Disclaimer: I do not own Wizards of Waverly Place or Camp Rock. I do not own Toyota Camry's either.

About Sam: Yes, I always knew he was going to be a boy. From the moment I dreamt up the story, Sam was always going to be a boy. His name… No particular reason for the name. I just liked it. But I'd been planning to name him Samuel since probably I was writing chapter 3. And no, I was not on the fence about whether or not I was going to let him live or die. I'm not that cruel. I love Sam. I wouldn't kill him.

"Watch out! Baby coming through!" Alex announced while holding the door of Mitchie's apartment building open, though the lobby was empty as usual.

"Shh," Mitchie shushed her. "You'll wake Sam."

The new mother smiled as she walked inside, her son securely buckled into his car seat all safe and snug, fast asleep from the movements of his mother's new (but used) 2007 grey Toyota Camry.

"How is he?" Alex asked quietly, bending down to check on the infant under the hood of the seat.

Being born premature (four pounds, five ounces, and twelve inches long), little Samuel James Torres was smaller than most babies. So his new parental figure had been a nervous wreck the entire car ride over even though his mother had been completely fine. Mitchie didn't get worried once as she sat in the backseat with Alex, Sam in between them, and her father drove up front with Connie, going slowly through New York traffic.

"He's fine, Alex," Mitchie told her softly. "Quit worrying."

"Alright." Alex let out a breath and adjusted the strap of Mitchie's duffle bag over her shoulder.

The door to the apartment building was kicked open and standing in the doorway was someone with two large boxes stacked in their hands, obscuring their face. When the person walked inside all the way, they put the boxes down a little and their carrier was revealed as none other than the new grandfather himself, Steve Torres.

"Thanks for helping with the boxes, Alex," he told her sarcastically, out of breath.

"Oh, you're welcome," Alex said with a bright smile, flipping the end of her hair over her shoulder.

"Now there's the girl I met way back in October," Mitchie said affectionately, reaching out and pinching Alex's cheek gently. Yes, Alex had grown as a person and was very different and Mitchie loved her dearly, but she'd fallen for the original Alex before the change took place. She was so much more in love with the new Alex, but it was nice to see the old, impish Alex shine through sometimes.

The door opened again and Connie backed into the apartment, carrying another box.

"Did Theresa really have to give us all of this stuff at once?" she asked, nodding to the matching boxes in her husband's hands. "He won't even fit half of this for at least a month since he's so small."

After finding out the baby was a boy, Mrs. Russo decided the best belated baby shower gift to give her daughter's girlfriend's son was all of Max's and Justin's old baby clothes and toys. The only problem was Sam couldn't fit any of the outfits. Connie had had to run to a baby boutique while Mitchie was still in the hospital and buy special preemie baby clothes.

"She thought she was doing something nice," Alex said, a little defensive of her mother. "But I did tell her you wouldn't be able to fit all of this stuff in your apartment. She just doesn't listen."

"Sound like anyone we know?" Mitchie asked cheekily as she began to follow her father towards the elevator.

"What is it with you and mocking me today?" Alex asked, not used to seeing the teasing side of Mitchie so many times in not even a five minute interval.

"I'm just messing with you, baby," Mitchie said before leaning over and giving Alex a gentle kiss on her shoulder, exposed because she was wearing a gray tank top.

Alex blushed and closed her mouth tight, very much thrown off by how much affection Mitchie was showing her in front of Mr. and Mrs. Torres.

As the elevator rose, a tiny whimper began to emit from the car seat hanging from Mitchie's hand. All four pairs of eyes immediately flashed to it, ready to get baby Sam whatever he may need.

"I think he's hungry," Mitchie commented, looking upon her son with his face slowly scrunching up, ready to cry.

"How do you know?" Alex asked, afraid it was a wet cry. Mitchie had been trying to get her to change his diaper while they were still in the hospital. She wasn't ready for that.

"I just do," Mitchie said with a small smile.

