Please review! With cherries and blueberries on top.

Tsuna was screaming inside his head right now between the one-sided argument between his two friends, Gokudera and Yamamoto. With Gokudera arguing with Yamamoto that he shouldn't greet Juudaime with his carefree attitude and instead treat him with respect and Yamamoto being well... Yamamoto saying that he should calm down with his trademark smile.

'They're at it again...wait Gokudera's at it again. Well I should be used to it but-' Tsuna thought frantically but was cut off by the teacher shouting to sit down.

"Class, today we are going to be having four new students." The teacher said putting down his things on his desk.

With this said, it was enough to earn whispers amongst the students talking about how the new students would be like and hoping they would be just like Gokudera...for the girls except Kyoko , and to be hot and cute for the boys except Yamamoto, Gokudera while Tsuna wished they wouldn't be related to the mafia and Gokudera just scowling and Yamamoto was just yawning but all those thoughts were shattered by a sudden shout from what they think to be one the new students saying:


This made all the students' eyes twitch except for Kyoko and Gokudera just cursing under his breath and Yamamoto laughing at the happy blonde's attitude and Tsuna's look just said an "I-don't-believe-him" look.

But soon all of the girls' faces turned into a love-struck expression once the second one took a step into the room. There stood a handsome light blonde hair boy with has long hair that's tied into a braid and has piercing cerulean eyes.

"Umm...Please introduce yourself." The teacher said rubbing his right ear.


"Just introduce yourself and get on with it!" Naruto shouted.

"...Fine the name's Saber Jyuunsei." He grunted.

Most guys will find this rude but for the opposite gender, the girls they just squealed and had hearts in their eyes except Kyoko and Hana who was thinking about her mysterious prince a.k.a TYL Lambo.

"The next one please." The teacher said to the other student.

"Hai, sensei." A soft voice said.

A pretty girl entered the room. She has dark blue hair that's tied into a high ponytail and had a pale yet healthy complexion with emerald eyes.

"My name is Rezu Hikari. Pleased to meet you and please take care of me." She bowed then blushed.

'Kawaii...' Tsuna blushed but immediately shook the thought off. 'But I like Kyoko-chan.'

"And the last one." The teacher sighed happy that the ear pain was gone.

And in came another pretty girl with moon kissed skin and long silver hair tied to a low ponytail with a lavender bow with an interesting design into it in a glittering white ink. She had mesmerizing ocean blue eyes.

"E-eto... my name is Hoshiga Ren." She said with an angelic voice but her face remained blank with a tint of pink.

"Now that you all know their names, I want you to treat them nicely, you hear that?" The teacher said but it more sounded like a command.

"Now where to seat you guys" The teacher said scanning the classroom until his eyes landed on four vacant seats one beside Sawada, two by the back part and one beside Yamamoto.

"Okay, Uzumaki-san you seat the by the back seat beside Kinto-san." Kinto raised his right hand.

"Jyuusei-san the one beside the seat of Uzumaki san."

"Rezu-san you seat right next to Dame-Tsuna." The teacher said earning a cold glare from none other than Gokudera which made him shiver.

Tsuna raised his hand.

"And Hoshiga-san, you seat right next to Yamamoto-san" Yamamoto raised his hand.

And soon they went to their said seats while Ren was heading towards her seat beside the said-boy the teacher said she got some glares from some girls.

'Looks like this guy is popular to earn me glares. This place is weird' If only you knew Ren, if only you knew but Ren stayed unfazed with this.

All of them sat in their seats and the teacher began his lesson.

Tsuna was paying attention to the teacher's lesson when he heard someone call him.

"Hm?" He turned around to see Hikari looking at him which made him blush.

"I don't know much about this greeting things but it's nice to meet you, Sawada-san I hope we get along well." She smiled.

"Me too but please call me Tsuna, Tsuna is fine, Rezu-san." He smiled slightly feeling proud he didn't stutter.

"Then please call me Hikari-chan. It seems fair enough." She smiled once more to him

"Hey." Ren turned to her left to see an outstretched hand from the person next beside her.

'Popular-san' Ren thought.


"Nice to meet you I'm Yamamoto Takeshi." He smiled.

"I'm Hoshiga Ren, please take care of me." Ren whispered shaking his hand.

'Her hand is really soft.' He thought. 'Must be something girls have.' He smiled but then again this was different. Her hand is really soft and warm.

Yamamoto smiled while Ren just had a clueless face like she always had.

