Undead Eyes

Summary: She was just a new kid. Why did I feel so infatuated with her first off? It all began when she walked in the room with those beautiful, undead eyes. Gill/Luke/Chase/Angela. Love square with Angela in the middle!

Chapter 1. Keeping up with Angels with blue eyes

Gills p.o.v.

Just sit. Work. Organize. Revise. Redo. Make it look presentable. And complete.

The main rules and pattern of work. Sit, Work, Organize, Revise, Redo, presentable, complete.

The day was going by slowly. Luna, from the other part of the classroom, laughed a little louder then usual at something her friends said once again. Most likely it wasn't remotely funny, but to get my attention. AGAIN.

The girls got to find a new hobby then waste her time trying to get me to give her a rose for love month.

Ah, yes. Love Month. A holiday once again conjured up by my love sick, says-he's-romantic father. The mayor, and more ironic, the principle of this half wit school.

Do you see where I'm getting at?

I glanced at my blue watch and sighed, shuffling and waited for the bell to ring.

That's when I saw the first girl I had ever noticed walking in with Luke and Chase on either side of her. Bodygays… I mean, bodyguards to the new girl.

Of course they'd make note to tell everyone they found her first.

Not as different as the many other girls falling all over me or secretly waiting for me to smile. But there was something… something drawing me in like moths to a burning light. HER light.

The confidence that brew in those blue eyes, perhaps? Or the way she had a devils smirk that you could tell she was devious? The way she glided along the floor or maybe even her tint of sweetness?

Everyone was quiet for a moment when Chase told her a joke and she laughed. How heavenly.

I didn't take my eye off her, but at the corner of my eye Luna hissed at where my eyes were. Maya smiled at the new girl, completely oblivious at the creature beside her.

I earned a book to the head from a pissed off Luna.

It hurt like a son of a bitch.

I raised my hand to the throbbing place on my head. I looked over to Luna, who was now trying frantically to make herself look pretty and cute for me. Not working at all, I might add.


Luna smiled trying to seem innocent.

My turn to hiss.

A small giggle was heard from my right side. The girl.

She was dragged away by Chase and Luke, placing a hand on either of hers and leading her to one of the back seats.

I sighed.

Another time to sit alone, again.


The name is Angela. Angela. Angela. Rolls off the tongue don't it? Deliciously sounding, roll off the tongue, Angela.

Angela. Angie. Angel. Ang. Ange. So many different names for such a pretty girl.


Oh. So that one is taken by Luke.


And that: Chase.

Still delicious, though. Angel is all mine.

My only regret of liking her is that there is so much better then me out there. I know for a fact one of the pops out there have a higher chance then me. But Angel wouldn't be that shallow and choose looks over intelligence. And I have both.

The most popular guys in this classroom would, in order, be Skye, Vaughn, and Gray, and Chase and then I. Gale could be a good candidate, but I believe he was untouchable because he and Molly Hart are MADLY in love. MADLY. He always has her in his arms or whatever.

I have heard Skye & Jill, Vaughn & Chelsea, and Gray & Claire are high items.

None of them would go down for her. Maybe…

Maybe I have high competition for the heart of Angela D. Elice? I don't know much about her, but her family owns a ranch at the end of town, she has no siblings in school but a baby sister at home, and she likes reading and writing. My type, my type.

I don't know much about her, but I'm highly looking forward to her.

Chases p.o.v.

She's sickly delicious. My type to.

Angela D. Elice: Say it fast out loud. Ring to it.

She's quiet but will speak up. She likes reading, writing, cooking, listening to music. She was a singer back where she came from. She worked nights at her favorite pub singing. And she's still in school, too. Amazing, right?

She loves animals and wants to own her own ranch at Waffle Island someday. She spent her years growing up there before her family decided to move the ranch somewhere else. So it's here, in forget-me not.

(Yes the story takes place in forget-me-not valley. The high school is where the circus will someday be.)

She has a baby sister. And she smells like vanilla all the time. Its delicious, like I said.

I bet she would taste like vanilla.

I wonder if I can taste her lips sometime?

I'm going to try my best to get her. I don't think any of the other guys would set their eye on her. I mean they all have crushes and all. So she'd be off limits.

But I still have my doubts about Gill… I think Luke's a little to stupid to try it. He still doesn't know what kissing would be. But he doesn't think girls are icky… hmmm…

What to think, what to do

Luke's p.o.v.

My best bud Ange? Yeah, she's totally awesome!

She told me a lot of stories about where she came from. Turns out, she used to live on Waffle Island! Just like me! She told me when she gets out she's going to go back and start a ranch again.

I was actually thinking of going back to! Weird coincidence, huh?

But yeah. Ange is totally date-a-ble. All the way. She's funny and nice and when I do something stupid she doesn't even call me stupid. She say's "We all make mistakes". She's totally understanding.

But I don't think I want to date anyone. Gill is kind of… looking at her weirdly. I've never seen him look at a girl like that before. Could that mean something? I know Chase might have a crush on her.

I know because when Angie bends over Chase starts to blush, and he looks at her all dreamily. I could go on forever!

I don't think Gill will have much of a chance. Luna kind of scares me a little. But Chase? Yeah, he could totally reel her in. They say he's one of the most popular. I'm pretty popular myself, but people always mistake me for stupid.

Momma always said "Happiness Is the key to life". So she told me to be happy and the world sees you in a new light! Pretty awesome!

Chase would have a better chance with Angie. I mean, he knows a lot about her, and they always spend time together, and they're like, bff, and they like the same things (well some of them), and they could be a totally compatible match.

But then again, Gill has some good sides too…

Huh. Why is love so complicated?

I think I'll stick to the side for now and let Gill and Chase have a go.


Anyway, review if I should continue. I know people read, like, alert, then move on,

But I need to know: What about the story did you like?

The Romance?

The suspense?

The humor?

Or the mystery?

I'm also looking forward to knowing:

What was your favorite part? What did you like about the personalities? Why did you want to read the story?

~Love, Clary.