There was no tomorrow. There was no light. Wasn't this the end that the Mayans had predicted? But yet, why did I feel so warm? No, my hand, my arm was warm. I was frozen, cold. I didn't realize the own truth of my words.

There was no air, no matter how hard I tried to breath. I was alive for the moment, but slowly slipping away. I would've been crying, but I couldn't move, there was too much pressure around me. I slowly slipped into a state of unconcioussness, sure I was going to die.

This is the end... I thought to myself.

No, A voice in my head said, This is only the begining.

Great, I thought to myself, I get to die as a last minute skitzofrenic...

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time skip of 1,906 years~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I was somewhere. Where, I wasn't sure. The last thing I could remember was being cold, painfully cold. But now... Now I felt warm. I could hear the crackle of a fire burning in a fire place and there were a pair of faint voices, probably in another room. I then realized I was breathing, and that it felt so sweet at that moment. I greedily took in a deep breath of air and held it for a moment to savor the delightful feeling. I slowly let out the breath and couldn't help but feel so good to be alive at that moment. Why, I wasn't sure.

Being bored with just lying there, I tried to get up, but realized I couldn't move. Everytime I tried, a shocking amount of pain jolted through my body. My left arm was the only exception, but then again, I couldn't feel it. It was numb, and I wasn't even sure if I still had it. I tried opening my eyes, but found it to be an impossible task.

I felt something warm and wet sliding down my cheeks from my eyes and realized I was crying. A small sob escaped my throat. Why I was crying was a mystery to me. I felt like I was missing something... Like I had lost something, no, someone, lots of someones important to me. I tried remembering who, but then realized I couldn't remember anything. I couldn't even remember my name.

"Ah! Dad, she's crying!" A feminine voice exclaimed, although it was not loud. I heard someone walk over to beside me and felt them grab my right wrist and check my pulse. I was then crying out of pain since their hands felt burning hot.

"Elda, careful. She's still recovering from frostbite." A gruff man's voice said.

"Oh, Gomenesai stranger." The girl whom I now knew was Elda, said to me. "Nei nei stranger, can you hear me?"

I tried nodding my head, but it was to painful, so I tried to talk. To my amazement, I could.

"Yes." My voice was raspy and sounded like it hadn't been used in years.

"Dad! Did you hear that? She's awake!" Elda exclaimed. "My name's Elda, what's yours?" Elda asked me.

"I..." I croaked out, "I can't remember..."

This was rewarded with silence, then Elda's father spoke up and asked, "What were you doing that made you have to be that far up Mount Everest? If you were climbing it, you weren't properly prepared."

"I don't remember anything, and it's painful to talk... I'm just really tired right now..." I said before slipping back into unconcioussness.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I woke up agan and heard the fire still crackling. I opened my eyes and was glad I was actually able to. I scanned the room and saw there were three other bed besides the one I was on. I sat up to get a better view of the room and felt stiff and sore.

It's like I haven't moved in years... I thought to myself.

It's because you haven't. A voice in my head said to me. I let out a yelp of surprise and one of the other occupants of one of the beds stirred.

The voice's laugh echoed through my head and I whispered to it, "Who are you?"

My my, I haven't introduced myself yet, but like you, I don't have a name. At least, not for now. It replied.

"What do you mean, 'not for now.'?" I asked it.

It laughed again and said, Patience is a virtue...

"And I've got none." I said, but the voice didn't reply.

Great, I got ditched by a , that's pretty... weak. I thought to myself. I then put my right hand over my face, then remembered how my left arm had been numb, or missing... I quickly looked at where it was supposed to be and was relieved to see I still had it. I was curious though, as to why it was wrapped in bandages. I tried moving it, but all that happened was a small twitch from my pinky finger.

My eye twitched in frustration and I thought to myself that the bandages might be constricting movement, so I slowly started unwrapping it. My eyes widened in horror as I saw the rough, scaly, almost blood red object that was my left arm. I had unwrapped the bandages down to my wrist and I was almost too shocked to continue any farther. But, I swallowed the building fear I had and closed my eyes and pulled the last of the bandages off my hand. When I opened my eyes, I was shocked to see my hand was the same as my arm, the only difference being that it had a green glowing cross on it. I gaped at it a while, then came back to my senses and thought, This is my arm? What the hell happened to it?

I tried moving it again, and it seemed to actually do what I told it, although, not without a short delay. If I told it to clench into a fist, it took five seconds to clench into a fist. I then tried lifting the covers with it, but realized it had no strength what-so-ever. I sighed, then stood up and felt my legs tingle some. I noticed some clothes beside my bed and briefly thought I was naked, but upon looking down, I saw that someone had changed me into warmer clothes for winter weather. I slowly trudged along to the pile of clothes that were beside my bed and I picked them up, but when I did, a button fell off the cloak thing. I lifted it up, but got a glance at the back of it. Inscribed on the back was, 'Allen Walker'.