-Lunch break-

Saber wasn't paying much attention to the teacher but at the mission they were given by the Hokage and even though he, Hikari and Ren are from the Village of Shadows their kage agreed with the fact they are going to be working together with Naruto and the lazy perverted man, kakashi who was assigned as their guardian.

The mission they were given right now is really important so they must do their best. Looking to his side he saw Naruto sleeping with a small bubble coming in and out of his nose.

'Honestly...this boy...' He thought.

Saber stood up and slammed his hand to Naruto's table making the sleeping boy wake up and fall off of his chair with loud "THUD"

"The hell was that for!" He shouted to the uncaring blonde.

"You deserved that and I suppose you didn't realize it's lunch time haven't you." Saber said chuckling.

"Lunch Time! It's my time now!" He laughed.

"Where's the girls?" Naruto asked.

"Right behind you." Hikari said surprising him.

Ren just nodded.

"Ano Hoshiga-san and Rezu-san." A soft voice called out to them.

Said two turned around to see none other than the idol of Namimori, Kyoko Sasagawa and her best friend, Hana Kurokawa.

"I'm Kurokawa Hana and she's my best friend, Sasagawa Kyoko. Would you care to join lunch with us?" Hana asked.

"Yeah, we're going by the school garden to eat lunch with our other friends." Kyoko smiled.

"That sounds nice but..." Ren said glancing at the two boys behind her.

"Oh, Uzumaki-san and Jyuunsei-san can join too. We were going to invite them also along with the two of you." Hana said.

"Sure I'm in!" Naruto said holding his wrapped bento box.

Saber nodded.

Hikari smiled.

Ren said yes.

"Ano... you can just call us by our first names." Ren said.

"Then you can call us by fist names too." Kyoko smiled.

"Okay then let's go! I can't wait to eat!" Naruto shouted waving his bento box.

-School Garden-

The group consisting of Naruto, Ren, Hikari, Saber, Kyoko, Hana walked to the direction of the school garden only to hear shouts mostly consisted of:


"Please calm down, Gokudera."

"Ha! ha! ha!"

Unsurprisingly, they saw Gokudera being held by Tsuna in which it is clearly seen that Gokudera's trying to punch the baseball star who just laughed.

"Umm... Tsuna-kun." Kyoko greeted.

"Ah..Kyoko-chan and Hikari-chan and the others." Tsuna blushed.

"Hikari-chan?" Naruto asked.

"Well I told him he can call me that." Hikari shrugged thinking it was no big deal.

"I see you guys are here! The more the merrier." Yamamoto laughed.

"Yeah we invited them, so let's sit down and eat." Hana said positioning herself.

While they were eating Kyoko was thinking of something and decided to ask the new students.

"I've never seen you before in the neighbourhood." She said.

"That's because we just moved in." Ren said while taking a bite of her melon bread.

"Uwa! That's your third melon bread this time." Naruto shouted.

"Wow, you sure do like Melon breads don't you, Ren-chan." Kyoko said.

"I like it. The bread is soft yet crunchy at the same time. When you touch it, it is really soft but hard too and when you bite it, the outside is really crunchy but once you taste the inside, it's really soft like cotton." Ren said looking at the melon bread like it was some book to read.

"He he he Ren-chan that sound just like you." Hikari said biting her onigiri.

"Say we haven't heard much of you, Gokudera right?" Naruto asked taking a rest from his nonstop eating.

"Whatever" Was Gokudera's only reply.

"What did you say you-you-you Octopus head!" Naruto pointed making Gokudera pissed off.

"The hell you said!" Gokudera shouted standing up. "I'm going to blow you into bits!" He started to get dynamites just then Tsuna shouted. "Please stop it!"

Just then Gokudera's attitud got into a whole 180 degrees turn. "Hai Juudaime!"

"You better thank Juudaime for his kindness or else you'd become a fried boy." He glared directly at Naruto.

If you used your imagination you could see electric sparks coming from their eyes.

"Now now calm down you guys!" Yamamoto smiled.

After they calmed down Hana asked them "So what do you think of Namimori so far?"

"It's seems okay." Saber said taking a sip from his apple juicebox.

"It's calming here." Ren said staring at the flowers of the garden while drinking water.

They just sweatdropped.

"Well when Ren says calming then that means she really likes it here!" Naruto exclaimed.

"That's good!" Tsuna said.

"By the way, I haven't officially introduced myself, my name is Takeshi Yamamoto I'm from the baseball club." He said.

"He's Gokudera Hayato, he came from Italy." Yamamoto then glanced at the siver-haired boy showing Gokudera to the four secret ninjas.

