It was a beautiful spring evening at the Matsuda residence just a couple of weeks before the Kira case began. A little girl was walking home from a walk with her older brother holding her hand. "Toutou can we go on a walk next week" Said the little girl. He looked down at her and smiled.

"Of corse we can My little Mitsu" He said as they headed into the house. "Now I have to make dinner then give you a bath then it's off to bed with you" He said as he locked the door behind him then headed off into the kitchen after he had put his slippers on.

"But Toutou I wanna stay up with you for a while longer pleeeeeeeeeeease" She begged as she gave him the puppy face.

"Not this time little one remember how old you still are" He said.

"I'm six" she quickly said.

"Almost in a couple more weeks you will be" He said.

That night Mitsu began to dream but tossed and turned. "Toutou...Toutou will soon...Be in danger...K-Kira" She mumbled.

Two weeks later it was almost eight at night and Touta Matsuda was called to an Interpol Meeting at the police station where he worked. He told her that she had to stay home but she secretly fallowed him instead. When the interpol meeting was over She ran home without being noticed before Touta could see her. She quickly rushed into her room then moments later she heard Matsuda unlocking the door. "So...Just as I had dreamed...Kira has come...and he will kill those who get in his way much later on...but for now he's only killing criminals who deserve to die according to him...Great I'm acting just like mommy used to when she used to be in the SPK" She thought to herself just before she heard her brother.

"I'm home Mitsu sorry I'm so late" He said as he called up the stairs.

"HI TOUTOU" She yelled.

"Sorry sis I had some buisness with the Special Task Force to take care of" He said as he opened the door to her room.

"What was it about" She asked.

"Sorry I can't say it's a secret now get some sleep I'll see you in the morning" He said as he tucked her in and kissed her forehead. "Good Night Mitsu"

"Night Toutou" She said as she closed her eyes. When she heard him shut her door she opened her eyes again. "The time has come...just like momma said before she died" She thought.

The Next morning Touta got a call from L himself. "Hello...L...Why are you calling this early in the morning" He asked.

"Have you checked your little sister's room before you left for the meating last night" L's voice was heard on the phone.

"Yes I have and she was there before I left why do you ask" Touta said.

"I'm afriad your sister might've fallowed you to the meating...Somehow she snucked in eventhough all the doors were locked" he said.

"But she's so young how could she have snucked into the Meating on her own" Touta said surpprisingly.

"Toutou who's calling so early in the morning" Mitsu said tiredly as she came down the stairs.

"Mitsu were you at the meating last night" He asked agnoring her own question.

"Why would I be at one of your boring meatings" She said.

"Matsuda...May I talk to her for a little bit alone" L said.

Matsuda handed the Phone to Mitsu. "He wants to talk to you...not sure why though" He said.

She gently grabed the phone away from him and he left the room. "Where are you going Toutou" She asked.

"He wants to talk to you alone" he said before he shut the door.

"Hello" She said as she put the phone to her ear.

"So Your Mitsukai huh...I remember you from your mother's England visit to the Wammy house...You came along because Roger told her to bring you" He said.

"Who are you...wait are you that man momma wanted to talk to about an SPK mission" She asked.

"That's right...I'm L you're smart for a little girl and you speak much more clearly then normal five year olds" He said.

"it's how I was raised" She said.

"I figured your mother would raise you like this and i'm truely sorry for her passing...While your brother is on this mission with us I want you to be in it as well...but you'll have to go to the Wammy house for training...I believe that you're a smart girl for your age and have a talent that could be useful in the future" He said.

"I always wanted to be an SPK member but not this early in my life...but sadly My brother doesn't know of momma's membership as an SPK member nor did my I would have to tell him...but I'm scared to tell him alone" She said.

"Don't worry I'll tell him with you but it would have to be later when your brother and the rest of the Special Task Force group meets me Ask him if you can go along with him when you meet me if he says no then tell him that I asked you to come" He said.

"Alright understood" She said.

"Your mother was one of our second best member and you will be too someday" He said.

"And as always you were the best...Lawliet" She said.

"Yes I am...hand the phone back to Matsuda...and you shouldn't lie to your siblings so you should tell him that you were at the meeting but you have to tell him why" He said.

"...understood" She said just before she handed the phone to Matsuda.

When He hung up the phone he looked at her angerly. "Why were you at the meating last night Mitsukai" He said

"Because I had a Dream about Kira...somewhere in the near future you will work under him and not even know it" She said.

His eyes widened. "S-So...You knew...about Kira" He said.

