S/N: I promised I would make a post today and so I am, but be aware, I have not edited this chapter and I'm sure there are errors. Oh well, I'm not too excited about this chapter, but please, feel free to comment and let me know what you think or any suggestions. I will try to be better at posting as well! TRY! :)

Only a few days passed since Addison told Naomi how she felt, it wasn't like the words she spoke weren't truly how she felt, but Addison was starting to think maybe she'd been too harsh. Standing in the mirror bent forward, scrubbing her face in a circular motion, as close to the mirror as she could be as if she were trying not to miss one inch, Addison was tense and deep in thought. As she daydreamed, Sam walked up behind her without her even noticing.

"Addison, what's wrong?" Sam asked her, with concern in his tone.

"Oh… Sam, you scared me. Nothing, nothing's wrong, I'm fine." Addison tried to assure Sam with a small smile.

"Addison." Sam repeated, but this time watching her through the mirror as she looked up through the mirror back at him. It was obvious she wasn't fooling him. Addison stood up straight, placed the ball of her hands down on the counter and looked down defeated.

"It's just, Naomi…" Addison sighed hard. "We haven't spoken since my last conversation with her, and I meant what I said, really, I still do, I just… a part of me feels maybe I was a little too harsh on her." Addison went back to scrubbing her face.

"Baby, Naomi is a big girl, she can handle your honesty. Nothing you said was a personal hit at her, and honestly she needed to see that you could stand up for yourself." Sam said continuing to run his hands along her back.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Addison became defensive.

"It means, Naomi is use to getting her way, and making you feel like you have to agree and make her your priority. Listen, I know you love her, and she is your best friend, but as your REAL best friend, I'm telling you, I love you, I'm here for you, and everything is going to be alright."

Addison nodded her head, accepting Sam's words and really hoping he was right. She still loved Naomi, although Naomi practically told her she wished failure on her, she still deep down wanted things to work out with Naomi. Addison turned around, and without her hands leaned in to kiss Sam. Sam wrapped his hands around Addison enjoying the kiss as he too hoped things would be okay.

After Addison was finished washing her face she and Sam spent some time together that night just dreaming and planning, they decided on which room would be the nursery, what colors they'd use for a boy or girl. They decided green for both, green and brown for a boy, and green and purple for a girl. They were just excited and genuinely happy and looking forward to everything headed in their direction. Addison admitted she wanted a girl, but would be happy with either while Sam right out told her he knew it was a boy, he was sure. Addison laughed at Sam and told him as long as the little boy looked just like him, she was okay with that. They lay together in bed, playing with each others fingers as they talked, just happy to be together, and happy even if just for a little while.

The next morning Sam and Addison went to work together, and tried to avoid the annoying glares and stares they received from co-workers, mostly Dell and Violet as they went to their separate offices to work. Sam wanted Addison to avoid confrontation, but she couldn't help herself, her hormones were raging and there were just a few things she needed to say to Vanessa so she could feel better. So she waited until Sam was busy with a patient and not watching her to sneak off to the hospital.

The minute Addison walked in Charlotte ran up to her apologizing for the way she broke her the news.

"Addison, I had no idea you didn't know. I am so sorry, I hope I didn't ruin anything or come down too hard on you…" Charlotte pleaded for her to understand.

"Charlotte it's okay!" Addison assured her.

"Montgomery, I know the word spread kind of fast around here, I had no idea Vanessa was listening to me. I don't even recall her being around me, but I will assure you she will be talked to. That was totally unprofessional of her… and very childish." Charlotte used her hands while she talked, she was really sorry and upset one of her staff would stoop so low for some gossip.

"Charlotte… really, it's okay." Addison repeated

"Okay, and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask, I know we haven't been the closest and I hate being all lovey-dovey and gross like you like… but I am here for you." Charlotte scrunched up her nose at the words as she said them, but was sincere in what she was offering.

