Okay, please dont kill me.. But I waited this long to add this.. because you know what? NEXT WEEKEND IS CHRISTMAS! YAAAAY! So... It works for me and probably for you guys to read this around this time of year. Arent I festive? XD Well... most likely after this, Chapter 16 will be the FINAL chapter... im hoping.. so yeah. Okay.. PLEASE READ:

I finally did the song Seiya "made" for Serena that I was talking about. Its Fix you from Cold Play. I DO NOT OWN ANY OF COLD PLAYS MUSIC OR ANYTHING THAT BELONGS TO THEM! I did this song because it made sense and fit well. I quote the lyircs (WHICH I DONT OWN!) in this chapter. You guys should read it then maybe FOLLOW the song with the part of this chapter. You'll know when to start it. I know we all have different reading speeds when it comes ot my work during the instrumentals., but bear with it. If you dont like what I did.. then POOPIE TO YOU! It's my fanfic! I do what I want :D I've been working on this chapter for about 4 hours so Im tired and going crazy.. and my puppy isnt happy with me either... Scary...

If its stupid.. and you dont like it im sorry... but Im so happy with it! Just one more chapter left... that will be up before Christmas Eve so we all can be in the spirits. (If you dont celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays to you and your families! I hope I didnt not offend anyone with Christmas in this.)

Let me know what you think please! Reviews reviews! I love advice!

Night Night! :)


Morning was here and Seiya was at the town square where everything was going to unfold for the Christmas Eve celebration. The snow was in the right places, the roads were plowed, and the sidewalks shoveled. Already local vendors are beginning to set up their booths, along with equipment being moved for the stage and towards the building where the 'mini ball' was being held. The decorations are all in place and the gigantic Christmas tree was filled with lights, garland and ornaments of all sorts. He stood on the stage, the sun shining brightly, a cloud was nowhere to be seen. It was cold, but bearable. The snow on the buildings and on the decorative bushes gave it that extra sparkle. Seiya knew for sure the snow will hold making tonight perfect. Everything was in place for his one song concert, he had done the sound checks and made sure the group was prepared. He was pleased as could be, just as the clocks ticked by, he knew each second that passed would bring the day closer towards the evening. He wanted to make sure things go perfect, and that Serena was happy as could be tonight.

Seiya stuck his hands in his pocket and took out a familiar locket in shape of a star. The person he had taken it to really out did himself, fixing it. It was bright and practically glowing. He just hoped Serena will accept it from him along with everything else he had to offer.

'I have to lay out everything to her tonight. I can't let time go on and not be with her. I came back for a reason and dammit I'm going to make sure this goes through.' He put the locket away. 'I'm just afraid she's not going to feel the same. Over time we've gotten a lot closer…' Seiya imagined the embraces, and of course the stolen kisses. 'So I can't see how this could go sour though. I have confidence and I am here for Dumpling no matter what she decides in the end anyways.'

Seiya began to descend from the stage and headed to have a late breakfast with the band mates who are helping him with tonight.

Luna watched Serena do a few chores around the house. She watched her clean the sinks, dust the tables, sweep the floors, finish up her laundry and even clean all the bathrooms in the house. She was practically moving at lightning speed. Serena wasn't talking much, just keeping herself busy.

"You know you keep this up and you'll smell like chemicals and have harsh hands." Luna pointed out.

Serena glared at Luna. She had her hair wrapped up in a sweat band, along with her hair tails pulled and wrapped up as well. "I'm taking a shower still so I won't smell like chemicals. Plus, I'm trying to keep myself busy."

"I figured that out when you started doing the dishes two hours ago."

"What? Mom, dad and the bro are gone, so what else am I supposed to do?"

"When do you ever really clean Serena?"

"Ughhh… Yeah… You got me on that." She dropped her rag and pulled her hair out of the band and let it fall into place. It was all tangled up a little and out of place. "When are you going out with Artemis?"

"In a little while." Luna blushed a little.

"I'm happy for you two. Have a good time!"

"Same for you, I hope everything turns in your favor. I'm excited to hear how it went tomorrow. But how are you feeling about all of this?" She licked her paw.

Serena sat down in front of Luna and rested her chin on her hands. "I'm actually excited… a little nervous of course, but I'm thrilled actually. It's odd; a few months ago I would have never even dreamed of this happening to me. I feel like I'm actually able to live the life of a normal teenager and just go with the flow, I guess. There have been no enemies since and it's overwhelming a little. It still hurts with Darien, and…" She turned her head away from Luna and took a deep breath. "I just wish it would stop hurting."

"But you seem happy with Seiya."

"I am!" She exclaimed to Luna.

"Then it shouldn't hurt as bad anymore…" She got close to Serena and put her paw on her leg.

"It doesn't. Just when I am alone I think about it a lot. On top of that it seems my friends don't seem to care as much."

