Sasuke frowns. He sets her down under a shady tree. "You know…I thought that guys were supposed to lead girls on. Not the other way around!" With that, he storms off, leaving a flustered Hinata behind.

"W-what does he mean by that?" Hinata thinks out-loud. 'Does that mean…he loves me?'

Hinata looks down. 'Well…he has been acting a little strange lately.' She looks back up in the direction where he had stormed off. 'I need to work this out with him.'

Hinata pushes herself to her feet using her hands and the tree trunk. She tries putting pressure on her ankle, "OW!" Tears begin forming in her eyes. 'I can't walk on it. It hurts too much.' Hinata bites her bottom lip. 'I need to sort this out. Ignore the pain.'

Hinata takes one step away from the tree, wincing as the pain rockets through her leg. 'Ignore it.' She keeps walking, wincing every time she has to put pressure on her sore ankle. She's about to give up when she hears the sound of kunai hitting a tree. 'He's training? In here?' She quickens her pace, completely ignoring her ankle.

She turns a corner and runs into Sasuke, falling down. "O-ow…" She looks up immediately to see Sasuke glaring down at her.

"What do you want?" Sasuke asks, his voice laced with venom.

Hinata shudders and wants to run. 'No! I have to sort this out.' "U-um…S-Sasuke-san? D-did you p-perhaps b-believe th-th-that I l…l-love you?"

Sasuke glares at Hinata more. "Why do you care?" Hinata shrinks back again. 'She looks like a little rabbit,' Sasuke thinks, a little blush creeping along his face.

"Um…" Hinata looks away. 'What did I think I was gonna say?' She sighs before mumbling incoherently.

Sasuke raises an eyebrow. "I didn't catch that."

"Um…I…d-don't l-like you, U-Uchiha-san," Hinata says, not wanting to look at him.



"I HEARD YOU!" Sasuke shouts accusingly at Hinata. "I may be a loner and I know I'm an ass sometimes…but I do have feelings."

Hinata blinks at Sasuke. "So…y-you're saying you…l-l-love me?"

Sasuke blushes and shrugs. "Maybe."

"Wait…S-Sasuke-san, w-what did you t-think I said y-yesterday?"

"You said: 'I was…to quench my…my father would kill me…Sasuke-san, please…I…love…you…you love…me, don't you?'" Sasuke says, shrugging.

Hinata's eyes widen. 'He didn't hear all of it?' "S-Sasuke-san. I said: 'I was here to quench my thirst; my father would kill me instantly. Sasuke-san, please don't tell, I want his love. Don't you want love from those you love? You understand me, don't you?'"

Sasuke blinks. "What?"

Hinata bites her bottom lip and looks away. 'I have to say it.' "Um…b-but…I-I don't d-d-deny l…l-loving you," Hinata says, a deep blush covering her face. Her eyes shut tight, not wanting to see his face.

Sasuke blushes. "Hinata…you…?" He crouches down to her level and without hesitation, he leans forward and kisses Hinata. "I love you too," he says, a light blush on his face. Sasuke then stands up and picks a rose and gives it to Hinata. He then turns around and crouches down. "Get on. I'll carry you to the front."

Hinata blushes again and gets on his back. He stands up and starts walking. She squeezes him tightly, whispering, "I love you."

He smirks and asks, "Does that mean I can sleep in your room tonight?"

Hinata turns a deep shade of red. She closes her eyes and shouts, "P-PERVERT!" Sasuke laughs as he carries his love to the front of the garden.

YAY! It's done! Sorry about the wait. I wrote this in class but then school ended so I forgot about it.