"I've always known about Kira...Cause momma used to study this kind of situations in her younger days when she was still alive but I can't tell you the details right now cause L said that he would help me talk to you about that cause he too knew momma" She said.

"L Knew mother...but how" He asked.

"Remember when momma and I went to England...We went to L's institute for gifted children...where momma grew up...She wanted to talk to L about her mission...So now L wants me to be in on the team too but I'd have to go to that institute for training..and that institute is all the way in England" She explained.

"I'm not letting you go to another country by yourself...Then again with this Kira buisness goin on I won't even have time to take care of you much" He said.

Two weeks later the Special Task Force went in groups to go to the hotel to meet L. Touta and Mitsu went with Soichiro Yagami, The deputy comander. "So this is your little sister Mitsukai huh She's very cute Matsuda but I wonder why L would want her to be here" Said Soichiro.

"That I don't understand yet either Cheif She didn't tell me much als she said was that L asked her to come along with me" Said Touta.

"Well it's a pleasure to meet such a fine little lady such as yourself" Said Soichiro as he held out his hand for her to shake it.

"It's nice to meet you too sir" She said as she shook his hand.

When they opened the door to the hotel room L was curently staying at they saw everyone else in there as well. "Who's this kid" Mogi asked.

"This is my baby sister Mitsukai...L asked me to bring her along" Touta said.

"Who would L ask you to bring your baby sister here" Aizawa asked.

"Because her mother was a dear friend of mine" Said L as he appeared from behind the wall. "good evening gentleman and Mitsu...I'm L" He said.

After everyone showed heir police badges and introduced temselves. Mogi asked Mitsukai a question. "So how in the world did your mother know L"

"She grew up in the place where he grew up though she was a few years older then him so to her he was like a little brother Right L" She said as she looked at him.

"That's right Mitsu your mother told you everything about me before her passing didn't she" He asked.

"Smartalec but yes that's true She also wanted me to give you this if I ever saw you again" She said as she handed him a ring with the letter "T" written on it in Old English MT format.

He gently grabed the ring away from her then upened it up. In it was a small SD card. "Tell me Mitsukai...How old were you when your parents died" he asked as he examined the SD card.

"I was only three when momma father died when I was only a year old so I don't remember them much...My mother died just a month after we had returned from England...Though I do not know how though" She explained.

"Whoa no way she talks like a ten year old" Said Mogi.

"but she only just turned six today" Said Touta.

"Judging from this we may have to send you to the institute earlier then I'd expected possibly within a month or two" L said.

"But the problem is how can I get there I can't go all the way to England on my own I'm too young plus too little" She asked.

"I'm not letting her go to England L...She's the only family I've got left" Said Touta as he picked her up.

"it depends on how serious this case becomes...if it gets too serious for her to be with us then we're gonna have to send her to the institute but don't worry Mr. Matsuda she will be safe at the institute and there will be people watching over her every day" L said.

"Well alright...I want what's best for Mitsu" He said. She hugged him tightly. "But they better take good care of her"

"Don't worry I've met them before and they're really nice Toutou I'm sure they will take care of me when I go there" She said. Everyone laughed when they heard Touta's nickname Mitsu gives him.

"'Toutou' really Matsuda it sounds like your that dog from the Wizard of Oz" Said Mogi as he calmed down to a chuckle.

"Well I was gonna call him Matsurella kinda like Cinderella or that type of cheese that you put on pizzas but then I would be making fun of our last name" Mitsu said. Everyone laughed again

"C-C'mon guys enaugh already...Well if you say so Mitsu" He said as he blushed in embarassment then set her down set her down.

"And as for how to get there I'll have someone from the institute come to pick you up" He said.

After talking to L who told them to call him Ryuzaki from then on and what seemed like hours to Mitsu, they said their goodbyes. Mitsu gave L a quick hug before she left. "it was very nice to see you again L er I mean Ryuzaki" She said.

"It was nice to see you again as well Mitsukai now you must get some rest all of you" He said.

"We will don't worry I'll be sure to put Toutou to bed" She teased. Everyone laughed again.

"Mitsu Enaugh with the Toutou stuff when we're around the guys" Saud Touta.

She looked up at him and smiled.

After a month had passed L called Wammy's House after everyone had gone. but L had asked for Touta and Mitsu to stay behind. L dialed the Wammy House number and Roger picked up. "Hello...Oh L it's so nice to hear from you again how have you been" Roger said.

"Roger This case has gotten a little too serious for someone that is in the investigation...She is about "You-Know-Who"'s age but she is very smart just like her mother and I am asking you if you would come to Japan to pick her up and take her to England to train her to be like her mother...You should know who she is" L Said.

