A/N: Welcome readers and reviewers of Petite Fleur, to the sequel! I'm not really sure if I like this introductory chapter, but that's up to you to decide. But please no flaming! Warning: there is a lot of French in this, but I have translated it to the best of my ability. There will also be a rating change from T to M, around chapter ten of this story due to romance scenes between Remy and Ivy later on.

I do not own X-Men, just the idea for this story and my OC. Please read and review, and I hope you like it! -MOTH (Maiden of the Heavens)

You are the guy who stole my heart,

I am the girl you're always fighting for.

-Plumb: Real Life Fairytale

Chapter 1

Remy LeBeau tried to ignore, the pressure of a barrel of a gun, being pressed against his bare back, as the lukewarm water poured down from the showerhead above him. Shampoo rinsed out, soap foam gone, and just in time as the timer on the showerhead stopped and water stalled in running, and few droplets dripped lazily from it. Remy sighed, as he pulled the ugly nearly blinding, prison orange, jumpsuit back on. It covered the bruises, and bandages from forcefully having blood drawn, and tested nearly twenty-four hours. At least the bruise on his face was healing, from where Victor Creed had decided, to smash him in the face with a fully grown tree. The wound was now a sickly light yellow color, mixed with a deep purple. Ivy would be happy to see that.

His heart sunk, as he thought of her, curled in the fetal position at the bottom of her cage, lying on the cold cement floor. All she saw for nearly the whole day was darkness. The cruel bastard, William Stryker, had ordered for her to be blindfolded. Half of her powers, came from her dark rose pink eyes, the other half came from the thin invisible strings that retracted from her fingertips. They bound her hands together in plastic, like a tiny bird cage, her hands seeming to be constantly knotted together, as if she was praying twenty four/seven.

Remy's eyes narrowed, red with dark black pupils. The guns were pressed against his back again as, the guards forcefully led him back into the room, he had now come to dread.

Rows and rows of chain link cages, wired with heavy security. Remy could feel kinetic energy surging from his fingers tips, begging to explode the devices. To escape. But before the warm kinetic energy could connect with the devices, the guards slammed him against the outside of his own cage, his hands being forcefully pressed against his back by one guard, while the other yanked the collar of the jumpsuit down.

The Cajun continued to struggle, until the sharp prick of a needle, and fluid being forced into his blood stream made him stop. The liquid worked quickly making him feel sluggish, as if he had not gotten enough sleep. The guards tossed him into his cage, as the security device locked it up behind him.

On his hands and knees, Remy crawled to the edge of his cage, the part that connected him with the left side of the Earth-puppeteer's. His fingers grasped through the links, as he saw her, lying at the bottom of her own cage. Her normal porcelain colored skin was raw and pink, even bleeding a little. Her knuckles were pressed through the plastic wires of her hands restraints, as he gently rubbed his finger against one.

"Petite fleur…-little flower-" the pet name he given her, came from his mouth, practically crooned with his New Orleans accent easily sliding in with the French.

Ivy did not say anything for a couple of minutes, when she did, her voice sounded raw from screaming and pleading. "Quelque chose? -anything-"

"Cela ne va pas être une promenade dans le parc. -This isn't going to be a walk in the park.- La planification prend du temps -Planning takes time-…" He explained as calmly as he could.

The Earth-puppeteer's voice broke, as tears suddenly slipped from behind the blindfold, that encased her sight in darkness. "J-Je ne peux pas le prendre plus ... la douleur ... c'est trop -I/I can't take it anymore…the pain…it's too much…- …"

Remy squeezed his fingers through, and wiped her tears away, as they clung to his fingertips a little, finally noticing that her face was tear-stained, and it was not just because of the fresh ones that fell past her cheeks.

"Just hold on a little longer." He said and heard the sounds of nighttime lockdown starting. The florescent lights dimmed down, so they glowed a dull orange, and the electric wires around the outside of the cages began to hum.

Ivy knew what to do, for three months now, it was the same routine. She pressed her back against the chain-lick cage, so Remy could get the latch unhooked from her blindfold. She held still, as he worked the only two fingers he was able to squeeze through in order to let her see, at least for a little bit.

The blindfold fell away, as Ivy caught it, balanced on her encased hands by her wrists, before it could clank heavily to the ground. She set it aside slowly and very carefully, and then turned to face the Cajun. Resting back on her knees, tears still clinging to edge of her eyes, and swam in the dark rose pink color of them. She was looking at him, as if trying to memorize his features.

"Remy…" His name was a soft coo, from her hurting throat.

The Cajun smiled softly at her and stroked his fingers, feather soft, against her still damp cheeks. He still felt sluggish, and would feel like it the whole night, it was the way they kept his powers suppressed.

Ivy's eyes suddenly shifted, the pupils becoming cat-like slits. She could see them, glowing, and sparkling diamonds of still living earth within the chain links. She smiled a little. "They're there."

A mischievous grin lit Remy's face. "That'll make," He slipped into his New Orleans accented French easily, " Notre évasion beaucoup plus facile -Our escape much easier-."

Ivy's eyes returned to normal as her eyes, met his forest green.

She knew it was too soon to try escaping, they would just get caught. But she met his smile, with a grim one of her own.

The swish of the entrance door to their prison, sent panic down Ivy's spine, and alarm to spark for a second on Remy's face. Ivy gathered the horrifying blindfold with her wrists, as the two sides that connected looked like two jagged puzzle pieces, dangled on each sides. She pressed it to her face and then leaned against the chain link fence, her wrists and the plastic encasement on her hands keeping it in place, as Remy reconnected it as quickly as he could.

The blindfold seemed to mold to her face, and tighten, as Ivy tried to get used to the darkness once more. Remy gently stroked her lightly damp, dark chocolate curls with his fingers to calm her down. But it was the beep of the security device on the Cajun's cage door, that made Ivy lift her head to the noise, and panic as Remy's calming touch suddenly left, and the chain-link door clanked open and close.

"Remy?" she breathy-whispered lit with panic.

Dead silence was her reply.

"REMY!" She screamed his name now, panicking and she screamed his name repeatedly until her throat hurt too much. Tears streamed down her cheeks again, hitting her lips as the bitter taste of salt water, stung her tongue as she sobbed.

A/N: Well what did you think? Don't worry what happened to Remy will be explained in chapter two. Please Review! -Maiden of the Heavens (MOTH)