"Wait from Italy?" Naruto asked.

"Yeah, What of it?" Gokudera said in a rude tone.

"Ren, didn't you said you once went to Italy?" Hikari asked glancing at the Ren who seemed sleepy.

"Uh, hai but that was when I was ten and Otou-sama took me there because he had "work"." She replied.

"Uh so you went to Italy." Hana said.

"I'm Sawada Tsunayoshi though everyone calls me No-good Tsuna." Tsuna said in a whimper in the last line.

"No good Tsuna?" Naruto asked in curiosity.

"That's because he's not good in anything." Hana said.

"Well don't let other people get to you. You might not know it but you have great talent hidden within you. So just keep trying and you'll find it." Naruto said.

'Naruto-san' Tsuna thought.

"That's right, you might not know it but I know there's really greatness hidden within you." Hikari said smiling.

"Hikari-chan" Tsuna touched by her words.

"My how touching!" Kyoko said clapping her hands together.

"I also believe in what Hikari-chan said. You're like a butterfly. At first you are still a useless caterpillar but as time flows you turn into a cocoon that will soon turn into a butterfly showing off its great wings and in your case, you need time and you will grow into a great man Tsuna-san." Ren said staring into the sky.

"Even though you are still a caterpillar it still has its own use too. Caterpillars help other living things too and I know that you have helped people, haven't you?" Saber said.

"Minna, thank you!" Tsuna said.

"Hah Ha! What you guys said is true!" Yamamoto laughed.

"Juudaime is really great!" Gokudera said.

They found themselves laughing at this. All of them seem to like each other well. That is until, a certain piano piece was being played by some random person from who-knows-where.

"What is with all the noise, kamikorosu." A certain head prefect said.

"HIII! H-h-Hibari-san!" Tsuna screamed.

The normal Namimori students became nervous all of a sudden. This made the new students curious.

"Umm Hi I guess. We're the new students." Hikari said to Hibari clearly not knowing that the prefect she was talking to is a certain Fighting-loving guy.

"Hn" Hibari glared daggers at them. "Let me make this clear I am the chairman of the Disciplinary committee. So, you better read the rules of Namimori Middle School and memorize it within a week or else." He took out his tonfas. "Kamikorosu."

"Wow, scary..." Naruto said with sarcasm.

"UZUMAKI-SAN! HE's dangerous!" Tsuna said worried for the welfare of his new friend.

"Eh, Tsuna you're scared of him?" Naruto asked.

"Of course! Last week he took out a Yakuza gang with himself and his tonfas!" He replied.

"Yakuza eh?" He asked to himself.

"They were disrupting the peace." Hibari said.

Naruto hanged his arm over his shoulder. "So you did it because they were making a havoc, right? Then that means you're a good guy." The students all froze thinking that was kind of insane except for the ninjas.

"Kamikorosu." Hibari said.

He swung his tonfa to Naruto's face but Saber blocked it with his hand but Hibari had another tonfa and he aimed his stomach but was stopped with Saber's other hand.

"You know, I don't want to get into a fight on my first day but if you try to hurt my friends. I will hurt you." Saber said menacingly.

"Wao, You're an interesting opponent. What's your name?" He asked withdrawing his tonfas.

"It's rude for you to not state your name when you ask someone else's name." Saber said.

"My name is Hibari Kyoya."

"Saber Jyuunsei."

After their short conversation, Hibari left along with the piano piece slowly fading.

"Weird..." Ren whispered.

"Arrgh... It reminded me of the chuunin exams. Damn why does he get some recognition while I..." Naruto murmured.

"Sugoii, Jyuunsei-san, aren't you afraid of Hibari-san?" Tsuna asked.

"Why should I be?" Saber asked.

"He's scary." Tsuna said.

"Ha! Ha! You're like my idol now!" Yamamoto laughed.

"Uh-oh looks like lunch is going to end in 10 minutes. Let's go." Hana said.

All of them walked towards their classroom except for Ren who was looking up in a tree and was about to catch up with them when she felt like she stepped on something. 'Huh?' She looked down to see a small rectangular box. "A cigarette pack?"

"Oy! Stupid woman why did you step on my cigarettes!" A gruff voice said behind her.

Ren looked up to see Gokudera making his way towards her.

"S-sorry, I didn't know you're cigarette pack is here."She bowed.

"Che, whatever." He said picking up his cigarette pack.

"A-ano isn't smoking against the school rules?" She asked staring at the cigarette.

"Yeah but I don't care." Gokudera said and saw her staring at his cigarette. "You want one?" He raised a brow.

