Okay, this is my first fanfic! I really hope you all like it and please review!

I don't own iCarly...obviously.


I waited outside Carly's door for a minute before I forced myself to pull the door open. Deep breath, Sam. I thought as I entered and greeted Spencer with a grin on my face. He goofily waved back but then frowned as I sat on a stool across from him at the kitchen counter.

"Hey Sam, have you been sleeping very much lately?" He asked, concerned. I cursed him mentally and allowed the smile to drop from my face.

"Why?" I asked tensely, unconsciously gripping the counter.

Spencer shrugged. "It's just that you seem really out of it lately and you have huge bags under your eyes. I was just wondering if something was wrong." Okay, since when did Spencer play Dr. Phil? I silently thanked god when Carly's door opened and I didn't have to answer Spencer. I turned to see the brunette haired and brown eyed tech geek of iCarly. I forced myself to take another deep breath and tried not to curse. What Spencer didn't know was that I had trouble sleeping because I always had nightmares now. It was the same one every time. In the dream, Freddie would appear and smile at me, my favorite part; but then, always when I reached out to touch him, he disappeared. It was stupid and childish, but I always woke up crying about it. It's stupid because I don't cry, at all. Especially I don't cry over a boy. I had had a crush on Freddie for a while, but after a few days of this I was forced to admit the inevitable. I was in love with Freddie Benson, the geek I had been beating up since day one. It was weird how things I used to bully him about are now some of my favorites. I love how he's smart, even if it's annoying sometimes. I love how he really does care what other people are feeling. I love how he speaks random Spanish when we're in Seattle. I love how he can actually take care of himself between fencing and the use of techniques I've demonstrated over the years. Mostly I love him. It sounds odd, but there is a distinction. It's hard to think of reasons exactly why I love him, but I just, in general, love him. It's extremely frustrating and annoying.

"Hey, Sam." Freddie greets me, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Freddork." I responded automatically. "I have to go upstairs to help Carly set up." I said after clearing my throat so I could actually talk. I left with the image of Freddie's tousled hair, chocolate eyes, and so-white-that-it-may-blind-you smile. Stupid Benson.

Freddie POV

I sighed as I opened Carly's door and stepped into the apartment. Tonight wasn't going to be fun. I heard Spencer, who stood facing me; say something to Sam, whose back was turned to me. Oh, god she was already here. Sam turned to look at me with something of relief evident on her face. She took one look at me and a flash of pain went through her eyes before it became an emotionless mask again. I sighed. What had I possibly done now? I walked towards them greeting Sam in the happiest tone I could muster. Sam nodded, calling me Freddork before rushing upstairs to help Carly, or so she said. I grimaced when I realized Sam had left an image of herself with me. Stupid silky blond hair, shining blue eyes, and slim figure. I was broken out of my trance when Spencer waved a hand in front of my face.

"Huh?" I asked stupidly, leaning against the kitchen counter for support.

"I just asked if you were okay. You don't look like you've been sleeping lately." Spencer commented, obviously concerned. I took a deep breath. It was all my stupid nightmares fault. I hated to admit it, but the only good part of my nightmares was seeing Sam in the beginning. Her disappearing as I reached for her? Not cool. I mean sure over the last few months I'd had a huge crush on her but these dreams could only mean one thing. I was in love with Sam, the bully who had tormented me from the first day we met. It was interesting how the exact things I hated about her last year are now desirable qualities. Sam had always had a different type of smart then school smart, but now that was different with her C's and B's. As she matured, her meanness simply transformed into bluntness, something I admired. I really love that she doesn't bully anymore, except for me of course. Of course there was just something about her that kept bringing me back to reminisce about the fireworks on our first kiss. I had had other kisses since then, but none with the fireworks. She was amazing, and I hated the other boys in school starting to realize this.

"Uh..I just haven't been able to sleep good lately." I said nervously, rubbing the back of my neck as Spencer eyed me suspiciously. "Really, it's nothing." Spencer shook his head sadly for a minute.

"Wait, how are going to stay up for the iCarly sleepover tonight if you're already tired?" Spencer realized, concerned. I shrugged.

"I haven't really figured that out yet, Spence." I told him as he smirked at me.

"Well, looks like you're going to have to do the dare then." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. Sam, Carly, and I had agreed that the first one to fall asleep would have to do a dare suggested by a viewer. Whoever stayed awake the longest got to pick one of the viewers' dares and the loser would have to do the dare on the next iCarly. Spencer stopped laughing as he realized something. "As long as Sam doesn't fall asleep first. Then you would be off the hook." I raised my eyebrows and snorted, even though the mere mention of her name sent a slight shock through my system.

"No way Sam has gotten less sleep than me." I announced calmly, crossing my arms across my chest. Spencer leaned forward and smiled.

"My money's on Sam falling asleep first. Sorry, Freddie." He laughed and I started to be honestly confused. How could Sam possibly get less sleep than me? This last week I had gotten like 14 hours total or something ridiculously low like that. Spencer seemed to sense my question and he turned serious.

"I don't know what's wrong with you and Sam, but Sam usually sleeps here and let me tell you, I haven't caught her asleep all week. I think she's on the brink of passing out." Spencer looked seriously upset now. I was worried myself. Spencer was always up at the crack of dawn and Sam couldn't possibly WANT to be awake that early. I glanced at the kitchen clock behind Spencer and saw that I had an hour to get everything set up for our all nighter iCarly. I hadn't really wanted to do the stupid sleepover in the first place, especially with my latest insomnia, but Carly had wanted to do this for months. Besides, if Sam was more tired than I was (which worried me because the ground swayed under my feet) then I might not have to do the dare if she fell asleep first. I shook my head a little bit, just to try to clear it of Sam.

"Well, I gotta go set up, Spence. Catch you later." I waved goodbye and hurried up the stairs.

Thanks so much for reading! I already have some great ideas and hopefully the next chapter will be up soon! Review, please!