we started talking again.

"Of course they'll let him go in the end," Katie consoled me. I could tell she was just saying it for my sake, but I appreciated it all the same. I had to make myself believe it would all work out, for my own piece of mind.

"Oh! I almost forgot to tell you about Evie," I remembered suddenly.

"Evie? What-"

"Girls, please! This is you last warning!"

"Sorry Mrs. Dawson," We muttered together.


Since Two-Bit apparently didn't come back to school after lunch, I walked home with Katie after school.

"Okay, so what were you saying about Evie?"


"In six hour?"

"Oh! Sorry, I was just thinking about-"

"Johnny's hearing. Yeah, I know. Tell me about Evie."

When I told her, Katie had the same puzzled look on her face that I must have had earlier.

"Well, what did you do to her?"

"Nothing. I told you that. We never talk except to say hello when we cross each other. I've always thought she was nice. She just dresses a little trashy."

"You haven't said anything else to her? Ever?"


"Well, what if she…but that would be stupid."

"What?" I pressed.

"What if she believes Johnny's a bad guy, you know?"

"And she assumes I'm awful for dating him?" I asked quizzically. "But, that would be…she can't possibly believe that. She's met Johnny."

"Allie, just because you think Johnny's some sort of saint-"

"I don't-"

"Doesn't mean everybody does. Johnny's a real quiet guy, how's she supposed to know him that well, and he hangs around some real ruff guys…"

The more we discussed it, the more I started to believe it, and the more I was beginning to hate Evie. I couldn't help it. I hated her for being so dense that she'd side against Johnny. Johnny's not even half as violent as Steve can be. Bloody hypocrite.

"Well, see you tomorrow then," I said when we'd reached Katie's house.

"See you! Call if you need anything."

I was so prepared by this point to hear the news that Johnny hadn't been let off yet, and I headed down the street to my house, contemplating asking Dally if Johnny could have visitors now and whether he'd drive me up to see him. Of course, I'd have to hunt Dally down first, I realized as I opened my front door. Imagine my surprise when I saw Johnny sitting on my living room sofa.
