Love Between Sand & Nature

Chapter 15

According to Plan

The walk home from the hospital the next day was relatively quiet, only a few people stopped to see the baby, who slept soundly the entire trip. Ichigo's take home outfit was a red shirt with white socks, and Aina had put a little bow in Ichigo's short red hair to make it more obvious that she's a girl. Aina's going home outfit was a long red sleeveless top that she wore a lot during her second trimester, and a pair of comfy black pants. Yori was close by, carrying Aina's hospital bag along the way. They didn't get to take Ichigo home as soon as normal, because she was born early, she had to undergo some minor medical treatments to ensure that all her organs were working properly.

When they arrived home with Ichigo, they were greeted by Kankuro, Kakime, Tokito and Hana. They were all very quiet when seeing the baby, not wanting to disturb her. Tokito obviously didn't understand what the big deal was as he just scratched his head and looked confused the whole visit. The visit was kept short so the parents could get her settled in.

The nursery for Ichigo was set up next to their bedroom, but they moved the cradle into their room so they could be closer to her to protect her and tend to her needs quicker. Aina took a nap in their bedroom and was woken up by Gaara when her mother arrived that evening.

Aina picked up Ichigo carefully, and started downstairs. "Did you tell her that we already had the baby?" Aina asked Gaara as they began descending the stairs.

"No, I thought this would be more of a surprise," he smirked and Aina laughed softly while shaking her head.

They stepped into the living room and Ume turned to greet them, but paused as she saw what Aina was carrying. "Hey Mom, I want you to meet Ichigo," she smiled.

Ume smiled widely and hurried over to see. "Aw, she's adorable…" she said as Aina let her hold Ichigo. Ume asked about the delivery and if there were any complications since Ichigo was a little early and Aina explained what she could. "I'm disappointed that I didn't get to be there to help in the delivery room, but I'm so happy to see my newest granddaughter and learn that everything was okay."

"Tomorrow we can take some pictures so you can show everyone back home," Aina said once Ichigo was given back to her.

"I would love to, everyone is still dieing to know whether it's a girl or a boy," Ume laughed.

A few days later, after Ume had already left for Sunflower Village, Aina and Kakime were having tea and talking. Aina just fed Ichigo, so now she was sleeping in her little basket bed on the table near Aina. Kakime is due in under three months now, and since she is always hungry, she brought some cake to share with Aina over tea. They were talking about Ichigo, and Kakime mentioned the counsel being responsible for their pregnancies.

"Wait, what?" Aina said with shock and put down her cup.

Kakime put her hand over her mouth as she gasped. "I'm sorry, I thought Gaara would have told you already…"

"He knew? For how long?" Aina asked.

"…Since we found out that I was pregnant," Kakime admitted.

"That long!" Aina could hardly believe that he kept this from her for six months.

"Are you okay?" Kakime said.

"No!" Aina lashed out and Ichigo stirred and whimpered from the sudden shouts. "Those sons-of-a-bitch…" she cursed lowly and stomped out.

Gaara just finished giving his report on the chunin exams when Aina burst into the meeting and starting yelling at all of them. They were all shocked, but not as shocked as Gaara to see his wife so angry. When he recovered from his shock and listened to what she was actually saying, he quickly understood what she was so pissed about. He felt like an idiot, he knew what happened, and who probably told her without knowing that he had kept it from her.

Gaara stood from his chair, intent on going to her, but she stopped yelling and glared at him before turning abruptly and leaving everyone with their shock.

"Excuse me," Gaara said as he chased after her.

As soon as he left, one of the elders spoke to the rest of in the meeting, "I told you that you shouldn't have intervened, now look what you did, it put a strain in their marriage," he said to the counsel. Then the counsel started arguing amongst themselves.

Gaara didn't catch up with Aina until they got home. More like he waited to meet up with her until then so they would not have to talk about this in the streets. Aina ignored him when he came in the house seconds after she did. She went straight to the kitchen where Kakime was still with Ichigo. Kakime saw what was happening and took the clue to leave them alone, so she quickly slipped out the back door and headed home. Gaara watched as Aina checked on Ichigo, seeing that she was sleeping, she stepped over to the large window and looked outside.

Gaara stepped up to her and touched her shoulder. She snapped around and glared at him, "What?" she choked.

