I know, I know! Another FF! This currently makes 3 that I am working on atm. haha I just can't help it, I keep getting all these new ideas and I have another one that I'm thinking about writing, but I want to hold off on it until I finish at least one of these three

Ok so this one takes place towards the end of 'Always Buy Retail' (Season 1, Epi 6), I used the lines at the beginning to show exactly where it picks up. And, as usual, it is rated M, like all of my other stories, just because you never know what can happen... :)

I hope you enjoy it.

Please R/R :)

You Owe Me: Chapter 1

"I definitely saved your life, and you know what that means, don't you? It means you owe me." Castle said as he took a sip of the champagne he was holding.

"Owe you what?" Beckett asked him, almost certain at what he was going to say.

"Whatever I want. And you know exactly what I want, don't you?" He said as he walked towards her with a knowing look in his eyes. "You know what I really, really want you to do?" He looked at her lips then back up to her eyes. She was eyeing him suspiciously. He bent down, his lips hovering directly over hers. "Go out with me." He whispered into her ear.

She closed her eyes, enjoying the hotness of his breath upon her skin. "What?" She asked, once her logical sense kicked in.

He stepped back to take in the full sight of her. "Come on, it's tradition. I save your life, you owe me one thing. What I want is to take you out to dinner."

He made it sound so rational, so simple. But it wasn't simple. A date with the famous author Richard Castle couldn't be simple. There was nothing simple about him, he was full of complications.

She stared at him. Half of her wanted to believe that he was being sincere, while the other half thought he was just humoring her, leading her on.

"Are you being serious?" She asked, a confused expression now spread across her face.

"Yeah, wherever you want to go, just name it." He said hoping that he could change her mind and say yes.

Castle knew that there were the two sides to her: Beckett and Kate. Beckett had a very coherent type of personality. She put her job first, personal life second. She always thought things through before she acted, anticipating her actions as well as the people around her. This is what made her such a respectable and fastidious cop. Kate, the other side of her, was the one whom Castle had only seen out of the workplace. The one who showed emotion, letting down her guard at times, but never failing to be cautious. The one who had told him about the death of her mother and the reasons for why she wore her mother's ring about her neck and her father's watch.

In order for Castle to get her to say yes, he knew that he would have to appeal to the Beckett side or the plausible side. He had to think of ways to make his argument to take her out consistent and have valid points to back him up.

"Think about it, a very nice restaurant, free dinner, perhaps we could throw in a movie, and me. What could be better?" He asked her smiling. "Especially with the 'me' part."

She smiled. "A night out would be nice. Not a dateā€¦just a casual night out." She said making sure that the idea of this not being a date got through to him.

"It doesn't have to be a date, just two friends getting together to enjoy each other's company." He said simply. "Does that mean that you would pay for your own food and movie ticket?" He asked and in turn received a defiant stare. "I'm just kidding. Being the gentleman that I am, I will gladly buy your ticket. Also, I will personally come pick you up, and drive, yes me drive- I know scary right?" He said when she smiled and pretended to act shocked. "To dinner and then the movie. Then, once it's all over, bring you back home. Maybe." He added.

Beckett rolled her eyes at his childish behavior. "So free food, plus free movie, plus a free ride? Sounds like it would be ludicrous on my part if I turned this down."

"I agree. You have a movie in mind?" He said pleased that he had convinced her to join him.

"You tell me, you were able to synopsize my past the first time you met me. Let's put your skills to the test and see if you know me well enough to decide what genre suits me best." She said, satisfied that she could give him somewhat of a challenge.

"Oh, I know just the movie."

She couldn't help but smile at the way he looked so confident. However, there were some conditions he would have to agree to if he truly wanted her to go with him. "Alright Castle, I'll make you a deal."


"We can go on our so-called date, as long as you promise not to make a joke out of it and not tell the boys."

"Cross my heart." Castle said, his eyes gleaming with excitement that she was actually saying yes. He thought she would have taken this gesture as a joke, turning him down instantly. That's how it had been the first time he had asked her out. Truth was, he had planned to ask her out for a second time once he had gotten to know her more and show her that she could trust him. However, now since the opportunity had appeared, he felt that he had might as well give it a chance, and fortunately, he did.

"Well alright then. See you at eight?"

Castle was stunned, but caught himself before his mouth had the chance to gape open.

"See you at eight." Castle replied as she walked by him to talk to other police officers who had just arrived on the scene to inform them on what had just happened. He was going to make this the best night she had ever had, date or not.

So, I've decided to ask my readers: What type of genre do you think Beckett likes? Or better yet, what movie should I have them go see? Give me suggestions and I might just use one :)

Please review, I LOVE hearing your guys' opinions on my stories, not to mention it truly helps me gain the motivation to update faster :p

Last thing, check out some of my other stories and let me know what you think :)