A/N : Hi there ^ ^ I had the feeling that this 2nd chapter will be crappy :P sorry if you agreed then, I tried... Btw, I have dediced that Indie will be a nation with puberty identity crisis and Malaysia will be pair with England (author : *killed by iggybeam and angry indonesian mob*)

Kidding of course. Indie will be in some kind of amnesia and forget who she is or where she came from, and the part about Malaysia is not a joke.

Anyway, this Anglo-Dutch Java War really happened in 1810-1811 when Netherlands was already part of First French Empire. So I simply make Francis, Netherlands, and Arthur escaped from Europe! Get it? *-_-*

More war-related scene in the next chapter, this one is mainly France flirting with Indie. (Not really)

Notes :

-Buitenzorg is Bogor, yes. Oh and the Governor is Janssens in this fanfic, not Daendels. :)

-I laughed at the first point from 1783 Treaty of Paris for England & Dutch, about "Declaration of peace, and forgetfulness of past problems" so I made this Treaty of Paris scene. *like anyone cares*

-Malaysia and Indie's grandfather is no other then Majapahit, his kingdom even reached Philippines!

-Again-Sorry for OOC-ness T_T

Chapter 2, The Anglo-Dutch Java War : Escape From Europe.

"From now on, you'll be under France's administration…" Shut up.

"We've been losing so far, you know this is our only chance…" Shut the hell up.

"We're currently having major downfall in our economy after our last war…" You know I hate it.

"We must work with them…" I hate it when someone tells me what to do.

The Anglo-Dutch Wars

-Treaty of Paris-

His only hope now is that all of this formality crap can end fast. Netherlands didn't know that England was always been this full-mouthed.

"Well, I hope you can keep your promise, Netherlands." The words coming out from England's mouth makes him sick. "I will take control of some of your colonies…" "With exceptions." He stared coldly into England's eyes. "Yes, I don't mind." England grins.

"Besides, I know you've been relying on France for some time now."

"Don't even remind me."

England laughed, "Right, that's just giving me more reason to hate you. But lucky for you, I've had enough problems already." "Yeah, good luck with that." Netherlands stand from his seat and walks away.

"You know that sooner or later we will meet again in the battlefield." Again, England's words are just making him angrier. "I'll wait for that day to come." Then the fallen Netherlands steps out of the door, leaving England, and perhaps what's left of his respect for him behind.


Netherlands sighed, sitting on one of the seat in the conference room. After all the commotion in Europe, he decides to come here. Maybe my one and only fortress of solitude, he whispers to himself. Escape to once-deserted faraway island does seem like a good idea when you're a nation stuck in a hundred years war.

This is the new governor's home, a small city near Batavia. The Company itself has already disbanded because of financial problems. Not surprising, he knew this will happen anyway. And, this new governor is transferred here because of his incapability of defending Cape Colony.

"What's in your mind?" a soft, child-like voice breaks the silence. Netherlands turns his head to see her. And there she is, standing in front of him in her usual dress and with her usual curious brown eyes, staring at him.

"….Nothing." He replied, pretending to give the impression that he's feeling disturbed by her presence. Which is very stupid and even Netherlands himself will wonder why in the world he did that. But she's just standing still, clearly doesn't believe his denial.

He looks away, try to avoid her stare; she raises her eyebrows. He doesn't know why but Netherlands always having strange feelings when she stare him continuously. Then, after he heard her footsteps walking away, Netherlands turns again just to see her sitting beside him now.

"What-? How did you do that?" Netherlands said in disbelief. "I met a little girl in the street yesterday." She says, ignoring Netherlands. "She cried, asking everyone about her parents. She said she came from across the sea." They don't usually talk much, so Netherlands surprised when she telling him about her day like this. "But no one understands what she was saying."

"So… You helped her?" Netherlands finally said. "Yes. But what I can't understand is that why I can talk to her normally?" "You can understand what she said?" She turns to look Netherlands in the eyes; he freezes because of the sad and confused look in her face.

"What does that mean? And how can I even understand your language? Netherlands?" He knows where this conversation will lead, and he already spends many years since they first met to avoid this talk. "It's normal, don't let it bothers you." He replied and stands up from his seat.

Before she can say another word, a (middle-aged, maybe) man enters the room. He has long blonde hair and sly smile in his face; he wears a rather fancy military uniform. "There you are, Netherlands. I was kind of surprise when they said that you're…. Oh, I'm sorry did I bother you both?" He says after he saw the girl.

"What are you doing here, France?" Netherlands shouted at him. "You don't know? I was fighting Brits in India before the Treaty of Paris." "But you're supposed to be in Europe right?" "Oh let the old man does his job." Netherlands pretty sure he knows who French was talking about.

"Besides, I was going to prepare my trip back to Europe before I heard the news from our troops in the west island." "What news?" France take a glance at the girl that sits beside Netherlands, "My, where did you found her Netherlands? I know it; I always thought that you have a rather delightful taste of women."

France walks avoiding Netherlands hand that tried to strangle him, then he take out a red rose out of his pocket (somehow he always carrying one of these), and give it to the brown-eyed girl. "May I have the honor of knowing your name, mon amour?"

"What—" Netherlands grabbed France's back collar with one hand and pull him away from her, "What's the news, France?" He says, lifting France few centimeters from the floor. "Hey—put me down, merde! Alright alright, the Brits are preparing to invade Java, or so I heard." Netherlands let go of his grip, "That does sound like him, alright let's get going then."

France sighs, "You know he already take over some point in Malacca right? You know he'll make his move anyway. And—""We don't have a chance to win this fight. I know." Netherlands says impatiently. "So are we still going to fight?" France asks, even though all the time he was looking at the girl with (what he thought as) his charming smile.

For a second there, Netherlands can't answer his question. Does he really want to do this? "Are you in doubt?" Again, the soft voice of hers breaks the silence. Their eyes met, "No I'm not." He replied. Then surprisingly, the girl gives out a small laugh. "You're such a bad liar." And just like that, Netherlands remembered why he wants to fight despite his small chance of winning.


Sand, coconut trees, bushes. Three things that lately he began to bored with. England stands in the edge of the beach, gazing at the south horizon with both hands fold in front of his chest. "So, what do you know about her?" He said to a little girl about half of his height standing beside him. "Not much… Only that she's my sister and she doesn't really know who she really is… For some reason."

"You never met her before?" England asks again. "Well… The first time was when our grandfather introduced her and my other siblings to me." "How many siblings do you have? Seriously." England sighs.

"Sir, the troops have been prepared." A man with navy uniform came from behind England and the little girl. "Good job Commodore." He replied. "Hey, are you two look alike?" He asks the girl again "Pretty much, yes."

England grins, "Then it won't be hard to find her right? I'm sure there are only a few people with such deep brown eyes and beautiful manners." Unaware of what he said just causes the girl blush slightly, England walks away. "It won't be long, wait for me." Now, remembering England's personality, the little girl just realized that what he said before might be just another form of his sarcasm. But strangely, she doesn't care…. For now.