"I can explain," he said and she didn't respond so he continued, "I didn't want you to know, I knew that if you knew, you would be upset. The birth of our child is supposed to be a happy and memorable thing in our lives and I didn't want to ruin that."

"Gaara, I don't want my life decided for me and run by a counsel that has no right to making decisions for us," she said sternly.

"I agree, it was unreasonable," Gaara started.

"I am an individual, an independent person, I wanted to be able to choose when we had our first child, it was only going to be in a few years tops anyway, I wasn't going anywhere, I just wanted it to be when I felt ready, it would have been a lot less stressful on me if they had just left us be!"

"I agree, I am sorry that I did not know that they were planning on intervening, if I had, you know that I would have done something about it."

They were silent, only the sounds of Ichigo's distressed whimpers could be heard. Gaara looked down at his daughter and stroked her soft red hair. Aina took in the sight of this. "But still…" she began in a much softer tone, "I love her so much, and would never wish that she never happened…"

Gaara graced her with a soft smile, "I agree," he said. They were silent as they looked at their daughter. "When I found out, I had called a meeting specifically to scold them severely about interfering in our lives, and I made it clear that I view what they did as treason and if they intervene in any way possible again, they will be treated as traitors, and possibly killed," he explained. "But now that I look at her, I just cannot be angry about it anymore."

Gaara then moved to lean against a counter. Aina picked up Ichigo from her basket bed on the table and took her to the garden out back so she could think. She relaxed in a lounge chair and rocked Ichigo, partially to comfort herself. Ichigo was still distressed from her parents negative energy, but since this was also her first time being outside while she was awake, she was looking all around her, seeing the world.

Gaara had obviously given Aina some space and time to think, since he didn't follow until about ten minutes later. Aina was too busy watching Ichigo to notice when he approached them, her warning was when Ichigo made a happy gurgle. Gaara kneeled down next to them and stroked Ichigo's hair gently.

"You are very beautiful, just like your mother," Gaara said to Ichigo.

"I'm still mad at you," Aina said, reminding him that flattery will not work on her so easily.

"I know, but we still love each other, and I know you understand."

"Yeah, but it doesn't change how I feel, maybe it's just baby blues, but I'm still upset over the situation."

"How about for now, I get your favorite meal and a good movie, maybe it will make you feel better?" he offered.

Aina couldn't help but smile a little. "Sure," she accepted.

Over the next few days Gaara and Aina learned very quickly that Ichigo is on her own schedule, and would wake them up at night when she needed something. It's not very hard to figure out what she wants, usually it's food or a change. They also learned that Ichigo doesn't cry very loud as a rule and she hates to be left alone, because she'll whimper in her cradle until someone comes into view. Aina was doing very well in recognizing when it was time to feed Ichigo, so sometimes she would get lucky and she would get to Ichigo before she disturbed Gaara's rest at night.

Ichigo learned who her parents were within the first few weeks, and would get excited whenever Gaara would come into view or even hear his voice. She was almost always with Aina during this time so having her daddy nearby was more exciting for her.

In no time, Ichigo was a month old and making all sorts of noises as well as discovering herself. She seemed to be particularly interested in her feet and toes right now. Aina was taking pictures of her whenever she felt like it or when Ichigo was doing something funny or cute. When Aina's family came to visit them and meet Ichigo, they brought a few gifts since they thought she should have girly things. One of these items was a purple outfit, so one day after Aina bathed her, she dressed her up in the outfit and took her to the Kazekage building during lunchtime. Aina had a bag with Ichigo's things and some lunch hanging from her shoulder, and held Ichigo in her yellow blanket. Since it was the beginning of July, it was pretty hot in the desert village so she didn't want Ichigo to overheat in a sling.

As she left the house, she saw Kakime walking towards her, and greeted her. Kakime is due in under two months now, so she has been on leave from her ninja duties for a while, and already feeling like she was getting out of shape. "Hello Aina, Ichigo looks so cute with her hair in little pigtails like that!" Kakime commented.

"I want her to look her best when we visit the Kazekage building for the first time," Aina said, in fact, she took the time to put on a little makeup for herself before leaving.

"Oh, that must be exciting," Kakime smiled and gave Ichigo a little tickle on her tummy. Ichigo made some noises in response. Ichigo recognizes Kakime already, and enjoys the extra attention.

