Death to Freedom, Birth to Hell

Author's Notes: It's been a long time since I wrote fanfiction. I figured since I'll have a little time this summer to get back into it. Be wary; I'm a Harry Potter fan. So I decided to do a Harry Potter fanfic. I hope it doesn't become a huge project of mine. I changed accounts because I wanted, "out with the old and in with the new!" Sorry if this doesn't suit you, but it does me. Enjoy.

Summary: The Golden Trio never finished their 7th year at Hogwarts. They are called back to school to graduate to help them attain their desired careers, but a new Minister for Magic creates new problems for them. MarriageLaw, Non-Slash, MPREG.

Sidenotes: Snape didn't die in my universe. Sorry canon-death fans, I had him resurrected. Oh yeah, and neither did Sirius, Tonks, or Remus.

Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter. JK Rowling and Warner Brothers does.


July 22, 1998 Granger Diary

When the Minister for Magic dies, you know it's only a matter of time before the opposition starts scrabbling for the position. There is a reason why they weren't chosen the first time. That reason is blatantly simple – they weren't good enough for the wizards and witches of Britain.

I didn't think it was a horrible thing when the Minister for Magic died. I was quite grateful, actually. Perhaps I've been too conditioned towards the magical violence inflicted by Voldemort to care. I hate how this has hardened me. When that bastard, Scrimgeour, tried to play Harry that ridiculous "make-a-few-appearances," card and tried to keep our eyes from what Dumbledore gave to us in his will, I felt incredibly vexed at the man. I wanted to hex him into eternity. How dare he treat Harry, and Ron and I like that! He nearly abused the law and came perilously close to doing so.

Now, however, I am very worried. This new Minister that has just been elected by the Wizengamot, Cliventine Wornstock, could be a serious threat. He's been changing things…a little too fast. I thought this was all over after Voldemort was defeated, but I guess I was wrong. The Wizengamot's still in chaos.

The things he's been changing are simple but bold. He's allowed reporters more access to magical crime-scenes and has been tightening security around magical and muggle checkpoints like the Platform at 9 and ¾'s. Instead of a platform conductor of muggle descent, they've removed him in a place of a wizard. I don't know what purpose this serves except to allow us to be more vulnerable to discovery. He's a real nutjob too…Ivory Whitacre was his name, I think. Since Harry's been summoned by this new Minister for Magic, he's been getting this information from the Minister who wants to keep him informed on all the changes. Harry's been a little bit concerned about all the rapid changes. I mean, the crackdown hasn't just stretched from these checkpoints, but it has stretched into the employment field. The law is the law and it has to be followed, but what they're doing is ridiculous.

A new wizarding policing force is now in the works…and because of all the fears of another Dark Wizard rising, opposition is minimal. I fear for my friends and I. I can't imagine what the future entails if they're going to start constricting and taking away our rights. I feel like protesting or petitioning, but I'm still recovering from the last few months. I'm suffering from PTSD and I'm clinically depressed. I actually allowed my parents to take me to a psychiatrist and psychologist. I'm on this…Lexapro that makes me feel like I'm swimming through sludge. It's so difficult some days; I just stay in bed all day. I hate muggle medications, but my parents insisted and at this time, I believe it was the right move. It's the same for Harry and Ron. We all suffer from nightmares, even though none of them are the same. Fenrir…no one should have to understand what I went through in that hellish dungeon.

I'm too tired to write anymore. I got a book from Diagon Alley…maybe I'll skim through that before going to sleep.

Emotionally Drained,

Hermione Granger.


"What do you mean I can't turn in my application? I have everything for you; I was promised a job as an Auror after I graduated-"

"Oh dear Mr. Potter, I'm so sorry, but that's precisely the point! You completely skipped your final year at Hogwarts…you can't become an Auror! You didn't graduate!"

"What do you mean, I can't become an Auror? That citation was specifically going to excuse me from my final year and allow me to work as an Auror here!"

"The person who initiated that honorary citation was in the running for the Minister for Magic, but he didn't win. It was a shocking loss and so your citation has been nullified! I'm so sorry, Mr. Potter! I would be happy to give you the job, I-I mean, you'd get it no problem whatsoever, but you're going to have to take it up with the Minister!"

Harry was absolutely livid. How could they reject his application and nullify his citation after all he had been through to save the Wizarding World? To be rejected from becoming a protector or defender of the Wizarding World just on a technicality? It was nonsensical, outrageous, preposterous, cockamamie, idiotic, and derisible!

"Well, then, can you set me up an appointment with the Minister?"

The shrilly man at the desk peered down the ridge of his nose and said, "You'll have to take it up with the Minister's private secretary. Here's where her office is located."

He scribbled down a few numbers on a small slip of paper and whipped it out to Harry. Harry squeezed the slip of paper in his right hand, flung open the doors to the Auror's Office, and marched towards the elevators.

As he stood in the elevator, waiting to get to the Minister for Magic's floor, he stared at the floor. He could feel the other people's eyes in the elevator scrutinizing him, careful not to say anything. It was like this everywhere Harry went. If he wasn't being observed or whispered about behind his back, he was being read about in the papers or magical history books, and even jeered at by some conspiracy theorists.

He could never have a normal conversation again without someone bringing up his, "great defeat." Great defeat, my arse, Harry thought. I barely even know what happened except that I met Dumbledore in a pleasing purgatory place and I saw the drooling and screaming being called Voldemort, then killing the thing with some crazy-shit magic.

He practically leapt out of the elevators thanking a higher authority for getting him out of there. He gripped the slip of paper tighter and marched faster down the hallway. Two guards were stationed in front of the secretary's office.

"Before you go in you have to give me your wand, Potter," said the guard on the left, a sloppy looking fellow with a 5 o' clock shadow. With a startled gasp, Harry realized it was Crabbe.

"Damn, Crabbe, is it really you?" Harry asked, flabbergasted. "I thought you had joined the Death Eaters for good-"

"I wimped out and got the charges against me dropped," Crabbe said miserably. "As long as I worked in this silly job, I would stay out of Azkaban."

"Well, " Harry said, irritation leaking into his tone, "At least you have a job. My citation's been nullified and I need to get it reinstated by talking to the Minister. Can I take my wand with me? I'm kind of…an important figure and it'd be really nice to have something for self-defense. You know, just in case. "

"Sorry, Potter," Crabbed sneered. "The Minister said no exceptions, so no exceptions, unless you'd like my friend Willis here to escort you out?"

Harry glanced at the tall, tan, and dark looking man beside Crabbe. Willis cracked open his mouth and it revealed a couple of gold crowned teeth.

"Fine, whatever, here's my damn wand, and if you break it, Crabbe, I swear I'll hex you into oblivion!" Harry practically threw the wand at Crabbe's head, but Crabbe caught it mid-air and smirked. "How're you gonna do that without a wand?" Crabbe asked.

"Don't be a smart-arse!" Harry yelled back at him. He threw open the door to the private secretary's office and with an annoyed huff, slammed it shut.


Author's Notes: I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. MPREG and MarriageLaw will come into play in later chapters. Please READ AND REVIEW!