Lovely Rebel
Rating: M
Pairing(s)/Threesome: Ed/Greed, later there will be Ed/Roy which will finally lead up to Ed/Greed/Roy. Oh, and I even managed to squeeze in past Roy/Ed XD There are also hints at past Al/Winry
Warnings: angst, sap, AT, lemons, Ed's mouth, humor, trying to sound as if I understand alchemy XD
Word Count Chapter: 3.103
Word Count FF posted to date: 53.682
Summary: Ed's brother puts him on a boarding school after having had to deal with him one time too often.
Thanks: To anime_gal22 and lectawindwalker for the amazing Beta jobs they did on this! *hugs them both*
Author's Note: Well, I'm sure you've all been waiting for this, so I won't bore you with anything beforehand. Be sure to read the note at the end though ~.^

Lovely Rebel – Chapter 15

Roy was nervous. It wasn't something that happened to him all that often, but it was definitely happening now.

His talk with George the day before had gone better than he had dared to hope, though it had also shown how right he was with his assumption. The feelings between the two teens were still there and just as strong as they had been the day he had met Ed. And while some part of him had hoped that he was wrong, that the blond was only having a really hard time to switching from one lover to the next, it had given him the necessary motivation to see this plan through. As he had said before – he wouldn't give the golden-eyed teen up, no matter what he had to do. The only reason that he could accept would be if he genuinely believed that Ed couldn't be happy with him.

However, as it turned out, he didn't seem to be able to be happy with only one of them – him or George. So, if he really wanted to make him happy, he had to do this. And it wasn't as if he would lose him. Edward would still be his – he would only belong to another too. It ate on him, the thought of sharing the blond. But he reasoned that, if everything went as he thought it would, he probably would have more of his boyfriend once the plan was set into action than he had had of him until now.

Nodding to himself once more to set his determination straight, he left his house. This would work.

For Edward, he would make it work.


Punctual as usual, the black-haired man was knocking on the door which he knew led to Edward's and George's dorm room. The guards had gotten used to him by now – they waved him through as soon as they saw him, without checking with the information first. He thought it was lazy, but he didn't see any reason to report it. In his opinion guards for a school were still more than was needed.

Opening the door for him, Ed smiled at him, but just like every time before, Roy could still detect the underlying sadness that he tried to repress. And, just like every other time before, the older youth acted as if he didn't see it and smiled happily back at the teen.

"Shall we?" he asked him, seeing him nod.

"I just need to put on some shoes. I'll be with you in a second," the blond answered, vanishing within the room again but leaving the door open for his date to come in if he wanted.

The black-eyed man chose to stay where he was. However, he did make eye-contact with the room's other occupant and they nodded to each other. It could be misunderstood as a reserved greeting, but they both knew what it was for – it was a reminder that the plan still stood.

Then the golden-eyed teen was suddenly there again, taking his hand and turning him around, closing the door behind himself with a few called words for his friend.

"So, what is the plan for tonight?" his shorter date asked him, trying for a grin. It was genuine – just as much as the smile had been – but it wasn't as powerful as he had gotten used to them during winter break. Though he hoped that maybe by the end of this evening, he would finally see him express all his emotions again – for real.

Squeezing the hand in his, he returned the grin, already walking towards his car.

"I thought we should just get something to eat tonight. I'm honestly too tired to attempt anything else and a nice, relaxing dinner with you would be just what I need," he suggested, seeing the blond give him a nod.

"Sure, that's ok with me. Any preferences on the restaurant?" he was asked and therefore told the teen about the restaurant where he had made reservations. It was a nice little thing where they would be given plenty of privacy – just what he needed for tonight. Also, the food was good and the atmosphere relaxing, so he actually liked it there too. And he hadn't lied to his boyfriend, he really wanted to relax. The strain of the last few days, with the realization of what he had to do, was wearing at him.

He didn't tell him about the fact that he needed to talk with him yet, though. Ed would be too nervous to eat, and that wasn't his goal. They should try to relax first before he would bring the topic up. If he guessed correctly, then the younger youth would want to go back to the dorms right after to check with his ex-lover. And he really didn't want for them to rush out of the restaurant in the middle of the meal because of it.


The waiter had taken their dinner plates away and they had ordered dessert. The blond thought that now would be an appropriate time.

"Ok, I can see that something is not letting you relax for real tonight. I thought it might get better, but it obviously didn't. Spill," he told his date. Roy had tried to hide the fact that he was nervous about something, but it hadn't taken him long to catch on to it. And while one part of him didn't really want to know – a part feared that it might be something to do with them and their… progress. Or lack thereof – he wanted to help his boyfriend.

The black-haired man gave him an amused grin.

"I actually had planned to bring the topic up myself now. You just beat me to it." The younger of the both of them was told, making him grin in return. Then the black-eyed man was suddenly growing serious again.

"I went to your school yesterday. To talk to George." Roy told him, and suddenly everything inside him grew cold. He could feel his eyes narrow and his good mood leaving.

"I told you that there is nothing between us anymore!" he hissed, not seeing another reason why the older youth would want to speak with his friend. It hurt to find out that he apparently didn't trust Ed's word enough that he needed to check for himself. It hurt a lot.

The taller man shook his head, his expression still serious.

"It wasn't like that. Though I can see why you would think that," he reassured the blond, who calmed down somewhat, though he remained skeptical. What other reason would his boyfriend have to talk with his ex-lover?

"I went there because I wanted to propose something to George," the black-haired man continued, confusing Ed even more.

"Propose? What would you propose to him?" he asked, frowning slightly. Then he could suddenly see the tension within his older date, the slight nervousness that he tried to hide.

'He isn't sure how I'm going to react to it.' The short teen realized and it took all his willpower not to panic. He had to trust Roy. Had to trust that he wouldn't do anything that would destroy anything.

Taking a deep breath to calm himself, the black-eyed man looked at him. When he spoke again, his voice was gentle, but determined.

"Ed, for the past few weeks that we have dated, I have been able to see that while one part of you clearly enjoys being with me, another part was sad whenever we met. It has taken me a while to figure out why that could be, but I think I understand now," he told him, and the blond had to try not to panic or to disrupt him. He could imagine where this was leading, and he shook his head in denial. If Roy broke up with him now because he thought Ed should date Greed again… he didn't know what he would do. It had hurt like crazy to go through that once. There was no way that he wanted to go through it again.

Able to guess the golden-eyed teen's panic, Roy reached out and took one of his hands over the table, squeezing it reassuringly.

"Don't worry; I won't break up with you. I was just stating what I had observed to explain my actions," the older man explained, his voice strong while still not rising above the soft tone they were talking in.

"I went to meet with George yesterday because I want you to be happy. And it has taken me this long to figure out that there is probably only one thing that would make you truly happy. It wasn't an easy decision to make on my part, I will admit that much, but I think it will be for the best. I told George of my thoughts and he agreed to it. So we both have come to an understanding and I promised that I would bring it up with you today."

Now the short teen really didn't know what to think of it all anymore. What kind of understanding could that possibly be? He had felt that Greed seemed to feel better today than he had for the last few weeks, but he had thought it might only because he was finally learning to deal with the pain. But if what Roy said was right, it probably had to do with their talk.

"What did you two talk about?" he asked at last, his voice somewhat hesitant and not really certain that he wanted to know.

The older youth was now nervous again, he could see it. It made him nervous himself.

"I proposed to him that we share you," he told the golden-eyed teen, making him grow still in shock.

"You what?" Ed asked, not sure if he could trust his ears that he had heard correctly.

"I asked him if he would be ok with it if we share you," Roy repeated, this time a bit calmer. He seemed to be able to get himself back under control, now that it was out. "Ed, for the last few weeks I could see that while you tried, you couldn't really let go whenever we were together. I thought about it, and comparing your behavior to what I know of you and the way you behaved during winter break, I came to the conclusion that no matter how much you want to be with me, there is also a large part within you that wants to be with George. It's obvious that your feelings for him are still quite strong and I went to see him yesterday to see if the reverse was also still true. It is, and therefore I thought it would be the best solution for us all," the black-haired man explained, his tone showing how sure he was of his theory. The younger of the both of them was just sitting there, shocked about what his boyfriend was telling him. It really was too much to process right now.

"I have to be honest – the thought of sharing didn't sit well with me when I first came up with it. But by now I can see that no matter whom of us you are with, you won't be happy. Not if you can only be with one of us. It's a logical conclusion that we should agree to this. You are holding yourself back when you are with me, and you are repressing your feelings that you still have for George. Leaving you free to be with the both of us is in my opinion the only way for everything to work out," Roy concluded, looking at Edward with a determined look in his eyes. A gaze that the blond couldn't hold. He looked down on the tablecloth to go over everything the older of the two of them had said.

The black-haired man left him to his thoughts, having already had the forethought that his date would probably need time to think this over. Seeing the waiter with their desserts arriving, he waved him over, thanking him and asking for the bill to be brought over. He had no delusions that they would be leaving shortly.

"You mean that, right? This isn't just a joke," he finally heard the teen ask, his voice barely more than a whisper.

The messy-haired youth shook his head.

"I wanted to make sure George was okay with this before I brought it up to you as to not give you any false hope. But yes, I mean this. If you agree with us that this would be the best for you, then from now on, we'll have an arrangement of sorts. We both don't wish at the current time to share a relationship with each other as well, but we are ok with the idea of the other being with you," he confirmed with a firm nod, seeing for the first time in weeks the waves of excitement and vibration coming from his date, speaking of the life that was once again awakened within him. It was in that moment that he knew he wouldn't back down, no matter what Ed would say. Just this reaction already told him more than anything else that this was what the blond wanted, what he needed. And he would make sure that he got it.


Neither of them remembered dessert. They hadn't talked much more in the restaurant, Ed obviously still coming to terms with what he had heard and realizing that he wouldn't have to repress half of his feelings anymore.

After they left the restaurant, before they got in the car, the blond suddenly threw his arms around the taller youth and held him close while pulling his head down to kiss him.

It didn't take Roy long to realize how different this kiss was already. Before, the kisses they shared had always been good. They had spoken of underlying need and promises of someday. But this kiss… God, the older youth had to watch himself to keep from drowning in it.

It was everything he had ever imagined how it would be between the two of them. Hot, passionate, deep and full of emotions. The blond was telling him through the kiss how much he appreciated his effort in seeing that he was happy, that he loved him and that he would always be grateful to be given this chance.

It was more than he could ever have said in words.

After the kiss broke off again, the shorter of the two of them laid his forehead against Roy's collarbone, his arms still wrapped around the black-haired man, trying to get his breathing back to normal. When he finally looked up again he had the most brilliant smile on his lips. Reaching up with his left hand he traced the form of the black-eyed man's lips, his eyes shining.

"I love you. I know I haven't told you before, but I do," the blond told him and the taller youth couldn't help his own smile while he replied in kind, just before kissing his boyfriend again.

He had been right. Edward had been holding himself back because of his own confused feelings. Now, that he had a chance to work it all out, he was finally able to let go.


Roy had seen him off at the gate to the school after checking him back in, telling him that it was better if he would speak to George alone. The teen could only guess that the older youth knew that he probably wouldn't be able to hold himself back from tugging him into their room as well. And he had to talk with Greed first.

He still couldn't believe that this all was true. That he was really allowed to love them both, to be with them both. There was a skip in his step as he nearly ran to the dorm room he shared with his ex-and-soon-to-be-again lover and a grin on his face that nearly split it in half. He hadn't felt this happy in a long time, if ever. But really, what could be better? He had two wonderful boyfriends, who loved him beyond reason – something he could clearly see through all they did to make him happy – and who would do anything for him. School would only be for another few months, and while he didn't know exactly what he was going to do afterwards, he had a feeling that everything would work out.

Opening the door to their room, his eyes only took a second to find the taller teen, leaning against the desk beside his bed, a smile on his face. Now that he could get a good look at the blond, he lifted his right hand and held the ring he had given him to his birthday up.

"Don't you think you are missing something?" he asked, just before Ed threw his arms around him and pressed himself close, burying his face in the muscular chest before him. It took the slightly older teen only a few seconds to return the embrace, holding him just as tightly.

"God, I have missed you so much." Greed murmured after some moments, his own face buried in the long hair before him, feeling the shorter one only nod and squeeze his arms even tighter around him.

They stood like that for some minutes, neither ready to let go of the other again. When they finally loosened their hold, the green-eyed teen took the blond's hand, and, after seeing him nod his consent, slipped the ring onto the proper finger once again. Once he had done that, Ed leaned up while pulling the short-haired teen down to him, pressing his lips to his in a nearly desperate kiss.

It was… electric. They could both feel the feelings that were running through the other, could feel the desire that crackled between them. This kiss was not only to reaffirm their love for each other; it was also to express their feelings of possessiveness and longing, of desperation and need.

Pulling away for only a second, Greed leaned his forehead against the other teen's, gazing deep into his eyes, finding them just as glazed over with desire as his own.

"Make love to me again. Show me that I still belong to you," he rasped, his voice filled with everything he couldn't say. The blond just pulled him down for another kiss, just as intense as the first, and led him to the nearest bed.

^_^ I know, there are quite a few of you who have waited for it to get to this point again ^_^ However, this isn't even close to the end yet.

Anyway, THE NEXT CHAPTER IS A LEMON! I just wanted to make that clear, since apparently, chapter four wasn't found by everyone. This won't concern those of you who are reading on lj, but for those reading on , please keep in mind that I don't post my lemons there. So, if you want to read the next chapter, you'll have to check it out on lj. You can find it easily by going to my Master Fic List over the link in my profile. It's the last on that page, so easily found. I'll put a reminder up in the chapter that will follow the lemon, but you might want to check if it's up sooner than that^^