Aina soon arrived at the Kazekage building, and all the employees just had to see Ichigo. By this point, Ichigo had fallen asleep during the walk and didn't notice a thing since everyone was being very quite as soon as they noticed she was sleeping. Aina was able to get away from the people when she said it was time to go see daddy and she made her way up the stairs.

After knocking, Gaara's voice allowed her in his office. When she entered she quickly noted that he seemed to be tense from stress. "I brought lunch and a special visitor," she said and he looked up to see them, a small smile appeared on his face. He pushed his work aside and stood to greet them.

Aina put the still sleeping Ichigo on the couch and then put the bag on the floor before pulling out their lunches. Then they ate together while sitting on the couch, with Ichigo sleeping safely between them.

"So did you try some more training?" Gaara asked. Aina started training again a couple days ago to help get herself back into shape.

"Yes, but I have to take a lot of breaks to feed or change Ichigo, and then also rest since I'm not as in shape as she used to be and I'm tired all the time," she explained.

"Just take it easy, you will regain your stamina soon enough, you did just recently have your insides ripped apart in order to give birth, it will take some time for everything to heal."

"It's nice to know that's how you view my condition," she said sarcastically. "But my six week check up is only next week so I should be mostly healed by now."

"Yes, but take it easy, I do not want you to overdo it and get hurt," he reminded and he noticed something sitting in her shoulder bag on the floor. "Why did you bring the camera?" he asked.

"Oh um," she started bashfully, "I want to take a couple pictures of you with Ichigo."

"How about I take one of you?" he suggested. "There is plenty of me, there needs to be more of you."

"Oh, I don't know…" she blushed. "But sure," she agreed.

Both parents looked at their daughter who was already watching them and listening to their familiar voices. Ichigo made eye contact with each of them and then smiled widely and made a delighted squeal as she raised her little hands towards them, asking for attention. "Pick her up, I will take the picture now," Gaara said as he reached for the camera.

Aina picked up Ichigo and stepped over to Gaara near the center of the room. "This is your first visit to daddy's office, look at the camera, Ichigo." Ichigo looked at Aina instead, following the voice.

"Look at daddy, Ichigo," Gaara said from behind of the camera. She looked over with a big happy smile and Gaara snapped the picture and then quickly stepped over to them and gave his attention to his daughter. He took her little hands and guided them so they were over her head and them brought them back down and tickled her, she giggled and he looked at Aina surprised. "She laughed?"

"Maybe because you just called yourself 'daddy'," Aina laughed.

Gaara blushed slightly. "That is what you are trying to teach her, right? I am being consistent," he said.

"Sure… I think you're starting to like it," Aina laughed again and he looked away embarrassed and Ichigo giggled again. Gaara put the camera back and sat at his desk. Aina went behind the desk and stood next to his seat so she could kiss his cheek. "I didn't hear you deny it, and it's because it's true," she taunted.

He just gave her a very not amused look while he pouted. Then he looked passed her and at Ichigo with surprise. "What is she doing?"

Aina looked at the baby in her arms that was reaching for the plant on Gaara's desk, but the long leaves were nowhere within her reach. Only seconds later, one of the leaves moved toward her hand and she was able to touch it. "Did you do that?" he asked.

Aina shook her head. "No, I think that was her."

"She inherited your ability," Gaara smirked. "She is taking after you more and more already."

"Didn't you want her to have the ability to control sand?" Aina asked while bouncing Ichigo gently.

"In all honesty, I did not consider it," he said, "I gained those abilities through being the host of a demon, I am unsure if I can pass them on."

"Guess we'll find out later on," she smiled right before she felt something on her shirt. They both looked at Ichigo who was tugging at the fabric of Aina's top, clearly saying that she wants her lunch now. "Geez, this girl can eat…" Aina sighed. "I fed her like only over an hour ago."

"She is growing quickly," Gaara commented.

"Do you mind if I take care of this now?" she asked.

"Go ahead," he told her. If anyone comes to his door, he can just turn them away or meet them outside. "We cannot have her get too fussy, though she is already demanding at the moment," he said as Aina moved back the couch so she could get situated.

"I wonder if manipulating that leaf caused her to get hungry so soon?" Aina suggested.

"Maybe," Gaara shrugged.

A few minutes passed when Aina saw Gaara look up at the door suddenly, there was no knock, but if there was a quite one she may have not been able to hear it over Ichigo's eating noises. "What is it?" she asked when Gaara quickly stood.

