The Beginning of The End

I'm such a bloody idiot! I can't believe that I even thought about taking this on. I was in deep thought, just sitting at my desk in the middle of paper work, when my temporary boss and very good friend Draco Malfoy had just asked me if I would mind partnering up with his arch nemesis Hermione Granger. And what did I say? "No, not at all. In fact, I'd love too." How much of a moron could I be?

Draco looked at me with surprise. He had his eye brows raised, "Really?" he asked trying to figure out what my intentions were behind my emotionless response to his daring question. I'm a bloody horrible friend, I hardly deserve the word after a response like that.

"Look Drake, school was nearly five years ago, I know you still despise her; but I've let by gones be by gones. If anything she'll brighten up the department don't you think?" I teased back knowing that his never ending rivalry with Hermione Granger could bring the department of Mysteries crashing down around us.

"I'm very well aware of that. I just don't know why they had to send her of all people. All I asked for was a little more support, we're over worked, and under appreciated. I didn't need a glory hound, especially not one third of the golden trio. I'm only a temporary supervisor. Working with her in person would be a nightmare, but handing out assignments to her is like the ninth circle of hell for me, and for her as well I'm sure." Draco muttered as he took a seat directly across from me.

"So you want me to play the middle man and peace keeper? Fine, I can do that. Eventually you'll have to talk to her and work with her though." I told him.

"Well Ted until that day comes, I'm relying on you to hold the deparment together." He smirked at me, I hated that was so bloody Slytherin of him.

I rolled my eyes in annoyance at him in response and went back to the paper work that I had sitting on my desk, waiting to be completed. Although I will admit, it wasn't exactly easy to finish up the paper work with Draco sitting there whistling whatever song came to mind and leaning back in the chair he was sitting in.

It didn't take long for the newest member of the team to show up, which didn't help the distracting nature of the office atmosphere at the time. As soon as the door creaked Malfoy made for his cubical, pretending as if he was needed there. How bloody childish could he get? Never mind, I know the answer to that, sadly.

She walked in the office with a large file compartment and a satchel at her side. Her black polyester slacks were tight but not tight enough to be sexy, and that horrible maroon knit sweater wasn't helping either. Now I'm no fashion expert, but I can put together a descent assemble, even when it comes to women's attire.

I can't say that I've dated the best or the worst women in the wizarding world, but what I will say is that I've had a couple that were fashion challenged and I came to the assistance of them with their fashion crises when necessary. And Granger could definitely use some help in that department. Even I could see that.

I jumped up from my desk and approached the fresh meat cautiously, I cleared my throat casually not trying to scare her away. "Hermione Granger is it?" I asked.

Her eyes scanned me, barely visible over the file compartment she held in her arms. "Nott, Theodore Nott right?" She asked, her brow furrowing quizzically.

"Surprised you remembered. But yes that's me. Can I take that for you so you can get settled?" I offered to take her compartment from her.

"Oh that's not necessary," she said her voice quivering slightly. "Is there a desk I can move into?" She wondered.

"Yeah, over here, next to mine. I'm to be your partner in crime for the time being. Hope that doesn't bother you Miss Granger." I smiled at her and gestured to the desk that was next to my own.

"I think I can handle that Nott. So who's in charge around here anyway?"

"Well, you aren't going to be happy about it, but it is only temporary." I remarked a little bit hesitant to provide her the answer. "It's Draco Malfoy..." I cut off waiting for the wail of insanity to follow the words that had just fallen off of my lips.

"Good one Nott, you almost had me going for a moment there." She chuckled lightly as she began to unpack her filer.

I sighed and shook my head. I wasn't going to try to convince her otherwise. I gave her fair warning. My job had been completed for the time being.

I went back to my paper work... or at least I tried to go back to my paper work. I found myself reading the paragraph I had already read at least four times already, and I still wasn't able to remember; let alone figure out what the request was for.

I glanced at the clock on the wall. Nearly five pm. It was a good thing. I felt like my brain was about to sizzle like an egg in a frying pan. I let out one last sigh, and began to tidy up my desk.

Meticulously making sure that my finished requests and reviews were placed in the out box, then I made sure that my pending paper work was locked securely in my desk drawers. I ran my hands through my hair, mentally checking off my list of duties to complete before I got the hell out of the office. I then took the remaining paper work that need supervisor approval to my "Supervisor".

"Malfoy, I need these signed and dated by the end of the week please." I said dropping the stack of neatly paper clipped parchments on his work station.

"Really Teddy? This couldn't have waited until tomorrow morning?" He groaned looking at me cockeyed.

"I got them done today, so that's why I'm bringing them to you now, so I don't forget. And stop being such a pitiful Nancy." I half snapped. I'll admit it, I was a little irritated with him for ducking for cover when my new partner waltzed into the office.

I then turned on my heel and left, grabbing my coat off the rack and taking my time card and clocking out. 'Exactly five o'clock. I amaze myself at my precision routine.' I snickered to myself quite impressed with the way I worked myself out of the office on time for once.

It had been a productive, well, mostly productive day. It had gone very smoothly for a Monday, and I was leaving on time and not staying late for the first time in months. I could actually go catch a bite to eat with Blaise and Astoria, or get a drink with Hannah and Luna. I did enjoy the quirkiness of the now Mrs. Longbottom, and well Hannah Abbot soon to be Weasley was her good humored, stunningly beautiful partner.

They worked a floor up in the department of Muggle Affairs, and every Monday night they went out for drinks and never forgot to invite me. I just hadn't had the opportunity to get off work on time to join them since....well since I transferred here a year ago.

