Hey this is my first story so sorry if it's not that good…

They are all like 24 years old…just so you don't get confused!

DISCLAIMER: Do you honestly think I own the Gallagher Girl Series? I wish!

Cammie's POV

I ran past a guy in the yellow shirt, noticing that he looked familiar. He didn't look tail-version familiar – I knew I hadn't seen him earlier that day. It was just something about his eyes…mesmerizing green color with a hint of blue, maybe?

Cammie, focus, I mentally told myself. Which, I was focusing, just not on the mission. I looked at the street signs, searching for Easter Drive. I ran for what felt like another hour until I found it. I casually strolled over to the brick wall and started running my fingers along the cracks. I heard a ding! and stepped away. Slowly the bricks moved inwards and I walked in.

Adrenaline washed through me and I realized I wasn't afraid. This is what I've did all my life, after all. And then I felt it. Someone's eyes on me. Damn! Cammie you didn't check for a tail!

I pivoted around and threw a punch which the person dodged. "Relax, Gallagher Girl. We're on the same side here."