All right, this is the rewrite of Can We Keep Them? I wasn't satisfied with the first one due to the fact that I really had no clue where I was going with the story and plot. I hope all of you will enjoy this revised story!

Note: This story occurs a week before Light finds the DeathNote

Soichiro Yagami sighed as he rubbed his temples. He was hunched over a case file he had been working on for the past few years.

Aizawa poked his head into Soichiro's office. "Tendou Kiyomi-san is here with the girls."

"Send them in." Soichiro smiled as he heard pattering feet rushing towards his office. He braced himself as two blurs leapt onto him. He chuckled and hugged the two girls. "Hello, Naoko and Hiroko. How are my two favorite girls doing?"

A girl with long black hair in two pigtails smiled shyly up at him. Her light blue eyes constantly flitted around the room, as though she was afraid someone would jump out of the shadows at any moment. "It's our birthday today, Yagami-san." She said softly.

"Naoko, you're too quiet." The other girl grouched out. She had short brown hair with a butterfly barrette holding her bangs back. Her eyes were identical to Naoko's but had a more confident light about them. "We're turning seven today!"

Soichiro nodded. "That's wonderful, Hiroko. You two are still so tiny though."

Hiroko puffed her cheeks out. "I know! It's not fair!"

"You two will grow soon enough." A woman smiled from the doorway. Her long brown hair was pulled back in a messy ponytail that went with her haphazard appearance. Her blue eyes were exhausted. "I'm sorry about them, Yagami-san. They've been so excited to see you all day."

"No worries, Kiyomi-san." Soichiro waved his hand dismissively. He motioned for her to sit in a chair across from his desk. "Have you heard from your husband at all?"

Kiyomi shook her head. The twins had moved to her lap now and were snuggled into her side. Kiyomi bit her lip as she smoothed the wisps on the top of the girls' heads. "I'm worried that he got him. Yagami-san, he's going to hurt my girls."

"Is there anything you can tell me about this man?" Soichiro asked, concern laced in his voice. "We can't do anything if we don't know what he looks like."

"I don't know. I've never seen him before. He calls sometimes. Always on the twins birthday. He uses some sort of distorter when he calls so I don't know what he really sounds like."

Soichiro sighed. "We don't have much to go on, Kiyomi-san. We can put you in a safe house…"

"No." Kiyomi said firmly. She stood up and took the twins hands in hers. "He'll find us. No matter where we go, he'll find us." She paused at the door and looked over at Soichiro. "Goodbye, Yagami-san."

Naoko and Hiroko quickly bid Soichiro goodbye as their mother tugged them from the office. Naoko looked up at her mother. "Mommy, why aren't we going to stay with Yagami-san."

"Yeah." Hiroko piped up. "He'll protect us from the bad man."

Kiyomi paused with her daughters outside the police headquarters. She knelt down to their level. "Girls, wherever we go, we put people in danger. You don't want to see Yagami-san hurt, do you?" When the girls' eyes widened and they rapidly shook their heads, Kiyomi pulled them into a tight hug. "I won't let him hurt you, okay?"

The two girls hugged their mother back. "We'll be okay, won't we, Mommy?" Hiroko asked.

"I want Daddy." Naoko whimpered out.

Kiyomi kissed the tops of her daughters' heads. "We'll find Daddy. Don't worry."

Kiyomi bolted up the stairs with her girls under her arms. She could hear him stepping onto the broken glass from the window he had broken in. She rushed into her bedroom and quickly shoved the girls under the bed. "Be very quiet, Naoko, Hiroko. No matter what happens, no matter what you hear or what you see, don't make a sound or move from under here."

Before the girls could respond, Kiyomi had stood up in front of them. The twins could only see their mother's feet and then…the door to the bedroom opened. Naoko scooted closer to Hiroko and the two clutched tightly to each other.

"What do you want?" Kiyomi hissed at the man.

"I just want to see how my girls are doing." The man answered. "I'm not going to take them away yet. They aren't ready."

"You stay away from my girls!" Kiyomi screamed.

The twins weren't quite sure what the man had done. He lunged toward their mother and their mother went very still. When the man stepped back, Kiyomi collapsed to the ground. The two girls had to slap their hands over their mouths to keep from screaming. Kiyomi had collapsed facing the girls. Blood was pouring from her stomach. When the twins began to reach towards her, she shook her head.

The twins watched in horror as the man pulled their mother back by her hair and busied himself with stabbing her multiple times. Tears poured down the girls faces but they did as their mother had instructed them to and remained silent and still. The two looked away as they heard their mother gasping for breath. Their breath caught in their throat when they heard the man approaching the bed.