"Is that my name?" I asked myself aloud. Allen Walker... Sounds familiar enough... I thought to myself.

"I guess that's my name." I stated to myself. I then looked at the person that had been on the bed beside me. It was a girl and she had long green hair that pooled out around her. I walked over to the pile of clothes beside her bed and checked one of the buttons. Inscribed on the back was, 'Lenalee Lee'. I looked at the girl that was Lenalee, then glanced at the other two beds. There were two boys in the beds. One had fiery red hair the was short and naturally spiked out and was wearing a dark green bandana that covered his right eye, and the other had long dark blue, almost black, hair. I checked the buttons on the clothes beside their beds and found out the long haired boy was named 'Yu Kanda' and the red headed boy was called, 'Lavi'. I was surprised he didn't have a last name.

My stomache growled loudly, letting me know it wanted food. It was then that I realized how hungry I was.

I stumbled over to the door and was aboout to turn the handle, but then I realized I should start practicing using my left hand. So, I reached out with my left hand and turned the handle slightly, and realized my hand couldn't turn it anymore. I stood there for about five minutes, trying to get my hand to open the door. I needed to build up strength in it and this was becoming painfully obvious to me with each passing second. I was about to give up, but then my hand suddenly twisted quickly to the left and snapped the doorknob. I stared with wide eyes at the doorknob. I let go of it, hoping it'd stay attached, but instead, it clattered to the floor.

"Oops..." I said aloud. I pushed on the door, hoping it's open, and it did, as if it didn't want what happened to the doorknob to happen to it. I stepped out into the hall and heard some voices a little while away. I also heard... was that music?... But, it was coming from the opposite direction of the voices. I looked to the left where the music was coming from and silently wondered who was playing it. I debated with myself whether to go to the music, or the people. Before I could decide, the music stopped. I stood there a moment, waiting to see if the person who made the music would come by, but no more sounds were heard and no one was seen.

I sighed, then walked towards the voices and found Elda and her father in the living room.

"Ah! You're up!" Elda said as she immediatly spotted me. Her father turned to look at me as she got up and ran over to me. She grabbed my hands, completely ignoring my deformed left arm, and held them up and said, "I'm so glad you're alright!"

"Uhh, thanks." I said.

"Here, sit down." She said as she pulled me towards the couch and pushed me down onto it. Her father was sitting beside me and I nervously chuckled. "You're probably starving, I'll get you something to eat." Elda said as she ran off, to where I could presume was, the kitchen.

When she left, her father asked me, "What exactly were you doing up in the mountains?"

Surprised by him suddenly speaking, I jumped, then turned towards him nervously. "Umm, I'm not sure why I was even up there. As a matter of fact, I can't remember anything." I answered, then asked, "Who were the other three people that were in that room?"

He looked at me mildly surprised, then said, "I don't know, I found them with you."

I sighed, then folded my hands together on my legs, but felt a strange bump in my pocket. I reached in it and pulled out the button that had, what I could guess was, my name on it. The elder man noticed this and asked, "What's that?"

I looked at him, then said, "Oh, It's a button from the pile of clothes that were beside my bed. It fell off." He just nodded his head and was about to look away when I said, "It has a name on the back of it."

At this, he looked at me, intrigued. "And that name is?..."

"It says Allen Walker. I don't know if that's my name or not, but it sounds familiar enough..." I trailed off.

"I doubt it's your name seeing as how you're a girl and it's a guys name." He answered.

"Oh, come on dad. You know grand-ma's name was Albert. Her name could very well be Allen." Elda said as she came back into the room with a hot bowl of stew. She handed me it and I thanked her.

"So who were the people with you?" Elda asked as she sat down beside me on the couch.

"Umm, I think their names are Yu Kanda, Lavi, and Lenalee Lee. I checked the buttons on their clothes, but I have no idea who they are..." I stated. I felt a small pain in the back of my head, like something was telling me I DID know them.

"This is so frustrating!" I exclaimed. Elda and her father looked at me surprised by my sudden outburst. I felt tears start to run down my cheeks and whispered, "Why can't I remember anything?..."

"Well," Elda's father said, "It's about time I say what I think happened. I say you were probably robbed, then taken up the mountain to die, but you had a brawl with you're attackers and they gave you a blow to the head that caused amnesia."

I bit the inside of my cheek and started thinking. I tried remembering my past, but it seemed like there was hardly anything there, and the bits and pieces that did seem to be there just slipped from my grasp.