"Don't think like that. Trust me, Artemis tells me the girls are giving you space and letting things with Seiya play out. They want you happy so this is their way of caring. Trust me, they will be happy with any decision you make."

"Except Rei. She's the only one who is opposed."

"Give it time, she'll come around. Now, stop worrying. You need to get yourself ready. You've spent all morning and most of the afternoon cleaning. Go get ready, and have a wonderful night. Enjoy it and just feel how you want to feel. Don't hide anything and be yourself Serena."

Serena hugged her kitty. "Thanks Luna."

After putting away the cleaning supplies, Serena was about to walk upstairs when the door bell rang.

'Oh no! Maybe Seiya changed his mind and decided to pick me up! It's only 3:30!" She went to the door and peeked out the side window. She was shocked to see Rei at her door. It was still chilly out, she opened the door.

"Hi Rei." She didn't say it mean just shocked. She was the last person Serena would expect at her front door today. "Come in before you freeze." Rei's expression wasn't smiling, but not angry or anything. Rei walked in without saying a word. Serena shut the door, Rei stood at the hallway, her hands balled into fist.

"What the matter?" Serena asked. No matter what arguments she has with her friends, she would never turn her back on them.

Rei turned to her, her face looked frustrated. She rubbed the side of her head quick, sighed.

"I'm sorry Serena. I didn't mean to yell at you the other day. I just… you and Darien went through too much and have a past, present and future. I was afraid things would change dramatically and I freaked out seeing you mess with time and fate."


Rei held her hand up. "Let me finish, please. I'm here just to let you know that I support you no matter what. I'm not losing one of my best friends to my panic moments. I've thought about it a lot and realized something. We've changed time and the course of events to our favor. We've won battles that were destined to be lost and saved the earth many times despite what fate had told us…" she took a deep breath. "I just don't know Seiya as well as Darien and he is still 'alien' if you know what I mean, and seeing you hurt, I was afraid you were torturing yourself by being with someone just because Darien left… But I see it's not that way."

"Rei, what do you mean?"

"I've seen the way you are with Darien, and you know what I've come to acknowledge? You and Seiya love each other the way two people should. Not based on past lives and what you are expected to see in the future, but the way two people fall for each other and it's the right way."

"I—I don't love—"

"Shut up. You know it but I know you're afraid to admit it. In your heart you love Seiya more than you have ever loved before. Don't deny it. You'll say it when you're ready." She smiled. "Can you forgive me though? I'm sorry for not being there for you when you needed a shoulder to cry on, and a head beating when you weren't being yourself." She laughed a little.

"Of course." Serena smiled and embraced her friend. After a moment they pulled apart.

"So, what are you up to? Still planning on going out tonight with him from what I've heard?" Rei asked.

Serena nodded. "Yeah, my mom got me a nice dress and everything. I just got done doing a few things that kept me busy, but I was about to go get ready."

"Oh okay then, I'll get going then."

"You can hang out if you'd like. I'm just going to take a quick shower, but I'm so nervous and all, maybe having a friend here will help."

"Okay, that way I can make sure you look perfect for Seiya." Rei smiled a little.

"It's hard for you to say that…"

She laughed. "Bear with me, Serena."

After a quick shower, Serena and Rei made some hot cocoa and munched on a few Christmas cookies. They both caught up with each other about their semester exams, how things are going with their families and just life in general. They laughed and joked about the bet based on Serena's grades. Rei finally believed her and congratulated her, saying she thinks it was saying putting her mind on track. They also spoke about the upcoming evening and how much fun it will be. After about a half hour Serena knew it was time to get ready. Rei waited for her outside her room while she got changed.

Serena opened the door and Rei gasped.

"You weren't kidding! That is similar to the moon princess dress. Your mom did good."

"It's cold out, but once you're around other people and the crowds, you'll feel comfortable. It's not that bad, just don't fall in any snow."

Serena walked over to her mirror and began putting her hair together in her traditional style, but added the few hairpieces to give it a little sparkle. Rei helped her put on her necklace and bracelet. After adding the shawl, Serena twirled and glanced at herself in the mirror. She was amazed at her appearance. It was like her dream where she was dancing with Seiya. She imagined it and blushed.

"You look beautiful."

"Thank you. Hey, don't you have to get ready?" Serena asked.

"I can run home and put something on quick, you're actually on with a date, so that called for making everything exact for you."

"You're amazing. Well you need to go get ready! I'll be going in a minute."

Both girls said good bye and Serena's heart was sputtering around like a butterfly locked inside her chest. She quickly grabbed her shoes, made sure the shawl was around her shoulders and neck. It was going to be a little chilly.

'Just relax and have fun tonight. Enjoy your time with Seiya and just let things go as they should.' She took a deep breath and walked out her door feeling excited for this night.