"No thanks. I can't help but feel interested in cigarettes because they may be stress relievers but they are bad for your health but a lot of people still smoke." She said.

"You like cigarettes?" He asked.

"I hate the smell of it but I'm used to it."

"You know someone who smokes?" He asked still having a mad expression.

"Hai, but they all died." She said her bangs hiding her eyes.

"Smoking too much?"

Ren shook her head. "They were killed."

Gokudera was surprised but he hid it. Now Gokudera thought she was going to cry and just as a certain sun arcobaleno said that they shouldn't make women cry. He didn't know what to do with crying women so he only did the first thing that came to his mind. He put his arm around her shoulders and patted her.

Ren was startled at this action and just stared at him before tilting her head in confusion.

"Che, don't cry stupid woman." Gokudera said looking to the other side with a blush.

"I wasn't going to cry you know." She simply said.

Gokudera immediately unhanged his arm around her shoulders and just shouted.


Gokudera was about to go when Ren said. "S-sorry but you know what?" He turned around. "I'm really glad you did that." And in that time Ren smiled with her eyes half-lidded and if you look really hard you could almost see a tear forming on the corner of her right eye. She looked amazing.

Gokudera blushed and turned around while saying "Hey let's go now!"

Ren wiped the small tear with her finger and followed behind him a small smile on her pale face.

-End of classes-

Students of the class are already leaving the classroom and others were just preparing their things.

Naruto and his friends of ninjas were walking down the stairs talking until Hikari mentioned about their mission.

"Remember, we are not allowed to show much of our abilities and keep a low profile of ourselves unless in the times of emergency." She said in a whisper so that only they could hear it.

"Yeah but that's gonna be hard for Saber since he had to stop Mr. I-hate-crowding's attack." Naruto said putting air quotes around his nickname for HIbari.

"I saved your face back there." Saber countered.

"I could've handled him myself but you just had to show off!" Naruto said to him.

"You were eating your bento back then too! How could you stop his attacks?" Saber asked him glaring at him.

"I was going to use the substitution jutsu!" Naruto said back at him.

"Moron! Then you would have put the mission in danger! How will you be able to make a reason about how you were able to replace yourself with a log from-who-knows where with that tiny brain of yours?" Saber glared.

"You-you-you Teme the second!" Naruto glared back.

"Fox boy!"

"Guys stop it." Ren said stepping between the two blondes.

"Fine" They replied in unison.

"Anyway let's go home now. Me and Ren are going to make dinner." Hikari said heading towards the exit.

"Umm...You guys go ahead without me. I have to check something first." Ren said running to the opposite side of their way.

"Wait Ren-!" Saber was about to go after her when Hikari held him back.

"What was that for?" Saber asked glaring at her.

"Ren is a very capable ninja stronger and faster than you or any other ninja of the whole village of shadows. So have some faith in her. Hikari said.


So the three left wondering what the silver haired girl wanted to do.

-With Tsuna and the others-

Tsuna was with Gokudera and Yamamoto going home. They were taking the way to the school garden when something caught Yamamoto's eyes which made his smile grow wider.

"Hey, Ren-chan!" He called out.

Tsuna and Gokudera looked to where Yamamoto was looking at and saw Ren staring at the tree she was staring at this morning.

The trio walked up to their new friend and greeted her to which she greeted back with a small wave and a small smile making her look really cute.

"What are you looking at?" Tsuna asked but Ren wasn't able to hear it since she was too caught up with the tree.

"Oy! Juudaime just asked you a question." Gokudera said but to no avail Ren was still not able to hear what he said.

Yamamoto tried shaking her shoulder gently which seemed to snap her back to reality. Jerking her head to Yamamoto, their eyes met and she asked a simple "Huh?" and "When did you get here" and "Are you secret stealth people?" questions making them sweatdrop.

"We were standing here for a three minutes." Tsuna laughed nervously.


"Why are you here and staring at the tree like the last time?" Gokudera asked.

Ren looked in doubt at first and then nervous whether to tell them or not at what she had to say.

"Is everything all right? We're not forcing you at all we just want to know why you were spacing out a while ago." Yamamoto said with worry in his eyes.

"Nothing's wrong but I'm having a problem with this one." She said turning back then to them again and this time holding a black cat with silver stripes and with red eyes.

"It's a cute cat! Is it yours?" Yamamoto laughed and was about to pet it when the cat hissed clearly stating that he doesn't want to be petted by anyone.

"He's feisty!" Tsuna shrieked.

