A/N: Hello... again. More updates! Gosh I'm addicted to writing this story. LoLz.

Reid stood there shocked. Gideon's face was calm, almost too calm.

"Come here Spencer." Gideon said lightly. He didn't show any sign of emotion, which scared Reid. Would he get another beating? He thought. He winced at it. He stood for a moment, not sure of what to do. Finally, he gained control over his legs and hesitantly walked to Gideon. Gideon patted the bed as a sign for him to sit down. Reid did. Gideon pulled the bloody razor from him and put it on the nightstand. Without saying anything, he took Reid's arm and gently pulled the sleeve up.

"Don't Gideon... please." Gideon didn't acknowledge Reid saying anything. He stood Spencer up and walked him to the bathroom, in which where Gideon started to clean the cut off silently. Reid winced as the cold water hit the open wound.

"Is it too cold?" Gideon asked. Reid nodded. Gideon turned the warm water on more. He grabbed a dish cloth and put it on his arm, then escorted Reid back to his bed and laid him down. He didn't know what to say, so he just tucked Spencer in and brushed the tears off his face. "We're going to talk about it tomorrow." Reid sat up and let tears fall silently. Gideon took him in his arms and rocked him. "Ssh... it's alright. Just go to sleep, okay?" Reid nodded. Gideon laid him back down and turned the lights off, except for the nightlight. He disposed of the bloody razor, then went to bed, though he couldn't sleep, too many things were smothering his mind.

The next morning, Gideon woke extra early to talk to Spencer. He was already awake, though. He sat up and rubbed his bloodshot eyes.

"How long?" He looked confused at Gideon. "Have you been..." He gestured to Reid's arm.

"Oh... uh. I'm not sure. Off and on since I was ten... do we really have to talk about it?"

"Yes. We do." He sighed.

"What's there to talk about?"

"Why don't you tell me what your nightmares are about?" Gideon suggested.

"No... it's like always... somebody killing a baby."


"How? It's just a fucking dream!" Gideon furrowed his brows. "Sorry..." He looked at his hands. Gideon gave him a hug. Reid flinched. He was for sure Gideon would have his bare ass again, but he didn't.

"I need you to tell me."

"There's nothing to tell you."

"Come now, Spencer, we both know that's not true."

"I don't have to tell you!" Gideon shook his head. He grabbed Spencer by the shoulders and gently pushed him to a corner.

"Stay there until you're ready to talk." Reid started crying. It was only minutes later Reid moved and sat on the bed carefully. "You're ready to talk?"

"I'm not going to tell you. I don't have to!"

"Then why did you move?"

"Because I can. You can't do that to me. I just want you to leave me alone for once. God damn, you're like a fucking parent."

"Spencer..." Gideon said in a warning-like tone.

"Gideon..." Spencer mocked.

"I'm tired of dealing with you." He grabbed Spencer by the shoulders once again and put him back the corner. "If you move, God help me, I will bare your ass again."

"God damn you. Just leave me alone."

"No, I won't until you stop all this nonsense. Now, stop talking."

"Fuck off, asshole." Reid turned around and crossed his arms.

"Do you really want to test me?" Gideon asked.

"No, I just want you to back the fuck off.''

"Turn back around." Gideon demanded.


"One... two..."

"I'm fuckin' leaving." Reid walked to the door and put his shoes on but before he could open the door, Gideon put his hand on it, keeping it closed.

"You're not going anywhere, Reid!" Gideon dragged him to the bed and sat him down. "You need to stop this crap."

"Fuck off. You're not the boss of me!"

"Actually, I am. You gave me power of attorney." Gideon said.

"So, you have no reason."

"Yes I do. You're hurting yourself, so I have every right to treat you as a child. I could commit you to an institution if I thought it would be best, but I'm not going to. I do care, although you may think not, I do. You're like a son to me, and I'll do anything to protect you in YOUR best interest. Do you understand." Reid nodded. "So if I think what is best is what I'm doing right now, you have no control."