"Thank you, Charlotte." Addison smiled at her again and continued on her way, leaving Charlotte watching her walk away.

Addison knew Vanessa could only be a few places, so she checked a few places before going up to the NICU where Vanessa was monitoring a preemie before she ended her rounds.

"Addison, hi. Can't say I'm happy to see you." Vanessa said with a smile that was as honest as her words.

"Vanessa, I just came here to say a few things to you and leave." Addison said with confidence and no reason to hold back.

"Addison I really don't care to talk to you, my issue is with Sam, not you. So you can save it!" Vanessa was so sick from the sight of Addison. All she could think about was Sam, her Sam giving the love that should have been hers away to Addison.

"Well, the minute you took information about me and spread it around the hospital and to my best friend if no one else, it became my issue too…"

"Addison, you slept with Sam while he and I were dating… Do you seriously think I care about anything you have to say to me?" Vanessa threw back.

"Sam and I started before he even knew you worked here, what he did to you was wrong, and I understand why you'd be upset. But Sam was pursuing me when you started going out with him. Actually the only reason he dated you is because I turned him down, and you were in the same profession as me and he knew that would annoy me. Basically he used you and I know that was wrong and I am sorry for that. But that in no way gives you the right to spread gossip about me around the hospital." Addison had to take a breath, she could feel herself getting mad and she needed to take more breaths while talking to keep her cool.

"I feel you both got what you deserved." Vanessa said while placing her hand on her hip and giving Addison more attitude than before.

"Look Vanessa, I'm here to tell you to keep my name and my business out of your mouth. If you have a problem with me, be an adult and say it to me, if you have a problem with Sam, take it to him." Addison tried to stay cool.

"Look, its done. I'm not going to lie, I hate that you are better than me. You are the red headed Neonatal double board OBGYN specialist that I have tried to live up to my entire career. You win in my professional life and now you've crossed over and won in my personal life. You got the guy too. So you win. I don't like you." Vanessa was feeling more and more childish as she spoke. It couldn't have possibly been Addison's fault that she always tried to outshine her but could never get close. It wasn't Addison fault she was so amazing, she just was.

"I know you told Naomi. And there is nothing I can do about that, because it's done. I just came here today, as an adult to give you a chance to say whatever problem you have with me, to ME, and get it out so you can stop talking about me. So have you said all you have to?" Addison looked at Vanessa waiting for anything else.

"No. I think I'm done here." Vanessa said.

"Good, now I hope if nothing else I've shown you how an adult handles their problems and in the future you will use this approach." And with that Addison walked off without saying goodbye or giving Vanessa a chance to say anything more. She'd accomplished all she needed to and was happily returning to work.

When Addison got to the practice and onto the elevator there was a lady getting on with her that didn't look so well. Addison asked if she was all right and she told her she was coming to see Dr. Montgomery at Oceanside wellness and hoped she could figure out what she should do. Amanda was a cop on the force and couldn't shake the symptoms of being pregnant. She and her husband had tried to get pregnant for years until she got promoted. Her work became more dangerous and her hours longer, so when she finally got pregnant, she decided she wanted to have an abortion.

"You must be my 10:30 appointment." Addison asked the woman.

"Yes, I came to you because I'm very nervous and abortion clinics have so many protestors and stuff. I wanted to come somewhere quiet where I can be supported and safe." Amanda was clearly vulnerable in this situation, something she usually doesn't display being a police officer and all, but she wanted to get this taken care of in the best way possible. And that was Addison.

"Okay, I'll have one of the nurses put you in an exam room so that once I check my messages, and grab a chart, I'll come and check you out. Trust me, you are in the best hands." Addison said.

Amanda smiled at Addison still a little worried and scared and she walked off the elevator and to check in at the reception desk. Once Addison finished her chores and made it to her office, Sam was sitting on her couch waiting for her to return.

"Couldn't help yourself could you?" Sam asked smiling at Addison.