The man knelt down so the girls could finally see him clearly. He had black hair that looked like he hadn't brushed it in years. He had dark black eyes with flecks of red in them. He wore a plain baggy white shirt and blue jeans. He stared at the girls for a few moments before reaching out with his bloody hands and caressing their cheeks. "Happy Birthday, Hiroko-chan, Naoko-chan."

"Hiroko," Naoko sniffled out. "I need to go potty." The two had been curled up under the bed for what felt like ages. The two were snuggled closely together with their mother's dead body a few feet from them.

"What if the bad man is out there still?" Hiroko whispered. Her breath caught in her throat when she heard the front door open. "It's okay, Naoko. I'm right here." She hugged her twin tighter to her as the footsteps drew closer to the bedroom.

"Shit, what the hell happened here!" An unfamiliar voice squeaked out.

"That's Kiyomi!" A voice the twins recognized shouted.

"Yagami-san?" The girls cried out together.

Soichiro peered under the bed and breathed a sigh of relief. "Are you girls hurt?"

"No." Naoko sniffled out. "The bad man hurt Mommy and then left us. Is he still out there?"

"He's gone." Soichiro reassured. "Come on out girls. How long have you two been under there?"

"We don't know." Hiroko wailed. "The bad man came here when we got home. Naoko's too scared to come out!"

"So are you!" Naoko cried out.

"They've been under there all night." Aizawa muttered.

"Girls, I need you to come out from under the bed." Soichiro said soothingly. "The bad man is gone now. He's not going to hurt you."

"He killed Mommy!" Naoko began crying again.

"It's our fault Mommy is dead!" Hiroko added.

Despite their best efforts to coax the two girls out, the twins wouldn't budge. Finally, Soichiro, with Aizawa and Matsuda's help, flipped the mattress off the bed. Soichiro knocked the boards out of the bottom of the bed and lifted the girls up out from under the bed.

Matsuda held Hiroko disdainfully away from himself. "Director, it's glaring at me."

Hiroko huffed and weakly kicked Matsuda in the face. "Shut up, Meanie Face."

Aizawa chuckled as he held Naoko. "We're going to get you girls somewhere safe."

Naoko smiled warily up at Aizawa. "Thank you Officer-san."

Soichiro shifted nervously outside his door with the two girls beside him. They had taken the girls back to headquarters with them and somehow or another it was decided he would take the girls home with him. He hadn't had a chance to talk to Sachiko about it and he was unsure how she would feel about the twins staying with them. Taking a deep breath, he smiled at the girls and ushered them into the house.

Sachiko poked her head out of the kitchen and smiled. "Hello, Dear." She raised an eyebrow at the two girls hiding behind her husband. "Dinner guests?"

"Fairly permanent ones." Soichiro answered. "Girls, go into the living room and watch TV. Light should be in there."

Hiroko dragged Naoko away from the safety of Soichiro's side. She found the living room and a teenage boy sitting on the couch watching TV. She stood beside him until he looked down at her and her twin. "Hi."

Light raised an eyebrow. "Who are you?"

"I'm Tendou Hiroko and this is my twin Naoko." Hiroko answered while Naoko hid behind her. "We're going to be living here now cause a bad man killed our mommy and daddy. Hey, where's the bathroom? I've gotta go potty."

Light pointed Hiroko down the hallway and was left with Naoko standing beside him looking terrified. He smiled warmly at her. "Don't worry, I won't bite you." He patted the seat beside him on the couch.

Naoko hesitated a moment before hopping up onto the couch beside Light. She sat stiffly beside him. She eyed Light wearily as he continued to smile at her. "What are you watching?" She finally asked.

"The news." Light shrugged. He changed the channel to cartoons.

"There's a lot of bad people in this world, aren't there?" Naoko asked. She had seen the story that had been playing before Light changed the channel. A woman had been murdered by her husband for insurance money. She pulled her knees up to her chest and stared at the cartoons dancing on the screen.

"Yeah." Light answered. Slowly he reached over and ruffled Naoko's hair. "But there are good people too. You've just got to look a lot harder for them."

Naoko stared up at him. "Your dad is a nice person." She said softly. She yawned suddenly. Her and Hiroko had not slept at all while they were under the bed for fear the bad man would return. Without really thinking, she laid down and rested her head on Light's lap.

Light watched Naoko as she drifted off to sleep. He glanced up when Hiroko came back and snuggled next to her sister on the couch and fell asleep as well. He pulled the small blanket off the back of the couch and covered the two girls before flipping the TV back to the news. "This is a really rotten world for you girls two grow up in."

Eh….didn't mean to make it so depressing. The next few chapters will be much more light hearted. Well, as lighthearted as DeathNote can get anyways.