"If I remember correctly She's Tsuki's only daughter correct then I myself will be honored to pick her up I shall be there with the private jet within a couple of days" He said.

"That would be great...You may bring one other person with you cause it will only be me, Mitsukai, and Mr. Matsuda who is Mitsukai's Adopted older brother there" L said.

"As you wish L" Roger said before they hung up. "Near There is someone I have to go pick up in Japan Would you like to come with me you get to see L again" he asked as he looked at a small boy with white hair sitting on the ground playing with his robots.

"Sure why not it might actually be somewhat fun" He said. "Tsuki's only daughter huh...if I remember correctly it's that little girl whose name means Angel...the one who unlocked the door all on her own" He thought.

"Ryuzaki why did you say that Toutou was my "Adopted" older borother" Mitsu asked.

"'s because...Your mother...was actually my cousin she only told me to call her 'mother' because she was a couple years older then me...I am actually your second cousin though I've always loved you as a little sister if not as my own daughter...So Tsuki asked me to take you under my wing in her will when she died because she told me that I was your favorite family member" Touta said as he bind down to where he was eye level to hers.

"B-but Toutou...Wh-Why didn't you say this t-to be b-before" She said as tears formed in her eyes. He hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry Mitsu...I figured that you were still too young and wouldn't undersand" He said.

A couple days later Mitsu, Touta, and L were up on the roof of the newly finished Investiagion Tower. (((That's what I call it cause I don't remember it's true name sorry guys))) "They they are" Said L as he pointed at a black jet as it came in for a landing.

" told me to give this to you on the day you ever had to go away from me...She told me that it opens three ways...but I only figured out how to open it up two ways" Touta said as he put a necklace around her neck. The base was a heart shaped locket.

When she opened up the locket the first way which is the oyster way there was a picture of her mother and her father. When she opened it up the second way which is the opened book way she saw a picture of Touta but becide it the slot was empty. "Thank you Toutou" She said as she hugged him tightly.

"Try not to forget me alright" He said.

"Sheesh Toutou your acting like your gonna won't die idiot" She said just before they saw the black jet finally land on the roof of the tower.

When Roger came out, holding Near's hand as he helped him out, Near looked at Mitsu. "So she IS the one that can unlock doors so easily" He thought.

"Mitsukai this is Roger he will be the one to escort you to the Wammy house and the little one is Near he too is about your age" Said l as he introduced Roger and Near to Mitsu.

"I remember you guys from momma's last visit to England It's nice to see you two again" She said as she bowed.

"It's a pleasure Miss Matsuda" Said Roger.

Mitsu looked at Near. "Well you've grown Neenee" She said.

"As have you Mitsu...And I see that you still remember my nickname" He replied.

"And you still remember mine" She said as she smiled.

"You must be Mitsu's adopted brother It is a Pleasure to meet you sir I am Roger the owner of the institute. your sister will be safe in our care we will take care of her well" Roger said as he introduced himself to Touta.

"I'm Touta Matsuda" He said as he shook Roger's hand then Near's.

"My apologies sir but untill we can find a room for her I'm afraid that Mitsukai is gonna have to share Near's room for the time being if that is alright with you" Said Roger.

"She's told me that when a storm hits you always let her lay down with you so that she can feel safe is this correct Matsuda" Asked L.

"Yes that is correct...As long as someone's with her doring that time or if she has a bad dream I'm alright with her sharing Near's room" He said as he looked at L then at Roger and Near.

"I guess this is goodbye Toutou...till we meet" Mitsu said as she hugged her brother tightly. She looked over and saw Roger loading Mitsu's bags onto the jet while Near was playing with his two robots he had braughten with him.

Touta picked her up once more and hugged her tightly. "I'll miss you my little Mitsu" He said.

"We'll see eachother again brother don't worry I'll try to call when I get the chance to" She said.

"Mitsukai...It's time" L said.

Matsuda set her back down on the ground. She walked over to L and gave him a hug. "It was good to work under your wing for a little while" She said as she hugged him.

"...It was fun having you on the investigation you were a big help" He said as he smiled and hugged her back. He looked over at Near. "You two better look after eachother undersand" Said L as he looked at him then at Mitsu.

"We understand L" They both said at the same time. Mitsu looked over at Roger and noticed that he was holding out his hand for hers. She walked over and grabed his hand.

"Near" L said as he motioned him over. He walked over to him. L Whispered in his ear. "Make sure you take good care of her should she ever have bad dreams or gets scared alright cause I noticed the other day that she's kind of still afraid of the dark alright" He said.