I took the liberty of taking the elevator up to their department, to let them know in person I would actually be able to join the party that night; and to my surprise Granger was hot on my heels as I entered the lift. Being the gentleman I am, I held the door open for her and let her enter first with a slight bow.

"Thanks Nott." She mentioned as I stepped next to her.

"You can call me Teddy you know," I winked at her. "We are going to be partners for now anyway. I'd like to be on first name terms with the person I'll be spending most of my time with."

She had a bright stain of red climbing up her neck and creeping on to her face. I laughed slightly. "Miss Granger, I know this is probably the last thing you expected to here from someone such as I, but school was five years ago. I may have been in Slytherin House, but please don't tie that to me now that I've graduated. I can act like an adult, unlike some of my counterparts."

For the second time I was singing that favorite tune that I sang to Malfoy at least once a day in regards to co-workers or clients for that matter.

"It's not that I don't believe you...." She cut off, sounding slightly nervous and I'm assuming not quite sure how to continue the conversation, so I took over for her.

"You act as if I'm forcing you to marry me or something. Believe me Miss Granger, I'll ask if I'm interested." I teased her even more, watching the shades of red on her face get darker and darker.

"I'm terribly sorry, I don't mean to jest so harshly. I'm actually headed up to the Department of muggle Affairs to join Mrs. Longbottom and Ms. Abbot on their Monday night drinking escapades. Would you care to join us? I'm sure they would love to have you along." I offered as an apology for making fun of her as I had.

I think she was pretty convince that she was dreaming, as I noticed she tried pinching her arm discretely. "I had no idea that you were so close to Hannah and Luna." She remarked.

"I was working in their department before I had the pure 'luck' of being moved to Mysteries. That was about a year ago, so it's been a while since I've gotten the actually opportunity to partake in such debauchery as we used to cause together." I answered.

The elevator dinged to announce our arrival at the department of Muggle Affairs. Hannah and Luna immediately let out squeals of what I assumed was joy when they saw me standing in the elevator waiting on them.

"What is this, Teddy Nott out of work at five after five? Unbelievable!" Hannah cried as she threw her arms around me in a bone crushing hug.

"And sharing an elevator with Hermione, will you be joining us? It would be such a joy for us to have you come along with us! We're headed to Mulligan's pub and grill in Diagon alley for a lovely dinner and some beverages." Luna smiled secretively at me as she spoke. Once Hannah released me Luna then gave me a hug as well.

"You really should Hermione, Ginny has Harry staying home with the boys tonight so she will be coming out! So will Neville, Seamus, George, and I think Blaise and Astoria are coming as well. I'm quite positive that quite a few others will be attending as well." Hannah announced as she took Hermione by the hand almost begging her like a child.

"I....I...really shouldn't. Oh alright, I could use some human contact I suppose. But just this once, and if any one I don't fancy comes around I will be taking my leave immediately." Hermione finally caved in to the puppy dog eyes and whimper lips of my two good lady friends.

"Fantastic, I'm so excited! You aren't going looking like that though," Luna decided for her friend. She eyed me again as I let out a sigh of relief as she said that.

"And what pray tell is wrong with what I'm currently wearing, Luna?" Hermione looked shocked, almost offended at Luna's blatantly obvious evaluation of her attire.

"Hermione, you're wearing a sweater that I know Molly knitted for you six years ago. And it is still way to big for you and well, it's so worn it's hideous. Your slacks are nice, but too dressy for where we're going." Luna said "Besides, I hear this time of year you have to look of for Warblogs crawling into you knits and eating into your skin, especially the woollen knits that I know you have an uncommon amount of."

Yep, Luna was still as quirky as ever. Hannah and I concealed our giggles, while Hermione just stared at the young woman with a blank expression on her face. For being such good friends with Luna, she looked rather surprised that she still had her strange habits and comments. After a few moments of silence I cleared my throat again.

"If you need some help finding something suitable, I can assist with that." I offered after Luna stabbing my ribs multiple times with her bony little elbows.

Not that I was truly dressed casually enough for the bar either. I was in one of my favorite assembles. Black leather dress shoes, black slacks, black sport jacket, curlean blue dress shirt, with a black vest and a magnificent pin stripped black and blue tie. However, all I had to do to dress down was lose the tie and the jacket and throw on a pair of stone washed jeans.

"That's the perfect idea. Teddy lives in the same building as you anyway Hermione. Let's meet at Mulligan's at say six?" Hannah decided as the elevator came to the ground floor of the Ministry.

"Sounds good to me." Luna and I agreed in unison.

"Ok then," Hermione sounded nervous, but agreed nonetheless.

We exited the work place and I walked a tad bit in front of Hermione, after all I wasn't walking her home or anything, I was walking home. Which thank god wasn't to far. It was all of about four blocks.

I didn't pay much mind to Hermione herself as we walked, I was contemplating the ridiculously high school situation that I had found myself in thanks to Luna and Hannah.

"Erm....No-I mean Ted, you don't have to do this." Hermione commented awkwardly as I held the door to our building open.

"Yes, I do. If I let you dress yourself they will know. I don't need anymore of a headache at the moment. What number is your apartment?" I asked.

"I'm five b." She answered

"Interesting, I'm seven b, funny how I never noticed." I replied. "I'll come to your apartment once I dress down a tad and then I'll find something we can work with."

She nodded in response and we parted ways on our floor. I watched her walk down the hall as I shoved the key into the lock on the door. 'This was bad idea number two for the day. How many more can I rack up before I regret them?' I thought to myself as I changed my pants, and tossed my jacket and tie on the bed.