"This cat doesn't seem all that bad." Gokudera said liking the cat for almost scratching the baseball-idiot...That is until the cat got out of Ren's arms and scratched his face in a similar way like what Uri does.

"H-hey you little-" Gokudera shouted waving his hands around the cat.

Good thing Ren took the cat away from Gokudera and the others placing a good distance between them.

"Uh...Sorry about that." She started. "I just found him up the branch while we were eating. So I found him again and joined him for a small talk.

"Talk?" Tsuna asked.

"That's right, we're friends." She smiled.

"You're really great Ren, you became friends with the feisty cat." Yamamoto laughed.

"I guess he hates being with other people." She said patting the cat earning a purr from the cat.

"Does he have a name?" Gokudera asked touching the scratch the cat gave him.

"Not yet but I'm still thinking." She said. "I just can't take him home but I guess I can do something about it. So do you want to join me and find yourself a home?" She asked the cat looking at him straight in the eye just to earn a happy purr from the cat.

"My very first cat" She smiled dancing with the cat.

Tsuna just laughed nervously while Gokudera and Yamamoto blushed at how cute she looked.

"I guess I have to go home with Vaughn now." She said.

"So Vaughn is his name?" Gokudera asked glaring at the cat.

"Yeah do you like it, Vaughn?" She asked the cat in her arms.


"I guess I'll take that as a yes." She giggled.

"Vaughn? That name kinda suits him." Yamamoto laughed.

"Thanks Yamamoto-kun." She smiled at him.

'-kun?' He thought. 'Well I kind of like it anyway!' He smiled.

"Oh yeah." Gokudera said then looked at him. "How did you get to call her by the stupid girl's first name?" He asked.

"Sorry Hoshiga-chan." Yamamoto sheepishly said.

"Iie...Please call me by my first name now since we're friends." She said.

"Okay then, Ren-chan." Yamamoto said.

"I better get going now see ya." Ren said.

"Hey wait, let's go together. We'll accompany you if you'd like?" Tsuna asked.

"Sure that sounds great." Ren said.

-By the school gate-

The four were making their way when they saw three familiar figures.

"You guys?" Ren said.

"Hikari-chan!" Tsuna said.

"Why are you guys here? I thought you went home already."

"Hey Ren, we were passing by a bookstore and Naruto was at the arcade since he said that he doesn't want to go inside a place like that and Hikari forgot her schoolbag which is really weird by the way. So here we are, and then we decided to wait for you." Saber laughed at the irony but immediately glared at the three boys behind her.

"Yo minna." Yamamoto laughed.

"Awww...Look at the cat. He's so cute what's his name?" Hikari cooed reaching to the cat only to get the same response Yamamoto got from the cat.

"It almost scratched me." She said withdrawing her finger.

"Yeah "almost""Naruto said laughing.

"The cat hates people."

"Looks like the cat only likes Ren." Naruto said hanging his arm around Ren's shoulders and as fast as lightning a swipe was heard near Naruto and then you can see a newly-scratched mark on his tanned face.

"IT HURTS!" Naruto said panicking back and forth both hands on his face.

"Correction: It likes Ren and doesn't want any other person near her when it's around." Saber said.

"Shut up!"

"How about we get going home now." Hikari suggested.


"Yeah." Tsuna and Yamamoto said in unison.

"I'll go where Juudaime goes and protect him!" Gokudera said punching his fist in the sky.

"We're not going to war, octopus head." Naruto said.


"Gokudera-kun calm down!" Tsuna shrieked.

"You still have a long way to go no-good Tsuna." A childish voice said from nowhere.

'That voice!' Tsuna panicked. 'I knew it's too good to be true!' He thought remembering that he hasn't seen since this morning and was glad for it.

"A mafia boss should always be able to control his subordinates." The voice said.

Curious, they searched for the source of the voice but was surprised to see the ground making a small hole and a coffee table slowly emerge from it and then came a small chair with someone seated on it following and that person was Reborn!

Right there sitting on the chair was Reborn drinking his favourite, espresso with his unreadable black eyes and Leon on top of his Fedora hat looking at them.

After taking a sip from his espresso he said. "You should be able to control your subordinates to avoid unneeded fights, No-good Tsuna."

In the ninjas point of view they see Tsuna arguing with a baby in a suit drinking an espresso (and they think that kids shouldn't drink those kinds of things in their age but shrugged it off, hey, in their village they were given swords and they kill in the age of three to five.) and see the baby winning and to their surprise the argument ended with the baby kicking Tsuna's head, leaving Tsuna clutching his head.

