Part 4

A few days later it was another meeting of the nations and everyone was there except the Nordics. France came early to have a talk with Estonia, which was weird since he never did that otherwise. Russia moved in on them but America held him back.

"Just wait okay", he said calmly. "You'll see in a minute what it is about."

"No I wanna know why Estonia is talking to him about right now." Russia marched over.

France was pale and a bit shaky.

"So he didn't… uhm realize I had anything to do with it", France asked Estonia.

"Not exactly…"

"What do you mean?"

"England and America told them you uhm had planned on revenge so they figured it must have been you in those bushes."

"Mon Dieu", France said. "La Suède va me tuer d'abord «Non, il tous mes membres ne Premièrement, il a arraché mes doigts et des orteils, I'un après I'autre« non »jusqu'au moment où il arrache un clou après I'autre depuis les doigts et les orteils et les membres depuis avant il a frappé me tuer!" (Sweden is going to kill me no he will first rip off all my limbs no first he'll pull off my fingers and toes, one after the other no first he'll rip out one nail after another then the fingers and toes and limbs since before he kill me)

SMACK France touched his cheek and stared at Estonia.

"Will you cut that out I don't understand you", Estonia said. "Everyone is staring at us because you just panicked you stupid idiot!"

"Estonia", Russia boomed and France and Estonia jumped high. "What are you two doing?"

"Just talking Russia", Estonia said and saw the other Baltics. "Uhm excuse me."

Russia looked at France and the shorter nation hurried to the table and sat down. Everyone went to the table to sit down and to everyone's confusion England sat down beside France.

"Do you mind", France growled. But the other nation didn't answer. "I'm talking to you Angleterre(England)."

"Hey Portugal how are you", England said and looked at his other side.

"I'm fine England and you?"

"Oh nothing to worry about. I got a little cold but nothing too bad."

"If you're sick go home", France growled.

"I was thinking of staying home but I thought I couldn't afford to miss the meeting today Portugal."

"Why", Spain asked from his place beside Portugal.

"Oh you haven't heard?"

"Heard what", Germany asked from his place beside Spain.

"The Nordics are seriously pissed off", America supplied from the other side of the room.

"Why", another nation asked France thought it was Japan.

"Obviously someone tried to murder one of them", England said and everyone started to shout and talk loudly.

"Quiet", Russia roared and the sound died down. "England explain!"

England rose. "A few days ago Sweden and Norway had been out doing business and on their way home some coward who hid in the bushes tried to shoot Denmark in the back."

The loud shouting and questions started up again.

"Quiet", England roared and everyone quit again. "Thank you. Now Denmark didn't get hurt."

"What a relief", Latvia sighed.

"But Sweden did", America said and for the third time to sound volume became very loud. This time the noise was quieted down when the doors slammed open and the Nordics entered.

"Sorry we're late", Denmark grinned. "We had to fix some things."

Sweden rolled his eyes and they took their seats.

"Are you okay Sweden", Lithuania asked.

"Yes", Sweden said.

"He was only hit in the arm", Norway said. "Nothing serious. So where were we?"

"Did you find out who it was that shot you", China asked.

"No", Sweden grunted. "Now where were we?"

"Don't you have any suspicion at all", asked Germany.

"No", Iceland said. "Now where were we?"

The Nordics were bombarded by more questions from every nation, save France. The Nordics didn't seem to notice neither did England who always noticed something about France and that was even stranger.

"So what happened really", Austria asked.

Denmark told them everything that had happened from meeting Estonia to the arrival of the other Nordics and England and America. Russia's eyebrows climbed up when he heard the story and with a growl he raised and everyone turned to look at him. Being one of the tallest nations he was pretty frightening. His eyes burned as he first looked at Estonia then France.

"You", he spat. "Speak."

"M-me", France asked.


"W-what do you want me to say?"

"You haven't asked a question yet. Aren't you interested? Or perhaps you already know what's going on so you don't have to ask since you was there."

"I-I that is rubbish! You have no proof!"

"Norway how's the oil drilling going?" England asked out of the blue ignoring France.