"There is something going on, I must see what it is, you can stay here," he said just before quickly going out the door.

Gaara walked quickly to the nearest person in the hallway, who was already coming towards him. "Lord Kazekage, squad five sent a distress call and squad six rescued them right away sir, it doesn't look good, all members of squad five were badly injured and had to be taken into intensive care."

Gaara nodded grimly. "Understood, I will speak to the medics right away for further information," he said before transporting with his sand to the hospital. The moment he heard which team was hurt, he knew what had happened. The leader of the team was Tokito. It was the first mission he was leading since his promotion to chunin. It wasn't suppose to be a very hard mission, but there was still some dangers involved.

When he appeared, he was quickly approached by one of the nurses and given the report on the conditions of the injured ninja. Gaara's suspicions were correct, Toktio was the cause of the mission failure, even though he would never do it on purpose. The teammates were hurt, but not nearly as bad as Tokito, who took most of the damage when he led the team right into an old war zone trap. The nurse told Gaara that Tokito is lucky to be alive at all, his injuries were severe and even if everything goes as planned as far as his treatment, it will take months for him to recover.

"I understand, contact me when he is able to see me," Gaara said, quickly turning away and leaving the hospital.

That wasn't for a couple days. Gaara came to the hospital alone, Aina wanted to see how he was doing too, but decided to stay with Ichigo instead. When Gaara entered the hospital room, he found that Hana was already there, tending to his wounds and trying to comfort him. Tokito looked up through bloodshot tear-filled eyes when his sensei entered, only to turn his head away, not wanting to be seen.

"You have a report to give," Gaara said, trying not to be too harsh.

"I thinking about quitting… seriously this time…" Tokito said. Gaara said nothing, sensing that Toktio needed to continue. "I can't… I can't be responsible for this… for letting everyone down and risking the lives of my teammates… they could have been killed… because of me."

Hana stroked his hand, "Toki…"

"Sensei… should I peruse something else?" Tokito asked. "Nearly everyone I've ever talked to has told me that I should, even my mom and Hana said that I should do whatever I want but… what do you think?"

Gaara sighed, he knew this was going to come eventually, thought he had hoped he would be wrong about that. "What you do is your decision, as your sensei, I will stand by it and help you in whatever way I can."

"I thought you would say that…" Tokito didn't seemed pleased with that answer.

"If you are considering quitting for good, then you have plenty of time to think about it, you are going to be off duty for a long time while you recover, a nurse outside said possibly six months, and even then you may not be able to stay on duty."

"I know!" Hana started. "While you recover, you can try other things, and see if you find something you're really passionate about," she smiled.

"I guess…" Tokito sighed.

"Aren't you excellent in math, Toki?" Hana asked.

"I don't know?" he tried to shrug, but winced instead when he tried to move.

"It is true, his math grades in the academy were very high," Gaara commented.

"See, maybe you can make some use of that skill while you're off duty," Hana suggested. "Look at all these sudoku books you've already completed!" she pointed to the pile of completed puzzle books on the table.

"If you are willing to brush up on your math skills, I believe there is a job you can do while you are immobile, that way you are still helping the village, still working, and thus getting paid," Gaara suggested.

"My family does need to keep a more stable salary…" Tokito said, considering it.

"There is a lot of work to be done concerning the various village budgets and working with accounting, as well as working on the chemistry formulas for our large scale bombs. You have always done well with your measurements, conversions, patterns, and math. I think the job will suit you well if you are willing to try it," Gaara said.

"…Okay, I'll try it," Tokito agreed, still down but seemed convinced.

"That's great, Toki!" Hana smiled. Over the next month, his mother and Hana would bring him even more number puzzles and his old math books so he could study. In the hospital, he became known as Sudoku, because everyday he would ask for the daily sudoku puzzle in the paper and he completed every other sudoku that the hospital had to offer. That nickname would stick, and Tokito eventually chose to stay a part of the village management staff.

Gaara came home and told Aina about this visit with Tokito. "Really? But he had put so much effort into his training, and countless hours trying to improve," she said.

"I was hoping that he would come to the conclusion to do something else long ago, and then when he was promoted to chunin, he was really psyched about being a ninja and I thought that he would be able to handle it," Gaara said. "Better late than never, I can never tell you how much I understand that lesson."

