I don't own Glee or the song Poker Face.

Haha, I haven't written anything in a while, but I just kind of wanted to write a follow up on Theatrical. I thought that episode was motherfucking ah-mazinggg. Goodness. Absolutely fantastical. But I really did wish Shelby and Rachel could've had the mother-daughter relationship that they'd wanted. Ohh well. That won't happen, so I settled on writing out her thoughts, since it's too late to write a full-on fic. (: Enjoy.

Rachel had always grown up wanting to sing with her mother. She wasn't lying when she'd told Shelby that it had been a life-long fantasy of hers. Their "Poker Face" duet was everything she had expected it to be. Shelby was an amazing singer. Rachel's silly fear of worrying if her mother was a better singer than her had vanished. Her mother's voice was strong, confident, and powerful. And although Rachel's voice held those same qualities, even she could admit that Shelby's voice was much, much better than her own. Rachel couldn't help but wonder what Shelby could sound like, singing lullabies to her to sleep or calm down. Perhaps then she wouldn't confuse being thirsty and sad.

As Shelby sang, Rachel simply watched her in awe. This is my mom, she thought proudly. She's amazing. When they harmonized, Rachel couldn't help but think: Our voices blend perfectly together. And when they reached the crescendo, Rachel truly realized that Shelby Corcoran was her mother.

And yet, although Shelby was Rachel's mother, she wasn't her mom, no matter how much Rachel wanted her to be. But Shelby simply thought it would confuse her even more.

"No!" she wanted to cry. "I want you in my life! I want a mom!"

But if Shelby didn't want to continue their relationship, then Rachel would agree.

"I—I didn't feel the connection either," she'd stuttered.

They were only partial lies. She hadn't felt any connection in their previous meetings. Sure, she looked forward to every time she say, "Mom," and she was proud that Shelby could make such amazing costumes. But those weren't like what she'd imagined.

But singing with her, finally fulfilling her life-long dream of singing with her mother… Rachel didn't know if Shelby felt the same way, but she just wanted to keep singing with her.

As they wrapped up the song, Shelby walked over beside Rachel. "You are really, really good," she said tenderly. Shelby reached out to cup her cheek and patted her shoulder. Those words and that small gesture told her what she wanted to hear for all of her life.

I'm proud of you, Rachel.

Rachel simply gave her a small smile and nodded, hiding away all of her feelings. Shelby returned it and turned to walk away. Rachel could hear the steps getting fainter and fainter, and her tears were coming faster and faster. She turned one last time to get a glimpse of her mother before turning back, letting one tear fall.

I want my mommy.

Hahaha, it was probably really bad, but this was the best I could cook up at three in the morning. (: But yess.

Reviews are appreciatedd. (: