
"Thanks a lot for doing this, Rangiku," Ichigo said.

"No problem, it's just one date. Plus, I found out he's rich!"

"Uh, well, that's good I guess," Ichigo said awkwardly.

"Hey, don't look at me that way," Rangiku said. "He also wrote me some very flattering poetry."

The screen in front of them started to hum to life. "You're sure Toshiro won't come back?"

She nodded.

"Hi Akon," she smiled.

"Rangiku," he said with a smile.

"Kira," Shuuhei said, "I need you to follow my lead ok? Just go with it and I promise that in the end it will all work out."

"What…" a speech like that didn't inspire confidence in Kira. In fact it only inspired confusion and a little fear. "What are you up to?"

All parties were assembled, looking at each other through the large projected monitor.

"Shuuhei I…" Ichigo said.

"…I miss you" Shuuhei finished.

Renji was trying to not be noticed but it's kind of hard to hide when you're over 6 feet tall and have shockingly red hair.

"Well?" Ichigo said to Renji.

"I…Look, you know I'm sorry. I promise to stay out of your business and I really hope for the best for you two," Renji said to Shuuhei. He had been looking at the floor during his speech, at the end he finally looked up to meet Shuuhei's eyes. He jumped slightly. "Why are you…"

"Shuuhei?" Kira whispered.

Shuuhei just wrapped his arm around Kira's waist tighter.

Renji looked over to Ichigo. "Ichigo, doesn't this…?"

"What?" Ichigo said. "Oh, you're wondering why I'm not upset that Shuuhei is hanging all over Kira? Well we decided that the best way to keep our relationship going through this time we're going to be apart is to have an open relationship."

"Open relationship?" Renji said.

"Well yeah, we're still together but if he wants to sometimes see Kira he can as well," Ichigo said.

"That's…you don't mean that…" Renji said, his eyes widening.

Ichigo put his hands on Renji's shoulders speaking low only to Renji. "You told me that you had a bad habit once. You should probably nip this in the bud before it gets the better of you," he said.

Renji remembered well because it was just a couple of days ago when he had said, "I'm sorry Ichigo, it's just that I have a bad habit of letting people that are important to me slip through my fingers."

He looked up at the image of Shuuhei and Kira up on the wall.

"When I went to the academy, even before Rukia left, I was put by myself in the advanced class. I didn't know anyone and I stuck out like a sore thumb. All of my trying got me even more noticed. One person who was always there for me was my roommate," Renji said. Kira was watching him intently.

"In fact, Kira," Renji continued. "You and I got a little too close."

"What…but why?" Kira said as Renji pushed him away in the academy hall. "I…I'm sorry, I thought that you liked me…"

"I do, Kira. You're like my best friend; but I love Rukia," Renji said. "I'm sorry," he could tell his friend was hurt. "I hope you're still going to be my friend."

"Of course, Renji," Kira said.

"Um, we should get to class, right?"

"But it seems like you read the situation better than I did," Renji said. "I was wrong. Coming here and spending time with Rukia made me realize that I had gotten things a little mixed up. You're one of my oldest friends and I've always..." he trailed off.

Shuuhei had backed off of Kira now to allow him to take it all in. He smiled to himself at how his friend looked. I haven't seen Kira look that happy in…well, I can't remember how long it's been, he thought to himself.

"Kira," Renji started again, "Please don't be with Shuuhei, or anyone. It's probably stupid of me to think you still love me after all of these years but even if you hold out some feeling for me still, I love you."

"Renji, I…Shuuhei and I, we were never…," Kira sputtered. "Yes, Renji," he finally got out.

Renji realized then that Ichigo and Shuuhei were grinning like the cat that got the cream. "You mean that you guys planned that!" he said.

Ichigo just laughed.

"Rukia told us that you confessed to her about liking Kira so we thought we'd help you out a little," Shuuhei said.

"Plus, I also get to have revenge on you while also doing something nice for you," Ichigo pointed out.

"Why is that?"

"Well, don't you want to give your new boyfriend a kiss?" Ichigo said innocently.

Renji looked stricken, looking at the image of Kira that seemed so much further away than it had a couple of minutes ago.

"I hate to bust in," Akon said from the control room.

There was a quick chorus of good-byes as the transmission ended.

"See, I told you it would be worth it," Shuuhei said, giving his now glowing friend a quick hug.

"Don't worry Renji. Aren't you supposed to go back next week for a day or two anyways?" Ichigo said.

"No, it got changed out. I'm not going back for a month," Renji lamented.

