Secret of the War

A secret of the final battle is revealed when Hogwarts reopens for our Golden Trio and friends to I'm not good at summaries and it's my first fanfic so please review!

DISCLAIMER: I own nothing in regards to Harry Potter and the world that J.K Rowling has created for which we are all grateful.

The first few smaller introductory chapters are combined.


Clouds of dust from the beloved Hogwarts school's corroding walls whirled around those who fought the final battle. It lay dormant on the dead, the clung to the living like a child desperate to never let go. Many thought that this fight was hopeless, some knew secrets, and others had no idea.

Harry had a bigger part than most, anyone else really; he had to destroy Voldemort for the wizarding and muggle worlds and they all rested on his shoulders. He knew that this would either make or break him, he would live or survive, and so would Voldemort. The onnly benefit of this fight was that it would put an end to it all one way of the other. Also, he had no direct family there that he had to worry about. Of course the Weasley's were family and he cared about them all, but they weren't direct family.

Ron, although, had his whole family there, they all knew the consequences of their actions yet they had still turned up – it was a true family affair. He had a feeling in the pit of his stomach because he had a strong suspicion that they weren't all going to get out of this with their lives. This was going to be an eventful evening one way or another. And he had shared his first kiss with Hermione even though it was long expected by everyone who knew them.

Hermione had only her friends there; her parents were somewhere. As she ran around the school shouting curses at Deatheaters, she was thinking about the kiss she had shared with Ron. It hadn't been the one she was expecting, she felt nothing. It only reminded her of him...


First year, when she first saw him on the train, the crush started. After the year had started, and she still had no friends, she resorted to locking her mind to the library. She was a muggle-born, a mud-blood, he had told her that; she had to prove him wrong. It was all about proving him wrong because she was able to do this. She did prove him wrong and was top of the class.

Second year, it was the same. The crush grew, and they started talking, not just cruelty in front of the other students but in the library. When she lay in the hospital wing petrified he sat by her bed in the middle of the night, every Wednesday,as if they should have been in the library talking like they had been doing all year. He knew what had caused it, he was there with her when she found the passage the first time, not the day of the match, the night before.

Third year, they understood each other. He still teased her, she still irked back at him. Their study sessions continued, and their flying lessons started. He had always teased her about her lack of flying skills 'how can the most intelligent beautiful witch not be able to fly?' he would say to her so he taught her. He knew her time-turner secret, he was the only one she told and he knew how hard it was for her to maintain but he tried to help.

Fourth year, he started to change but so did she. And they started to grow together. Until Krum showed up. He was furious at the Yule ball at the magnificently beautiful women he cared about, she picked Krum over him. But, he was the one to comfort her when Weasley upset her after her special night as a Princess.

In fifth year, they had a secret. Even though she was the co-ordinator of the DA, and he was on the Inquisitorial Squad, they maintained to keep time for themselves. She didnt understand how Ron and Harry had thought she spent all that time in library, she spent it with him. Talking, getting to know each other, developing their relationship. When the DA was caught, Hermione knew it was going to happen, she also knew how to get away from them because he had told her.

In sixth year, only Hermione knew his secret, what he had been sworn to do, and she was the only one who knew that he didnt want to do what he had been destined to do. She knew that he had killed Dumbledore, even before Harry told them so.

Even this last year, he had tried to help her. When they had been taken to his house, house not home, he had said he didnt know it was them. He knew damn straight it was her, but he tried. She saw the pain in this eyes as his own aunt tortured her.

The Moment the World Stops

Hermione walked the halls of Hogwarts further, but now she had a destination. She remembered him whispering in her ear "if it comes to it, meet me in our spot" as she was dragged to the dungeons of his residence; she had known exactly what he was refering to as it was inevitable and he knew Harry would somehow save them from the hollows of hell that the Manor held beneath it.

As her steps quickened in pace, she reached her destination on the 4th floor, cast a few spells at Deatheaters, along with one at the wall to create herself so cover as she slipped behind the tapestry that held a translation from greek on it.

He was there waiting.

Even though he was in the Deatheater outfit, she knew it was him the moment she entered the room; everything felt okay again. There had been no year of running, no year of fighting, nothing, just them. Hermione raced forward and grasped him tightly in her arms, he held his own protective grip around her. "I love you Hermione" he muttered into her hair, as she clutched him tighter and went for his lips, muttering back at him "I love you too Draco".They continued to explore their hands over each other, after so many months apart, it was like the war wasn't happening outside of that room, they weren't on opposite sides regardless of their current states. Draco slid his had under her shirt that clung to her from the water down in the Chamber of Secrets, he needed to feel the touch of her skin on his. Hermione reciprocated that action, causing them both to lose their shirts for the sheer sole purpose on contact to one another. Neither wanted to speak, yet had so many words to say to the other.

Their kisses intensified in passion with the feel of each others skin, something that had been months apart. Hermione's kiss to Ron should have felt something like this, not like kissing a family member. Draco pushed her against the wall while holding her neck and ass as to not bruise her. She instantly wrapped her legs around his waist, an instinct she had developed in the hours they had spent in this room exploring each others bodies, yet never fulfilling the act they so wanted to.

But now they knew could be the last time they ever see each other. Either one of them, or both of them, could be killed the instant they stepped outside of their confines, the room that had become their sanction in the hours of Hogwarts where they couldn't bear anything else but each other.

He pulled at her skirt, drawing it above her waist to reveal her black underwear – an indicator of the meaning of the day. Hermione moaned as he moved her panties and lightly flicked his fingers over her opening. She could feel Draco's hardest against her stomach as he rubbed into her, egging himself on. She grasped him through his pants, making him groan and kiss her even more forcefully.

He released himself of the confines of his pants, knowing damn well that this was what they wanted even though neither of them had ever before. Everyone had heard the rumors of the Slytherin King and his amazing talents in bed, but it was all damn right lies that Pansy had concocted to try and get back at him when he had told her for the hundredth time that he wasn't interested.

With direct eye contact, he slowly and gently inserted himself inside her centre, Hermione whimpered slightly did, while in turn caused him immense pleasure. After a few moments, she nodded to show she was okay and wanted him to continue. And so he did.

He thrust into her, slowly at first, then faster causing them both to moan as the feeling intensified. The moment he felt Hermione contract around himself and moan loudly, screaming softly even, it bought him over the brink causing himself as well to reach climax at the same moment. Hermione collapsed into him, both their breathing heavy. "Are you okay baby?" he asked her as she rearranged her clothing, to which she simply nodded, before returning to the sanction of his arms before having to enter back to reality.

"What ever happens in the next hours Hermione, I love you now, forever, even after death" Draco told her looking into her teary eyes.

"You know that you mean the world to me, and what ever happens, I'll always love you Draco" Hermione said right back to him. There was more to say, but their looks to each other said it all. They shared an intensely passionate kiss, not wanting to leave the grasps of the other.

But they had to, and they eventually did, back into a world where she was good, he was evil and they didn't exist.

As soon as the young couple exited the room, the reality of the situation that was unfolding around them restruck them. Hermione headed towards the Great Hall, because she knew that was where most of the order was headed. Draco left the opposite way towards the bulk of the Deatheaters even though every part of him wanted to swap to the right side, the side he actually believed in and the one where his heart was. He shot a few curses at his fellow Dark Lord followers for good measure.

In the end, Harry won the final battle against Voldemort. The amount of loss that was caused by the disastrous day was horrific but those who still stood took honour for those that no longer could.