"Pretty good actually", Norway grinned. "Oh have you heard of Sveriges and Danmarks latest assignment?"

"No I can't say I have?"

Russia stared at them.

"Hold it Norge", Sweden said. "Let Danmark tell the tale."

"Aw see he cares about me", Denmark grinned. "You see last time me and France had kind of a disagreement."

"Disagreement", France yelled. "You tried to rip my head off!"

"You got to be kidding", Iceland laughed. "You didn't have a 'disagreement' you tried to chop his head off."

"I've already stated that", France yelled.

"Details, details", Denmark said. "Anyway me and old froglegs-"

"Stop calling me that!"

"-had a little melee-"

"What kind of word is melee?" Finland said and laughed.

"Where did you find that word", Sweden asked.

"He looked it up", France growled.

"Bet he looked it up", England said.

"I've already said that you teadrinking idiot!"

"Yes England", Denmark said. "I looked it up it's… catchy. Anyway we had a melee and afterwards ol' Sweden here scared him-"

"I wasn't scared!" France yelled.

"-so bad that he almost fainted."

"That the smaller Nordics took care of", Germany grinned.

"Yes and I'm so proud."

"Proud", France shrieked. "They almost crushed my ******, ruined my hair and punched me!"

"Yes", Sweden said. "I'm proud too they almost crushed his ******, ruined his hair and punched him."

"Don't mimic me!"

Russia was very confused but he realized what the Nordics were doing and obviously England was in on it and perhaps America. They were ignoring France.

"To make a long story short", Sweden continued. "My government and that wacko's" he nodded towards Denmark "government are building a bridge, with a part tunnel, between Malmö in Sweden and Köpenhamn(Copenhagen) in Denmark."

"Hey", Germany said. "That can be useful for transporting."

"And other things", France grunted.

"But back to my questions", Russia said and turned to France. "Do you have anything to do with Sweden's injury?"


"America", Russia roared. "Did you and England tell the Nordics about someone wanting revenge?"

"This decade, century or millennia?" America grinned.

"ANSWER THE QUESTION!" Russia's patience was running low.

"I ran into England and he was wobbling around because someone had knocked him out after France told him he was going to get revenge on the Nordics for humiliating him at that bar."

"So did you tell the Nordics then", Greece asked.

"Tell them what?"

Most nations groaned.

"Англія(England)", Ukraine said in exasperation. "Please answer my brother's question."

"My pleasure", England grinned wickedly. "I stayed behind after France had fainted and woke him up. He told me he wanted revenge on the Nordics. As I was going to warm them someone knocked me out. I woke next day when America woke me up and we took off to the Nordics but got there too late. Sweden and Denmark was already out and when we all found them Sweden had been shot and was protected by Denmark and Estonia."

"Estonia", Lithuania asked. "What were you doing there?"

"Nothing", Estonia mumbled.

"Come on Est", Latvia said. "Don't be afraid to speak your mind."

"F-fine", Estonia stuttered out. "France forced me to help him!"

"What", France was on his feet at once. "I did not such thing! You were the one who came up with the plan to get rid of one of them to begin with!"

Gasps filled the room and France put his hands over his mouth as to keep more from be said. Everyone looked at Estonia who smirked.

"Got you there didn't I", he said and winked at Sweden who raised an eyebrow.

"Well", Denmark said and cracked his knuckles. "Let's show France what the 'big' countries of Norden(the Nordic countries) can do!"

"Jag är med dig hela vägen broder", Sweden said and cracked his neck and knuckles and rose to his full height. (I'm with you all the way brother)

"Oh crud", France said.

Five years later Denmark stood on Öresundsbron(the Oresund bridge) and looked on as Sweden walked towards him and when they reached each other they grinned and shook hands.

"Your government built an island and made it a preserve", Sweden grinned. "Snacka om att slå på stort." (Talk about go all in)

"Hey don't complain this baby here will set examples for all kinds of projects. We really focused on environment right?"


"Ah det er godt at være hjemme."(It is good to be home)

"Welcome home then."

The End