"Oh," Ichigo actually felt bad now.

"Hey, you figured out how to fix something I've had messed up for 50 years, don't feel too bad kid," Renji said with a grin.

"Hey Ichigo," Yoruichi called out to him at the training ground underneath Kisuke's shop. "I have a favor to ask, and I'm willing to exchange something very precious for it."

She explained her plan.

"I'm still not sure that Shuuhei would be ok…" Ichigo hesitated.

"Believe me; I'm sure that he'd agree if you asked him."

"Good evening, Ichigo," Kisuke said. "How are you tonight?"

"Good, very good," Ichigo said, walking closer to Kisuke. Kisuke eyed him curiously.

"Why are you looking at me that way?"

"Shuuhei and I have decided to have an open relationship," Ichigo said.

"How does that concern me?" Kisuke asked.

"You know how it does," Ichigo said, walking closer to Kisuke, this time pressing him into the wall slightly with his body.

"Look, I know you've had a little fun today with Renji and maybe you're feeling like you have some scores to settle with me but I'm not going to fall for…"

Ichigo cut him off with an intense kiss and then began to propel Kisuke backward down the hall. "What are you doing?" Kisuke asked breathlessly.

Ichigo had found Kisuke's bedroom and pushed him in, closing the door behind them. He took off Kisuke's hat before kissing him again.

"How far do you think I would go if I were joking?" Ichigo asked, removing the top part of Kisuke's clothes and pinning him to the bed before he could answer, kissing him passionately on the neck. He caressed Kisuke's chest as he moved his hand downward.

"Uhhh…" Kisuke moaned as he felt Ichigo's hands at the tie on his pants. "Ichigo…" he whispered, reaching out…but of course he could no longer reach out having been cuffed to the bed with spiritual pressure regulators. He sighed.

"So tell me," Ichigo grinned at him, still near his face. "Does it make it better or worse if you see the trap and still fall for it?"

"I'm not complaining," Kisuke said smiling. "You can be as sexy as hell when you want to be. I got some good kisses in and I…" his focus suddenly went to the end of the room. "Ichigo!" he yelled.

"Humpf," Yoruichi said, walking into the light.

"Ichigo, please, I can make a better deal with you," Kisuke said.

Ichigo was getting a little worried. Why the hell was Kisuke so upset? Weren't he and Yoruichi good friends?

"Oh, I'm offering something you can't," Yoruichi said knowingly. "A one day trip to the soul society."

Kisuke looked helplessly at Ichigo. "Ichigo, please don't leave me."

"Uh…" Ichigo hesitated.

"You can leave first thing in the morning but you'll have to be in by night fall. Remember to take the pass I gave you in case anyone gets pissy," Yoruichi said, pushing him out. "Have fun!" she called after him.

I must be getting pretty lonely if I'm even day dreaming about his spiritual pressure, Shuuhei thought to himself. He smiled almost sleepily at the door before sitting up straight. He bolted outside, looking along the main courtyard of Squad 9.

"Hey," Ichigo said with a smile.

Shuuhei took a step forward but was stopped by the look in Ichigo eyes. He looked around him and noticed that everyone was watching. Thanks, Ichigo, he thought to himself. He knew Ichigo couldn't care less about decorum, but Ichigo knew that Shuuhei did care and hadn't wanted him to act out in front of his men.

"I didn't know you were going to be here," Shuuhei said.

"I didn't know either or else I would have let you known," Ichigo said.

They both looked startled as they felt something hurtling towards them.

"Great," Ichigo said. Kenpachi, you bastard, he thought to himself. "Shuuhei, I'll ditch Kenpachi and be at your quarters," he said in a quiet voice.

"Ok," Shuuhei agreed, trying to still the slight quiver he felt in his chest when thinking about Ichigo waiting for him in his home.

"Kenpachi," Ichigo said, walking towards him.

"Haha!" Captain Zaraki laughed, or roared, depending on how adjusted you were to his booming voice. "Not running anymore, huh? Time for some fun!"

"No," Ichigo said firmly.

"What?" Kenpachi asked.

"I am here to visit my boyfriend. I haven't seen him for a long time and I'm going to be very busy. You are not going to bother me," Ichigo replied.

"Oh," Kenpachi said. "Well, if you get some free time later," he walked off.

"Kenny?" Yachiru said, shocked. "I thought you really wanted to play with Ichigo."

"Well yeah, but there's nothing that messes up a man's fight more than being horny," Kenpachi said.

