N: okay, I just started watching Soul Eater and being the yaoi-loving girl I am decided to write a Kid/Crona fic. I think their just one of the cutes couples ever.

Also if you are a fan of uke Naruto please take my poll on my profile page.

Thanks a mill.

Warnings: yaoi! Yes I think Crona is a boy. Hints of D/s, confusion, angst, and hurt/comfort.

Maybe some more as I go along.

This is AU I'm going by the anime not manga so don't hate. Episode 7 remix.

Disclaimer: I don't own Soul Eater.

Chapter one: black blooded terror.

They should have stayed away.

Maka should have listened to her first instincts and ran away. Far away. Something that can take and devour 50 or 60 souls at ones was way beyond their skill level. Yet she still went in. driven by her duty as a DWMA student. Not taking in Soul's uneasiness with the whole thing in consideration.

This boy. This being took them down like they were nothing. Him and that thing ripping from his body. Maka looked upon them in terror as she held a wounded Soul to he chest. His blood soaking into her clothes and pooling onto the floor. She ignored his whispering pleas for her to run away and frantically tried to think of a way out. She banged her body against the door to try to get to open, but it wouldn't budge.

" that's not gonna work you know. You should start paying attention to what other people say." the pink haired boy said lifting up his screaming sword Ragnarok.

"the doors here open only one way. They open inwards!" Crona thrust down his sword but stopped short when a bullet shoot through the door hitting him in the abdomen. He let out a gasp and two more shot through him knocking him back a couple feet. He screamed before falling to the floor, his sword disapateing back into Ragnarok who playfully knocked him on the head.

"get up sleepy-head and fight! Do it or I'll cut your hair again in your sleep!" he went to hit his meister once more but the look on his face made him pause. He felt Crona's heartbeat go faster and his breathing became exited. His eyes dilated and a smile stretched across he face, making his features a little less haunted.

"it's-it's-" Crona tried to speak but the soul pressure on him warmed him and made his insides melt. What was this? It felt so good, Crona never felt anything like it before. He didn't know how to deal with this.

'oh my.'

"eh?" Ragnarok looked confused but he soon felt it too. Cocking his head, smiling widely and eyes spinning, Ragnarok laughed gleefully. It was finally happening!


The door beside Maka and soul opened to reveal none other Death the Kid and his two weapons Patty and Liz.

Holding his weapons so that they be ready to fire at Crona if he moves, he looked at the two by his side. They were in pretty bad shape, especially Soul.

"Professor Stein and your father are on their way. Go meet them." Maka nodded and lifted Soul so that he'd rested on her back and with one last look at Crona who was staring at Kid in awe, she took off running. Kid looked back at Crona and his eyes widened when Crona was gone from his spot and right in front of his face.

Standing so close that their noses touched.

"oh…" Crona breathed softly "hi."

Kid blinked. What the hell? Kid pressed his right gun to the strange boy's pink unsymmetrical head Crona felt cold steel against him and sighed. He didn't want to get shot again.

"please don't hurt me again. I don't think I can handle it if you do." Kid faltered at the plea. What was with this boy? Why does he make him feel so compliant? Kid shook head and glared at the disgustingly unsymmetrical boy for making him so bewildered.

"you are hunting human souls and feeding them to your weapon, I should- I mean I am going to kill you-" Crona eyes widened at that and clutched at Kid's jacket, cutting off the black haired boy.

"I-I'm sorry, she said they okay to take, it was okay if she said it was right?" Crona was confused. It wasn't aright to take those souls? Kid glared harder at him and cocked his gun. Crona gasped and slapped his hands over his mouth.

'oh no! did I upset him?'

Medusa scowled and her eyes flashed with absolute loathing. Her plans were going to ruined now!

'they've met now, the first connection is established. Damn it, already he's catering to Crona's fear's. DAMN IT!

"Soul protection, release!" Kid grunted as he felt the enormous soul pressure suddenly appear.

'so a witch is here too? What the hell is going on?' Crona made a little frightened noise in the back of his throat and scurried away from Kid.

"p-please leave."


Medusa flew down on her broom and crashed into the window shouting at Crona.

"what do you thing your going? Kill him and kill him now!" Kid's eyes narrowed and he fired at her catching her in the shoulder. she rolled her eyes at the boy, making him angrier.

"I-I d-don't, I-I…can't" Crona stuttered out in fear. The thought of hurting the strange haired boy was extremely upsetting to him. Medusa growled at him and called for the her snakes.

"nake snake cobra co-bra!" one shot at Crona capturing him in it's grip and another shot at Kid to distract him as they made their escape.

Kid growled lowly to him self and Patty and Liz transformed into their human form and appeared next to the distraught boy.

"what just happened?" Liz questioned softly seeking an answer and got none in reply.


Screams filled the darkened room. Faint sounds of blood splattering against the wall and floors where lost in the horror filled noise. Medusa growled and reached for another knife that wasn't caked in blood and the boy she hated to call her son screamed at the sight of it's jaggedness. She smiled sweetly at him as he struggled in his bonds. She felt that Ragnarok was close to breaking the spell she put on him to keep him from interfering and she sighed as her fun time was almost up.

"will be a good girl for mommy? Hmm?" waving the deadly knife in a reprimanding manner.

"or do I need to continue?'

"N-NO! I'LL BE GOOD, I'LL BE GOOD!" Crona wailed keeping himself from crying. It was so much worse if he cried.

Medusa nodded and kissed his forehead in a pseudo-loving manner and left the room. As soon as the doors closed he was released from his bonds and the table underneath disappeared and he fell to the floor in a sobbing, broken heap.

Ragnarok broke free of the spell and roared looking at the bloodied Crona in out rage. But sadly he could do nothing but heal the shy boy. For if he where to try harm the witch who did this his meister would be even worse shape.

Sighing he patted the sweat and blood soaked hair of his little meister and got to work.


N: yeah I feel like stopping here.

Hoped you liked it!

Please review

Much love,
