Dear God this took forever! I am so sorry to you all and I thank you so much for waiting!
Hope this makes up for it a bit, Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays!

I cuddled closer to his warm body, my arm around his torso pulled him to get our bodies closer. "Ian…" I mumbled with a smile on my face.

My eyes shot open as I realized what I just said. My eyes trailed up the familiar chest my head was laying on and up the neck and strong jaw. Relief washed over me as I stared up at Ian, his lips delicately parted, his eyes shut still sound asleep.

Snuggling back into him I felt his hand begin to brush slowly on my hip in tiny circles. So he wasn't asleep, but he didn't seem in any rush to get out of bed. Ian's free hand chose that point to find its way to my upper thigh as he turned on his side to face me. Then the hand gave a gentle shove to put me on my back, his eyes were open now and his lips pressing against my own. His hand ran in between my thighs.

"Nuh-uh," I smiled and pushed his face away lightly. "I need to recuperate after last night."

His beautiful lips pouted for a moment before leaning down and kissing my forehead.

"How bout I make you breakfast?"

"How bout I help you. I don't know if I should trust anything you cook,"

I batted at him and he rolled over laughing. I watched as he moved around the room and grabbed his clothes, "I'm going to take a shower. Care to join?"

"I'm still trying to figure out if I can move my legs right now, you go ahead without me,"

And when the door to the bathroom closed I stretched out with a happy sigh. The water started up and I pushed back the blankets, swinging my legs over the bed. My legs shook as I went to the dresser and grabbed a new outfit for the day and quickly pulled it all on before heading out to the kitchen.

"Mmm, looks delicious," He wrapped an arm around my waist, his free hand pushed away the hair on my neck. He placed a kiss right under my jaw and I watched as he reached for a strawberry.

"I know, I'm starving." I turned the pancake over as Ian placed the strawberry against my mouth.


As I bit into the berry his hand on my hip tightened and turned me around, the strawberry dropped from his hand and he pulled me into a kiss. His hand trailed up my waist and cupped my breast.

Then he pulled back and had this adorable boyish grin on his face. "You shouldn't leave cooking food unattended like that,"

I hit his arm softly and turned around to the stove. He pulled down two plates and got out the juice and cups when I heard a noise. Almost like the lock on the door was being turned.

"Did you hear that?" I asked, I felt my heart drop in my stomach.

"Hear what?"

I saw the door open and the first thought in my head was 'You can't let me be happy for a few hours?' Bad, horrible thoughts to be having about your boyfriend.


"Hey honey! A flight opened up today and I thought I'd much rather be home with you then in Chicago," He had closed the door, he was shuffling things. I couldn't even bring myself to look back at Ian. He was probably freaking out as much as I was. As like he heard my rambling mind freak out about this situation he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze.

"It's okay," he whispered. I shoved down a gulp.

"Oh really? That's awesome." One, two, three steps and he was standing in front of me. He had a grin and then he looked past me at Ian.

"Erm…whose this?"

"This is Ian," I faked a smile.

"I hope you're hungry. Sophie's making enough food for a whole trailer park," Ian said and put a hand on my shoulder. "I'll get you a plate,"

"Your pancakes are burning," Ben stated, his face was blank and I could only imagine the scenarios he was coming up with.

"Damn," I quickly turned around and shoved the pancakes off the pan. "Fucking great,"

Ian set down the extra plate, "Here why don't you two go sit down and I'll make the next batch." I looked up at him, my eyes were welding with tears. My perfect morning turned to the most stressful one I've ever had in only a few moments. "Go sit down. I'll take care of this."

"Thank you," I stepped back and wiped at my eyes before turning to Ben. I smiled to him and we walked around to the small dining table and sat across from me each other.

"Who is he?" Ben's voice was low. I looked to Ian who was concentrating on mixing the batter. God he was too good. I looked back to Ben.

"He's my friend Ben, calm down."

"Are you cheating on me?"

"Are you crazy? No I'm not fucking cheating on you," For some reason him accusing me lit an angry fire in me. Even though it was all true and I had no reason to be mad. "Ian is my friend from college, I met him Freshman year and I ran into him at the story yesterday. We wanted to catch up more so I invited him to breakfast. Is there a problem with that?" It was hard to keep the snapping out of my tone. I just wanted him to leave right now.

He took a deep breath and nodded, "No... I'm sorry. I believe you. I'm just stressed out with work and I missed you this past week,"

I smiled, simply because the first stupid thought that popped into my head worked.

"Breakfast is ready," Ian approached us with two plates in his hands. He set them down then grabbed his from the island.

"Looks great, Ian," Ben nodded to him.

"Second times the charm, right Sophie?"

"So Ian, you went to Brown?

"Yes, graduated with honors. Sophie was telling me that's where you went also?"

"That's where I met her and swept her off her feet," Ben winked at me. "So what do you for a living?"

"I'm an actor actually,"

"An…actor. What have you been in?"

"I was in Los—"

"Dear God you're Boone! He's Boone Sophia!"

Ian laughed and I nodded, "I know, Ben."

"Oh my God! This is crazy. I loved that whole show, but I could have killed Locke for basically killing you!"

This was going to be a long morning.

"Oh, before you leave Ian, my work gave me a couple of tickets to a baseball game and—"

Seriously? No, Ben! What are you doing? It's okay. Ian's going to say no and—

"Yeah, I think I'm free." Ian didn't even look to me for approval. What has this day come to?

"It's at 3, why don't you come here and I'll drive us all over."

"Sophie likes baseball?"

"Sophie hates baseball," I inturupted. "Don't you hate baseball Ian? I remember you hating baseball,"

"I love baseball," 'It's alright' he mouthed. "So I guess it'll just be us two."

"Fine with me. I'll see you tomorrow man," Ben smiled and Ian walked out of the door.