"Where did the coffee table and the chair come from?" Naruto asked. "Yeah and who is the kid? And why are you drinking something like that?" He asked pointing to the espresso in Reborn's hand.

"I am not a kid." Reborn simply replied then Leon was covered in light and was left in Reborn's hand as a green gun. "And this isn't a toy." He said pointing it to him.

"AHH! Stop! Uzumaki-kun, this isn't what you think it is." Tsuna panicked.

Naruto just stared at the gun pointed to him and just said. "I believe you kid." He said raising both of his hands as a mock defeat.

"Heh, good kid." Reborn said putting gun down then the gun glowed and turned back into Leon.

Reborn was eying the new students when he landed on a certain blue eyed girl, Ren.

"Ren-chan" He said.

All ninjas stiffened when they heard the baby in suit say Ren's name while the others were wondering.

Ren was schocked and couldn't say a word but managed to although it was a stutter. "Uncle Reborn..."

The group was petrified while Tsuna panicked.

"You know him?" Hikari managed to ask.

"Y-yeah, he's my Godfather." She said vaguely.

'HIIII! Then that means she's related to the mafia.' Tsuna thought.

"She doesn't know anything about it yet." Reborn said obviously reading his mind.

"Don't read my mind!" Tsuna shouted.

"What are you doing here?" He asked Ren.

Ren walked over to him and bent down to his level to his ear and whispered. "We'll talk later, Uncle."

Reborn nodded pulling his fedora hat covering his face.

Ren walked back and pulled the shocked ninja well more like she pushed them out of the school and out to the street and when they were about to turn around a corner she stopped and turned with a full smile on her face.

"Nice to see you again, Uncle." And with that she left.

Reborn smiled under his hat.

- Tsuna and the others-

"HIII! You know Ren-chan?" Tsuna shrieked.

"Yes, I know her father. We met on one of our missions and got along well." He said.

"So that means, Ren-chan is related to the Mafia?"

"No, she doesn't know anything about the mafia...yet."

"Now that you mention it. Didn't Ren-chan said that she went with her father to his "work" in Italy?" Yamamoto recalled.

"Yes, it was an assassination mission."

"Is Ren-chan's father strong?" Tsuna asked.

"He's a very skilled fighter. He maybe even stronger than me and very dangerous when needed." Reborn said taking a sip of his espresso.

"Stronger than you?"Tsuna asked.


'Scary...' Tsuna thought.

"Is this about the Mafia game again? Ren-chan's father is part of it too? Cool!" Yamamoto laughed.

"There you go again!" Gokudera shouted.

"So the stupid daughter is unaware of her father's "works"?" Gokudera asked only to get a bullet missing his head.

"Don't call her stupid." Reborn threatened holding his gun.

"Reborn!" Tsuna shouted.

"She's not that unaware though..." Reborn murmured so that nobody could hear him.

"Let's go, Mama's already done with preparing dinner." Reborn said.

The four of them left the school with Reborn asking himself. "Why is she here?' Reborn sighed and looked up to the sky. 'They must be on a mission.'

-Naruto and the three ninjas-

"So that kid is your uncle?" Naruto asked.

"Godfather" Ren corrected.

Hikari tugged Ren's sleeve and asked. "So he's not normal is he? How strong is he?"

"Not normal, I guess but strong? Definitely. He's as strong as Otou-sama." She said.


"Don't worry, I'll go talk with him later." Ren said.

"But why does he look like a five year old?" Hikari asked.

Naruto waved his two hands in front of his face as a sign of attention. "Yeah why? You said you met him when you were eight and that he was over twenty. But look at him, he looks like a toddler!"

"I told you that I haven't seen him for years. Something must have happened." Ren said.

"Anyway, this mission is important so we better not mess this up. This is an S-rank mission so we need to do it right, Avarance-chan." Saber said but suddenly stopped in his tracks.

His eyes widened when an ice crystal shaped into an arrow was aimed at him. Ren's bangs covered her eyes as she raised her hand up to the sky.

Hikari patted her shoulders. "Hey Ren, calm down. He only mentioned your name by accident."

Ren calmed down while Hikari glared at Saber.

Ren sighed. "I'm sorry, I-I w-was just startled." She rubbed her forehead then glared half-heartedly at Saber. "You know that I don't like my real name being mentioned. You know what happened!"

Saber rubbed the back of his neck and smiled cheekily. "Sorry, caught my mouth off guard."

"Apology accepted."

Hikari and Naruto stood there dumbfounded at the their friend conversation.

'How come he's like this towards her?' Naruto thought.