"Are you alright?" Elda asked as she noticed I wasn't doing anything.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. I'm just trying to remember..." I said. Elda nodded and let me be. Then footsteps were heard and someone walked into the living room. All of us turned our heads to see who it was. The boy who I think was called Lavi was standing there with the doorknob in his hand and he was staring at it dumbly.

Wait, doorknob?

"Can someone tell me why the door was broke? Then can someone tell me who I am?" The red-headed boy asked.

Elda's father glared at me and asked, "Why WAS the door broke Allen?"

"I'm sorry! It was an accident!" I exclaimed. I then crossed my arms in front of me and exclaimed, "Don't hurt me!"

"I won't hurt you! I just wanna know why the god damn door's broke!" He yelled.

"It was an accident, I swear!" I yelled, still hiding behind my crossed arms.

"Umm, what's going on?" Lavi asked, completely clueless.

"Dad's yelling at Allen." Elda answered. She then turned towards me and her father and yelled, "Father stop it! Can't you see she's sorry?"

He turned to look at her, then looked at me. "I'm sorry for yelling at you, but you're gonna have to fix that door." He said to me sternly.

"A-Alright, and I'm truly very sorry." I said.

"Umm, what just happened?" Lavi asked.

"Oh! Umm, do you remember anything?" Elda asked him.

"Uhh..." He got a blank look on his face as he zoned out. He 'returned' moments later and said, "Nope."

I sighed and said, "I think your name is Lavi, but I'm not sure."

"Lavi..." Lavi said, looking like he was trying to remember something. "Rings a bell, but I can't quite find that bell."

I sighed, then said, "Let's hope Yu and Lenalee remember something..."

"Yu? Lenalee?" Lavi asked, confused.

"Oh, uhh, the other two people that were in the room." I explained.

"Ah, that explains that. Now, can someone tell me what happened?" Lavi asked. I told him what Elda's father had told me and he silently absorbed all the infromation.

When I was finished, he spoke up and said, "Well, even though we were found together, doesn't nessecarily mean we knew each other."

I was slightly shocked, but when I thought about it, it made sense. Then the similar cloaks popped into my mind and I blurted out, "But what about the similar cloaks and stuff?"

Lavi considered this a moment, then said, "Similar stores maybe?"

I nodded my head in agreement. "Well, even though I'm pretty much clueless as to what to do, I'm gonna go out and explore the world." Lavi said as he walked towards the door.

"Wait, you're just gonna leave just like that?" I asked. "You're not even gonna wait to see what the other two know?"

"Yep, I don't know why, I just wanna go out and explore instead of being cooped up somewhere." Lavi replied.

"That's fine with us." Elda said with a smile. "And right now seems to be the best time since the weather outside has cleared up and it's only a little while away to the train station."

"You're just gonna let him leave?" I asked her, shocked.

She shrugged and said, "I have no say on what he wants to do."

"See, umm, Allen was it? I'll be fine." Lavi said as he searched through the shoes by the door.

"The ones that are size nine are yours." Elda said to Lavi, noticing he was having trouble figuring out which shoes were his.

"Won't you at least stick around to see if the other two remember anything?" I asked him. I didn't know why, but there was a strange nagging feeling in my head that was telling me to not get too far away from him.

"Allen's right Lavi, you should at least see if the other two remember anything." Elda's father spoke up, which startled me.

"Sorry, but I doubt they'll remember anything either. I mean, if Allen and I didn't remember anything, what makes you think they'll remember something?" Lavi said as he found the correct pair of boots and slipped them on.

He stood up and Elda walked over to him and asked, "Would you like a coat?"

"Ah, no, you've done enough already. You can keep those other clothes I had with me as a gift for letting me have these." Lavi said as he pointed to the thick red sweater and thick tan pants he was wearing.

And with that, he swiftly left. Tsk, tsk, he's an idiot. The voice from earlier rang through my mind. I left out a small "Eep!" and Elda and heer father looked at me like I was crazy.

"Are you alright?" Elda asked me.

"Uhh, yeah! I-I'll just go fix the doorknob now! Umm, do you have any tools?" I stuttered.

"Oh, umm..." Elda rummaged through a cabinet and pulled out a toolbox and handed it to me. I quickly took it and thanked her, then rushed back to the door.

That was a bit of an overreaction, wasn't it? The voice mocked me.

"Shut up, I'm starting to become annoyed with you." I whispered to myself, er, it.

Tis a shame that you're becoming annoyed with yourself, I could practicly feel the voice smile, Allen Walker. The voice laughed and a bead of sweat ran down my forehead as I knelt in front of the door where I had broke it. I looked around, realizing I was forgetting something. The doorknob perhaps? The voice mocked me. I slammed my head against the wall, hard.

"Just. Shut. Up." I whispered to it. I quickly got up and left the room and went back into the living room. Elda and her father looked at me. I sweat dropped and picked up the door knob and said, "I just forgot this..."

