Whoever said taking care of children was a piece of cake was a total liar, and I am going to sue you for this.

This was what Akiyoshi was thinking while he was with children to but ice cream.

A piece of cake was delicious but this was sour with bitterness and a tad bit of salt.

To put it all together, this was hell.

First, Lambo gave him something which he thought was a pink candy but he was definitely wrong because after a good five seconds I-pin took the pink "candy' and threw it away leading it to explode in a pink mist.

His jaw was left hanging open.

Second, he tripped and fell because of all the crazy things Lambo kept getting out of his afro.

Honestly, how can one get those things from just a big afro.

I mean AN AFRO!

What was it like in there? Was there such a huge room?

Was there like a big canon in it? (close enough )

And those were just two of it and there were a lot more.

Akiyoshi sighed and ran his hand through his hair. 'I'm going to get stressed if this even continues.'

But it was really fun anyway. He enjoyed it a lot even if it was crazy.

"The ice cream store is almost there! HURRY UP!" Lambo yelled.

"Yeah" He nodded.

I-pin looked at him worriedly but he just shook it off. "I'm fine, you go ahead, okay?"

I-pin hesitantly nodded and followed the other kid to the ice cream shop.

Truth be told, he was DEAD tired. He really needed water.

'You can do it. You can do it, you CAN DO it! Only a few more steps and a few more falls.' He thought with his eyes twitching as he looked at the items falling out of the kid's hair.

This was going to be one hell of a walk.

"Oh joy…" He said sarcastically.

-With our favorite gang-

"Jeez…This place is so quiet with the kids not around." Naruto said.

"Yeah… It feels like we're the only people here." Hikari muttered.

"Yeah" Ren nodded sadly.

Tsuna looked at his friends sighed. He was just not used to these kinds of attitude of theirs.

"Come on guys!" He said. "W-w-we can't just go on and act like this. Just remember, everything is going to be just fine." He stuttered.

Naruto looked at Tsuna and laughed.

"W-what's wrong?" Tsuna asked blushing.

"N-nothing! Ha! Ha! Ha! It's just that."

"It's just WHAT?" Gokudera asked clearly mad.

"It's just that, it's the first time I ever heard you say something like that. It's really…amusing." Naruto smirked. "That was something new you know."

Tsuna's face had a tinge of pink from what Naruto said but nonetheless he said, "Thanks"

"You're welcome" Naruto said.

Hikari rubbed the back of her head and smiled sheepishly. "Tsuna-kun is right. I shouldn't sulk at this time right now but…I just can't stand the idea of children missing anymore." Hikari said with the last statement as a whisper.

'Hikari-chan…' Tsuna thought.

When he looked at her eyes he was what was sadness, regret….and knowing?

He shook his head. 'It must be my imagination.'

"How about we get ourselves something to eat." Yamamoto grinned trying to lighten up the mood.

Everybody looked at him while Naruto being him, the always hungry one, shouted, "Hell yeah! I am so starving!"

Gokudera whacked the poor blonde on the head. "YOU ARE SUCH AN EYESORE!"




Ren smiled softly at the two.

"Ne, Syuu-kun." Ren said.

Saber looked at Ren. "They sure are really funny, aren't they?"

Saber looked at her before closing his eyes and smiling too. "Yeah, they really are and not to mention idiotic too."


Saber felt a vein pop and yelled back, "I WAS DESCRIBING YOU GUYS NOT CALLING YOU AN IDIOT!"

Ren watched the two blondes just argue and can't help but giggle which was rare for her.

Hikari hooked her arms with Ren and smiled goofily. "I'm really glad they became our friends." She said.

Ren looked at her friend and had a nervous face.

Hikari's eyes lost some of the sadness in her eyes but deep down Ren knew her friend was still sad. "So am I" She whispered quietly.

"Hikari-chan!" Naruto said. "Come on!"

"Yeah, yeah, we're coming!"

Hikari dragged Ren and they ran together to their friends.

What Ren really thought was true. Hikari was still hurt deep inside.

"What took you so long?" Saber asked as he looked the two kunoichis.

"Sorry, we were just a bit slow." Hikari said.

"Slow?" Saber smirked. "Slow? Slow is not in my dictionary when it comes to Ren-chan, but you, you are on the top of it."

"WHY YOU!" Hikari shouted.

"Yes me" Saber said with a teasing voice.