The sun was setting still but the lights at the town square were already lit and everything was lively. Little girls and boys in their Christmas outfits, parents laughing and taking pictures, couples walked about, hand in hand and vendors offered their items to those who passed by. The giant tree was lit and the stage lights for the performers are all ready up and running. Light sounding holiday music came from the speakers, and people were all ready gathering by the stage. Serena never remembered the place being this beautiful on Christmas Eve. A few people passed by her and nodded in her direction. She waved back, enjoying how happy the people are. Everyone's troubles seemed to be gone and everyone was enjoying the night as it just began. She glanced at the tower's clock and it was a little after 5:30. She knew Seiya's show began at 6:00 so she cruised around looking at what vendures and stores had to offer. Holiday cakes and cookies were on display for sale and the aroma of hot chocolate and coffee mixed in the crisp air. Little toys and dolls were up in windows and on tables mainly for the men to give to their spouses and admirers along with parents buying more gifts to their children than they all ready have underneath a tree. A vendor offered her a piece of holiday cake, but Serena had forgotten her money; what was left of it; at home. She didn't feel like taking a purse with her and having to carry it all night.

"It's on me princess."

Serena looked. "Amara!"

Amara handed Serena the cake.

"Thank you so much! You didn't have to!" Serena loved her sweets, she began to eat it, but not gobble it as she normally did. She kept her manners for tonight and held back the urge.

"I could see you were drooling over it and I don't mind."

Serena finished the little cake and noticed Amara was alone. "Where's Michelle?"

"She's playing violin for a while tonight for the mini ball, so I have to wait before I can actually take her on a date later."

"How sweet! I hope to see her later too."

"We'll be around. You look stunning. I had to do a double take thinking you were in the moon princess dress."

"Yeah, I'm afraid I'm going to get that from everyone. Rei and Luna agree with that. It's not a bad thing I hope."

"Of course not. " Amara glanced at her necklace.

"Something wrong?"

"Uh, no, just looking at your necklace it's very nice."

An announcer came onto the stage microphone announcing Seiya would begin his one song only performance in about ten minutes.

"Oh crap, I have to go! He wants me up front I guess." Her heart began to hammer again.

"Have fun, Princess. I'll be around if you need me. "

Serena walked in the direction of the stage, a crowd was beginning to form and she was panicking she wouldn't get up front in time. Girls were exclaiming about Seiya returning, some of their dates just scowled to the side. After a little pushing, someone from stage security noticed Serena struggling and pushed his way through.

"Miss Tsukino?" He called out. She looked at the big fellow.


"Good, I was looking around for you. I can bring you up front where Mr. Kou had requested."

"How did you know it was me?"

"He said you have dumplings for hair." He felt embarrassed telling her that.

Serena's eyes twitched. "I'm going to slap him for that." She mumbled. She followed the security man as he pushed his way through and made the people move out of their way. In no time she was up front of the line, a few more security took a few steps behind her making sure no one got as close as she was.

'Well this is special treatment all right.' She giggled a little. After a moment, the stage lights brightened, and the crowd behind her quieted for a minute. The side spot lights took hold, showing the guys ready to begin playing their designated instruments. This happened a few more times, then the middle spotlight shinned and there stood Seiya at the center. Serena's face flushed at an instant. He was dressed so formally. Like her dream and it was a little scary. But his jacket was an off-white color, a dark shirt underneath, matching pants, dark shoes and a white rose corsage. He looked like an angel to Serena. He had a guitar in his hands, the strap around his shoulder and in place. Seiya's eyes remained closed that whole time.

Another light clicked, brightening the stage like day light. His eyes opened, being so close to the stage Serena could see the shine in his eyes and the joy that was filling him. His eyes immediately caught Serena's. The widened a little, he seemed to have gasped a little and then he smiled right at her. He began speaking into the microphone.

"Merry Christmas Eve everyone!" He said cheerfully. The crowd (of girls) beamed at his voice. Serena drowned out the noise behind her and focused on the man in the center of the stage. "I am happy to be here tonight to do a song that came from my heart and the deepest part of my soul. I have been recording and my newest CD is now finished and will be on sale New Years Eve. As for this song, it's an important and inspiring song and for those who are here tonight this is the only time you will ever hear for I did not put it on my CD…" Fans seemed bewildered at that.

"It's a private song that I made for someone who is very special and dear to my heart. Please understand that. Each of the talented fellows around me are helping me out tonight. I did each and every piece of music along with the lyrics for this, but of course I can't be in five places at once. I'd like to thank them all for sticking this out with me. I couldn't have found more talented people to share the vision I had for this song." He smiled and looked around at the band mates then back to his audience. He glanced back at Serena, who's heart was thumping and a little blush was on her cheeks. Her hands were clasped together, and she had beautiful smile on her face. She never adverted her eyes from his.

