Thanks so much for the reviews! They made me so happy!

"What? He can't be! Last time he lived in South Park he tried to steal Tweek off of me. This can't be happening," Craig exclaimed.

Clyde patted Craig on the back, "Well it is. And to help you out, he kept talking about he wanted to try to get back with Tweek."

Craig hid his face in his hand, "Just shut up already, please."

"Shut up? Am I bothering you? I never meant to bother you! Am I annoying you! I don't want to annoy you! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! I really don't! I'm sorry if I ever bothered you! I just love tacos so much! I can't help it! I'm really sorry!"

"Clyde, shut up!"

Thomas started walked down to the back of the bus and sat down on the seat in front of Craig and Clyde. He turned around to face the two brunettes.

"So Craig-Shit!-are you and Tweek still together?" Thomas asked.

"Yes, yes we are. We're so happy together," Craig replied.

"Is that so?"

"Yeah," Clyde answered for Craig.

Craig's eyes widened when Clyde continued going on. He knew that this couldn't be good.

"They're so happy together that they're having twins! Yeah, they're having kids, in like six months."

Thomas eyed Clyde strangely. Craig could tell that the blond thought that Clyde was a nut.

"Cock! Shit! Really? Is that so? How are you two having these twins?" Thomas asked.

"Pregnancy. How else would two teenagers have children?"

Thomas's eyes went down to Craig's stomach to see if he was pregnant, "Who is carrying these children?"


"Fuck," This time, it wasn't Thomas's tourettes that made him say that, "Where is he anyway?"

"He couldn't come. The doctor told him that he couldn't come to school. He's at my house," Craig wore a victorious smirk, knowing that Thomas should be angry, very angry, or at least jealous.

"Is he? I heard that you-Bastard!-were in a car accident with him as a passenger. Did you hurt him?"

"Yes, I was. I didn't hurt him."

"Whatever you say. Is he hurt?"

"Yes, he has a broken arm and leg, not that it's any of your concern."

The bus suddenly stopped at the school. The children filed out. Craig knew that this would be a long day.

Thanks for reading! I hope you like it! Please please please review!