Chapter 3

"Chirp chirp! Chirp chi- squawk!"

"Stupid bird...*yawns*. What time is it? (looks at clock) Oh. It's 7:50am. I've got time before I go to work and...and...KILL SOMEONE. A CERTAIN SOMEONE WITH BLONDE HAIR AND BLUE EYES WHO RUINED MY LIFE WHEN THAT SOMEONE TURNED ME INTO A FREAK WHO HAS TO FIGHT THESE STUPID ALIENS THAT ANNOY US EVERYDAY WITH THEIR STUPID PARASITES OR WHATEVER THEY ARE. Stupid Ryou...grr." Ichigo went to her dresser and picked out a black shirt and a black skirt. "Oh and don't forget your whip Ichigo. You'll need it."

"Oh yeah. Thanks narrator."

"No problem. Don't forget you matrix boots! ^o^"

"Hahaha. Yeah, I'll need them. Thanks again!" So Ichigo put her clothes on and zipped up her boots. Thank goodness that her parents weren't home. She went into the bathroom and found her secret stash of black eyeliner and put it on. She left her hair down and went down the steps, put her whip in her backpack and out the door. (For those of you wondering, she doesn't use it.) She was walking down the street at 8:00am, so no one saw her. Not even Mint. She quickly made her way to the café without being noticed. She looked in the windows. Crap. Keiichiro was up. And heading for the door. She quickly dove into a bush and waited for him to drive away in his car. Slowly, she picked the lock to the café and went in. She locked the door back up and shut it. Now, it was only her and Ryou in the café. She went quietly up the carpet- covered steps and made her way to Ryou's room. She opened the door a smidgeon to see if he was awake or not. Good. He wasn't. She opened the door more and slipped inside. She put her backpack on the ground and sat in his big computer chair that covered her whole body so he wouldn't see her. She made sure her backpack was in the shadows before she turned the chair around so that he wouldn't see her. Finally, after about 10 minutes, Ryou woke up and started for his computer chair. Ichigo's heart began to thump faster. What if she couldn't do this? Who are you kidding? Of course she can. He put his hand on the chair and turned it around. He still had his eyes partially shut, so he didn't realize it was Ichigo, until she spoke. "Look at me Ryou. What do you see?" "Whoa? How'd you get in here-"

"It doesn't matter Ryou. Now look at me. Tell me what you see."

"Well, I see...uh...a girl who's dressed like a matrix from the movie that one guy was in..."

"What else do you see?" said Ichigo.

"Not much else. Why?" "So are YOU telling ME that you don't see Ichigo, the girl YOU TURNED INTO A FREAK?"

"I didn't choose you! The earth did-"

"I didn't choose you blahblahblah!" mocked Ichigo.

"Well I didn't. It just...happened." said Ryou

"Oh, so you mean that turning into a freak just happens? Really?"

"Uh...I guess that it happens-"

"No. Not to people like me. It sure in the hell doesn't." said Ichigo, getting really p'od.

"Well it did, Ichigo." said Ryou flatly. Ichigo stood up and sauntered towards Ryou.

"Well, Ryou, I've got some news for you. It doesn't happen. This was your stupid project on teenage girls. And Pudding." said Ichigo. Ryou started backing up, finally falling over onto his bed.

"Ichigo, what's gotten into you?"

"Since when did you care?" said Ichigo.

"Since I started this project. Just cuz I don't give you flowers and candy like that stupid boyfriend of yours, Masa-"

"Don't say his name. Ever."

"And why not?" Ichigo got up on his bed and sat on top of Ryou.

"Since he broke up with me for some other chic."

"Oh, well I didn't know that..."

"Oh really Ryou?"

"Uh...yeah," Ichigo's chin began to quiver.

"Hey, hey. What's wrong, Ichigo?" asked Ryou.

"...Ryou...EVERTHING IS WRONG! I'm a cat freak, Masaya left me, and...and..."

"Hey. Calm down. Your eye liner will start running down your face if you cry. Then you'll look bad." "Huh? What's that supposed to mean?" asked Ichigo.

"What I'm saying is Matrix Ichigo didn't look that bad. What I'm also saying is that when you cry, it makes me sad. So, don't cry."

"Huh. You actually do care."

"Umm...I think I told you that already..." mumbled Ryou.

"Ryou, I'm sorry I was gonna try to kill you-"

"Whoa. Wait. What?" said Ryou, flabbergasted.

"Uh...nothing. ^.^"

"You are one weird girl. I don't think being part cat has anything to do with how weird you are." said Ryou.

"I guess not..."


"Yeah? What is it?" asked Ichigo.

"Are you aware that you're still sitting on top of me?"

"" said Ichigo.

"Well, do you mind getting off of me?"

"Hmm...let me think...NO!"

"Jeez...why not?" asked Ryou.

"Cuz I don't have to. That's why."

"Whatever." said Ryou. Ryou quickly sat up and kissed Ichigo passionately.

"What was that for?" asked Ichigo, clearly shocked he kissed her.

"You were having a bad day and I thought you'd need it."

"Ryou..." And from that day forward, Ichigo and Ryou have lived happily with 2 kids named Orenji and Daisuke! (Orenji in Japanese means Orange! ^o^) Orenji is a girl and Daisuke is a boy. (Daisuke has the beautiful blue eyes Shirogane does. And Orenji has mommy's brown eyes.)

YAY! Happy ending! I'm glad that Ichigo and Masaya broke up because Masaya was too...perfect. And well, let's just say I strongly dislike him. :D Finally done the story. School sucks and so does my computer. :( Not cool...WHO WANTS WAFFLES? #(^o^)#