Ren sighed as she looked at her friends arguing. 'Hikari-chan…Are you really alright?'

Our kunoichi just decided to let it go for now and ask the person who was near her right now where they were going.

"Um…Gokudera-kun? Where are we going?" Ren asked.

Gokudera looked at her and said, "We're going to some stupid ice cream shop that the idiotic blonde-



"As I was saying, he wanted to go there for a really long time now." Gokudera said scowling at the blonde.

"But you know, it's really true. Their ice cream tastes great." Yamamoto smiled.

"Che" Gokudera said looking at the side. "As if I care"

"If that's true then I'd like to try it." Ren smiled at Yamamoto.

Gokudera scowled.

"Hey guys we're going to take a shortcut by the old run down factory." Naruto shouted.



As they were passing by the old run down factory which was surrounded by wired fence Ren felt uneasy.

"So what was this old factory like?" Saber asked at Tsuna.

"This used to be a factory that makes cement but it got bankrupt so it had to get shutdown." Tsuna replied.

"But why didn't they demolish the factory?" Naruto asked.

"To be honest, I don't really know." Tsuna replied.

"So something must have really happened to this factory" Naruto said.

"I guess"

"Something really BIG!'

Tsuna nodded his head with a bit of irritation.


Tsuna's eye twitched.

"H-hai, Uzumaki-san."


'That's because you're the only one who thinks like that.' Tsuna sighed. 'I seriously need to get new NORMAL friends.'

With that thought, Tsuna quickened his pace and got away from Naruto's crazy ramen fantasies that are.

Tsuna slowed down when he was already with Hikari and although Tsuna wanted to strike up a conversation with her, he decided against it because he still saw the dull look in her eyes.

Naruto looked at Tsuna. "Was there something I said?" He thought out loud.

"Of course you did something." Saber said blankly. "You creep him out too much. Honestly, Naruto, A giant RAMEN?" Saber eyed him in disbelief.

"What? It could happen!"


"Oh come on!"

"I'd like to believe you but you forgot something."


"It's still here. The factory is still here when you said about your crazy ramen ideas about it destroying the whole factory." Saber stated. "Your imagination is totally ridiculous."

"You're just jealous because I thought of the coolest ramen idea no one could ever thought of!"

"Yeah, I'll be jealous of someone who can't even distinguish the landlord of a very important clan from a spy."

"Hey! It was just a mistake! I thought he was really a spy. He was carrying a knife with him."

"That's because someone was bent on taking his life away!"

"A ninja can't be too sure!"

"He was your client! He personally came to your Hokage for the request of protection and just HAD to use you shadown clones to beat the shit out of him. You even saw HIM!"

Naruto laughed nervously. "Maybe I did overdo it little too much."

"Yeah a little too much my ass, poor man had to stay at hospital to recover for months." Saber said looking at the blonde with a dead-serious look.

Naruto sulked. "Yeah…"

Gokudera, Ren and Yamamoto who were behind the two blondes and witnessed it all.

Yamamoto glanced at Ren. "Is it true?"

Ren smiled a bit. "Yeah, long story. I don't really want to recall it."

"Stupid" Gokudera said, referring to Naruto.

"I better check out if he's alright." Yamamoto said running up to the sulking Naruto.


Ren waved lightly at him with a small smile.



Ren's eyes widened. She felt a very strong pulse and everything around her felt like time was moving slowly.

She looked to her right to see the old factory but nothing was odd with it though. She felt no chakra signals nor were there any sign of anything. But when the wind made its way to her, she felt the strong impulse again and again.

She didn't like this, not at all. It made her uneasy and a bit…afraid.

She closed her eyes tightly and grabbed someone's hand, which was Gokudera's.

'Ren-chan' Gokudera thought surprised with his face blushing a bit.

Normally, he would actually push it away because of his countless fangirls trying to touch him Ren-chan's was different. Hers were soft and warm but her hand was shaking.

He looked at her face and saw something he didn't really expected.

She was scared.

Her eyes were closed tightly and she was biting her lower lip.

Just as I said back then, Gokudera Hayato may be a genius but he has simply no clue when it comes to women especially when they're crying or in this kind of state.

Gokudera looked at the other side which was to the left with his face tainted with shades of pink and this time he grabbed hold of her hand and giving her a tight but gentle squeeze.

This made Ren snap back into reality and face the bomber with a surprised look.


"Just bear with it" Gokudera said not looking at her and with his head still looking to the left. Although what Gokudera said might be rude she heard the softness in his voice in this one.

