A/N- It's been some time since I've updated, and all I can offer is my sincere apologies. Life swept right in and completely consumed any free-time I'd had.

This isn't a full update. Just a few hundred word teaser, completely unedited, to act as my peace offering while I whip up the next chapter. I fully intend to have it, and maybe more up by the new year!

Also, I'm going back through old chapters and editting/redo-ing them. So if you forgot what was going on in my huge MIA spurt, it might help to go re-read them. :) I'm hoping to maybe add a chapter here and there in the beginning so that the story isn't so rushed.

Lastly, I want to thank everyone who has reviewed and everyone who is still reading! You guys really are the best.

Here's the teaser. :)

Beautiful Disaster

Chapter 9: Teaser

Esme leads me into the kitchen, casually talking to me about the platter of cookies in my hand. I smile and nod, offering very few words to her in return. She continues the conversation effortlessly until she reaches the kitchen. What I see inside has me wanting to do nothing more than to run for the door because leaning against the counter, sipping on glasses of iced water, are two of the most gorgeous and familiar people I have ever seen. After all, these two people spend hours with me every night.

I freeze, my feet rooting to the ground as panic floods through me. Esme either ignores my reaction or doesn't notice it and continues on with introductions.

"Bella, this is Rosalie and Emmett, Edward's brother and his wife. Rosalie and Emmett, meet Bella, Edward and Jasper's friend,"

The beautiful blonde and the burly brunette knew Edward and Jasper, probably even Alice too.

I'm so screwed.

My fears are only intensified when Rosalie steps forward and smirks at me, offering a simple greeting and introduction. I stutter through a response, desperately trying to maintain my composure but failing miserably. These people, whether they know it or not, have the ability to shatter the short-lived happy world I have been living in the past couple of weeks.

"Oh we know Bella, Mom," Emmett starts, a grin stretching across his face, two dimples rising to the occasion. My blood runs cold and my heart stops.

This is it.

This is the moment I have been dreading and hoping to avoid since day one.

While I want nothing more than to freeze time and stop it, I know I am defenseless and anything I do or say will be in vain. "Well, sort of, we've never actually been formally introduced or anything but she works out at the gym with us every night for hours. Man, I thought Rosie and I were the only nuts who went to the gym at night, but damn this girl could give us a run for our money!"

I flinch as all eyes turn to me, probably waiting for me to respond. I don't have to give one though. Jasper, the one who knows me too well, speaks up first. He's obviously confused with Emmett's revelation. He chuckles, shaking his head as he starts talking, "No way, dude, I think you have the wrong girl. Bella here would never go to a place like that if you life depended on it. Isn't that right, Bells?" He adds in a good-hearted laugh for good measure.

I bite my lip and try to conjure up something to say. I don't know if I should try to play it off as nothing or just lie through my teeth and deny being the girl Emmett referred too. On one hand, the latter would definitely be easier in the long run, but I know I'm such a horrible liar that Esme, who doesn't even know me, would be able to see right through any falsehood I say. I had been able to hide my homelessness thus far by avoiding an outright answer and staying as close to the truth as possible. The only way to deny this would be too straight out lie.

I don't think I'll be able to pull it off so I go with option one: play it off.

Short, Choppy, and completely unedited, I know.

Drop me a review if you can! I'd love to know if anyone is even still reading and if its even worth continuing!

And in case I'm too late, Merry Christmas to all who celebrate it!

x. Rae