AN: This is my first Fanfic in a while. I decided to create it simply because I have felt an increasing urge to do something creative combined with a sense of wanting more of things out there. I could have done zelda, naruto, or cowboy Bebop the first and latter being the ones with the least material available and especially cowboy Bebop, a shame that it ended so soon... But enough of a nostalgic author's tirade, time to begin my first Bleach Fanfic ;)

Note:*SPOILERS* Manga 350/anime 271 This story takes place in the period of time that Ichigo is 'dead' because of Ulquiora's cero wound through his chest.

White Fury

In the depths of what some might call hell, two warriors clash under a moonlit sky. The barren desert stretching for untold miles is rudely broken by the huge dome that is Las Noches. Before the weeping crescent, a black power blots out the sky and silences the other...

Drifting clouds in a windless sky. The soft pang of emptiness fills the ocean of blue, as an invisible sun casts its light on the vast city of horizontal skyscrapers. And in the centre of it all, lies the broken body of a man. His name is Ichigo Kurosaki.

'Ichigo.... get up Ichigo...' as everything blurred into focus, Ichigo was aware of the somber figure in black standing over him.

'There isn't much time Ichigo,' Zangetsu continued,' Your life is in peril, and I cannot stave off your death for long...'

'Zangetsu-san, why am I here? We were fighting Ulquiora!' Ichigo exclaimed.

'He has killed you...I do not even know why we can still converse, not even I should be able to manage this...'

'Maybe I can explain...partner!'

'You! What's going on?'

'Wowowowow slow down there, first of all you should be saying thank you to the person who's just saved your life partner!'

Ichigo merely glared.

'Ok ok, well the reason you are still able to talk is because of me. When Ulquiora gave you that hole, it killed you instantly. But I'm not gonna take that from anyone so I saved us. Normally I would not have anywhere near the amount of power to prevent death, but that hole he created acts as a conduit for my power because of two fundamental things. That hole was created by a hollow and because I happen to be one. What most people don't know is that a hollow's hole is a major power provider, absorbing reishi and focusing their energies. Without it, a hollow's powers would be severely limited resulting in a reiatsu drop of at least 50%. So now with my power more than doubled I can essentially take over and leave you in this inner world, keeping us alive...'

'But I can't stay here! I need to protect my friends and-'

'And what? Die instantly from the gaping hole in your chest?'

'You can heal it! I know you can!'

'So you can die from a more permanent wound? One that even I can't fix?'

Ichigo was upon silent seeing his white double's logic.

'So what do you want?'

'What would I want from you, partner?'

'Don't pretend! I can see it all over your smug face!'

'I'll give it to you straight. The only person who would stand a chance against Ulquiora here is me. But even with my powers doubled...'

'What do you want already?'

'I need you to unlock my next mask. Unfortunately, my mask evolves when you get stronger. Because when you get stronger, so do I.'

Ichigo paused for a minute considering what he had just taken in. After a sigh he asked,

'What do I have to do?'

'Now that's more like it partner!'

Ichigo stood, newly healed, facing his white counterpart upon the gleaming surface of the tower. The impassive figure of Zangetsu surveyed the scene.

'What do you want now?' Ichigo asked.

'I want to pit myself against you...King. Remember I never agreed to save your friends once I was free, or even kill Ulquiora. If you can prove to me you are still worthy of being King, I'll beat that arrancar. Lets go partner! Show me what you've got!'

Letting out a war cry Ichigo, charged wielding his obsidian sword.

As he ran, he formed a claw shape with his hand above his face in a swift ripping motion, but was surprised when his mask did not materialize.

'You think I'd let you use my own powers against me?'

Ichigo swung his sword, but it was swiftly parried by it's white self. The Two Ichigos exchanged a dazzling display of swordsmanship before jumping apart.

'Looks like I drew first blood..' dark Ichigo murmured,

Ichigo's eyes widened as blood began to seep from a shallow cheek wound on his face. He narrowed his eyes before yelling

'Getsuga Tensho!'

Dark Ichigo struck it out of his way with a lazy parry,

'Let me return the favor'

Without saying anything he unleashed a Getsuga 3 times the size of Ichigo's. Ichigo used shunpo to get out of the way but gasped when the blast turned and followed him, tearing out huge chunks of the building as it followed. Ichigo tried to slow it with his own getsugas but to no avail. Dark Ichigo just laughed and rushed to meet him, slashing him along the side. Ichigo jumped back swung a Getsuga at the hollow, who raised his sword to block it, but as he did so Ichigo shunpoed behind him and swung his blade with a Getsuga bound to it. Grunting slightly with the effort Dark Ichigo complemented, 'Not bad, something original for once.' Locked together, the two strained, but as Dark Ichigo began to win, the first Getsuga he swung slammed into his exposed back, smashing him downwards, into the tower. Ichigo shunpoed behind Dark Ichigo with his sword against his throat.

'Give up'

Dark Ichigo replied by slamming his elbow into Ichigo sending him flying back and then followed it up by raising his sword and began to charge a cero, but before he could fire it, Zangetsu disarmed Dark Ichigo in an instant, catching his blade.

'Ichigo has proven himself to be worthy of retaining his title as King. You gain nothing carrying on.'

'Aw old man, did you have to ruin the fun?'

'Did I prove myself?' Ichigo panted limping up to the other two.

'You've done enough' Zangetsu replied.

'So can I go unlock this mask now?'

'No partner,' answered Dark Ichigo,' you aren't strong enough yet. First, you must train.'

'With who?'

'Who d'you think partner?'

AN: Well there you have it. By the way for those unsure, I made up stuff about Hollow's holes. Also the reason Zangetsu says I cannot stave off your death etc. even though Dark Ichigo says he is doing it is because they are one entity in a way but with two consciousnesses and… yeah its confusing. Any other questions just pm me. Remember More Reviews = faster updating :)