Hikari shook her head. 'He's only like this towards Kage-sama and Ren-chan.' She stared at them with eyes in dots.

Naruto jumped high with his hands raised up and balled into fists. "Let's go back home! I'm hungry!"

"Since when did we even heard of you not becoming hungry?" Saber said in a teasing voice.

"Shut up!" Naruto said continuing the argument while walking back home.

Ren petted Vaughn before looking at each other as a smile graced upon each of their face. Hikari giggled while Ren smiled a little before catching up to their friends.

"Can we have Ramen?" Naruto asked.

"No!" They said in unison and hiss from Vaughn.


- At the mansion-

Kakashi was reading his usual weird book by the roof and just as he was about to turn to another page he heard the door open. Kakashi sighed and closed his book then disappeared.

"We're home Kakashi sensei, Believe -" Naruto was about to finish his line but instead fell down in surprise by Kakashi-sensei's appearance out of nowhere.

Kakashi greeted them with his right eyes in a U-shape. "I know. How was school?"

"Fine, school was boring but we made some new friends and we got to meet Ren-chan's Godfather." Hikari said.

"And we also met someone who loves to bite people to death. Not literally though but he loves to beat them up. He always say "Kamikorosu"" Naruto said.

"Ah, I see your Godfather's here." Kakashi said.

"Yeah but he has the appearance of a five year old." Saber said sitting down on the couch.

"Are you sure it's not some high-class genjutsu?" Kakashi asked.

"I'm sure it's not a genjutsu or illusion of some sort. I sensed it and my uncle is actually in the body of a five year old but acts like him." Ren said sitting down on the couch between Saber and Hikari.

Kakashi scratched his chin. "Interesting. Does he know anything about our mission?" Looking at the bored ninjas under his care.


"I'll go talk to your uncle when I have the chance. I'll tell him about our mission. It's better for him to know about it." Kakashi said.

"I'm going to meet up with him later at the nearby park. Sensei, you want to come?" The blue-eyed girl said.


Hikari stood up and dragged Ren to the kitchen. "Let's go and make dinner."


"What are we having?" Saber asked.

"Ebi tempura and fish fillet and clam chowder." Ren's voice can be heard in the kitchen and the sizzling of tempura.


Naruto whistled low looking around the house. "Heh, I still can't believe we live in this gigantic house."

"Ren's father is the kage of one of the most powerful village and Hikari is the heiress to one of the most strongest and powerful clans. So you better believeit." Saber said putting his hands into the pants' pockets.

Naruto looked around the house. "Hey, didn't Ren brought home a cat?"

He got his answer to see something on Kakashi's face, scratching it.

"This one?" Kakashi asked pointing to the cat torturing his face.

"Yeah, his name is Vaughn. Ren found him. Can we keep him?" Naruto tried to hid his snicker but failed miserably falling to the floor laughing uncontrollably.

"I guess so..." The masked man said.


Kakashi finally separated his poor face with the cat. Holding the cat who was trying to wriggle out of his grasp with his right hand.

Saber and Naruto sweatdropped.

-Man to man mind telepathy-

'This cat has some major issues.' Naruto thought looking at Saber straight at the eye.

'Oh yeah' Saber agreed.

-End of the telepathy-

-After dinner-

-At the nearby park-

It was eight P.M. so there were not many people walking by and that was the perfect timing for Ren could talk with her uncle along with Kakashi.

She was standing on top of a swing waitng for her uncle while Kakashi decided to stand against a tree, the shadow hiding him from anybody.

"Ciaossu" A voice greeted.

"Uncle Reborn!" Ren said jumping down the swing then hugged him.

"Nice to see you too Ren-chan. You've grown into a fine lady." Reborn said.

Ren let go of her uncle.

"Why are you here in Namimori?" Reborn asked.

"I believe that's where I come in now." Kakashi said stepping out of the shadow.

"And who might you be." Reborn's eyes darkened.

Kakashi waved his hand as a greeting. "I'm their guardian for this mission. I'm the copy ninja, Hatake Kakashi at your service, sir." Kakashi said.

Reborn's eyes relaxed a bit. "So you're the famed copy ninja I've heard before her father. I've also heard of you from Ren-chan's letters"


"Oh" Kakashi said taking interest. "What did it say?"

"It said you were a perverted old man who likes to read a perverted book that greatly disturbs Ava-chan and that she always plots to burn it to which she succeeded several times." He replied.

Ren although embarrassed stayed calm rolled her eyes and turned around to see Kakashi sulking.

