Sorry guys- I know it's been forever and I doubt anyone is still following this, but I've been caught up with a lot of things lately. As an apology I included a Teacher!Kenpachi cameo at the very end. Anyway- thanks to everyone who dropped me a review, favorited or alerted! You all mean the world to me. Enjoy~

(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)

Karin stared at her brother, curious as to what he had to say to her. After he had talked to her stalker, he had (without explanation) taken her by her hand and took her to a park that they used to play at before their mother died. Karin looked around, marveling at how the little park had hardly changed. Ichigo sat on one of the empty benches, while she was swinging slowly on the battered swing set.

"What did you want to talk about?"

Ichigo looked up at her, obviously confused.


Karin sighed- had her brother just taken her to the park out of instinct?

"Why else would you take me here?"

He nodded numbly, obviously preparing himself to tell her something.

"I have to show you something- it's a secret. Not even Yuzu can know."

Karin raised an eyebrow at that, but nodded anyways. Ichigo got up and stretched, before reaching into his pocket and pulling out a wooden badge.

"When I press this to my chest, I'll transform into a Shinigami."

Karin's eyes went wide.

"Like the stories?"

Ichigo nodded, and then with something close to trepidation, pressed the badge to his chest. Karin watched as her brother was engulfed in light. Then as quickly as it had come, the light was gone, leaving Ichigo in black Shinigami robes, a giant sword strapped to his back. Karin gripped the chain belonging to the swing set tightly, disbelief making her heart rate climb.

"Why are you showing me this?"

He sighed and then moved to sit in the swing next to her.

"Because, you're the same as me."

Karin dropped the chain as though she had been burned and stood up, leaving the seat swinging.


Ichigo looked down, his customary frown deepening.

"You have the potential to transform into a Shinigami."

Karin looked at him, a serious expression on her face.

"Go on."

Ichigo got up off the swing and reached behind him to pull out the giant sword. The wrappings around it, came undone revealing what could only be the biggest piece of metal she'd ever seen.

"Oh… wow- can I… can I touch it?"

Wordlessly Ichigo handed her the sword, hoping it wasn't too heavy for her. Karin touched the soft handle, and marveled at the sheer lightness of the heavy looking sword. She looked at it, and then all of sudden, a burst of warmth seemed to engulf her.

The world seemed to disappear, and Karin closed her eyes, focusing on the warmth that seemed to radiate from within her. She couldn't feel the sword's handle anymore- she couldn't even feel her feet on the ground!

She opened her eyes, and stared at the scene before her in disbelief. She wasn't in the park anymore; instead, she sat on the ground of what seemed to be a never-ending forest.

"Where the hell am I?"

You shouldn't use such foul language, Karin.

Karin looked around, attempting to find the owner of the voice.

To meet me, you must prove yourself worthy. I will give you three attempts at solving a riddle. If you solve it on the first try, I will appear before you. If you solve it on the second try, you will have to solve another riddle that is harder than the first. If you solve it on the third try, you will have to battle me. If you survive, I will explain what you are doing here- if you don't, then your dear brother will have no choice but to kill you.

Karin's mind was reeling.

"Why would my brother have to kill me? What have you done to him!"

The voice seemed to chuckle and then heaved a heavy sigh.

He won't have any choice but to kill you- it's his duty to kill what you might become. Now, let's start shall we?

Karin gulped, but nodded nonetheless, refusing to believe that any of this was real.

Okay; what is as big as you are, yet does not weigh anything?

(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)

Ichigo stared at his sister's unconscious form. After she had touched his sword, she had glowed for a few seconds before collapsing in a heap on the grass. Ichigo bit his lip, moving her hair out of her face.

"Ah, it seems you have a problem."

Ichigo felt himself go stiff and slowly turned around to see none other than Urahara. The man was wearing his usual attire, accompanied by his usual smirk- only this time he didn't bother hiding it behind his fan.

"What do you want Urahara?"

Urahara's smile faltered, before disappearing completely.

"You can't do anything for her. She's in her inner world."

Ichigo stared at him blankly, not comprehending what that meant.

"Do you remember what happened when you first went into your inner world?"

Ichigo's eyes widen as he understands what the older man was getting at.

"You mean… Karin is… The same thing that happened with me in the pit, is happening to her.. NOW?"

Urahara shook his head, and Ichigo felt himself relax a little bit.

"No, what's happening to her is much worse than what you went through."

Ichigo got up, intent on punching the other man, but his fist was stopped easily.

"Hitting me won't solve anything Ichigo."

Ichigo bit his lip harder, wishing that he could do something- anything. Hadn't he just finished telling Toshiro that he didn't want his sister going through the same thing he did?

"There's nothing you can do except have faith that Karin can overcome her inner spirit on her own. I mean, look at you. When you were in the pit, I had Tessai ready to help me kill you the entire time and yet you're here alive and well!"

Ichigo ignored the comment and sat down next to his sister, trying to envision what would happen if his sister failed.

"Since she's not in the hole that you dug me, her transformation will be much worse than mine ever could've been, right?"

Urahara shrugged, taking a seat beside him.

"I don't know Ichigo- despite my extraordinary capabilities; I have never been confronted with a situation like this. Hmmm… this would make a good case study…"

Ichigo suppressed the urge to hit the other man, and settled for hitting the ground.