"Sam…" Addison said, putting her purse and coat away and getting her crocs so she could take her Christian Louboutin high heels off and relax her feet.

"No… it's okay. Just as long as you are relaxed, and not stressing, I am not going to fuss at you. I don't think Vanessa is one to reason with, but if you feel you've accomplished something, then I stand behind you." Sam said walking up to Addison and kissing her softly on the lips. "Just promise me you won't do more than you can handle, okay?" Sam didn't want to upset Addison or make her feel like she'd done the wrong thing.

"I think it was good. I needed to voice my opinion to her, it wasn't her place to spread my news and I think she knows that now. I'm happy I did it." Addison said proud of herself.

"I'm happy that you feel better, but that doesn't mean you get to sneak off and not let me in on what you are doing or what's going on, okay?" Addison whispered okay and as Sam kissed her a few more times she told him she had to get to an appointment and left him in her office shaking his head at the woman he loved. She's Addison… strong, sexy, determined, and busy, but she never walks away from a fight.

When Addison got to her patients room Amanda was already laying on the table, waiting for her examination. Addison reminded her that the gel she was about to apply was cold and squirted it on thinking about how it felt when she just a few days ago was sitting on a similar table looking at her baby.

"Alrighy, Amanda… You are about 6 weeks along. What again were your plans?" Addison asked looking at the monitor and how beautiful the baby's heart beat was to her.

"I'm a police officer, and before I was trying, my husband and I. But now that I've been promoted I can't keep it. I will be in dangerous situations, and stressed a lot and doing strenuous thing like chasing perps, I can't be pregnant and do all that." Amanda didn't want to be judged, she was only doing what she knew was right.

"Have you viewed all your options? You are sure you want an abortion?" Addison had to make sure.

"I'm 100% sure, Dr. Montgomery. I'm only thinking about the baby here." Amanda really wanted a baby, but her career was her priority right now, and she couldn't risk harming a baby in the process. She has to abort before the baby grew too much.

Addison hated the fact that she could tell Amanda wanted this baby, nothing in her mind told her differently, but this was Amanda's decision and she didn't want her patient to think she was judging her so she nodded her head and agreed. Once they agreed that Amanda and her husband would come in together to learn more before the actual procedure, Addison sent Amanda to the reception desk to make the appointment for Friday giving her enough time to talk to her husband and make sure this is what she wanted. Amanda didn't plan on bumping into another doctor at the reception desk who had a different opinion.

When Addison left the exam room she had to go see Sam. When she walked into his office he was alone and for that she was grateful.

"Sam…" Addison whined as she walked in his office.

"Baby… what's wrong?" Sam asked concerned as she plopped down in the seat in front of his desk.

"I have a problem." Addison put her hands over her face, and then dropped her hands and face into her lap.

"What's wrong? Is it Naomi? Or Vanessa? Please tell me it's not Naomi?" Sam asked as he moved from his side of the desk and went to kneel in front of Addison.

"No, no, no Sam, it's not that, this is a non-personal but personal matter." Addison assured him.

"Wait, what? Addison, you are not making sense… Just tell me what the problem is, please?" Sam really wanted to know what was wrong so he could figure out how to fix it.

"Well, I have this patient. She's beautiful, talented and well… she wants an abortion." Addison spit it all out as fast as she could.

"Okay, I'm sorry to hear that but you do abortions… so what's the problem?" Sam was confused. Addison has done many abortions, he wasn't sure why this was a problem.

"I can tell she wants this baby, Sam. She wants it so bad but she's a cop and her life style won't allow her to have it. And with my current situation, I'm not sure I can do it… it takes a mental toll on me every time I perform one." Sam began to rub Addison's head; he understood her issue but wasn't sure what she wanted to do about it.

"Okay, so you don't want to perform the procedure?" Sam asked.