"I understand L I'll watchover her as if she was my own sister" Near said quietly.

L noded his head. "Now go...Roger's waiting for you" He said

"Be good while your there Mitsu don't be getting into trubble" Said Touta

"I will Toutou and you know I would never get into trubble I'm a perfect little angel" She said.

"I know you are Mitsu" He said.

After they had Refilled on fuel they took off and they were now over the ocean. "Wow the ocean is so pretty from up here at night time" She said.

Near looked up at her from his toys and gave a small smile. "You should get some sleep it's getting dark" He said.

"But I'm not tired" She said as she yoaned.

"You should do what Near says and gets some sleep it is getting to be almost ten in Japan" Said Roger as he piloted the jet.

"Alright Roger" She said as she yoaned once more then closed her eyes.

The next morning she woke up and she was in a bed with Pure snow white sheets and a white blanket. She looked over and seen Near playing with his toys on a round white carpet. "Good morning Mitsu" He said as he looked over at her.

"You've hardy changed Near" She said.

"And you're still the same Mitsu I remember from three years ago" Near said.

"When did we get here" She said as she looked around the room looking at all of Near's toys and dice all around the room.

"About one this morning, Roger braught you in here as some of the maids came in with your bags. They unpacked everything for you and put them in that dresser over there" He said as he pointed to a large white dresser with the letter M engraved on the top drawr. "Each drawr has a letter on them to tell which is whos like for instance mine has the letter "N" for Near and Yours has the Letter "M" for Mitsukai Then the maids changed you into your Pjs soon after they unpacked your clothes Don't worry I saw nothing" He explained as he played with his toys.

She looked at him then smiled. "Thanks for letting me stay with you untill Roger finds me an open room" She said.

"Don't mention it I don't mind plus it'll probibly be this way untill you start to feel more comfortable around your new home" He said.

"Maybe...Y'know...I think it was fate that we met eachother again" She said.

He looked at her. "What do you mean by that" He said.

"Well when I heard L talking to Roger on the phone I heard him say that he could bring one person to Japan with him and I had a feeling that he would bring you...and he by the way you looked at me you were thinking almost the same thing and it's strange how we both still remembered eachother from two years ago" She said.

"Well you and your mother did stay here for a month...Or was it two...I forgot...Maybe L was right about you...You are as smart as me" He said as he looked at her and smiled.

"If I only stayed here for a month then I wouldnt've thought of a nickname for you so It had to have been two months" She said.

Just then they heard Near's door slam open and on the other side of the door was a brown headed boy with Goggles on his forehead and a blond headed boy with a Hershey's chocolate peice in his mouth. "Hey Near who's your friend that's in your bed" Said the blond headed one as he walked over to her.

"Stay away from her Mello She hasn't done anything to you" Said Near as he set down his toys.

Mitsu got out of his bed and tried to run behind Near but The brown headed boy grabed her fragile wrist. "Where do you think your goin little girl" He said.

Without thinking Near quickly got up and pushed the Brown headed boy away from Mitsu and got infront of her. "Stay away from her both of you. Is this how you greet newcomers you guys...Especually if the newcomer's a defenseless girl" He said.

"Sheesh Near we were only trying to introduce ourselves our way let's go Matt" Said Mello as he and the brown headed left the room and shut the door behind him.

"Neenee who were those awfull guys" she said as she started to cry in fear. He turned around and hugged her tightly.

"That's Mello and Matt the bullies of the institute...Listen if you ever see any one of those boys when I'm not around then search for me or Roger understand" he said softly into her ear trying to calm her down.

She noded her head in agreement. "I understand" She said. Just then her stumich growled. She blushed but then heard Near chuckling.

"Your hungry aren't you...Get dressed and meet me outside the room and we'll go find something to eat" He said as he realesed her from his grip then started to head out the door.

"But what if those boys are out there" She asked.

"Don't worry I'll protect you from them...I've grown used to their ways so they don't bother me much...Plus I promised L that I would take care of you" He said as he looked at her and smiled then headed out the door then stood becide it.

She looked at him and smiled before he headed out the door. "Thanks Neenee" She thought.

Seven years later Near and Mitsu were in Roger's office. Near was playing with his toys while Mitsu was sitting on the sindow seal with one leg hanging while she was hugging the other ohe close to her chest as she looked out the window untill she heard Roger hung up the phone. They both Looked at him.

"I'm afraid all three of you must hear this" He said as he looked down in sadness.

"What's wrong Roger" Mitsu asked.

Mello came into the room. "What is it Roger" He asked.

