So here it is, the latest chapter! It has turned out so differently to when I wrote it the first time, and then rewrote that. Anyway, hope you enjoy, and don't forget to review, =)

Disclaimer: I own no characters, just this storyline.

Hermione apparated home and collapsed onto the lounge. Never in her life had she been so confused. Lucius Malfoy had – of his own free will – kissed her. And not only had he kissed her, he had done so in a very public place. Anyone could have seen.

Closing her eyes she leant her head against the back of the lounge. His question rang throughout her head; thisrelationshipwehave.Whatdoesitmean? It was frustrating because she didn't have an answer. Hermione Granger didn't know the answer to something.

In times like these she would talk to Harry, or Ron. But she wasn't talking to Ron, and Harry wouldn't understand the situation at hand. The other person she would talk to is Ginny, but that is where her complications had begun.

The only person she could talk to about this was the person who had made her life so complicated to begin with. But who knows where he'd be now. Sighing Hermione decided she was going to have to face him sometime and it was better to be sooner, rather than later.

Picking herself up off the lounge, Hermione apparated out of her apartment and into the alley next to Marty's. Walking briskly around to the front door, she pushed it open. Stepping into Marty's was like visiting an old dream.

The usual clientele were situated at their usual tables. Marty was behind the bar cleaning out the inside of a glass. However, when Hermione looked around, she couldn't spot Lucius. Walking over to the bar Hermione sat down in what was her chair.

Marty hadn't even bothered to look up. "Hi" Hermione called, hoping to catch his attention.

"Hermione." He said looking up, "What brings you here? Want a drink? White Russian right?" Marty asked, getting a glass ready to pour her a drink.

"Not today thanks Marty." Hermione relied, declining the drink. "I was wondering if Mr. Malfoy had come in today."

"Who?" Marty asked putting the glass he had gotten out back under the bar.

"Um, Lucius Malfoy?" Hermione said, shifting uncomfortably in her chair.

"Not today. Sure you don't want a drink?" he offered again. Hermione shook her head politely and left. Pushing the door open, Hermione groaned. She was going to have to go to the Manor.

She had only been there once, and she had vowed to never go back after that. Walking back into the alley, Hermione looked around before closing her eyes and visioning the white brick mansion.

Walking up the long gravel stretch ahead of her, Hermione hoped that Draco wasn't home. Only that would put the icing on the cake. Reaching the large wooden double door, Hermione thought of backing out. Yet unable to stop herself, she reached out and knocked.

"Hello Missus, how may Peppy help you?" the elf asked, opening the door wide.

"Is Lucius home?" Hermione inquired, looking at the interior of the house. It seemed that a renovation had been undergone since the last time Hermione was here.

"Master Malfoy is in his private study." Peppy told her, closing the door a bit.

"Can I go up and see him?" Hermione asked politely.

"No one can go into Master's study without his permission. Not even Peppy" the elf wailed.

"Okay, okay." Hermione soothed, trying to get the elf to calm down. "Would you be able to go and get him?"

"Disturb Master Malfoy in his study?" Peppy cried, "Never, you can't disturb him in his study"

"Peppy. What are you making that god awful sound for?" Hermione groaned, of course he was going to show up. Looking at the staircase, Hermione watched as Draco made his descent. "Granger? What are you doing to my elf?"

"I did nothing –"

"Missus asked to see Master Malfoy in his study" Peppy wailed, her big eyes looking up at Draco.

"Thank you Peppy, you may leave now" Draco said. Peppy turned her big eyes back to Hermione, and took her leave. "Why do you want to see my father?"

"I don't believe that's your business" Hermione replied snottily.

"Actually it is" Draco pried, leaning against the door frame. "Why do you want to see him so urgently?"

"It has to do with business" Hermione lied, thinking back to what she had told Ginny and Luna.

"He hasn't got any business offers at the moment" Draco claimed, shifting his weight onto his other foot.

"Fuck Malfoy just let me in" Hermione retorted, and upon seeing the shocked expression on his face, she pushed past him. She had tunnel vision, and no one was going to stop her. Heading up the stairs she heard Draco calling out after her,

"You don't even know where you're going!"

Rolling her eyes, she pushed forward. Taking a left at the top of the stairs she saw the large door at the end of the hall. It was undoubtedly Lucius study. Practically stomping down the hallway, she pushed open the door.

The sight in front of her took her by surprise. Lucius Malfoy was sitting behind his desk with several empty bottles of bourbon and brandy in front of him. The glass on the desk in front of him was half full, and had tiny splashes around it.

"Draco get out" Lucius slurred, not bothering to look up. Rolling her eyes Hermione shut the door and walked over to clean the empty bottles up. "I said leave" he slurred again, looking up at Hermione.

"Yeah, fat chance of that happening." Hermione said, conjuring a rag to wipe the spills off his desk. "You realize you're totally plastered, don't you?"

"It's not my fault." Lucius slurred, taking a mouthful out of the glass in front of him.

"Well it sure as hell isn't mine." Hermione replied, taking the glass off him.

"But it is, you couldn't answer a simple question" he slurred out getting out of his chair and walking towards her. Hermione backed away from him; perhaps this wasn't the best idea.

"It really wasn't a simple question" Hermione replied. She felt her back hit the door behind her, the drink in her hand sloshed in the glass threatening to spill over the edge. Lucius continued to walk, well stumble toward her. Yeah, this wasn't panning out how she had planned.

Lucius slammed his hands on the door beside her; Hermione could see the frustration bubbling up inside him. Before she had a chance to react, his lips had found hers and she was swept away in an all-consuming passionate kiss.

Regaining her focus on the task at hand Hermione pulled away and looked at him curiously. What the hell? "No" Hermione said sternly, "No, we aren't doing this." Hermione gave Lucius a shove and was surprised by the shocked expression on his face. Did he want them to do this?

She watched as he went and sat on the edge of his desk, head in his hands. He never lifted his head to look at her, "Leave" he whispered so quietly that if there had have been any other noise in the room; Hermione wouldn't have heard him at all.

Now Hermione was dumbstruck, one second he was snogging the living hell out of her, and demanding that they have some sort of relationship and the next he was telling her to leave? Giving him once last glance, Hermione turned and headed toward the door, but not before she caught him throwing a Brandy bottle at the wall.