"Well, no… I don't. And yes I do, at the same time. I don't ever WANT to abort a baby, but she chose to come to me, she skipped the abortion clinic and came to me because she wanted support, safety and someone she could trust. And she chose me." Addison felt defeated; nothing would make her feel better right now, nothing but sleep.

"I think you should sleep on it. Give yourself time to think about it and weigh your options. You can say no and have someone else do it Addison if you can't. No one will judge you. You really look tired and I want you to get some sleep during lunch, I will bring you some food once you get some rest." Sam said placing his hands on Addison's legs.

"All right. I will take a nap, GOD I need it." Addison yawned as she lifted her head and kissed Sam on the lips because she needed it, and for him understanding.

As Addison left Sam's office she went to her own office, and immediately plopped down on her couch and like that she was out.

An hour later Sam showed up at Addison's office with a strawberry smoothie, and a baked Chicken salad. After he placed her plate, and smoothie down making sure he'd brought her the correct utensils and napkins, he then walked over to the couch and began to rub Addison's hair away from her face. She looked like she really needed that nap, and he was glad he'd made her take it.

"Ummmm hey, how long was I out?" Addison asked as she struggled to open her eyes.

"Hey baby, how was your nap?" Sam asked as he enjoyed the way she looked all relaxed.

"It was exactly what I needed, so glad you made me take it." Addison said giving Sam one of her biggest smiles.

"You were sleep for about an hour, so I thought I'd bring you lunch." Sam said as he pointed and Addison sat up to look at the food he had ready for her.

"Mmmmm, it looks and smells amazing!" Addison said as she got up and walked over to her desk and sat in front of her food. Addison was starving, so without another word she dug right in.

Sam had to leave because he had a patient, so he made sure Addison didn't need anything more, gave her a few kisses and then left to return to his office. Addison knew she wouldn't see much of Sam for the rest of the day as she too had more patients to see, so she ate her lunch, threw away the containers and then went about her day.

Before Addison left for the day Amanda showed back up knocking at her door as she gathered her things.

"Amanda, hi, how, what's… is everything okay?" Addison asked as she could tell something was wrong.

"Ummm yes, well, everything was okay until while I was scheduling my abortion this morning I ran into another doctor. She told me what I was doing was wrong, and I'd rot in hell and never be able to forgive myself if I went through with it, so I don't think I can have this abortion. I may resent my kid forever, but maybe that doctor was right…" Amanda said now starting to cry.

"Amanda, nobody can tell you what to feel, what to think or what to do with your body… this is your choice." Addison tried to salvage the situation.

"So you are saying you think I should have the abortion?" Amanda asked.

"I'm saying it's not my decision. Whoever told you that you shouldn't have this abortion was out of place… it's not up to them, and it's not a doctor's job to force their beliefs on you. It's our job to state the pros and cons and let you decide for yourself." Addison forced herself to say this. Deep down she didn't want to have to perform the procedure, but if it meant her patient practicing her right, she knew in the end she would do it.

"I'm just not sure anymore… I don't know what's right! That doctor was pretty passionate about what she had to say…" Amanda said.

"Which doctor said this to you." Addison asked extremely pissed at whatever doctor said such things to her.

"I don't know she was a very sweet lady, doctor Bennett I think her name was. I could be wrong, but she said she specialized in creating babies and her job is pointless if I was going to throw away a perfectly healthy baby." Amanda said.

Addison tried to assure Amanda that would never happen again and Amanda told Addison she needed more time to think. And as Amanda left Addison finished packing her things and headed to Sam's office to go home.

"What's wrong babe…? You look furious!" Sam noticed as Addison whipped into his office and threw all her things down.

"Fucking, Naomi!" Was all Addison got out.

"What? What about Naomi?" Sam asked.

"It's as if she hasn't screwed things up with me enough, she is now messing with my patients!" Addison screamed.

"What?" Sam asked as he moved closer to Addison and started rubbing her arms up and down trying to calm her down.

