AN: Well, this is it guys! The last chapter! For real! Thank you so much for reading and reviewing! Y'all are awesome! Hope you've enjoyed the ride as much as I have.

It was the first Saturday of the summer and Finn celebrated it by sleeping in until noon. Burt invited him over to watch the Reds game on the Plasma TV.

Before long, though, Finn was pretty sure that the game wasn't the main reason his soon-to-be step father invited him over. For one thing, Burt was suspiciously absent. For another, almost as soon as Finn sat down, Kurt had to bring up Rachel. The one subject he'd been trying to avoid the most.

"So have you spoken to Rachel since Monday?" Kurt asked, looking at the clock on the DVR.

Finn shook his head. "Why should I? She hasn't exactly tried to talk to me either."

"Finn, you can't be mad at Rachel forever," Kurt tried to reason with him, but Finn was being stubborn.

"Try me," Finn said as he opened the passenger side of Kurt's Navigator.

"Think about it…" Kurt reasoned, starting the engine, "if you lost your legs or had an injury or something and couldn't play football, how would you feel?"

"Kurt, it's not as if I don't understand why she did it, because I get it. I do," Finn said. "But just because I understand doesn't mean she suddenly gets a free pass. And then, on top of everything she put us through, she thinks it's okay again if she makes a banner and a batch of cookies? I admit the cookies were delicious, but still…"

"Look, she made a bad decision Finn. A mistake. And she KNOWS she made a mistake. Newsflash. You're not exactly perfect, either."

"Yeah, but when I make MY mistakes, it's not like a whole bunch of lives are ruined as a result."

"Lives WEREN'T ruined. We have Glee club back next year. And might I remind you that you were ready to walk out on Glee Club too when all the Beth Drama came out."

"Yeah, but I came back!"

"You wouldn't have if Mr. Schue hadn't leant you that tin-can he calls a car."

"That was different!"

"So it's okay for you to walk out when you need to? But it's not okay for her."

"I thought you didn't even LIKE Rachel? Why the hell are you taking her side all of a sudden."

"I'm not taking her side. I'm just playing devil's advocate here."

"I don't know what that means, but I'm pretty sure it's nothing good."

"I'm trying to show you that there might just be more than one point of view," Kurt said with a roll of his eyes.

"Forget it, Kurt, I'm trying to watch a game here," Finn yelled, but Kurt wasn't paying attention. He was eyeing the window that showed the front driveway. Someone had pulled up.

"You order pizza or something?"

"Please! That much grease is bad for your complexion."

He opened the door.

"Come on in!" Kurt said.

"I wasn't sure the makeover was still on. Nobody's really speaking to me right now. Matt Rutherford told me through Facebook Chat that New Directions gets another year," Rachel said in a rush of words.

"So first thing's first. We're off to the Mall." He checked his pocket. "Oh crap. I left my cell phone in the basement.

"Mr. Schue will be more forgiving by then," Kurt assured her. "He was just mad because he thought that his club was gone, and he really needed someone to blame. You were the easy target."

"Just have a seat in the living room," Kurt told her, noticing Finn wasn't in sight. "I'll be ready to go in just a second."

"Go where?" Finn asked, emerging from the bathroom.

"Finn…" Rachel breathed. Finn felt frozen to the spot.

"What are you doing over here? You and Kurt don't exactly even get along."

"He's giving me a makeover," Rachel said, smiling. "I figure if I can't get ahead on my talent anymore, I need to rely on my looks."

Finn cracked a smile at that. "You don't exactly need help in that department," Finn found himself saying before he could stop the words from tumbling out of his mouth.

Rachel smiled, blushing furiously. "I missed you, Finn," she admitted softly. "I thought I saw you in San Diego just before I went back home."

"So that WAS you?"

Rachel nodded, daring to take a step closer.

"I wasn't even sure it was you, either," she began again, "until Kurt told me the morning of the apology debacle. I wanted to talk to you before I saw the whole group, but there just wasn't the time, and I know that just…showing up…probably wasn't the best reveal ever. But I didn't know what else to do. I wanted to apologize to everyone, but…mostly you. Actually…your reaction, though well-deserved, was exactly why I hesitated to come back. I…" Rachel's voice trailed off, finally running out of words.

Finn took one of her hands in both of his.

She smiled.

"I missed that the most, you know," Finn said, voice shaking as he cupped her face in his hands.


"You think your voice is the best thing about you, the thing that makes you special. Personally, I think it's your smile."

Which made Rachel blush even more.

Just then, the door slammed as Kurt emerged from the basement.

"I'm not interrupting anything am I?" Kurt asked. Finn thought there was a note of hopefulness in his voice.

Finn turned lobster-red and Rachel stepped back.

"No, not a thing!" Rachel said a little too quickly for it to be true.

Kurt quirked an eyebrow, looking from Rachel to Finn, then back to Rachel.

"Normally, this is the part where I say my work here is done," Kurt said with a smirk. "But Rachel, I refuse to put up with another winter of your sweater collection."

Kurt laughed at the text message he received from Finn as they pulled out of the neighborhood.

Thanks, Dude. Now, just tell her how cat calendars R creepy, and everything will be perfect. BTW. I 3 how txt msgs are just fixed 4 u, coz I would've never been able 2 spell 'calendar.' Being ur bro will be kinda cool. ;)

Kurt had to agree.

"What? Who texted you?" Rachel asked, eyes laughing.

"I think the more important question here is...are you a fall or a spring?"