"Here, Alex, take the keys and unlock the door," Steve said, balancing the boxes in one hand and using the other to reach into his pocket and pull out his keys.

Alex quickly took them right as the elevator doors opened. She walked swiftly down the hall, Mitchie on her heals with Sam in tow, who was beginning to fuss a little more. She jammed the key in the lock and turned it, pushing the door open. She held it for Mitchie, who rushed past her.

"I wanted to give you a tour of your new home, Sam, but I guess we can do that after you're fed," Mitchie said as she crossed through the living room, right to her room. She entered through the open doorway and immediately set the car seat on the bed and began unbuckling the infant. "This is our room, though," she said in a soft and sweet voice as she lifted him, minding his head, from the seat.

Alex waited in the living room for Mr. and Mrs. Torres to walk in. When they did, placing the boxes in the corner of the living room, Alex handed over the keys to Steve and made a beeline for Mitchie's bedroom.

"Whoa!" Alex's hands went to her eyes at the sight before her.

Mitchie, who was wearing a powder blue button-down, now had the shirt open, Samuel's mouth attached to one of her firm, round breasts. Alex knew she breastfed him. She'd done it in the hospital. But she'd never actually seen it. She'd always looked away for that part. But that wasn't the part that shocked her. She was mostly shocked from seeing Mitchie's other breast, not covered by a nursing baby's mouth.

Alex had never seen them before and as much as she wanted to sneak peeks, she didn't want to take advantage of the situation. But, Alex's imagination could not do Mitchie's chest justice. She'd pictured Mitchie naked before, and now her fantasies would be enhanced with memories of reality.

"You don't have to cover your eyes," Mitchie said, smirking at her flustered girlfriend. "I really don't care if you look."

"No, thanks," Alex said, removing her hands from her eyes but turning her body in the opposite direction of Mitchie and Sam. "I'm just gonna stare at the wall."

Mitchie shook her head before smiling down at the nursing baby in her arms. "Mama is silly, huh, Sam?" she asked him softly. He simply started at her with curious, matching brown eyes while he suckled down his meal.

Alex smiled to herself, her heart swelling at the new name she'd recently taken on.

"But not as silly as your Mommy, Sammy," Alex said over her shoulder. So far, she'd been the only one to ever call him 'Sammy.' To everyone else, he was just Sam. It was understood that 'Sammy' was Alex's nickname for him, and no one else's.

"Hush, you," Mitchie scolded playfully. Alex just chuckled silently to herself.

"Mitchie?" came Theresa's voice from the doorway. "Your dad and I need to go to the store and pick up some more stuff for Sam. Do you think you'll be okay by yourselves for about an hour?" Her eyes flashed to Alex, who was still staring at the wall. This confused her until she saw that Mitchie was breastfeeding. Then she just wanted to laugh at the flustered seventeen year-old.

"We're gonna be fine," Mitchie said confidently.

After Sam was finished being fed and properly burped and Mitchie had buttoned up her shirt again, Mitchie decided it was time for Alex to change her first diaper.

"Are you sure about this?" Alex asked nervously as Mitchie set out the mat they'd bought to change diapers when they traveled. They weren't traveling, but Mitchie figured this would be easier than each of them crowding around the changing table.

"You're going to have to do it eventually, Mama," Mitchie told her.

Alex once again blushed at the nickname. "Okay…"

She watched as Mitchie unsnapped the bottom of little Sam's minute preemie outfit and lift it a little.

"You're lucky," Mitchie said. "I think he's just wet." She looked down at Sam and smiled. "No poopy diaper for Mama, huh, Sam? You just save those for Mommy, don't you?" she asked in a baby voice.

A smile spread across Alex's face from relief of not having to change a dirty diaper and also at how adorable Mitchie was being, all the while Sam just stared at her in a clueless manner.

"So what do I do first?" she asked.

"First you remove the old diaper." Mitchie reached behind her and grabbed the trashcan, putting it beside Alex. "Then you put it in here."