"She told my patient she was going to hell for wanting an abortion. I know I was torn about doing it, but Naomi scared my patient and now my patient is considering having her baby and possibly resenting the baby forever." Addison said a little but not much calmer.

"She did what?" Sam couldn't believe she did that either.

"I know… what nerves she has." Addison exclaimed.

"Baby, you can't let this stress you out. You have our baby to think about. You can talk to Naomi about it tomorrow, and in the mean time just hope whatever you said to your patient soothes her. In the end she will make the right choice for her." Sam said.

"I hope so… I can't believe Naomi though… that's BS." Addison said.

"How about this…" Sam said as he kissed Addison's lips. "I'll carrying all your things, we go home, and you let me cater to you tonight. Anything you want, we can do, anything that will make you feel better? Deal?" Sam asked.

"Deal!" Addison said excited for the night with Sam.

Addison and Sam left and Sam did exactly what he promised. He ran her a bath, brought her fresh strawberries and whipped cream, fed it to her, rubbed her shoulders and back, and her feet, he ordered her favorite Chinese take out even though he wanted her to cut back now that she was pregnant, but he kept to his promise. Whatever she wanted. Now they were full and lying out on the deck covered with a blanket, Addison practically lying on top of Sam.

"You know, in a few months you will be too heavy to lay on me like this…" Sam teased.

"SAM!" Addison yelled slapping him across the chest. Sam burst out laughing, with Addison now laughing as well.

"I'm just kidding baby… you'll never be too heavy for me." Sam said grabbing her chin and kissing her passionately.

"You'd better be jerk!" Addison said letting him continue to kiss her.

"I have an idea… wanna do something risky?" Sam asked as Addison melted into his kisses.

"What do you have in mind?" Addison asked trying to fight the feeling she was getting with Sam's hands and lips on her.

"Let's have sex right here… we can push two lounge chairs together, lower the arms in the middle and as long as we keep the covers over us, no one will see anything." Sam promised.

"Sam, No… we can't." Addison broke away from his kiss.

"Come on, Addison! It will be fun I promise. I promise I wont let you be exposed, if I have to hold the cover myself." Sam pulled her into another kiss to persuade her more.

"But… what about… noises?" Addison said between kisses.

"That's apart of the fun, trying to keep quiet." Sam mused.

"Sam… I don't know about this." Addison admitted.

"Please baby… let's just try it. IF you want to stop we can." Sam told her.

"Fine." Addison said still worried, but willing to give it a try.

Sam moved the chairs together and lowered the arms while Addison removed Sam's pajama top that she was wearing along with her little shorts and underwear. Sam moved her while under the cover over to the middle of the chairs to make sure they were centered while he removed his shorts; which was the only thing he was wearing. Sam gently started kissing Addison as he spread her legs and entered her slowly. Addison sucked in air and tried to keep quiet as she could feel Sam slowly filling her. As soon as Addison thought Sam was all the way in, Sam lifted her legs, and went in further causing her to moan loudly.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm." Addison tried to be quiet.

"I love you…" Sam whispered through heavy breaths as he slowly started to rock in and out of Addison.

"I… Love…" Addison tried to say it back, but when Sam thrust himself inside her again she had to bite down on his shoulder to keep her self from screaming out. Sam moaned deeply as he felt Addison's teeth puncture his skin. Loving the way he was making Addison feel, making sure the cover stayed over them he lifted Addison legs more going even deeper hitting her G-spot. Addison moaned out of control as Sam picked up the pace now pounding inside her, and right when he could feel her starting to lose it he pulled out leaving Addison with a confused look on her face. Without words Sam moved down her body kissing between her breasts, sucking on her nipples and making his way down her stomach stopping along the way under the covers. When he finally got between Addison's legs he continued to suck and lick all around. First he sucked on her clit, and then he moved his tongue at an extremely fast pace over it. Addison didn't even have time to protest between his movements as he brought her close to an orgasm and then stopped to start doing something new. Addison hated the teasing but at the same time loved the Sam's spontaneity tonight.