Yachiru looked at him blankly.

"Er, he misses his friend and wants to visit him first. If he has time we'll fight afterward," Kenpachi explained.

Ichigo was directed to Shuuhei's place fairly easily. He briefly wondered if he should wait outside but then decided to jimmy the door and go in.

Shuuhei had found that he really didn't need to get all of this stuff done today after all. In a quick flurry he got the few most pressing things done and let his 3rd seat know he was going to be gone for the rest of the day. When he got to his door his found it was already unlocked. His breath caught in his throat as he saw Ichigo's clothes piled on the ground. He walked very slowly down his hall and peered into his room, where Ichigo was sprawled naked on the bed with a copy of the Seireitei Communication.

"You know, I haven't really had a chance to read one of these before," Ichigo said, looking up.

Shuuhei wanted nothing more than to leap on him but seeing at how Ichigo had just headed off Kenpachi he wanted to make sure he was ok first.

"Checking me out?" Ichigo said with a smile, turning to give Shuuhei a more full view.

"Mmmm, well I am enjoying it," Shuuhei said with feeling. "However, I was checking to see if there was anything broken I should avoid."

"Naw, he gave me a pass," Ichigo said.

"Wouldn't have seen that coming," Shuuhei said. He still didn't make a move on Ichigo. "How long?"

"Just until tonight," Ichigo said. "I had to kiss Kisuke to get here by the way, I hope you don't mind."

"Well, you probably shouldn't make a thing of it, but I'm very glad to see you," Shuuhei said. In fact…Shuuhei took Ichigo into his arms. "In fact, I'm going to make sure you forgot that you ever kissed anyone but me," he said, pressing his lips to Ichigo's. There was so much that he missed about his lover, how his lips were always chapped but his cheeks always baby soft, how his eye lashes were so long that they tickled at Shuuhei's face when he held Ichigo to him tightly. He missed putting his nose under the hollow spot below Ichigo's ear that always made him giggle and shy away, and then blush for sounding girlish. Shuuhei took as much time as possible over Ichigo's body, recasting any memory that might have gotten rusty in their time apart, tracing the curves and planes of his body lightly with his hands, and then digging into them with the tips of his fingers as his need started to increase. For awhile, Ichigo was willing just to be caressed, reacting to Shuuhei's touches with moans and whimpers, calling out his name. He didn't have the experience or patience that Shuuhei did though and it wasn't long before he curled his hands into Shuuhei's hair and tugged him into a fierce kiss, his tongue probing and almost desperate. Shuuhei would like to think that he was just giving Ichigo what he wanted but in truth that was just the last straw to put him over the edge and his slow romantic gestures died very quickly into animalist lust as he buried himself into Ichigo after only minimal preparation.

"Shuuhei! Shuuhei what are you waiting for," Ichigo cried out.

"Damn it Ichigo, I don't want to hurt…Ichigo…god…" Shuuhei called out and Ichigo became to move rhythmically, forcing Shuuhei deeper into him.

When it was over and they lay collapsed and sweaty on Shuuhei's mattress, Shuuhei looked over at Ichigo's glowing face and thought to himself; "I should tell him now." He waited though. He wanted Ichigo to think he was serious, not just high on a fantastic sex session. Ichigo put his hand out to Shuuhei's face gently tracing the tattoo across his nose and his cheek. It was a favorite gesture of his, something very simple but something that always made Shuuhei feel a little warmer.

That evening as Shuuhei opened the senkaimon for Ichigo and watched it begin to close he called out, "Ichigo, I love you!" Ichigo didn't have time for a response before the gates shut completely, but Shuuhei did get a look at his face; one of those precious and rare smiles.

"Hm," Captain Kyoraku said from the shadows. "Seems like you should have said that while he was still here."

"Seems like you shouldn't be hiding and watching other peoples' private lives," Shuuhei responded.

"I heard the kid was here and wanted to say hi," Shunsui said.

"Uh huh," Shuuhei said doubtingly. He paused. "I wanted to give him time to think about it. I don't want him to just say it back. If he feels it I want him to say it but I want it to be the real thing."

Some time later - A Glimpse into the Future


"Yes, Ichigo?" Shuuhei said looking up from his desk.

"Mr. Bigshot Captain forgot to leave for lunch again," Ichigo pointed out.

Shuuhei cursed and looked at the clock. "Uh, sorry about that babe," he said, rubbing at his strained eyes.

"Number one, delegate! Number two, I'm leaving in two days," Ichigo pointed out. He accentuated this point by sitting on Shuuhei's lap as he talked to him.

