Okay, so I just want to tell you that in my country, classes had already started last week. So I want to warn you that the updating process of this story may slow down a bit because of homework and other school stuff. Anyway, I've been addicted to Star Wars lately, mostly because of Hayden Christensen :). So yeah, I'm also a Star Wars fanatic and that will explain the whole "Darth Vader" thing. Oh yeah, I so love the start and the ending of this chapter.

P.S. I would like to thank SilverXStars698 for giving me this WONDERFUL idea for my story! I owe her a lot.

Disclaimer: Negative.

Not even being drunk could prevent Percy from having bad dreams...

In Percy's dream, he was standing in a small, dark and empty room. The only source of light was the small candle at the corner, making Percy atleast see two figures that stood between him and the candle. They stood as shadows in front of the candle and Percy could only see their outlines and can't identify them.

The figure on his right spoke, "Did you do it?" The high-pitched voice was, no doubt, belonged to a woman. Percy started muffling names of girls he knew in his mind but failed knowing that it was impossible for someone to have a such beautiful voice.

It was so dark that Percy almost didn't notice the other figure's lips turn to a wicked grin. "Mommy, if you only knew how easy it is to seduce a slut." A deep voice answered. Percy's jaw half-dropped at the voice. It was the voice that most football players have, the deep and hypnotizing sound that could make any girl want them immediately. And he wondered if the slut that the figure was talking about was the bitch that he calls his wife. Percy listened closer as the figure continued, "I quite fancy her, Mom. She's lust herself. I don't even need to shoot an arrow at her, like what I did with little Perseus Jackson."

Percy's eyes widened and his jaw fully dropped. Arrow? What arrow? And how did he know his name? His full name?

Percy stood on his ground and tried his best not to make a sound but feeling even more stupid. He was in a freakin' dream! Of course he wasn't really there. But even that comfort can't stop the nervous pounding of his heart.

The woman reflected the man's evil grin. "Good. Make sure the child doesn't reach Camp Half-Blood. Kill it, if you must."

The man bowed his head and disappeared in the shadows. Percy stared at the remaining figure in the room. Who were they? What in the hell were they talking about? Another half-blood? It was too many for him to take in.

The black figure turned and faced the spot where Percy was standing. He gulped even though he knew she couldn't see him. Her face was hidden by the shadows but when the words slipped out her mouth, it told Percy everything he needs to know.

"I told you I won't make your love life easy, Percy Jackson."

Percy Jackson jolted up and took heavy breathes. He looked around the room, wanting to confirm that it was just a dream and nothing real. But his dreams always happen. He looked over his side, glancing at a sleeping Xandra. He knew he wasn't the father but after the dream he just had, he was starting to wonder, who was the real father?

The whole morning, Annabeth stood at the foot of her bed. Her feet frozen to the ground, her hands balled into fists. Her whole body stiffened as she glared daggers at the painting. She glared at it as if it will melt under her gaze, but it didn't. When she woke up, she didn't waste a second. She immediately took off the painting from her wall and threw it at her dumpster. But only to find it again hanging on her wall when she arrived at her room. She found out that the frame was made of magic like Riptide. It will always appear at her wall. And the water used for the painting was from the River Styx. So it was undestructable, which only made Annabeth angrier.

"How's your leg?" Thalia asked, leaning on the door frame.

"Better." Annabeth mumbled, not tearing her glare from the painting.

Thalia took a short glance at the painting before saying, "Glaring at it for the whole day won't do anything."

"I've tried everything!" she cried exasperated.

Thalia shook her head. "Just let go of it, Annabeth."

Annabeth clenched her jaw but didn't response.

"You said it yourself, Percy acted last night as if it wasn't his child."

Annabeth turned to glare at the huntress. "Keyword of that sentence: 'acted'. He can act as any actor can, Thalia! That's how he fooled me and made me think that I was his only. He's fooling me again!"

Thalia rolled her eyes at her best friend's pride. She actually knew the truth. That Xandra cheated on Percy and she would like to think that as karma for him. Annabeth would do anything for Percy-hence the time when she took the knife for him-and he just left her like that. She was mad at Percy alright, she just agreed on helping Nico to get them together for Annabeth's sake.

Now she saw a path on how to get them together again. If Annabeth only knew the truth and she does, but without her pride blocking her way, maybe they could start over again. If she knew how sorry Percy was and that he was fooled by himself, maybe Annabeth would think that they were even. Thalia knew that Annabeth wants to be with him as much as Percy wants to be with Annabeth. If she can only bring the words out of Percy...

She must have scrunched her eyebrows or something because Annabeth asked, "Hello? Thalia?"

Thalia stared at Annabeth then at the painting, as if she was looking for some inspiration. Her blue eyes wandered from the sky to the trident to the owl and finally to the rock. She studied the right-bottom corner that has the signature of Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She stared at the signature first before moving her eyes to Annabeth's confused face. She brought her eyes from Annabeth and back to the signature and back and forth.

She said her goodbye to Annabeth and told her she has to go somewhere quick. She left Annabeth's room, leaving her very confused. As she walked down the streets, she couldn't help but to smile at the thought of; maybe green-eyed monsters could help them after all.