She calmed down and let Gokudera hold her hand tightly trying to reassure her everything is going to be just fine.


They stayed like that until they reached the ice cream shop with Gokudera blushing a lot.

"Finally! We are finally here!' Naruto exclaimed.

"Good" Saber said observing the store.

"I can't wait to go inside! I am so hungry!" Naruto yelled in excitement.

Tsuna smiled. "Yeah, I'm kind of hungry too. Let's go inside guys."

"GYAHA! I WANT EAT NOW!" Yelled the ever ball of energy and not to mention annoying most of the time, Lambo.

Behind him were I-pin and someone who was a stranger to the gang.

"Lambo!" Tsuna yelled.

Lambo noticed the Vongola boss and grinned. "Eh? Dame-Tsuna?"

"What are you doing here? It's dangerous for you to be outside right now." Tsuna yelled.

"But I WAS HUNGRY! And I WAS BORED!" Lambo cried.

Tsuna slapped his forehead.

Just then the man stepped beside Lambo and smiled at him.

"Forgive me but my name is Akiyoshi, Kiyoshi Akiyoshi. I believe you're a friend of Lambo here, am I right?"

Tsuna nodded cautiously.

"Well then it's a pleasure to meet you. I was going here with Lambo and I-pin to treat them to ice cream."

Akiyoshi smiled even more which made Tsuna's guard falter.

He sensed nothing bad coming from the man.

"A-all right then." Tsuna said.

"AHHH!" Lambo cried as he suddenly grabbed hold of Tsuna's leg. "HELP ME!"

Tsuna looked at lambo crying and was surprised.

"COME BACK HERE YOU STUPID COW!" Gokudera yelled as he ran towards said kid but immediately stopped when he saw who the stupid cow was clinging to for dear life.

"Juudaime!" He said.

"G-g-gokudera-kun" Tsuna said.

"HELP! AHODERA HAS BECOME CRAZYDERA(Just thought of it so bear with it)!" Lambo cried.

"Calm down, Lambo. Now tell me what happened?" Tsuna asked.

"I-I-I just looked at Ahodera and he then shouted at me and tried to kill me!" Lambo replied.

Tsuna fell down.

"Gokudera, you tried to kill Lambo just because he was looking at you?"

Gokudera looked at the side embarrassed. 'I can't let the stupid cow see me blushing while I was holding Ren-chan's hand.'

"He had mucus down his nose while he was looking at me. It was annoying." Gokudera said.

Tsuna's eye twitched.

"But you still have to apologize to Lambo." Tsuna said rubbing his head.

Gokudera's eyes widened. He glared at the crying kid and he said, "Dammit"

"If Juudaime says so then I will do it!"

He walked towards Lambo in a very robot-like movement.

His eye twitched and he looked at lambo with a forced smile all the more making the kid scared.

"I-I-I am very sorry L-la-Lambo." He said forcefully.

Lambo stopped crying and looked up at him.

He got out a pink grenade from his hand and gave it to Gokudera. Just like back then when they were looking for a babysitter for Lambo (it's in the anime).

Gokudera looked frantic as he threw the pink grenade from his left to right.

At last after five seconds of throwing the grenade form left to right he finally threw it some other random place letting it explode there.

"GYAHA! You are so stupid!" Lambo laughed.

Wrong move, a demonic aura suddenly came out from Gokudera as he grabbed the kid and squished him.

"Oy, Baseball-idiot!" Gokudera shouted.

Yamamoto looked at him. "What's wrong?"


Gokudera threw Lambo towards Yamamoto and Yamamoto's eyes shined.

He had a strange glint in his eyes as he caught the kid.

'I'm safe' Lambo sighed.


'Oh no' Lambo thought.

Oh no indeed. When Yamamoto heard this he threw the kid with all his strength and Lambo was thrown away to the tree around three blocks away.

All the ninjas were shocked.

'Looks like he has his scary side after all.' Saber mused.

'Unbelievable' Hikari thought gawking at what happened.

'Poor kid' Naruto thought.

'I hope Lambo's okay.' Ren thought.

Yamamoto seemed to snap out of his daze and realized what he had just done and towards Lambo saying, "Sorry"

Akiyoshi was beyond shocked but snapped out of it and also ran towards the kid.

And I-pin also ran with them to check her obnoxious and hopefully not-injured friend.