"Sensei, it is true you know." She said.

"Why? I really like Icha Icha paradise. You didn't have to burn my collection." Kakashi said sulking deeper.

"It really disturbs me and whenever you giggle when reading the book it creeps me out ever since I met you." She sighed.

Kakashi lowered his head more.

Reborn being the caring Godfather to his Godchild said. "I don't really like the idea of her guarded by a perverted man." He said darkly.

"Uncle, don't worry. He may not look responsible enough but we can all rely on him (sometimes)." She said.

At this Kakashi's mood lighten a little but Ren shot him a blank look that said "I-still-don't-like-that-book".

"I trust you in this Ava-chan but if-" Reborn said.

"Don't call me that. I'm Hoshiga Ren for this mission." She said.

"Anyway, I'm here to tell you about our mission as soon as those three hiding in that bush come out." Kakashi said looking at the rustling bush.

"Come out" Reborn commanded holding a giant green hammer.

Ren sighed. "Come out now, Naruto, Hikari-chan and Syuu-kun."

The three jumped out of the bush and smiled sheepishly.

Naruto spoke first. "Wow what a coincidence of passing by here. It must be fate?"

"Nice saying. I told you guys I going to be here." Ren said.

"And since when did you act like Neiji?" Hikari asked looking at him weirdly.

"I don't!"

"Stop arguing. We already knew you were here minutes ago." Kakashi said.


"Instincts." Kakashi

"I sensed you." Reborn

"I can see you guys" Ren


"Who are you?"

Naruto did the good guy pose. "I'm Uzumaki Naruto, believe it!"

"Jyuunsei Saber"

"Rezu Hikari"

Reborn shook his head. "Why are you guys here?"

"On an S-ranked mission?" Naruto said.

"We're here to hunt some bad guy who made a gang full of rogue ninjas and has been making trouble here since. We heard he's going to be here as his next target." Saber said.

"So you're here until you guys finish your mission?" Reborn asked.

"Pretty much but the Kage told us we can stay if we want to." Ren said.

"Where are you staying?" Reborn asked.

"Just around the corner in that mansion." Hikari replied.

"Why are you here uncle? Aren't you supposed to be in Italy?" Ren asked.

"I'm here on orders from the ninth."

"Ninth?" Kakashi asked.

"Yes the boss of the Vongola family, the strongest of all mafia family."

"MAFIA?" Naruto shouted.

Reborn whacked his head with the hammer he was holding. "Quiet"

"You're working in the Mafia?" Ren asked.

"Yes always been. I'm the greatest hitman, the hitman tutor, Reborn." He said.

"If you're a hitman tutor then who exactly are you tutoring?" Hikari asked.

"Sawada Tsunayoshi."

"Tsuna-kun is in the mafia thing?" Hikari asked.

"Yes, he's the boss of the Vongola famiglia." Reborn said

"I knew it, Tsuna-kun really is great!" Hikari clasped her hands together with a smile.

"But he needs a lot of training right now. So he is still No-good Tsuna." Reborn continued sending Hikari a warning look.

Hikari sent him an "I'm-sorry-look". "So are there others who are involved in the Mafia?"

"Yes, the Vongola family has seven guardians. There's Gokudera, Yamamoto, the older brother of Sasagawa Kyoko, a stupid kid named Lambo, Hibari who is the strongest out of all the guardians and a strong illusionist named Rokudo Mukuro. He hates the Mafia but he uses the body of a girl named Chrome Dokuro since he's locked up in a cell, separated from society or light." "Well, it's actually eight. The other guardian's whereabouts are unknown. Each guardian holds a specific ring. For Gokudera the storm, Yamamoto the rain, Ryohei, Kyoko's older brother, the sun, Lambo thunder, Hibari the cloud ring and Mukuro the mist."

"You'll get to meet the others soon." Reborn said.

"What's the name of the gang that you guys are up to? I might be able to squeeze out some information about them." Reborn asked.

Ren looked at him. "Vengex "

"I see then. Let me see what I can get." Reborn said scratching his chin.


"You guys better go to sleep. I'll see you tomorrow at school."

"Goodnight, Uncle." Ren greeted.

"Night to you too."

Before Ren exited the park. "You know, Otou-sama is also worried for you too." She said without turning her head.

Reborn smiled before going back home.

He was happy to see his Goddaughter again. The only problem was, when to tell the family about Ren's secret and how will he be able to tell the others about them being ninjas. He could manage it since he's the greatest hitman after all.

He was also worried about Ren's connections to the mafia since she plays an important role too.