Yeah, you guessed it! Another story for the very smexii couple Len x Rin! -Jenn

She likes twincest; I like mirrorcest, but it doesn't really matter much now, does it? -Renn

No, no it does not, Renn-kun. *hugs* Okay, so let's move on with the story, okay? -Jenn

Yes, yes, now get off. -Renn

For the love of Crypton! We do not own Vocaloid! If we did, the only shipping with Len and Rin would be Len x Rin, but that's pretty popular huh? ;D

Also, we own Tamako and Jun Sachine. They are our OC's.


Rin's POV

"Rin and Neru Akita," someone screamed behind our door. "Get up and get ready so we can go to the beach!" I used my orange pillow and smashed it against my head to prevent sound from entering my ears. Somehow, I can tell my older sister did the same. Who was at the door you may ask? Well, who else who pound at your door at...I looked at the clock...five thirty in the morning? Miku and Gumi Hatsune, that's for sure.

"Shut up!" Neru screamed, a bit muffled by her pillow. "Go back to sleep and stop waking us up or I swear I'll go to your room at the middle of the night, dump syrup all over you and coat you with ants!" I turned to glare at the door.

"So shut up, because I will help her!" I screamed. We just had to move into the dorm with the Hatsune, didn't we? Do they have any idea that no one in their right minds want to go to the because at five in the morning! I groaned and pulled the covers over my head. Oh? I haven't introduced myself? I'm Rin Akita, the younger sister of Neru Akita who sleeps in the bed next to me. We're actually twins, but I prefer to call her my older sister, even though we're both sixteen. I heard our door swing open.

"Finally!" I heard Gumi said, triumphantly. "I totally knew I could pick their lock." Miku squealed and there was no doubt in my mind she hugged her own twin sister. My hand fell off the bed, reaching for something cold on the ground.

"Where the heck did I put that bat?" I groaned. Gumi yanked the covers off of me and threw the pillows aside as I glared at her. "Gumi Hatsune, I swear if you don't leave me and Neru alone this instant, I'll never make you carrot cake ever again." She cringed a bit, but refuse to give in, so I sat up.

"C'mon, Rin!" she said. "It'll be a lot of fun!" Miku pulled open the curtain to reveal the sun high in the sky.

"And plus," Miku added. "Your clocks are way off on the hour. It's about twelve right now, you lazy people." Neru hissed and sat up as well. Gumi dragged me out of bed and gave me a towel. "Now both of you, take a shower! We're all going to the beach!" Neru and I both sighed. It's a good thing I didn't see my afternoon as clearly as I saw the morning.

Neru and I fell asleep in the car on our way to the beach, mostly because we sat in the back, side to side. I was in the middle, Neru had a window seat and Gumi sat to my left. Meiko, another one of my best friends, was driving because this was one of the only times when she was sober. In the morning just after her hangover ended. Neru wore her hair in its original style where all of her hair was pulled to the side to make a long ponytail. She wore a gold swinsuit under a white shirt, a grey skirt, flipflops, and a gold jacket.

I wore my hair down, it was as long because I refused to cut it, so it fell to my waist. But, I still had the white ribbon I got when I was a child. My hair, of course, wasn't as long as Neru's, because that would have been very hard for me to manage. I wore an orange swinsuit under a yellow tank top, white mini shorts, and a white hoodie with flipflops. Why were we so tired? Because Neru and I have a very difficult project we had to work on over the nights. I hate our teacher.

"Akitas!" Meiko yelled. "Wake up! We're here!" We were startled awake and groaned. Neru easily kicked the door open and we stepped out unto the parking space above the beach. I couldn't believe there were already people there. I groaned.

"We're going to be here forever," Neru and I groaned. Miku gave us the umbrella and the blanket to carry and we headed down to the beach. Gumi picked a spot about ten yards away from the water and we set up our things there. "Miku, where's the sun block?" She threw us the sunblock and I rubbed some on my skin. Gumi and Miku ran straight for the water after they applied sunblock and Meiko started to tan next to us.

"Hey Rin," Neru called. I looked towards her. "Summer is about to officially begin tomorrow and school's going to kick us out again. Do you think we should go with Mom or Dad this year?" I shrugged.

"How about Dad?" I suggested. "I mean, because we haven't seen him in like...forever and I heard he's pretty successful." Neru nodded and started texting on her phone. "Who are you texting now, Neru?"

"Mikuo," she said. "Miku and Gumi's older brother is so hot." I laughed and took off my jacket, tank top, and shorts. "Wow, sexy bikini, Rin." I smiled.

"Thanks, how's your swimsuit?" I asked. She took off her clothes to show off her swinsuit. Neru's so lucky, she looks so much better in her swimsuit than I probably do in mine.

"Are you going to go swimming?" Neru asked.

"Yeah, I don't want to sit here all day," I answered. She nodded and I ran into the water to join the Hatsunes.

"Yay!" Gumi said, happily. "I knew you'd complay with us, Rinny!" I rolled my eyes and splashed her with water. "Hey!" She splashed water back and accidently got Miku instead of me.

"Hey!" Miku called. "That's not cool!" Miku splashed the both of us and I splashed water at her, starting the water fight. After, we laughed and I fell onto my butt in the water. Good thing the water wasn't deep and only went up to our thighs here.