(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)

Karin stared at the ground, lost in thought. What was as big as she was, yet weighed nothing? Maybe a few pillows stacked together? She bit her lip- unlikely. Air? No, it was much bigger than she was… Karin's eyes widened as she realized what it was.

"My shadow!"


The air began stirring, creating a whirlwind in front of her. The wind began to shimmer, and a girl appeared before her. The girl didn't appear to be much older than Ichigo was. She was tall with long black hair. She wore what appeared to be a black blindfold, but upon closer inspection, Karin realized that there were two slits cut into it. From behind the cloth glowed two vibrant green eyes. The girl was clad in an outfit similar to the ninja outfit she had used the year before.

"I am thoroughly impressed, Karin."

The girl's voice was raspy, a contrast to the sleekness of her appearance. The girl smirked and then leaned against a tree.

"My name is Kage, and I am your inner-spirit."

Kage smirked again, and then waved her hand in the air; the air stirred with a surreal ripple. Kage closed her eyes and then began pulling at the air, as though it were a string. Karin's eyes widened when she saw a ribbon appear out of thin air. Kage kept pulling and before she knew it, Karin found herself presented with a long black katana that had a white ribbon tied around the base. Kage then pulled a sword out of the sheath that was on her back.

"In order to use that sword, you must hit me once. However, if I strike you twice, the sword will disintegrate and you will cease to exist."

Karin's mouth was dry and her throat was thick with fear. She was tough, but nobody could handle two ultimatums, especially as primitive as hers was. She bit her lip and stayed silent for a few seconds.

"So it's kill or be killed?"

Kage nodded and then her smile widened.

"That is, unless you find some other way to wound me. I don't encourage it though, considering that if you do win my subservience that way, it'll probably only to be slaughtered out in the real world. "

Karin felt her grip tighten on the sword.

"What do you mean?"

Kage let her grip loosen on the sword's hilt and her expression turned from goading to solemn.

"You're kind isn't welcomed by the Shinigami. Your brother faced much prosecution when he first discovered his powers. They will see you as a threat and seek to eliminate you."

Karin felt the sword slide out of her grasp.

"Then… why… Why did you decide to pull me in here? I would've been better off not knowing!"

Kage scoffed before returning her sword to the ready.

"I had no part in that decision. Your spirit energy reacted with that of your brother. That you turned up here when you did was as much of a surprise to me as to you… Enough chatter- let's go."

Karin barely had time to grab her sword and raise it before Kage was on her. The other girl was fast and it was all Karin could do to block her. Kage lunged at her from the side, catching her off guard and sending her sprawling to the floor. Karin grabbed up her sword and charged from the bottom. Kage's eyes went wide, not having expected that Karin would be able to recover so quickly. Kage flew backwards, leaving Karin wide eyed. Surely, her thrust hadn't been that hard.

"That's what you get for taking her on without even teaching her how to fight Onee-chan."

Karin dropped her sword when she saw another girl appear right before her eyes. This one was the exact opposite of Kage. She was just as pale as the other girl was, but her hair was pure white, and her ninja outfit was white with a pink sash. The girl turned around to face Karin, a benevolent smile on her face.

"Hello, I'm Aki, Kage's twin."

Karin nodded numbly, and vaguely noticed that Kage was bleeding from her stomach wound.

"Aki! I told you not to meddle with this one!"

Aki looked at her sister, a deadpan expression on her face.

"That's what you told me last time we belonged to someone and you killed them in your first battle! Excuse me for trying to keep the girl alive!"

Kage rolled her eyes and then stuck her sword into the ground, sitting on a nearby rock.

"Fine, her win doesn't count though."

Aki shook her head in disagreement.

"You gave her your word, now keep it."

Kage looked like she was about to protest but Aki shut her up with a single glare. Karin saw the other girl wince and then close her mouth, looking almost like a young child after a spanking.

"Fine- I don't suppose you're going to fight her."

Aki shook her head 'no' before turning around to face Karin again. She smiled then picked up Karin's sword. When she touched it, she disappeared in a bright light, and the sword clattered to the ground with a 'clunk'. Kage got up, and walked over to her, her expression bored.

"Don't think I'll let you off so easily next time. I'll strike again- soon. And then I'll be your Mistress."

She picked up the sword and faded away; Karin caught the sword as it fell and the world around her began to warp.

(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)

In Karakura Elementary…

Kenpachi rubbed his temples, trying not to bash the principal's head in. The older man had been droning on for nearly thirty minutes now about how it was 'inappropriate' to allow first graders to fight each other with actual swords. Apparently, it was also against the rules to give them candy for no apparent reason.

"… make myself clear Kenpachi-sensei?"

Kenpachi nodded, and then made to get up from the uncomfortable chair he sat in when the principal motioned him to sit back down. Suppressing a groan, he did so, wishing that Yamamoto hadn't insisted that his sword be locked up to help him 'stave off temptation'. What he was tempted to do was run both the principal and Yamamoto through with his sword.

(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)(Fire And Ice)

Okay, so this is thus far, the longest chapter in this fic. I'm going to try to make it a point to update this fic (and my others) more often, which shouldn't be hard considering Christmas break is right around the corner! Review?