"Whatever. I hate you!" Gideon sighed. Reid put his face in his pillow and sobbed. Gideon rubbed soothing circles on Reid's back. "Don't touch me... please just leave me alone. I have to cool off." As much as he hated to admit it, he knew where Reid was coming from. Spencer didn't really know what it was like to have a real childhood. He imagined his colleagues' childhood.

Morgan... football player, popular, but lived on the streets. Garcia, always coloring with fluffy pens and playing outside in bright colors. Hotch, typical, he'd probably have been one of the teens that did his schoolwork, yet was somewhat rebellious, probably grew out of it is why he's so mature now. JJ's, always the friend that comforted people, she probably cared for anybody sad. Emily, she was troubled. Moving so much, she didn't get to make friends, but became friends easily. But Spencer, he was tormented... along with being the youngest in his school and being the smartest. Taking care of his Schizophrenic mother. He never really got the chance to be rebellious. Now he was just discovering it.

"Spencer... sit up for a minute." Reid sat up. "Why are you acting like this?" Reid looked at his hands. "Is it because you never had the chance to be rebellious when you were younger?"

"Why does it matter. Just have Hotch write me up, okay. Leave me alone."

"No, I won't do that. Writing you up won't have any effect."

"Why can't you just leave me alone. If you do, maybe I wouldn't be so irritable."

"Sorry, I can't do that. You'll just keep acting the way you are."

"Why are you being an ass!" Gideon shook his head. He'd given him the chance to talk it out, but he was acting just as bad. He stood and put Spencer on his stomach. He pulled his pants down and started to spank him, once again. He didn't want to do it to him, even worse when he saw his bruised backside. But he wasn't going to let that stop him. Spencer needed to learn that his behavior was not acceptable.

Spencer didn't fight, because inside, he knew he deserved it and felt bad for calling his only 'father' the things he did, but there was another side. A merciless side to him. One that made him want nothing more than everybody leave him alone and never come back so he could do as he pleases: Drugs, alcohol, money. He internally smacked himself for thinking that way. He started sobbing, not from the pain of the spankings, but because he was mad at himself. Why did he have to act this way?

"G-Gideon... I want to talk. Please. I'm serious this time." Gideon didn't believe him, but this time, Reid wasn't playing. Gideon simply ignored him. "Ple-ease. I really do want to talk."

"I already gave you a chance to. Now you can spend your whole day in your corner with a sore rear end. I'm tired of your behavior, Spencer Reid."

"Pl-please, just stop, I want to talk... please." Reid started hyperventalating from crying so much. "I c-can't b-breathe! S-stop." Gideon stopped and sat him up. Gideon took his arms and put them above his head. Soon, Spencer was breathing fine. "C-can we p-please just t-t-talk?" Gideon nodded and helped Reid put his pants back on. He pointed his index finger toward the corner.

"In the corner you can." Reid pouted sadly. "Go now." Reid did as he was told. He was very unhappy now. He turned around to look at Gideon in the eye.

"I'm sorry..."

"Don't apologize anymore. I'm tired of hearing the same thing from you over and over again. It's always 'I'm sorry' or 'I didn't mean to'. You need to think before you act. You're always begging to just talk, but I did give you that chance. If you would've acted more mature, I wouldn't've had to spank you again." Reid nodded.

"But I really am this time. Can I please work this case?" Gideon shook his head.

"Sorry, Spencer. The way you've been acting, no. You can stay here all day. No tv either. I mean it. I'm trusting you."

"Okay." Spencer said in a whine-like tone. He sat down against the wall and pulled a book out from in the nightstand drawer.

"Sorry, Spencer. No books either. I want you to think about some things and what you're going to tell me tonight when we start where we left off. I expect you to tell me about your nightmares." He sighed and put the book back.

Soon, Gideon left, leaving Spencer alone with nothing to do but sleep, though it was very uncomfortable, because he had to sleep on his stomach...

A/N: Aww, sad, right, I know. I like torturing my favorite characters, but, tough love Spencey, right? Hope you'll be kind enough to review.