"Seems easy enough," Alex commented.

"Then you clean him off," Mitchie said, gesturing to diaper wipes beside the package of unused diapers and baby powder. "Then you give him a little powder to prevent a rash, and then a fresh diaper. And finally, snap him back up and you're good to go."

"I can do that," Alex said in a confident tone.

Mitchie raised her eyebrows expectantly. "Then do it."

Alex's eyes grew wider as she realized she had to put her money where her mouth was. Not wanting to look like an idiot in front of Mitchie, Alex slowly but surely reached out and grabbed one of the sides of Sam's diaper. She removed the straps carefully, taking a breath before she pulled the diaper back. Luckily, Mitchie was right, and he was only wet. She took the diaper off completely, balled it up, and threw it in the trashcan with a thunk.

Mitchie reached for a diaper quickly. "Now, be sure to cover him because boys like to−"

Before she could finish her sentence, a stream of pee shot into the air. Alex jumped back as quickly as she could, but Mitchie was not so lucky.

"Pee!" Mitchie squealed as she was caught in the chest first, closing her mouth just in time when it got to her face.

Alex was silent for all of two seconds before busting out into a fit of giggles. Mitchie only wiped her face with the diaper and frowned, very thankful she had her hair in a ponytail so that she didn't have to take a shower right away.

"Thanks, Sam," she said as she threw the diaper into the trash.

"Now I know why I was so nervous to change him," Alex said around a giggle. "My mom tried to get me to help when Max was a baby and he did that to me." She pointed at Mitchie's damp shirt and laughed some more.

Mitchie glared at Alex for a few moments. "Ya know, I have pee on my lips. So unless you want me to kiss you right now, shut it," she said playfully, but still threateningly.

Alex immediately ceased her laughing, pursing her lips before pulling them back into her mouth, like children do when they want to imitate elders with no teeth.

"That's what I thought," Mitchie said before looking down at her shirt. "Ugh, I'm a mess. Finish with him while I go change and wash up."

Mitchie stood and went to her closet, reaching in and quickly pulling out a shirt before dashing down the hall to the bathroom to wash her face.

"Alright, Sammy, just you and me," Alex said as she went back to the diapering. "Let's make a deal. If you don't pee on me, I'll buy you a dog for your fifth birthday. K?" She smirked down at the baby as she pulled out a baby wipe. "Good. Glad we understand each other."

As soon as Alex was finished and had snapped Sam's little outfit up, she lifted him from the mat carefully. She cradled him lovingly and smiled down at him, loving the way when he looked at her, she saw nothing but Mitchie in him. Except his hair. That was a little darker, but maybe the sun would lighten it eventually.

Alex sat on the edge of Mitchie's bed, still holding the baby in her arms.

"Let's you and me have a talk, Sammy," she said softly, looking down at the infant. "First off, no, I'm not related to you by blood. I wish I was. But I'm not. My name is Alex. You will call me Mama. And I'm dating your mommy."

Mitchie, having finally changed and cleaned herself to her liking, eventually left the bathroom. She padded across the hall, stopping when Alex's voice floated from her open bedroom door. The girl was speaking quietly, and she had the feeling she wanted to hear this.

"I apologize in advance for any possible teasing you get in school," Alex said, genuinely meaning it. "I hope you never have to deal with getting picked on just because you have two moms. If I could prevent that, I would."

Mitchie inched forward in the hallway, trying to be as quiet as possible so she wouldn't ruin Alex's moment.

"I always knew you were gonna be a boy. I never told your Mommy, but I knew. I just felt it…I thought you were going to die, Sammy," Alex said, barely above a whisper. "I don't even know what I would have done if that would have happened."

Mitchie finally reached her doorway and peeked inside. Alex was looking at Samuel, who was nestled in her arms. Mitchie could see that Sam's tiny eyes were beginning to droop closed as Alex's began leaking fresh tears.