"What was that loud thump just now?" Elda's father asked.

"Oh, uhh, I tripped." I lied. Yes, because willingly slamming your head against a wall hard enouh to cause a concussion most certainly falls under the category of, a 'trip'. The voice, again, mocked me.

My left eye twitched and I quickly ran down the hall again to the room I had woken up in and again entered it.

"Why can't you just disappear again like you did before?" I asked the voice as I knelt down on the floor to repair the doorknob.

Aww, you already hate me... then again, that just means you hate yourself.

I slammed my head against the thin edge of the door and the voice said, At this rate, you really are going to get a concussion.

"It's better than being a skitzofrenic." I hissed at it.

The voice sighed, then said, You're not skiitzofrenic, so stop treating me like... one of those lower voices.

"What? So now skitzofrenic voices mark their own classes. I'm sorry, I don't know if you're a duke or a king. But either way, you're still an ass." I hissed as my eye twitched in annoyance and I continued working on the door knob.

"If you keep talking to yourself like that, people are gonna think you're weird." An unknown voice suddenly said, making me 'Eep!' The voice's laughter once again echoed through my mind and I felt an intense urge to slam my head off the wall. I peeked around the room and saw the Yu Kanda guy looking at me.

"Ah! Yu you're awake!" I exclaimed.

"Yu?" he repeated.

"Oh, umm, I can't really remember anything and as far as I can tell, that's your name." I explained to him. "Well, your first name. Your last name is Kanda."

"Then just call me Kanda." Kanda said.

"Eh?" I 'eh'-ed.

" 'Yu' is too girlish, so just call me Kanda." Kanda repeated.

"Well I have a guy-ish name and I'm not ashamed of it." I said proudly.

"And I should care why?" He asked me coldly.

"You're mean." I stated.

"And you're just figuring this out?" He retorted.

I glared at him, and he in turn, glared at me. This continued for an unknown amount of time before we were interrupted by a new voice.

"What are you two doing?" Someone asked. I looked around and saw Lenalee had awoke.

"Lenalee!" I exclaimed, oddly happy.

"Huh? Is that me?" Lenalee asked.

"Okay, before I continue, do either of you remember anything?" I asked.

Both of them looked thoughtful for a moment, then they simultaneously said, "Nope."

My shoulders slumped and I said, "Great, I should've just left with Lavi."

"Lavi?" Lenalee asked as she sat up, Kanda doing the same.

"He was another one of us I guess... We were found up high on the mountain and were rescued by some nice strangers. But, Lavi left a while ago." I explained.

"Well we should leave too. We're just a nuisance to these 'nice strangers'." Kanda said.

Lenalee nodded her head and I gaped at them.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"What do you think?" Kanda asked sourly as he got up and left the room. I glared at him since he was the first one to use the doorknob that I had worked on so hard to fix.

"I hate him." I stated.

"I love him." Lenalee said. I stared at her in shock and she blushed and covered her mouth with her hands. "I have NO idea where that came from!" she squeaked.

I put my hand up and said, "I'm not gonna ask."


All in all, Lenalee and Kanda left together, with their uniforms, after eating some soup. I stayed behind and ate more than my fair share of soup, apologized to the strangers, then left. I walked towards the train station, unsure of where to go.

Elda had given me a train ticket and said it was good for any train. I arrived at the train staion and borded a train that was on a four week journey to London. I sweat dropped at the annoying amount of time it would take to get there. I sighed, then borded the train knowing it was better than walking. Yet, why I wanted to go to London was a mystery to me.

I sat in a seat close to the window and the one beside me was empty. I looked out the window and liistened to people board the train and knew it was becoming more and more crowded. I then felt someone sit beside me and I glanced at them. It was a guy and he had long red hair that flayed out some, and atop his head was a strange gold orb.

I blinked a few times, then turned my head away quickly when he glanced at me.

"What do you want old lady?" He asked in a, not completely annoyed, but not not annoyed, voice.

My eye twitched and I glared at nothing. The voice in my head returned and cracked up yelling, He really called you an old lady! AN OLD LADY! BWA-HA-HA-HA!

I took in a deep breath, then turned to him and said, "I'm only sixteen. If anyone here is old, it's you." I then turned my head away and continued looking out the window, but felt a dark aura surround me.

"Well with that white hair, anyone would've easily mistaken you for an old lady. I, on the other hand, am not THAT old." The man said in dangerously low voice.

"If you're older than me, that's old enough for me to call you an old geezer." I said, still looking out the window.

"Do you KNOW who you're talking too?" He asked me.

"I don't know and I don't care. I wouldn't even care if you were the king of England." I retorted.

The next thing I knew, everything went black.