Sam kissed back up Addison's body, then turned Addison around and pounded into her doggy-style still keeping her under the covers until he felt Addison's body starting to shake, and then he arched her back a little more and pulled himself out making Addison moan in frustration. Kissing down the arch of her back and then he started to lick her middle from behind. Sticking his tongue in both of her holes and sliding his tongue from her butt crack all the way down to her folds and back up again. Addison neared her orgasm again as Sam teased her with his tongue, starting and stopping over and over again. Finally Addison couldn't take I anymore.

"Saaaaammmmm… Please?" Addison screamed out forgetting where she was and kind of not caring anymore. Sam smiled into her skin, kissing up her shaking legs and picking her up a little so he could sit back on the chair and roll Addison on top. As soon as Sam slid back inside her Addison rode him like she'd never done before, she was beyond ready for her orgasm and this time Sam wasn't going to stop it, not even if he wanted to. But this was Sam's plan, and she rode him hard arching her back to feel as much pleasure as possible. Sam leaned forward and put one of Addison's breasts into his mouth to suck on it, while he used one of his hands to reach down between them to massage her clit. Rubbing small but quick circles Sam could now feel Addison tightening around him, causing him to arch himself into her and start thrusting upward meeting her thrusts.

"Oh my GOD, Sam, please don't stop it this time…" Addison screamed out. Sam smiled into her neck knowing he had no intention of stopping it; it was his plan to have her this way.

"I love you baby." Sam told her as he felt himself slipping into ecstasy. As they both leaped into their highest highs, Addison pushed Sam to lay back and she continued to ride him to fully feel the orgasm. Grabbing his face into an extremely passionate Kiss Addison finally was able to get it out.

"Oh my God, I love you too…" And that was all she said as she laid there, Sam still inside her. They stayed like this a little longer and they struggled to regain normal breathing and just enjoyed the feel of each other being so close. They kissed a little longer before Addison was ready to go inside. Sam flipped them over, wrapped the blanket around them and picked Addison up, carrying her into the house careful not to expose her. Addison kissed him as he laid her down upstairs in the bed and crawled in with her. Once they were relaxed, Addison pulled Sam in closer.

"Sam, I didn't think that would be that good… that was amazing!" Addison said.

"That's what happens when you have sex in unexpected, risky places." Sam gloated.

"Thank you." Addison said kissing him again.

"Baby, you don't need to thank me, the pleasure was mine." Sam reminded her.

"It was just so, so, so good… Mmmmm, I almost want to do it again right now! If you hadn't worn me out with all that teasing and flipping…" Addison laughed as Sam laughed with her.

"I just wanted to make you happy after the day you've had today." Sam told her.

"And that's why I thank you." Addison said planting another kiss on him. "I still have to talk to Naomi about my patient tomorrow…" Addison said sighing. "That's not going to be pretty, but for my patient I will do it." Addison admitted.

"Everything is going to be fine, babe. If this is something you are passionate about, you should stand up about it!" Sam encouraged her.

"Yea, I know… I'm not worried about myself; I'm worried about her… I've been pretty hardcore lately with these hormones raging through me, so… I hope I don't rip her head off." Addison got a little more serious.

"You'll be fine…" Sam promised her.

Addison and Sam talked about her feelings about what Naomi did, they talked about Addison's conversation with Vanessa, and they just talked until they fell asleep having no idea that Amelia witness their entire sex extravaganza. Amelia was a freaky person, and never before had she considered having any sexual relations with Addison, but after watching her and Sam go at it outdoors in front of her turned her on and she really enjoyed that show. Sam and Addison thought they'd gotten away with their exciting venture, but tomorrow Amelia would prove them wrong, also tomorrow Addison would face Naomi head on. Right now they were peacefully sleeping, but tomorrow… no telling what tomorrow would bring.