Gene fell to the ground with a loud thud. Everyone in the room was left panting, their eyes glued to the undead teen upon the floor. Gene was practically launched into the wall, left to slide unto the floor, cupping his jaw as a pool of blood filled his hands. A blue aoura eminated from him, the same shade as his and his brother's blue sapphire eyes...slowly diminishing away into nothingness. A single tear streamed down his face as he kept it low, too ashamed to look at anyone in the room. The room was lighter as a certain evil seemed to have disappeared, being lifted off everyone's shoulders, but it was replaced with tension...tension so thick you could cut it with a knife!

"I-I'm sorry, brother...Mai... I-I don't know what came over me... I wouldn't blame you if you hated me for what I've done... For what I have become..." he spoke in a shaky voice, obviously appalled at all the trouble he had put these poor folks through.

"Gene..." Mai whispered as her eyes watered up and she ran over to the injured teen's aid.

"Mai-!" Naru exclaimed as his eyes widened in terror, holding out his hand for Mai to stop in her tracks.

Mai suddenly stopping to look over her shoulder at her narcissist of a boss. "Naru! ...It's okay." She said in a low, reassuring voice as she sprinted now towards Gene. Gene looking up in astonishment as he wiped off his tears with the back of his sleeve and sniffled his nose, gasping as Mai wrapped her arms around him in her warm and forgiving embrace.

"M-Mai...?" he said in disbelief, not sure whether or not to hug the petite brunette back.

"I could never hate you, Gene. And I know you didn't mean any harm." she said between tears as she snuggled closer and put her head against his, closing her eyes and hoping to forget everything negative that had happened, taking in the sweet scent of his hair.

"Well...I guess that settles it..." Naru spoke coldly as he straighnted out his tie in an awkward way.

"Indeed..." Lin made his way to Naru's side.

Sometime Later, SPR Office:

"So...Gene was possessed by another spirit? But how is that even possible?" Mai said as she walked into the main office with a tray of teacups, all filled up with what the people in the room had ordered. Ayako, Monk, John, Masako, Yasu, Madoka, Lin, Naru, and of course...Mai, were all present. Mai swiftly maneuvering through the crowd of people as she spoke curiously and gingerly laid the tray on the coffee table, the guests reaching out for their drinks anxiously. Monk, Yasu, and Gene sitting on one couch while Ayako, Masako, and John sat across from them. Madoka stood next to Monk and Mai stood behind John. Naru leaned against Mai's desk that sat in the room, Lin, his sidekick, stood to his right.

"Yes...well...sort of... You see, it was more of an emotion rather than a spirit or a ghost. He must've picked up on jealousy and as a spirit, like himself...being extremely vulnerable to earthly emotions, he must've gotten carried away..." Naru said, directing a glare to this twin brother who looked down with a blush of utter embarrassment.

'Spoken like a true ghost nerd...' Mai thought as the rest of the occupants in the room followed Naru's gaze. Said gaze softening up as he saw his brother was deeply resentful.

"Don't worry, Gene... It wasn't you're fault." Naru murmured as he looked down at his cup of tea, tilting it from side to side, slowly looking up at Gene from the corner of his eyes as a soft smile spread across his face to see his brother's esteem instantly boosted up. However, his bangs and the way his head was currently positioned didn't allow anyone to notice his sudden change in manor, except for Gene...his darling twin brother.

"Yeah, Gene. It wasn't your fault; you couldn't control yourself. So don't sweat it!" Mai said with a reassuring smile. "You know what they say...: 'Forgive & Forget'!" Mai continued cheerfully as she made her way over to Gene and patted his head.

"No blood, no foul!" Madoka commented with a smile that seemed to brighten up the whole room and the present predicament, Lin looking over at her with longing eyes...

"B-Buuuuuuuuut there was blood." Monk pointed out, the whole room breaking out into a fit of laughter...with the exception of Naru and Lin. Masako giggling behind the ever so charming sleeve of her kimono and Lin being snapped out of his musings and turning his attention back to the rest of the group, his eyes glistening with laughter in the inside...Naru remaining completely unphased.

"Don't listen to Monk, Genie Ol' Pal!" Mai said between laughs as she ruffled Gene's hair between her fingers, Gene squirming around in laughter beneath her.

"I'm still sorry...for everything..." Gene said quietly, his voice barely above a whisper but still loud enough for Mai to hear as he looked down at the floor with eyes full of regret and sorrow as the room quieted down and the atmosphere was filled with a certain awkwardness and uncomfortableness. Mai's fingers started stroking his silky ebony locks lightly, stopping as she knelt down before him so they could meet eye to eye and she took his hands into hers.

"Gene... I forgive you... Trust me..." Mai added with a sweet, reassuring smile.

Gene looking up to meet her delicate gaze as he TOO smiled, feeling sure of himself for once in a long, long time...

"Noll..." Gene spoke softly, directing his attention to his own flesh and blood as he stood up and walked over to him, asking Mai to move politely. "I must go now..."

"Awww, do you have to?" Mai, Monk, Yasu, and Madoka all chimed in unison. Ayako swatting Monk upside the head, Yasu pulling him into his tight grip...Monk squealing in fear and shock.

"Ha-ha~" Gene chuckled looking back at the people, Naru also watching them intently. "Yes, people... I must!"

"Very well, I understand." Naru nodded his agreement as he returned his attention back to the conversation.

"Goodbye, dear brother. Shall we meet again in heaven~" he bowed to Naru, Naru returning the bow. "And to you, my dear friends...!" he said turning around once more. "I bid you all a sweet and long over due farewell... May God be with you all." he spoke in his soothing, velvety voice that seemed to melt into honey. In that instance...Gene disappeared into thin air...leaving the small group of ghost hunters in tears...well...the ones who are more in tune with their emotions, that is...

" *sniff* *sniff* Well'P...all's well that ends well... WHO'S UP FOR SOME PIZZA?" Yasu cheered, moans and groans booed at him and ordered him to shut up...Mai throwing a pillow off the couch straight to his face.

A/N: This was the last chappie... I think... Hopefully you guys enjoyed it and didn't give up on waiting for an update. I'm not sure if I should write one more chappie on Mai & Naru... I might if you guys ask me to. Antways, plz review!(: