It's not something I can place, or easily put into words. I don't know when it started. I probably never will. I don't think it was ever a definite thing, nothing you could put your finger on and say there, that's when it happened. More of a gradual change. I think it was inevitable.

It's not like it's a big thing, anyway. It doesn't change anything – it's just nice to go to bed knowing you'll be around when I wake up. To get bored and go watch TV and find you sitting there. (Even you're always watching some dumb show that I hate, and then we fight about who gets to choose what we watch) It's even fun sparring with you – though we've all nearly killed each other once or twice.

Lately I've been thinking of those games we played when we were kids. Not any one in particular – anything from Robin Hood to cowboys to space men. I loved those. Not so much the start, where we squabbled about who gets to be the good guy and the bad guy and the damsel in distress – but the bits where we all merged together, and it was the Fearless Four (or something lame like that) versus loads of imaginary big bad guys with guns and stuff. I guess when you think about it, we're pretty much living the dream, now.

But even though I knew pointing my fingers like guns and making pow! noises was lame, I loved it. I loved the way it was us – us four, inseparable, unstoppable. Like I said, we're pretty much living it now.

I wonder. When did the kid's game become reality? Because that's the one thing I'm certain of, with everything I am. That somewhere along the line, it stopped being pretend. You guys aren't just my brothers.

You're my best friends.

Don't know why I wrote that one, guess I was just bored. Weird though, I go for months without writing a thing and then bang out a whole one-shot (albeit a rubbish one) in the space of a single study period. I digress.

Disclaimer: They're not mine yet. Not until my crazy friends achieve world domination. Then they'd better watch out. I may be quiet but I'm still a rabid fangirl.

Okay, so review, yeah? Tell me what you think, and which turtle you reckon it was.