"I'm sorry Ichigo, I have to get this done," Shuuhei sighed.

"Alright, let's see if there's anything I can help with," Ichigo said, getting up and leaning over the desk, bending far more than necessary.

"Mmm," Shuuhei said as his mind flooded with very vivid images of things he could do to Ichigo on that desk.

"So what can I do?" Ichigo asked, arranging the paperwork and ensuring that his ass remained very much in Shuuhei's face.

"Actually, I just got this really tough assignment," Shuuhei said seriously.

"Oh?" Ichigo turned around. "How long is that going to take?" he asked slightly worried.

"That depends on how stubborn the person I have to deal with is. I happen to know he can be an idiot if he wants to be."

"So what's the deal?" Ichigo asked.

"It turns out that there's a young hothead that they want to be in a leadership position but they don't know how it'll play out. They're figuring that if they stick him under say, a strong captain as a lieutenant and give him a couple of years, that he'll…"

"Shuuhei…" Ichigo said. "Shuuhei are you talking about me?"


"Please don't tell me that's why you've waited to pick a lieutenant. I don't want to…"

"Are you kidding? You think I'd want to work with you?" Shuuhei laughed. "Assuming that I didn't kick your ass for slacking, I'd have to kick my own for making out with you in the supply closet."

"What? Then who?"

"Captain Ukitake," Shuuhei said. "We decided, not that he knows, to talk to you about it first, because if he asks and you turn him down I'm pretty sure you're going to have about a dozen people dedicate their life to kicking your ass."

"But…Rukia..." Ichigo stumbled. He had always assumed for some reason that eventually Rukia would be Captain Ukitake's lieutenant.

"First of all, this is a training position. This will hopefully be a good step for both of you. It's not "replacing" Kaien Shiba in Captain Ukitake's eyes because it's temporary. We're hoping that having a lieutenant will help him deal with the loss and be open to picking a more permanent lieutenant after you leave."

Ichigo was silent. "My family though."

"Yeah," Shuuhei said. "I've found a precedent for that."


Shuuhei opened a drawer and pulled out a packet of official looking papers and handed them to Ichigo. "Negotiate to allow them a certain amount of days every year to visit the world of the living. We're kind of out of sorts right now, obviously. We need high powered people to take all these empty command roles to stay strong. Besides, your situation is special, your family is special, and the town you'll be visiting is special. Usually the idea is that visiting the world of the living will cause disturbances, but I doubt Karakura can be disturbed anymore than it already has been. I'm sure that if you and Captain Ukitake force the issue it will go through, especially with all of the support you have from the other captains."

"Also," Shuuhei said, "I don't want you to think that I'll take your answer to mean anything about us. If you want to stay with your family, I understand. I can wait."

"So is this really what you've been staying here working on?" Ichigo said, smiling.

"Yeah," Shuuhei said.

"I really do love you," Ichigo said, kissing him.

"I never get tired of hearing that," Shuuhei said, kissing him back.

"What was this about making out in a supply closet?"

"It's a perfect day," Kira commented.

"I don't know, it looks like it could rain," Renji said.

"Oh shut up, Renji," Ichigo replied, leaning against Shuuhei.

"He's probably just hungry," Shuuhei pointed out. Renji's stomach growled in answer.

"Finally," Renji said with a sigh, seeing Rukia come over the hill.

"Sorry I'm late," she said.

"Aren't you forgetting something?" Renji asked.

"Oh no!" she looked down at her empty hands. "I made a huge basket too! I had the kitchen staff help me make pastries and fresh…"

"…stop….talking…," Renji said, bowed over, holding his empty stomach.

The small group all got quiet as they saw another figure approach their little knoll.

"Brother," Rukia said, bowing slightly. She saw that he was carrying, the basket with the food for their picnic. "Thank you!" she exclaimed.

"Yeah seriously, you're my hero Byakuya," Ichigo chimed in.

Byakuya Kuchiki simply offered the basket to his sister and turned to walk away.

"Wait," Ichigo called out. "Did you want to join us?"

The noble stood there for a moment with the wind slightly moving through his hair. If he had been asked that question a couple of years ago he wouldn't have paused for even a moment before offering his scornful refusal. Although time usually moved slowly in the soul society, the war had aged them all. It had made some more mild, some wilder, and had taken some of them away.

"Yes, I think I am hungry," Byakuya replied, setting himself on the large blanket that Kira had helpfully laid out for them.