Chapter 1

No. It couldn't be. It wasn't true. There was a perfectly logical explanation. She had eaten some bad meat and now it was churning in her stomach and constantly pouring out of her throat after every meal. Yes. That's what… Oh forget it. Denial wasn't getting her anywhere. It was time to face facts. She was pregnant, and she was definitely not going to tell anyone about it until she figured out what to do. She wasn't as smart as Hiccup and she didn't see every single little detail but she could at least get from point A to point B.

She would figure everything out tomorrow she was exhausted she was constantly tired these past few days since she found out she was pregnant. Meaning that she couldn't put her full into her training. Which she despised, since she had spent her entire life vying to be the best and just because of one little obstacle she couldn't be. With that thought she slowly drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Astrid was rudely awakened when Arrow nudged her out of bed. Astrid shot her nadder the meanest look she could muster before slowly standing up and changing into her armor. Before she slipped on her shirt she stared at her still flat stomach. She wasn't showing, she didn't expect to until maybe her 2nd or 3rd month. She shook her head clearing her head of those thoughts.

She slipped on her shirt and tugged her dragon out the door before flying her to the arena where she met up with her friends.

"About time you got here!" Tuffnut said holding his sister in a headlock "Get this idiot off of me!" Ruffnut shouted trying to elbow her sibling in the head. Astrid shook her head before leaping off of her dragon. "All right. I'm here what are we doing?" She asked placing her hands on her hips.

Hiccup smiled at his girlfriend before taking a deep breath "okay now we need to-" before he could finish Astrid clamped a hand over her mouth. Hiccup gave her a strange look "Astrid are you all right?" She moved her hand to answer him but instead of words her dinner spilled out of her mouth. She fell to her knees gasping for breath.

"Snotlout get the healer!" Snotlout nodded before taking off on his dragon, Fireworm. "Ruff, Tuff, get her mom and dad, Legs help me clean this up! Let's move!" As the teens flickered off to do as they were told Hiccup knelt next to his girlfriend "Astrid what's wrong?" She was silent. "Come Astrid you gotta tell me what's wrong with you. I can't help you if you don't tell me."

She shivered slightly "Astrid." He said in a demanding tone. "Astrid please…"

Astrid shook her head "no. I can't. Not yet."

"What do you mean not yet?"

"Just not yet."

Slightly frustrated Hiccup helped her to a corner of the arena and sat her down on a bench before hobbling back to help Fishleggs clean up her vomit.

It wasn't long before the healer, Anna, arrived with her tiny, baby Gronkle tottering near her heels. "I'm here, now darling what seems to be the problem?"

"My stomach." She said unsure of how else to describe it without coming out and saying I'm pregnant.

Anna wasn't like most of the Vikings in their village. She was quiet and gentle and she mostly kept to herself and she was as skinny as Hiccup, if not skinnier. Anna's face went from one of pure concentration to one that held knowing wisdom.

"Come young one I need to speak with you in private." She also talked differently than the other Vikings.

Anna gently guided Astrid to the side her faithful Gronkle waddling after them "we'll only be a minute." She said to the others before turning back to Astrid.

"Young one. You are pregnant."

That's when the floodgates broke and Astrid let the hot and salty tears run down her pale face "I know. I've known for a while now…"

"Such news! We shall tell everyone!"

"Anna! I know you see the positive to everything but please you must know what happens when a child is born out of wedlock."

Anna sighed it was true. She knew all to well of the trials. "Banishment… I know, I know."

"You have to promise me you won't tell anyone about this! Especially Hiccup."

Anna nodded "I promise I will carry your secret to my grave."

"Thank you Anna. Thank you so much…"

The healer waved it off before picking up her baby Gronkle. "Come on Gretchen. It's time to feed you." She cooed softly before walking away, she turned back to Astrid "I will see you again young one." Astrid gave a weak wave before sitting down on the floor. "Oh Odin what am I gonna do?"

"Astrid!" Zania Hofferson rushed to her daughter and hugged her tightly "honey are you okay? Come on we're taking you home." Astrid didn't say anything she just let them walk her home. "Come on Arrow." Aldiraz Hofferson said, the nadder squawked once before edging closer to Toothless. Hiccup shook his head "I'll bring Arrow back later Mr. Hofferson." Aldiraz nodded before following his wife and daughter.

Arrow nudged Toothless to the side with his snout 'I have to tell you something important.'

Toothless stared at his friend strangely 'what is it?'

'Astrid doesn't want anyone to know this. So you can't tell Hiccup!'

The nightfury rolled his eyes 'I'm a dragon. How can I tell him now shut up and tell me!'

Arrow took a deep breath 'Astrid's pregnant…'

Toothless made a low grumbling noise, at first Arrow was worried before he saw the nightfury fall over onto his side laughing 'why are you laughing?'

'I knew from day one she was pregnant. I mean she's been puking every day, I can hear her from my house, and she's taken a strange liking to pickles covered in salt and cheese.' At that both dragons gagged 'and not to mention she's always putting her hand on her stomach when she thinks no ones looking and she threw her ax at Hiccup yesterday because he said she was a little green.

Arrow cocked his head to the side 'where was I when this happened?'

'Hyped up on cat grass.'


'I hope she'll be okay.'

Arrow cawed as if offended 'this is Astrid we're talking about. She can get though anything!'