Forthright announced that she was closing Dokuga Contest on Live Journal. I thought that I would write a missing scene from Nights in White Satin. I think this expresses what I felt about the story. Sesshoumaru may have been cheating on Kagome with Kikyou, but Kagome loved him and was not about to let him go. In the end she is rewarded. She has his children and they continue as husband and wife. Sesshoumaru may not like the outcome, but he comes to accept it. Kikyou is forced to marry Inuyasha whom she does not love,but at the end even she is beginning to come around. People have said that this story is Sesshoumaru/Kikyou, but their relationship was destroyed as soon as it became public.

Title The Last Word

Author landofthekwt

Rating PG-13

Prompt Finale (dokuga contest)

Word Count 100

Genre Hurt/Comfort

Summary Inuyasha decides to help Kagome get back Sesshoumaru from Kikyou

A/N A missing scene from Nights in White Satin

Inuyasha stared at the newspaper Kagome shoved into his she fell sobbing against his chest. The picture showed his half-brother Sesshoumaru escorting his exwife a restaurant opening in New York It brought back all the pain of his childhood and all the pain of his divorce.

"What do you want me to do, Kagome?"

"That bastard ran off to my sister, Kikyou. I am not going to let her take Sesshoumaru from me. He is mine. "

Inuyasha swallowed. Kagome needed him to played hero now even if it meant confronting his own demons "Let's go get 'em"