A/N Hola Muchachos! This is the very last chapter of iGo to Hawaii and it is the epilogue. Its been fun, but now its over. Thanks for reading and have a good life! By the way... I have 93 reviews for this story and seeing as this is the very last chapter ever and it would be so cool to have 100 reviews... who wants to review?

Freddie's POV

"Sam! Hurry up!" He shouted at his girlfriend as she stopped again to look in a store window at the airport.

"We're going to miss our flight!" Carly shrieked for good measure.

Sam rolled her eyes and dragged her feet over to them, "Yeah, yeah. I'm coming."

The airport was a nightmare. It was very crowded and chaotic and they got lost twice. They had some troubles going through security because Spencer's socks had wires in them to hold them up. Freddie thought they were weird but didn't question it. When they finally go to their gate they saw a familiar woman sitting by the window.

"Elaine!" Sam shouted. Elaine turned around, surprised but then smiled when she saw who it was.

"Hello Samantha." She said softly.

Sam dropped into the seat next to her and tucked her feet up underneath her and stole a chip from the bag Elaine was eating from.

Freddie sat next to her and put his arm around her. She gave him a dirty look but didn't make him move or hit him. Sam was a difficult girl to date. She was bossy and rude and selfish. But she was also kind and sweet. On their first official date, Spencer and Carly waited up in the room and Freddie took Sam to the nicest restaurant on the resort. They didn't have the type of meat she wanted so she punched the waiter in the face, flipped the table, set the buffet on fire and got them banned from the restaurant. But they had a good laugh about it afterwards on the beach with a couple hotdogs and some Peppy Cola.

They loaded onto the plane and Carly said, "Sam do you want sit with me or with-"

"I'm sitting with my nub." She said stubbornly.

Freddie almost smiled, he would never tell her but he loved it when she openly said that he was hers. "Don't call me a nub, Sam."

They fought over the window seat again but Freddie let her have because he liked making her happy. But he wasn't whipped. Sam stole his PearPod again and slept on his shoulder. When she woke up she smirked at him and mumbled, "You know you love this."

They had dinner on the plane which was ham and made Sam happy. They watched a movie on the plane and Freddie caught Sam looking at him and smiling. But she turned away when their eyes met. The plane would land around eleven at night so some people were sleeping. Freddie was almost asleep when Sam poked him in the shoulder.

"What Sam?" He murmured sleepily.

"You know how I love ham?" She whispered. He nodded and she continued, "Well I feel like your ham."

That was probably the closest he would be getting to Sam telling him she loved him. A grin lit up his face and she blushed.

"I feel like your ham too." He whispered back. She smiled in a relieved kind of way. She reached for his hand and kissed his cheek.

He tried to kiss her back but she slapped him and said, "Don't get fresh with me!"

The plane landed and everyone got off. They got their suitcases and were waiting outside for their taxi to come.

"I just wanted to say goodbye." Elaine came up to them and said.

Freddie and Carly hugged her and Spencer shook her hand. But Sam gave her props and said, "See ya, soul sister."

Elaine pulled her into a tight hug and Freddie watched as Sam quickly put her arms around her too.

"I'll miss you Samantha." Elaine said tearfully.

"We'll keep in touch." Sam promised.

They let go of each other and Elaine gave Freddie a stern look. "You take care of her, young man."

"Yes, ma'am." Freddie promised.

"Don't worry, Elaine. I'm going to be the one taking care of him." Sam said. And she punched Freddie in the head.


Elaine kissed them all on the cheek one more time and got in a taxi. Another one pulled up and Sam said, "I bet I can beat you to the car!" And she sprinted off towards it. Freddie followed but he wasn't trying to win.

They got in the car with Sam sitting in the middle and Spencer in the front seat. The drive back was long and Sam fell asleep. When the taxi pulled up outside the Bushwell Freddie had to pull her out of the car.

"Carry me?" She asked sleepily.

He had to agree. She hopped onto his back and he carried her through the lobby and up the elevator. When they got to Carly's place where Sam would be spending the night, she got off.

She kissed him one more time and whispered into his ear, "Goodnight, my ham."

She turned and ran into Carly's apartment.

"Goodnight." Freddie said.

A/N so thanks again for reading it. And i decided i would do all freddies pov because he is cool cat. And remember that i am 7 reviews away from hundred. Do with that information as you will. Oh and i have a new oneshot out called The Trapped Princess and the Brave Knight. A seddie of course. Its about sams life and her father and stuff. Thanks for reading my story and Merry Seddieness!