'Yamamoto is still the same as always!' Tsuna panicked.

He sighed as he looked at Gokudera who was busy smirking and then towards Lambo.

He blinked his eyes as he saw the look the new guy was giving Lambo. It was worry.

He's not really a bad guy, isn't he?

'Maybe…' Tsuna trailed.

After knowing that Lambo was okay, Yamamoto, Akiyoshi, I-pin and along with walked towards them except for Lambo who was complaing aobut how his back hurts.

'STUPID AHODERA!' Lambo thought.

Gokudera glared at the kid wearing a cow costume and walked towards the entrance of the ice cream parlor.

Hikari laughed nervously. "They're like oil and water. They don't get along well."

"Obviously" Saber said.

Tsuna kneeled down to Lambo and petted him with warm eyes which helped calm down the crying kid.

"There, there, Lambo, everything's okay." Tsuna said.

Hikari couldn't help but giggle at what she saw. "I never knew Tsuna-kun had a motherly side."

Saber shrugged. "Looks like some secrets are just revealed."

"Che, whatever. Juudaime shouldn't bother himself with that brat." Gokudera muttered.

Ren walked near the sliver haired boy and tugged at his sleeve. "But weren't you taking it too much?"

Gokudera looked at away with a tint of pink on his cheeks. "He deserved it."

Ren blinked. "He's still a kid though. Time will pass and I'm sure he'll learn to at least behave."

Gokudera just scoffed.

"Like he'll ever behave with that annoying attitude of his"

Ren felt a bit mad and sighed.

She then gave him a blank face and said something which caught Gokudera by surprise, "Hayato"

Gokudera slowly turned his head to face Ren. 'Did she just said my first name?'

Ren, with her face still blank with any emotions told him, "Even if people act like this, you still know that you care for them and," she turned her back at him and turned her head. "don't wait until something happens until you realize it."

Don't wait…

Remember the memories you were fond of…


Gokudera remembered the lightning match between Lambo and Leviathan.

"Thanks…I think" He said to Ren.

Ren faced and smiled a bit. "No problem"

"Guys! Let's go now! I want try out their ramen flavored ice cream!" Naruto yelled.



All of them laughed but stopped when a fog started to appear.

'The news didn't say anything about a fog appearing.' Tsuna thought.

"He, he, it seems that a pray come to me." A menacing voice said.

"Who are you?" Tsuna yelled.

"Show yourself!" Naruto yelled.

"Oh? Is that a ninja I see? I would have never thought that I would see a fellow ninja here in this small town." The voice said with venom dripping out of it and not to mention sarcasm when he mentioned 'a fellow ninja'.

"If this guy's a ninja then this fog must be a genjutsu." Hikari said. 'But why can't I dispel it?'

The atmosphere was beginning to tense and Lambo and I-pin were really scared.

I-pin was holding onto Akiyoshi's pants and so was Lambo on the other side.

"Come here my sweet little children, come to me and I promise you something sweet~~~" The voice said sickeningly. "Come to me and I will send you to your other little friends…" it trailed off.

"The kidnapper" Naruto said.

Yamamoto looked at the children and then glared at the fog. 'We need to get them out of here. They're the ones who this guy is after.'

He looked at Tsuna and the boss nodded. He understood what was to do.

"You guys have something I need from you…"

There it goes again!

The air around them was like strangling them from the suspense.

"This is bad." Naruto said.

'If this guy is another ninja, he might be part of the gang we've been looking for and we have to finish him off.' Naruto thought. 'But this is going to be hard with the new guy watching.'

'Damn it!'

The fog slowly went towards a spinning rock and as the fog went closer it took form of a human although there was still a lot of fog surrounding them.

A cloaked figure appeared to them and only his mouth was shown.

'Is it me or every villain just has to wear a cloak to make them more sinister?' Saber thought boredly.

(Just to kill the tension)

'Y-you' Akiyoshi thought.

The cloaked figure laughed maniacally. "Why was I again here?"

He then bonked his head. "That's right, I am here to get something but who do we have here?" He eyed the ninjas and the mafiosos.

"A group of teenagers?" He smiled sinisterly. "Ha ha ha! I am only here to catch children but since you're here I might as well have fun…killing…you"

Ren looked at him. 'Something is off here.'

The cloaked man raised his hand while the other on his forehead. "It feels so good… I remember that time when that person looked at me with fear as I walked towards him… lusting to see more blood." He then suddenly stopped.