"I'm afriad that Watari and L...have died" He said

"No...NO this CAN'T be happening...Tell us it isn't happening Roger" Said Mello surprisingly.

"I'm sorry Mello...but L and Watari are dead" he said sadly.

Everyone's eyes widened at what Roger had said but then Mitsu looked down in sadness. "Just as I thought...I knew this would happen one day...I've seen this happen in my dream last week" She said.

Near looked at her. "No wonder you woke up crying that morning" He said.

"That's right" She said. "But my dream told me that they weren't killed on their own but..." She said.

"They were both killed by Kira" Both Near and Mitsu said at the same time.

"How would you two come to that conclusion so soon" Roger asked.

"Mitsu told me that her dream saw Someone or something writting Watari's name and L's name in a black notebook...she saw the white words on it and it said "Death Note" in Japanese lettering" Near said.

"L told me something about that particular notebook. Whoever's name is Written in the notebook shall die" Roger said.

"That's correct but they can die not only just by Heart attacks but hanging or however Kira wants them to" said Mitsu.

"You two are such smartasses I mean how on earth can you believe that That this bitch's dreams can be real I mean they're just dreams...Aren't they" Mello said as he looked at Mitsu. He looked at Near and noticed that he was looking at him in a way he's never seen him look at him before. "What are you looking at" He said.

"Don't you DARE call her a-" He began to say.

"Your right Mello...They ARE just dreams...but no one knows why some of them come true like they do hell even I don't know and sometimes...I wish I never had these kinds of dreams" She interupted as she got down from the Window seal and walked out of the room slamming the door behind her.

"Roger Who has L chosen to take on the Kira case Me or Near" Mello asked.

"He hasn't yet chosen...and now he never will" Said Roger.

After awhile mello left the room. "I'm almost fourteen I can do whatever I want" he said before he shut the door behind him.

"Near will you go check on Mitsu" Roger asked.

Near noded hid head and picked up his toys as he stood up and walked out of the room and walked tward his room where Mitsu still resides.

When he opened the door he didn't see her anywhere. He looked out the window to see if there was a storm coming. And sure enaugh...there was. "Mitsu you can't hide from storms forever" He said as he tried to hear any signs of crying around him.

He finally found her in the secret area of her closet behind her dress in feetle position. "I miss L Near" She said as she tried to stop crying but couldn't. The space in the closet was big enaugh for only just them two.

"I'm sure he knew something like this would happen somehow...he just couldn't tell when it was gonna happen" He said as he got down on his kneez and wrapped his arms around her weist and sholders pulling her to him hugging her tightly allowing her to cry in his chest.

After a while the storm had finally came. Mitsu was still a little scared of storms but felt safe when Near was around her. "Y'know...I just remembered something...Something that I should've remembered" She said as she tried to calm down.

"What's that" He asked as he looked down at her.

"Back when we were only three...You and I would've never met if it wasn't for L...If it weren't for him introducing us to eachother I would probibly still be here...just never met you...and I would be scared of storms for the rest of my life...and Mello and Matt would've tourtered me to the fullest exten untill Matt left the institute" She explained.

He looked at her. "He's out in the real world...and so will we someday" He said as he played with her hair unnoticably. "What are these feelings I get when I'm with her...and why did I get so mad at Mello when He called her a-...Even I wouldn't want to say such a horrible word cause I know that she isn't one and she'll never be one" He thought as he looked at her realizing that he's playing with her hair. "Plus I never would've promised L to protect you if I hadn't even met you...back then I only protected you because of the promise...but now I'm protecting you not only because of the promise...but because I want to...Because I feel like I have too" He said.

She looked up at him and smiled then hugged him tightly. "Thank you...Neenee" She said. "I wanna protect him from Kira just like he protected me from the stroms when we were little" She thought as she felt him hugged her back.

He blushed when she called him his old nickname she had given him so many years ago. "You haven't used that nickname in so long I almost forgot about it" He said. He got up dragging her with him. "We should get some sleep...tomarrow Mello and I have to start continuing the Kira investigation in L's place" he said as they finally walked out of the closet realizing that it was dark outside.

"I wanna be on the kira investigation too I was when I was little untill it got too dangerous for me but now I can handle that danger becides Kira doesn't even know who we are or who's little sister I am so we're safe for now" She said as she looked at him. he looked at her looking streight and deep into her pretty green eyes.

"I don't want to risk you getting killed by him later on" He said.

"And I don't want to risk YOU getting killed either...You're the only friend I've got...your even better then a're my BEST friend Near...and I don't want to loose you" She said as she blushed and looked off to the side as she realized what she was saying.