Aina nodded in understanding. "I'm glad you guys thought of something for him," she smiled.

Gaara nodded before looking around. "Where is Ichigo?" Gaara asked.

"Sleeping soundly," she said, tapping the baby monitor. "The shades are drawn in our room so it feels more like nighttime for her, so I came in here so I can read."

Gaara nodded, "I am going to check on her," he said and she nodded with a smile and watched him head up the stairs.

Aina put her book down and picked up Yuki. "Wanna go check too?" she asked and the cat just meowed. She went to their room to find Gaara looking down at their sleeping daughter in her cradle. Her pacifier long ago fallen from her lips and resting nearby and her bright red locks free from any clips and ties.

"Do you want her trained as a ninja?" Gaara asked when Aina approached.

"I don't know, I think it would be a good idea for her to get some training like I did," she answered. "Now that we know she can manipulate nature like me and my mother, she has the potential to be very powerful and capable, she could be a great help to the village."

"I agree, but what if something happened to her?"

"Like Tokito?" Aina asked and he nodded. "If she wants to be a ninja like her daddy," she said with a giggle before continuing, "Then that is a risk we'll all take."

"I do not want anything to happen to her," Gaara said.

"That's what it's like to be a loving father," Aina said, putting her arms around his waist and resting her head on his shoulder as they watched Ichigo sleep. "And if you train her, she will be able to defend herself."

"I am always going to worry about her, aren't I?" he sighed, and Aina giggled.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so," she answered. "And so will I."

Gaara sighed again as he put his arm around Aina's shoulders and pulled her a little closer and gave her a quick kiss. "I suppose I worry about you too, but you are not out there fighting as a Sand ninja."

"Worry is a part of love, I worry a lot about you too," she said before looking at him and waited for him to meet her eyes. "I love you, Gaara."

"And I love you too, Aina," he said drawing her lips to his for another kiss, this one more tender and lasting a little longer.

"But you know," Aina started while they looked back at Ichigo. "Things never go according to plan," she laughed softly.

He laughed softly too. "I think I told you that when we first met," he said. "But there is another part that I never told you."

"What is it?"

"Sometimes it does go according to plan, and that can be the more surprising than any other event in life," he said thoughtfully.

"Huh? What do you mean by that?" she asked.

"Before we met, my siblings and the village counsel decided to hire the best matchmaker around, their plan was to make sure I would get married. I did not believe it would happen so easily or so quickly, but before I knew it, you were here and I fell for you, just like everyone wanted," he explained.

Aina laughed, "I agree, two years ago I never thought I would be standing here, but everyone else seemed pretty confident that you would be my match. Things between us happened so fast too, and I didn't feel overwhelmed by it," she explained. "But does this mean that things never go according to plan for us, only for everyone else?" she chuckled.

He smirked at that. "Sometimes, but sometimes it works for us too."

"Really, like what?" she asked with one eyebrow raised.

"I bought this house, planning to move in after we got married and knowing that you would like it," he said.

"Okay, that's one, name two more," she challenged.

He took a moment to think. "I planned to kiss you on our third date if you wanted it, so I decided to let you take the first step."

"That was pretty surprising when you kissed me back the way you did," she admitted. "Now a third."

"I planned to do this," he said as he drew her in for a passionate loving kiss, the kind that they hadn't shared in some time.

She felt warm and even a little dizzy when they parted for air. "I guess I can't argue with that… some things do go according to plan, it's most things that don't," she smiled.