"But what happened then?" He faced them and smiled again. "That's right…I remember now… it all ended with me taking like away. And now it's my time to take…you…" He stepped forward. "children…" He spread his arms out. "away"

The fog surrounded Lambo, I-pin and Akiyoshi.


"LAMBO, I-PIN, AKIYOSHI!" Tsuna yelled.

The man clapped his hands. "Aki-chan~~~ I've found you."

"Playing hide-and-seek was so fun!"He said smiling. "And now it's time to take you back to me." He said sinisterly.

Akiyoshi froze in his spot fear lingering in his eyes. 'I-it can't be…'

"Oy AKIYOSHI!" Naruto shouted.

"Something's wrong with him." Yamamoto said referring to Akiyoshi. "He isn't moving!"

Naruto dashed towards the cloaked figure, "Let them go you BASTARD!"

He got out a kunai and was about to slash him but he disappeared.

'What the-'

"Uzumaki-san, behind you!" Tsuna yelled.

Naruto looked behind him only to see the man smiling sinisterly with a short knife aimed at him. "Boo"

"Move you idiot" Saber said grabbing Naruto by his collar and pulled him away.

They both landed on the ground and on their feet. "Thanks back there" Naruto said.

"Don't thank me right now, we have go to finish this guy before they disappear."



Naruto looked at the direction of their friends in danger and gasped at what he saw.

Lambo, I-pin and Akiyoshi were slowly disappearing by the second in the fog.

"Is this some kind of teleportation jutsu?" Naruto asked.


"Aargh, we have got to do something!"

Saber smirked. "Shall we?"

"Of course"

With that said they both dashed towards the man and both threw kunais at him.

He only dodged them but Saber appeared behind him while Naruto appeared in front of him.

They both punched him but as a result, the man turned into a log.


The man reappeared behind Saber and kicked him in the stomach while Saber blocked the attack only to get another aim in the face and he dodges it by doing a backflip and in the process get a kunai and throw it at him.

The man ducked and smiled his sick smile. 'This is going to be fun but sadly it has to stop. I still have to take Aki-chan with me.'

The kunai missed but it was meant to be caught by Naruto.

Naruto dashed forwards again but the man exploded into a puff of smoke.


Naruto was suddenly cut off by vines coming out of the smoke grasp him and so was with Saber.

"Untie this!" Naruto yelled.

"No can do. I still have to collect my prisoners." He smiled.

"Hikari-chan!" Ren yelled.

He turned his face only to see a very mad Hikari.

"How dare you…" she said. "How dare you take away these children for them to only suffer in your hands!"

Hikari wasted no time and did some handsigns.


Sparks suddenly appeared as fire emerged from it taking forms of simple sharp shreds and were aimed towards the man.

"Is this suppose to scare me?"

"No, it's suppose to stop you once and for all!" Hikari said. 'I won't let them suffer. I can't let them feel the way I did!'

"Hikari-chan!" Tsuna shouted.

Hikari chan snapped out of her thought only to see the man closely to her.

"Foolish little girl"

Hikari's eyes widened as vines surrounded her body and shocked her but not with electricity but something his attack had because it was draining her chakra.


Tsuna couldn't help but feel weak as he saw the blue chakra being drained out of his friend and watch her fall into unconsciousness. 'Hikari…'

"Hm…this girl may become useful. I think I'll keep her with my other prisoners." He said and laughed as he disappeared with the mist, their friends and Hikari.

"HIKARI-CHAN!" Naruto yelled wriggling out of the vines.

Tsuna's eyes stared at where Hikari used to stand but now she's gone.

Tsuna tightened his hands into fists. 'We'll save you guys, just wait for us.' He thought with resolve in his eyes.

Yamamoto untied Naruto from the vines while Gokudera did the same with Saber.

"Well this is great, out friends are kidnapped while Kakashi-sensei is still back in Konoha!" Naruto said.

"We have got to tell the kid about this." Yamamoto said seriously earning a rare nod of agreement from Gokudera.

"Then we should waste no time." Tsuna stated.

They were going to go to Tsuna's house to tell Reborn what happened but stopped when they noticed their female friend not moving.

"Ren-chan?" Yamamoto called out.

Yamamoto's eyes widened as he saw Ren…fall down to the ground.


End of this chapter~~~

Sorry for the long wait. Believe me, I've been really busy so sorry for taking too long.