Seiya thought she is absolutely stunning and lovely. He couldn't have imagined her looking more beautiful. Any doubts about tonight vanished from his conscience, and all remained was the excitement and happiness that floated through his body.

"This is for you, Dumpling. Please listen and hear what I feel." He said lowly, but Serena could still hear him on the speakers.

Music began to play slow and low. At this time, Seiya began to sing but took off his necklace with the pick attached to it and held it properly in his hand. "When you try your best but you don't succeed…"

"When you get what you want, but not what you need…" he closed her eyes for a moment. "When you feel so tired, but you can't sleep…" His eyes opened. "Stuck in reverse…" The piano began to play a bit louder, and Serena just starred at Seiya listening to his lyrics.

"And the tears come streaming down your face… when you lose something you can't replace… when you love someone but it goes to waste… Could it be worse…?"

He never took looked at anyone other than Serena. "Lights will guide you home… and ignite your bones… and I will try, to fix you…"

Serena put her hands to her heart, the cold no longer bothering her. Seiya nodded his head a little to the flow of the music around him. He then began to move his hand and then strum his guitar.

"High up, or down below… when you're too in love to let it go… But if you never try, you'll never know… Just what you're worth…" Seiya smiled at Serena. The lights changed color a little.

"Lights will guide you home… and ignite your bones… And I will try, to fix you."

He closed his eyes as he went and began his small solo on the guitar, his body matching with the flow of the music; he was in sync to everything. Each time he kept going back and forth, Serena's heart pumped as fast as he played. Her mind swirling with the music, she could feel the emotions emitting from Seiya. She never took her eyes off of him; she could feel him reaching out and touching her with the warmth. It seemed odd but Serena could feel how much thought and heart he had put into this… as well as the amount of love and need. Tears began forming and falling down. Seiya moved and moved never missing a beat that came from his heart. His mind wandered into the what if's between him and Serena and how happy she makes him and how happy he could make her. He smiled bright. He moved a little side to side to make the emotions rush out more. Serena just watched amazed and entranced. Feeling everything that came out from her heart, letting it all surface.

"Tears stream… down your face… when you lose something you cannot replace… tears stream down on your face… and I…." Seiya opened his eyes and watched Serena. "Tears stream… down on your face… I promise you I will learn from my mistakes…. Tears stream… down on your face… and I…" He finished with his guitar, keeping his eyes locked on Serena. "Lights will guide you home… and ignite your bones… and I will try to fix you…"

The music began to fade.

Serena was crying from the amount of emotions flowing through her, but it was a silent cry. She could feel and practically SEE a happy life between them. Seiya and she remained looking at each other; he smiled at her then returned his gaze to the audience around her that Serena had forgotten was even there.

"Thank you. I hope you all enjoyed that piece. Now, if you'll excuse me I'll be taking off and enjoying the festive with the one person and reason and I came back in the first place for.

The stage lights dimmed a little, Serena stayed in place but watch Seiya go to the back stage and disappear.

'That was the most heartwarming song I've ever heard.'She couldn't understand why she was crying a little, but she figured how Seiya puts feelings into his music, it really showed a lot to her. More than she knew what to do with. The crowd began to disperse a little, some remaining for the next show to start. Wiping her eyes a little, Serena went left of the stage, hoping maybe she could find Seiya. She had to push past a few people, but around the side, she just saw crew men getting some of the next set ready to go.

"Ah, there you are Dumpling." A hand touched her shoulder. She spun to the side seeing Seiya. The lighting hitting his face made Serena blush with how handsome he looks.

"Seiya!" She wasn't sure what to do but was happy to see him finally. Seiya could see the glossy look in Serena's eyes from her tears. He put his hands on her cheeks, feeling the damp spots still from where the tears had fallen. Serena's face blushed and her stomach fluttered with her heart too. Her mind was spinning.
"Don't cry anymore Dumpling." He let go of her face and took her into his arms instead. Serena immediately hugged him back, holding on tight, almost fisting his jacket in her hands. He was so warm and the comfort was overwhelming but welcomed too.

"It was lovely Seiya. I could feel everything you put in that." She whispered.

"That was the point." He chuckled. He pulled her away, although she seemed to not want to which was something that made Seiya ecstatic to see. "I hope you understood everything."

"I do." She looked away but was smiling shyly.

"By the way you look stunning and perfect and absolutely breathtaking. I thought I was going to pass out because I forgot how to breathe." He laughed a little.

"Oh please…"

"Trust me, you look beautiful my Princess"

Serena couldn't help but smile and giggle a little at that remark.

"Well, what are we waiting for, lets enjoy tonight." He turned to the side and offered Serena his arm. "Shall we, Dumpling?"

Serena took his arm and they both began to go back to the festival.