The blonde child drank hungrily from the orange decorated bottle that was held in his mouth. His bright blue eyes danced around the room he was in until he settled for staring at the man who was holding him. A small hand reached up and pulled on a strand of dark hair that had come undone.

"When the storm is over, how long do you think it will take to get back, nya, Itachi-san?" the fish like dude asked from his spot on the bed. A wild storm had broken out and they took cover in an inn. Kisame had been sent out to buy a few bottles, some formula, a few jars of baby food, and another outfit, and some diapers. He didn't get a lot because they wouldn't have him for long.

"We will be about a day or two away then," he replied monotonously, watching the baby that sat on his lap.

Naruto pushed the bottle away before twisting his body to the right, attempting to roll over. His eyes searched the room and stayed on the small round table that sat in the corner.

Itachi placed the infant on the ground with his stomach down. He watched as the baby got up onto all fours and moved one hand and leg after the other until he finally reached the brown oak table.

The blonde charge reached his tiny drool covered hands up to the chair leg and carefully pulled his body up. He stretched his fingers out to the top of the table, desperate for the jar of smashed peas.

"Dada! Dada!" he gurgled out angrily, cheeks turning pink from his pouts. The corner of his mouth let loose a string of drool which continued down his neck. His tiny hands made grabbing motions and he turned his head to peer over at Itachi.

The Uchiha man stared intently before standing up and strolling over to the child. He sat the baby boy on the chair and popped open the smashed pea's container. He grabbed a small spoon and began feeding the blonde.

"That brat eats a lot," Kisame stated when he looked over to see Naruto on his second jar of baby food. The blonde baby let out a mix between a gurgle and a whine when Itachi had stopped feeding him for a second.

Itachi gently prodded the spoon into the child's opened mouth and in return Naruto swallowed the food after a few seconds. This continued on until the infant's eyes started to droop and his head fell gently every now and then. The Uchiha decided that the child was finished eating and set the jar aside.

The small charge lifted his arms in the air for Itachi to pick him up. When his head connected onto the raven's shoulder he fell fast asleep.

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Sasuke opened his eyes to be greeted by his blurry vision. He groaned at the dry taste in his mouth before his eyes shot opened all the way.

"Naruto!" he cried and looked around only seeing Kakashi who leaned against the wall. The teen's breaths were shallow and hard to reach.

"Where is he?" he asked desperately, practically flying out of the hospital bed.

Kakashi looked away sadly and from what Sasuke could tell, he was frowning.

"He's gone…Lady Hokage has a few search squads out for him but he's been gone for two days. I'm not sure if he's still alive…"

Sasuke fell quiet before looking up with red tinged eyes. "He's not gone… He can't be…"

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Itachi hadn't been asleep thirty minutes when the blonde baby began to move around and giggle. Naruto was lying on his stomach next to Itachi on the bed. The infant's lips were already covered in a new layer of drool as he sucked on his thumb. His jewel-like eyes stared at the older boy, expecting him so turn into his daddy.

"Dada! Dadadada!" he giggled out waving his hands around, slobber covering them. The blonde's small hands reached out for Itachi's necklace but were stopped by the owner's pale hand.

"Uhhhohh," the child's voice laughed, and used his muscles to hands up on all fours. He rocked back and forth while his droll dripped down onto the bed.

Itachi watched as the baby began to crawl over to him. Naruto let out a happy shriek and latched onto the pillow between Itachi and him. He slowly lifted his head from the pillow and when he saw that the Uchiha was looking at him, he giggled and buried his face back into the pillow.

A thin, barely noticeable smile grazed its way to the boy's face. He was happy that Kisame had taken the liberty to catch up on his sleep. Naruto repeated the action before grabbing onto Itachi's coat with his small grubby hands.

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The figure held a map in front of him and a list of places they had been seen at. He knew he wasn't supposed to leave the village but it was an emergency. He would get Naruto back, he owed at least that much to the blonde haired boy.

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Drool dribbled down the baby's saliva coated lips and landed on Itachi's red and black clouded coat, the older male grimaced slightly at the damp look as it stained. A loud, happy shriek came from the child as his hands clapped together cheerfully. He rolled over onto his belly and quickly got up on his hands and knees and crawled away with his small hands making patty noises on the ground.

"Dada…babah...dada, DADA!" he screeched out added a few giggles to it as he looked for his 'dada' around the room. Maybe it was a game, if he found him, and then he'd get his toys. Little Naruto crawled frantically around the room until he crawled head first into the bed post. The child's mouth opened up and he let out a heartbreaking wail. Tears poured from his bright, innocent eyes as a bump appeared on his head. Itachi was standing over the infant within seconds and little Naruto's hands were in the air as he made grabbing motions with his fingers, wanting to be held.

The Uchiha prodigy complied with the infant's wishes and Naruto was soon cuddled up into the boy's coat crying softly. He gently patted said blonde baby on the back while sitting down on the bed. Muffled whimpered were heard as the blonde infant sucked on his thumb, staring up at Itachi with big wide eyes that held too much innocence for such a small being.

Naruto gazed up at Itachi with a glint in his baby blue eyes that the older male could barely identify. He hadn't felt like this since he left Sasuke behind at the village, or since he had forced his brother to hate him. Love. He realized it was love that he felt. Even as a mere child, Naruto had so much love to give.

"The brat finally shut up? I couldn't sleep with its loud mouth yelling…" Kisame complained, sitting up while he grabbed hold of his sword. He wanted to get rid of the kid as quick as possible.

The male raven peered outside the window to see the storm still brewing in all its might. He tried setting the now sleeping boy on the bed but the infant refused to let go of Itachi. The baby's eyes fluttered open in alarm and his bottom lip began to tremble.

The older man quietly shushed the child and said boy fell back asleep gripping Itachi closely. Kisame watched with a conspicuous look and the other male glared back, Sharingan spinning rapidly.

"He needs more food," Kisame stated blankly. Itachi nodded solemnly. The fish like dude sighed and grabbed hold of his sword before opening the door and disappearing into the rainy abyss.

Itachi grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and wrote a letter, he stared at Naruto for a moment before folding the letter up and summoning a crow. He attached the note to its food and preformed another jutsu and the black crow disappeared into a puff of smoke.

'I hope I did the right thing…' he thought generously before a small yawn knocked him out of his thinking trance.

"Dah! Cha-dah!" a small voice giggled gripping the older man's coat to pull himself up onto his feet. The young boy steadied himself by holding on tightly to Itachi's coat.

The Uchiha gathered up what was left of the infant's stuff and packed it in his bag. He collected the small bundle into a blanket and hid him under his black and red clouded coat before taking off into the outside world.

Three Days Later~

"Sasuke," Itachi spoke as the infant slept quietly against his chest," I have explained my reasons to you, I cannot ask you to forgive me but for Naruto's sake, we should work together, correct?"

The younger Uchiha grunted in response, his eyes fixed on the bundle in his loathed brother's arms. He was quiet before nodding. He had to work with him if Naruto was to be kept safe.

"Dada!" Naruto's voice called out to Sasuke eagerly. His arms reached out for the boy.

"Here, he has been babbling nonstop about you," the oldest male said handing the infant to his brother. Naruto clung tightly to Sasuke continuing to babble his daddy's name.

"You've gotten bigger…" the young raven said softly rubbing the blonde child's back. He noted the small bruise on the baby's forehead and anger flashed through his eyes.

"What happened to his head?" he practically growled at his brother. The male didn't move an inch.

"He ran into a bedpost looking for you," Uchiha Itachi replied emotionlessly.

"Tah! Che-che!" Naruto giggled reaching for the other male. Sasuke stared surprised at his brother. The blonde child squirmed happily into Itachi's awaiting arms, much to the displeasure of the youngest Uchiha. The infant smiled toothily and looked into the older male's eyes.

"Tah! Che-che!" he repeated nuzzling into the elder's neck before reaching out for Sasuke eagerly.

"Dada!" he gurgled while gripping the young brother closely. He wasn't gonna let his daddy go anywhere anymore and he would make sure of that, but he didn't want his Che-che to go away either.

"Che-che?" the avenger asked his older brother. In return, a glare was shot at him.

"That is new even to me," he replied quite blankly as they made their way back to Leaf Village. Naruto was now snuggling happily close to Sasuke while sucking on his thumb. His eyes were wide and they roamed over everything that he thought was interesting.

After an hour and a half, Naruto started fidgeting and whimpering loudly. The two men decided to take rest for the night at an inn. Sasuke was sent out to buy some supplies for little Naruto after they had gotten settled in. Naruto was currently holding onto Itachi's fingers while standing up, the infant let out an uncertain gurgle as he put his left foot forward and doing the same with the right.

Naruto's head flew to the direction of the door at the sound of it closing, he saw his daddy walking in with a bag or two.

"Dada!" he shrieked happily as he let go of the older Uchiha's fingers, he consciously took a wobbly step forward before taking another one, and eventually ended up in his father's outstretched arms.

He saw both adults look proudly at him and his daddy smiled and spoke softly to him. He couldn't understand what was said but he was sure it was good and that he had done something right. He rocked joyfully in his papa's arms.