So I haven't been on fanfiction in… well almost forever it seems. And I just had this story stuck in my head for a while but haven't really had the time to right it up. It's a Saturday night and I'll most likely be staying up late just to type this story up. I had to get it up on fanfiction and hopefully there are still readers out there that'll support this story. (: well here ya go!

Disclaimer: yeahh, I don't own InuYasha. If I did… hmmm…



High school

The most dreaded part of a child's life. It is the one place where it will either make you, or break you. Of course being the daughter of a famous actress and famous musician can have a slight effect on how high school life goes for someone.

My name is Kagome Higurashi. And yes, you are correct I am the said daughter of the famous actress and famous musician. Although I guess I kinda made myself get noticed as well by pursuing in the same thing my parents are so famous for. Not only being an award winning actress but an upcoming singer as well. But hey I can't help what I love to do. But I'm not like how most people expect me to be. I'm not all that euphoric about being famous since birth. And it's not all that glorifying either. There are none stop photos of you everywhere on the internet, none stop harassments from paparazzi, people and news reporters, which I guess could be the same thing as paparazzi but whatever.

Shikon Academy… The number 1 top high school in all of Japan, and yes before you ask questions it is a high school for the rich and famous, and yes everyone is as snotty-nosed, spoiled rich brats as they seem… okay, you caught me I'm only kidding. Well partially… not ALL of them re snotty-nosed and spoiled. Some of them are actually decent human being. SOME of them, I didn't say all. Now your probably wondering why I'm telling you all this and what the my motivation is for telling you my high school story. Well it all really started once I entered high school.


And So It Begins

"Kagome-hime! Over here! Over here!" yelled a random reporter.

Kagome ran and got into the black BMW and told the driver to drive. "This is just too much…" she sighed as she laid her back.

"Where would you like to go Kagome-hime?"

"The park would be nice" she muttered to herself.

"As you wish my lady" said the chauffer.

She laughed a bit, "I forgot about your demon hearing Miyoga"

They arrived at the park sooner than Kagome expected. She put on her shades and hat and walked over the sakura tree that was in full bloom. She heard her vibrate harshly in her jean pocket and she picked up the phone.


"WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU?" yelled an angry person on the other line.

Kagome fell over and grabbed the phone she had dropped, "Ano… Sango chan, calm down"


Kagome scratched the back of her head, "Gomen, gomen… I forgot you were getting starbucks…" there was a long pause on the other end and Kagome looked confused. "Sango-chan?" she asked.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE OR I'LL STRANGLE YOU WITH EVERY OUNCE OF MY STRENGTH AND BEAT YOUR AS—" there was a struggling noise in the background and she could hear Sango ranting about giving her back the phone so she could lecture Kagome about how irresponsible and absent-minded she was.

Kagome heard a familiar voice and recognized it to be Miroku's voice "Kagome-hime, I suggest you get back here before it gets ugly… Sango! Please don't take frustration out on that poor camera-man! No! no! Sango! Oh come on don't throw him over the fence… ouch… that's gonna hurt in the morning… Sango… wait please… KAGOMEE-HIME PLEASE RESCU—"

The line went dead and Kagome looked at her phone as if expecting Sango to pop out of it. she got up and as soon as she did suddenly felt her body make impact with the ground… "ow…" she whispered as she rubbed her sore butt. She looked up and a little boy about 5 or 6 with red/orange hair and turquoise eyes. He had a bow almost the same color and he had a fluffy tail in back of him.

The little boy looked like he was in a panic, "Ah! Gomen, gomen! I wasn't watching where I was going."

Kagome smiled at the little boy, "It's alright, no harm no foul. Just don't run so carelessly next time kay?" she said.

The little boy nodded and stared at her. And stared. And stared some more. Finally he pointed at her face, his eyes wide and his mouth wide open, "YOUR—"

Kagome finally realized that as she hit the ground her glasses and hat (that covered her hair) had fallen off and on the ground. Her eyes widened and grabbed the glasses and covered the little boys mouth, "sshhhh, please don't yell out my name, if you do I might as well be roast beef" she whispered gently.

The little nodded and she let go of his mouth, he looked confused, "Nani ga roasta beefa?" he said confused never hearing the foreign words before.

(Well, they are in Japan, so technically this would be in Japanese but since some people can't speak Japanese let alone read it it's in English… does that make sense? Lol)

Kagome explained what roast beef was and was engaged with a conversation with the little boy whose name she found out was Shippou until her fone began to vibrate again, she looked at the caller ID and gulped loudly.

"He-Hello?" Kagome stuttered.

"Kagome…" Sango said in such a sweet voice it was frightening.


"So how are you?"

"I-I'm fine thanks for asking, what about you?"

"Oh, I'm absolutely thrilled, I'm skinning a reporter right now as we speak, so may I ask you a question before this poor guy really gets it?"

"…sure…" said Kagome.

"…" pause. "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!" she yelled. Kagome took the phone off her ear and looked at Shippou.

"Sorry Shippou, I have to leave, my manager, is… sort of having a break down" she said. Shippou nodded even though he had no idea what having a break down mean, and waved goodbye to Kagome as she got into the black car that drove off.

"Oi! Shippou who are you waving to?" (Guess who :D lol)

Shippou turned around and looked up at his older cousin, "AYA-CHAN!" he yelled. (fooled ya!)

"It's time to go home kiddo; your parent's want you home before supper" Ayame held Shippou's hand and they walked to her white Toyota Tacoma and they drove off.


"HIGH SCHOOL?" Kagome yelled. She looked at the people in front oh her hoping by some miracle someone would burst out and say "gotcha!" but the chances of that happening were like pigs growing wings and flying from Japan to Europe and back.

"It's forth the best Kagome, now's your chance to be able to be like a normal girl until you go to the states for your upcoming movie next year…" said her mother comfortingly as she looked at her distraught daughter.

"You've got to be kidding! Sango this is just some payback from you right?" she said frantically.

"Afraid not love"

Kagome sunk down to her chair, "When do I start?" I asked.

"Tomorrow morning bright and early" said her mother.

"Where is it?" I asked.

"Not too far from here…" said Miroku.

"What's the name of it?"

"They have a beautiful canvas"

Kagome glared at Sango, "What's the name of it?" she asked again.

"They wear uniforms, you always said you wanted to wear a uniform" squealed Sango as Kagome gave her death glares.

"WHAT'S… THE… NAME… OF… IT" she growled.

"Shikon Academy"

And it was all "down-hill" from here… more like it was all over a cliff edge from here

Well there ya go! Please review and let me know what you guys and gals think! Please! And if you have any suggestions feel free to tell me! :D