Nico waited for his cousin in their usual spot in the coffee shop. As he crossed his arms over his chest, he thought how in the world will they fix everything? They were asking for the impossible. He shook his head, removing his Ray Bans from his face and tugging it at the collar of his shirt. He wore his usual jeans, a black shirt with a print in front of it saying: Go To Hell, and his favorite leather jacket. Thalia texted him that they will meet in their original meeting place, which is this coffee shop. He straightened his position on the chair when he saw a girl with a black shirt stepped in the shop.

Nico watched Thalia sat across him in the small table. "What's up, Death Boy?"

He opened his mouth to tell her that he was fine and still the same but decided to play with her. "Isn't that ironic, Thalia? You are asking me what is up when you should be asking me what is down. I mean it's my father's domain is what is down and your father's domain is what is up."

Thalia rolled her eyes. "Har har. Very funny. My ribs are cracking." she said sarcastically. "How's Mission Percabeth in your side?"

Nico let go of the grin and frowned. "Worse. The meeting affected Percy a lot."

"Have you checked his soul?" she whispered so low, like she was afraid of the answer.

Nico nodded. "Just last night. His soul is fading away, Thalia. Fast. I just don't feel it, I know it." He lowered his voice. "Annabeth's the one who anchors him in the world."

Thalia rubbed her temples. "Which makes this mission even harder. We need to get them back together."

"Soon." he agreed. "Any ideas, Pinecone Face?"

Thalia stared outside the window. "Well, I have this one..." she trailed off.

"Then say it!" Nico demanded. He got stares from other customers and lowered his voice. "It might be our only chance."

Thalia shook her head. "I'm not sure about this one, di Angelo."

Nico sighed. "Atleast we have to try. We're at the worst already. Nothing worse could happen, right?"

Thalia glared at him. "You don't know that."

Nico gave her the look.

"Fine! Just don't blame me if this is going to fail!" she exclaimed, making Nico grin.

"What do you have in mind?" he asked.

Thalia bit her lip. "We need a prop here."

Nico raised an eyebrow. "A prop?"

Thalia nodded. "We need to use somebody. You still have servants right? That are real people?"

Nico smiled his evil grin that would make his father proud. "Of course."

"We need one of them. A male. And make sure he's cute."

Nico just nodded. Thalia zapped his hand with a mini-lightning.

"Ow! What was that for?" he asked, glaring at Thalia and rubbing the back of his hand.

Thalia glared at him back. "Don't just stand there. Call him or something."

Nico narrowed his eyes. "If you haven't noticed, Pinecone Face, I am sitting here not standing. I already asked some skeletons to summon him."

Thalia quirked her eyebrows. "He's a half-blood?"

Nico rolled his eyes but nodded. "A son of Apollo."

Without five minutes passing by, a man entered the the coffee shop and headed for their table. He bowed his head before Nico and said the words that turned Thalia's world upside down, "What is thy bidding, my lord?"

Thalia couldn't help but to laugh. She had to clutch her stomach. Her laughter was the only sound in the coffee shop, And Darth Vader's breathing she thought in her own fantasy and it made her laugh more. People were staring at her as if she was crazy but she didn't mind because it was that hilarious. Her sides were killing her! She quieted down but still was giggling.

"Now that's what you call a rib-cracking joke." she said between her giggles. The man and Nico stared at each other before looking at Thalia, asking in their minds, what in the hell?

"What is so funny?" Nico growled.

Thalia raised her hand up, trying to calm herself. "Seriously Nico, when did you turn to the dark side?"

She bursted into laughter again at her own joke. Her face was so red but she didn't stop.

The man had enough, he took out his celestial bronze dagger and placed the tip just a millimeter from Thalia's throat. She frowned. "Hold on, Darth Vader. I was laughing at the whole 'What is thy bidding, my lord' thing. A second there I thought we turned Star Wars." she joked, but the man pushed the dagger more.

She glared at him before zapping him right in the ass. She laughed as the man jumped and rubbed the place where he was zapped.

Nico made the tsk tsk sound. "She may be annoying but you have to learn not to mess with her."

"Yes, my lord." he bowed his head again before taking a seat in between them, glaring at Thalia the whole time.

"Thalia meet one of my apprentices, Lucas Caige. Caige meet Thalia Grace, my cousin, daughter of Zeus and lieutenant of Artemis." he introduced.

They nodded at each other. "He works at Crooke Inc., too."

Thalia's eyes widened for a moment but returned to its original shape. "Is it okay if he will do a plan concerning his boss?" she asked Nico but it's Lucas who answered.

"I'll do whatever my lord asks me, Miss Grace." he assured her.

Thalia nodded. "Just one more thing, can you act?"

Lucas grinned. "It's one of my specialties, milady."

Nico narrowed his eyes. "What are you planning, Thalia?"

Thalia put both of her hands on the table and leaned in as if they were discussing a top secret information. "I call it Plan Jealousy and this is how it works..."

Don't you just hate cliffhangers? I do. But this is my story, I can do whatever I want. Yes, I love being evil. Hmm...any guess how the plan works? Please review!

~Tammy Boomerang