A/N: Okay, I've been thinkin' up the plot for this for a while now. I couldn't cuz I'm working on the next chapters of my only Romance fic, Amanda's Revenge, Relief, uhh... anymore I forgot about? Anyway, hope you like...

Made mostly for namanKAL, saw the review on one of Icyactress' fics, wants more discipline stories, so here goes nothing.

Warning: Disciplinary Spanking, don't whine, for you've been warned...

"I'll never miss another plane again." He'd promised Gideon. Gideon bought it. Spencer didn't usually lie or break promises. -

The case was a nasty one. Serial killer killing teenage girls in their early teens, mostly ranged from 13 to 16. His daughter was murdered in front of him. Her throat was slit, so he wanted every family to feel the same pain by making them watch, then drugged them so that they forgot the whole ordeal. The team was in Dallas, Texas, and one of the later victim's father lived in Austin, Texas currently, so JJ and Emily were assigned to go, along with Reid.

Reid, on the other hand, was acting strange. He was more tired than usual, even before he was tired, because of nightmares, but now, he was pale, and it didn't help he was wearing mostly black. And his eyes had deep purple circles. He almost looked like one of the corpses in their case. He was constantly irritated, again by lack of sleep, and no one tried to talk to him. He was easily offended.

Reid got the text to meet them at the jet, but he decided to just finish the profile by himself at the station and prove he was better at his job than they thought. He skipped the plane, leaving Gideon furious and disappointed. He'd been analyzing and profiling his protege closely, noticing his lack of sleep. It wasn't an excuse to constantly be offending the others and taking his attention away from the case to prove something that didn't need to be proved, whatever it was. Reid didn't need to prove anything. He was 'proving' how much disciplinary action needed be taken by his constant offensive behavior and insubordination. Gideon was fed up. He'd thought they were past his problem.

Once the rest were back, and it was time to go rest and get ready for a new day and fresh thinking, Gideon approached Spencer and pulled him aside away from the rest.

"What?" Reid said angrily as he pulled his arms away from Gideon's grip.

"Stop with that Spencer, I'm not being meant to you."

"Fine, whatever. What is it?" Reid said in a forced calm.

"What were you thinking. You skipped the plane on purpose again... and even after you promised me you wouldn't. What's going on with you?"

Reid furrowed his brow in anger. He turned away. "None of your damn business. Go ahead, write me up for insubordination. I don't give a damn. We wouldn't have had the profile this quick if I wouldn't have stayed back."

"That's not the point. You disobeyed Hotch's orders, along with breaking your promise with me.''

"Like I fucking give a damn!"

"Come on, I don't want you drawing any attention to yourself. Let's get back to the hotel and settle this." Reid angrily followed. Once they were inside their hotel room, Reid sat on the bed as if nothing went on. "Spencer, what were you trying to prove by finishing the profile by yourself?"

"Why would I be trying to prove something?" Reid asked in a fake innocent tone.

"Come on, quit trying to fool me, Spencer. Because I'm not buying it."

"Just back the fuck off my case. God damn, like you haven't made any mistakes. What do you want me to do, say I'm sorry, well I'm not! So just write me up and get it over with. Quit lecturing me like I'm your God damned son! I used to think of you as a father, but lately, all you've been is an annoying, nagging colleague, kay?" Gideon felt heart broken, but he knew he still needed to take disciplinary action into his hands. He knew that writing him up wouldn't affect anything.

"You'd better stop that Spencer. The swearing and rudeness."

"Like you're going to stop me."

"I will if I have to."

"Go to hell." Spencer mumbled.

"What did you say?


"Did you just tell me to go to hell?"

"What if I did! So what." Gideon was already by his side. He pulled Spencer up over his lap and began swatting his backside.

"What the fuck... *Swat!* ... Do you think you're doing! You can't do this to me." Reid said while Gideon kept swatting.

"I'm not going to let you get away with this any more. You missed the plane and you're being rude to everyone, along with saying rude things to me and deliberately pushing the boundaries." Gideon lectured in between the swats. His hand firmly against his back to prevent the struggling Reid from his grip, while his other hand was making contact with Reid's backside firmly and mercilessly. "I don't know why you won't talk to me, or anyone in that matter, about the nightmares. I do know about you having nightmares again, and don't know why you wouldn't talk to me."

"Please, just let me go!" Gideon didn't buy his pleas.

"No, Spencer. I won't. I'm not going to let you get away with this behavior. You're lucky I don't have your bare backside right now for the things you said to me." The words registered into Spencer's brain and he now realized what he'd told his 'father' just moments ago. He broke out into tears and pleas of sorry.

"Please, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean it." He wasn't struggling anymore, just sobbing. It broke Jason's heart to hear his 'son' crying and begging, but he knew that's exactly what Spencer wanted, for him to give into his cries and begs, just like before when he'd promised to never miss a plane again. He'd said he'd been struggling, and Gideon gave into his sadness, so disciplinary action wasn't taken.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but I will not tolerate your behavior. And by God if I have to reprimand you again, you'll be over my lap with a bare backside. Do you understand?" Gideon asked as he planted five more hard smacks to Reid's bottom.

"Yes... I-I'm s-so s-s-sorry. I didn't m-mean to say those things t-to y-you." Gideon pulled Spencer into a soft embrace and let Spencer cry on his shoulder.

"Ssh... it's alright. You promise me this time you'll never miss a plane again?" Spencer nodded. Gideon was reluctant in believing him this time, but he knew he'd be able to gain confidence in his words again soon if he kept to his promise. "You promise to stop acting the way you have?" Again, Reid nodded while continuing to sob into his 'father's' shoulder.

"I'm sorry."

"It's alright, son. It's alright." Gideon rubbed his back. Reid soon fell asleep on his 'father', and Gideon laid him down underneath the bedding and tucked him in. He walked around to the nightlight by his side and turned it on, knowing Spencer would sleep better with it.

"Thanks Gideon." Spencer mumbled.

"No problem kiddo."

A/N: Aww, way too short. sorry it's too short. I'm really tired and decided to get this done before I forgot about it completely, as I do alot with all my stories. Anyway, review and tell me what you think.