"Aah!" We all stopped laughing to see a little nine year old girl splashing wildly in the water. "Help me!" I gasped and started swimming towards her. "Help!" I finally got to where she was and lifted her up a bit. Where I was standing, the water went up to my chin and the girl looked like she was half my size.

"Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded and I gasped at her eyes. One was blue, the other was purple. How pretty.

"Tamako!" I turned around and saw a guy waving. I helped her get to short and saw her head barely reached my shoulder. Wow. The guy, who was at least half two feet taller than me, ran to her and picked her up. "Are you okay? I told you not to go to far out! Do you know what might have happened if you went too far out? If she wasn't there, you could have died!" The little girl nodded and bowed her head.

"I'm sorry for the inconvience," she said. "I shouldn't have gone out there."

"It's okay, as long as you're fine," I answered. The guy let her sit on his shoulders and she raised her hand to me.

"I'm Tamako Sachine," she said. "It's nice to meet you and thank you for saving me." I smiled and shook her hand. What a cute little girl.

"I'm Jun Sachine," the guy said. "I'm Tamako's younger twin brother." I looked at him a bit strangely.

"You two are twins?" I asked.

"Yup!" Tamako said. "I'm sixteen years old and born first. I'm just really small. Don't worry, I just haven't been drinking milk!"

"So you gave it all to Jun?" I asked. She laughed and nodded. "I'm Rin Akita. It's very nice to meet the both of you."

"You're Rin Akita?" Tamako asked. "Then you're our step sister!" What? Step sister?

"Your dad married our mom," Jun clarified. "I heard you had a twin sister. Is that her?" Before I knew it, Neru ran up beside me and showed my a text.

"Whoa, girl, slow down," I said, as she panted. She gave me her phone and I read it. 'Neru, I love you.' I looked back at her and she was blushing. "Mikuo?" She nodded. "What are you going to do?" She shrugged and I turned to Tamako and Jun. "Oh, by the way, this is Tamako and Jun, our step siblings."

"We have step siblings?" she asked. "Wow, Dad works fast." I elbowed her ribs. "Ow!" Tamako and Jun laughed.

"Anyway," I said. "We're going over to Dad's place for the on coming summer."

"Isn't it summer already?" Jun asked.

"Actually, summer for our school would be when they kick us out of our dorms for the season," Neru said. "Otherwise, you still can't leave." She took her phone back from me and shoved it into her pocket.

"That doesn't seem like fun," Tamako said. "Anyway, it's very nice to meet the both of you! I can't wait to see you at home! do know where we live right?"

"In Dad's villa," I answered. She nodded. "Well then, be careful next time, okay?"

"Okay!" Tamako said, happily. "Bye Rin, bye Neru!" Tamako and Jun walked away, okay so Jun walked away with Tamako on his shoulders. She's just really cute! Neru and I started walking back to the tent as Miku kept gushing about Mikuo.

"Wait," I said. "How do you know if he's not just kidding? I mean Mikuo is a prankster and a playboy." Neru frowned and whipped out her phone. She started typing rapidly and Miku and Gumi ran to us. As soon as they got here, they glomped me down. "Ow!"

"Rinny's a hero!" Miku said, cheerfully.

"G-get off!" I screamed. "I can't breathe!" They laughed and sat back. I sat up and coughed. "Geez, guys. All I did was save a relative."

"You're related to them?" Gumi asked. "How?"

"Step siblings," Neru answered. Suddenly, the song 'Hold Me Like a Princess' started playing. I reached for my phone and answered it.

"Hello? Rin Kagamine here," I said.

"Hey Rin."

"Dad? Hi. Neru and I are coming over to your place for the summer this time!" My dad chuckled.

"Okay then," he said. "There's something I need to tell you and Neru about."

"Is it about Tamako and Jun?" I asked.

"You know them?"

"Just met them a few minutes ago," I answered.

"Good then," he responded. "They'll be flying over here so if you want to ride with them, you can."

"Alrighty then," I said. "Thanks and see you dad." I shut my phone and turned to Neru. "Dad says we're going to catch a ride with Tamako and Jun."

"You mean that Shouten?" she asked.


"He's a Shouten; a guy with a shouta face and bishonen body," she explained. "Shouten." I nodded and felt someone jump on my back.

"Tamako!" I said, in surprise. She was smiling at me.

"Let's go pack up your stuff!" Already?

The plane we got on was a two seat per each row, so I sat with Neru. She was grumbling something about turning off her cell phone on the plane and how she didn't care about the safety of other. Typical Neru. Jun and Tama sat in the row across from us. I just adore Tamako's name, so I gave her the nickname Tama or MakoMako! She waved to me from her seat and I smiled back at her. She sat next to the window like I did and Jun was trying to sleep. Good luck man. I heard that it was going to be somewhat how when we land in Tokyo, so I dressed light. I wore my hair in its normal down style and ribbon on top. I had an orange t-shirt, white capris, and converse. Neru, though wore a gold t-shirt and gray skinny jeans with converse.

"Hey Neru," I called. She looked at me with a questioning face. "I have this feeling about Tokyo."

"Are you scared Rin Akita?" she asked, a bit smuggly.

"No, but I have a feeling this is going to be a long summer," I said. Back then, I had no idea how right I was.

Yay! A new story! -Jenn

We know Len's not here yet, chill out. He'll be here soon. -Renn

Please R & R~