"Very true," he smirked.

~~~ One Year Later ~~~

Aina dressed Ichigo up the little Kazekage outfit Aunt Temari had given her, and put her hair in pigtails. Ichigo recently got a haircut so her bangs were styled more like Aina's, and parted on the left. Ichigo giggled and grew more excited as she was carried to the Kazekage building to visit Gaara. Aina let Ichigo knock at the door, and when Gaara's voice signaled that they could enter, Aina opened the door and put Ichigo down so she could toddle over to her father.

Gaara looked up and smiled. He got up from his chair and quickly met Ichigo in the middle of the room, before scooping her up and lifting her in the air.

"Daddy!" she laughed gleefully.

"And how is my favorite Kazekage?" he asked playfully seeing the little Kazekage outfit she was wearing. Ichigo just babbled and kicked her legs happily until Gaara held her against him and turned to see Aina holding a camera. "Hey!"

"It's my right as a mother to take pictures!" she smirked.

"Down sand," Ichigo said, meaning she wanted to be put down with sand. Gaara made his sand lift her from his arms and gently carry her to the floor. She laughed and crawled off the sand before lifting herself to her feet and toddling over the sofa where next to it there was a small box with some toys in it.

"I think that is the real reason she likes to come here," Gaara commented.

"It's only a part of the reason, the main reason is to see you, she is such a daddy's girl," Aina said. "The whole way over she kept repeating 'see daddy' until we arrived."

"Now she saw me so it is time for the toys," he said.

Aina laughed. "Maybe, but she ran to you first." Aina then sighed again. "Before you know it, she'll be a teenager, and running away from you and towards boys," she teased.

Gaara scowled at the idea. "Then I will have to make a lesson out of the first boy that tries to court her, then after it is clear that she is MY daughter, no boy will go near her," he nodded once and folded his arms, obviously satisfied with his plan.

"You really think that will go according to plan?" Aina laughed.

"It better!" Gaara glared.

"Not worried about the repercussions of making her mad at you and just chasing her away anyway?" she asked. Gaara pouted, obviously not satisfied with that either. Aina laughed and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry, she's being raised with good values, and she'll always be a daddy's girl, I know I will always be one too," she told him.

Gaara sighed and put his arm around his wife's slim waist as they watched Ichigo. "One thing is for sure, this is going to be interesting…"

Aina laughed, "Yes, yes it will."

- The End -

~~~ After the story ~~~

Three years later, Gaara and Aina decided it was time to have another child. After only a few tries, they succeeded and the next member of their family was on the way. Nine and half months later, Aina gave birth to identical twin boys, Haruto and Hikaru, both names having to do with light. Those were the two boys names that Aina had chosen if Ichigo turned out to be a boy, so they still got to use both of the names. Haruto and Hikaru took after their father more, but had Aina's gray eyes, and they had more of a mischievous nature as they grew older. The twins also had inherited Gaara's power over sand and they became very powerful at an early age, and became know as the Sand Twins.

Kankuro and Kakime had a boy, Ken. And four years later, they had a girl, Kokoro, who would become teammates with the Sand Twins when they graduated the academy.

Ichigo entered the academy at the age of six, along with her cousin Ken, and they both graduated at the age of twelve and stayed teammates. Ichigo decided to be a ninja, and later became known as Lethal Rose, for her beauty and her often frightening power. She learned most of her nature abilities through her training with her mother, and her other ninja training mostly came from Gaara and school.

Aina continued to work in the village gardens and greenhouses, but also did landscaping every now and then, as well as help raise and train her children. Every now and then she would have a part in official matters.

Temari and Shikamaru did have a boy, just like he wanted. They also continued to visit the Sand Village at least twice a year.

Yori, the butler, continued to work for the Kazekage for several years. Yori had got married when Ichigo was five, soon after the Kazekage's twins were born. When Yori's first child was on the way a couple years later, Gaara decided that he should be allowed to focus on his own family more so when Ichigo entered the academy, he reached the end of his last contract and Gaara put him on his ANBU team to protect the village. Gaara did not hire another butler.

Tokito continued to live with his mother until she died only three years later when he was seventeen. He got a new apartment right after that, and Hana moved in with him a little over a year later. Hana became a medic in the hospital, her main focus was caring for children and child surgery. The two eventually got married.

Remember Ty? He continued to stay friends with Kakime and Aina, and continued to work and do his thing as a Sand ANBU ninja guard. Whenever travel was involved, he was the one assigned to accompany them.

Raven and Suki disappeared shortly after Ichigo's first birthday. No one was sure what happened to them for a long time. Then word spread that they were now hosting their very own show, and their popularity was growing rapidly. Aina became a fan of their show and would watch them on the television frequently.

Master Ryu and Hermia got remarried. Technically they were still married, but they had another celebration for their reunion and their lasting love for each other. While Master Ryu's personal mission had finally ended after twenty long years searching and he had found his wife and daughter, he continued to run his investigative faction. Hermia also continued her mission in protecting the land and making the land prosperous.

Author's Notes:

- Thank you so much for reading! Please review this story, I want to know how I did.

- Also, if you have read my first story, please compare and tell me which you liked more, thanks again!

- And if you want to see the pictures for this story, visit my deviantArt, the link is on my profile.