"I love you so much, baby boy," Alex said, her voice a little higher than usual. "You and your mom. I promise to always be there for you both and give you whatever you need. You can always count on me. Always." And with that, she pressed her lips to his impossibly soft forehead, shutting her eyes.

Alex felt the bed dip beside her, and her eyelids fluttered open quickly. She looked up to see Mitchie beside her, smiling softly. She reached up and wiped away Alex's tears.

"I love you, too," Mitchie whispered before giving Alex a soft, gentle kiss on the lips. She pulled away shortly after and rested her head on Alex's shoulder, looking down at her now-sleeping son in her lover's caring arms. Alex laid her head atop Mitchie's, also looking down at Samuel.

He truly was amazing. Such a small, tiny thing caused such big changes for both girls. After all, if it weren't for him, Mitchie never would have moved. And then she never would have met Alex. And then Alex could very well be in reform school because she never would have changed her ways.

Back in the summer at Camp Rock, Mitchie was a stupid girl. She let someone she hardly knew take advantage of her. Back then, she looked at it as a mistake. She was ashamed of it and wanted nothing more than to take it back. But now, she was glad that night happened. In her drunken stupor, she'd created a life. She thought all she'd done was mess up her own, but instead she made a new one…And ended up improving hers in the long run.

Alex shouldn't have smoked that cigarette, plain and simple. But if she had to go back and do it all over again, she would. Because that very not smooth move got her kicked out of school, thrown into homes school, and put Mitchie in her arms. Back in October, Alex Russo only cared about Alex Russo. But, the universe thought she needed a wake-up call. And that is exactly what she got.

The pair never imagined sitting like they were back when they met. But somehow, they always knew. From the moment Mitchie swung the door open to reveal a still-selfish Alex on their first day of lessons.

And none of it would be possible if it weren't for Sam. Yes, he was an accident in the sense that he wasn't planned, but he was in no way unwanted. He was welcomed into this world with open arms. He was a blessing and a gift. And at not even a week old, he'd already taught his new mothers the most important lesson of their very short lives:

Sometimes in life, we make mistakes. It's up to you to decide if they're for better or worse.

"We should put him in his crib," Mitchie said, lifting her head from Alex's shoulder and standing. Alex carefully handed over sleeping Samuel to his mother, who took him lovingly into her arms. She brought him over to his crib, placed a sweet kiss upon his forehead, and placed him in the crib carefully. She stroked his dark hair with a gentle hand before pulling a tiny blue blanket out of the corner of the crib, unfolding it, and draping it over him.

She returned to Alex, who was lying on her stomach on the bed now, facing Sam. She lay down also, mimicking her girlfriend's position.

As she watched her son sleep, a twinge of sadness passed through her. She would not be going back to Camp Rock this summer, she realized. And that actually bothered her. Yes, it was true that in a month or so she would be calling an agent at a record company about creating an album, but she still wished she could return to the summer music camp. She wanted another shot, wanted to do it right. But it was impossible. At least this year. She did have a sense, though, the she would return to Camp Rock. Maybe not this summer coming, but eventually. And possibly with Sam and Alex in tow.

She looked to her right, at Alex, who looked to her left and locked eyes with Mitchie. The pair shared a smile before joining hands and looking away again. They looked to Samuel, a sense of calm falling over them.

Yes, they knew they had a long and difficult road ahead of them. They still had many challenges to face and not all of their problems were resolved. There was still the issue of Alex not knowing the true identity of Sam's father. And then there was always the threat that Alex would get in trouble if anyone in the Wizard world found out she'd let the secret about her powers slip… Twice. But they would cross those bridges when they got to them. It wasn't going to be easy. But they would get through it, together. As a family.

Alex, Mitchie, and Sam.

The End.

And that's it for this story. I went through mixed emotions as I typed the last words. I love this story dearly. It has helped me grow so much as a writer and will always be special to me. But, I know it is not over for good. I will be taking a short break to work on my novel and kind of get my life together, then work will start on the sequel.

Thank you for this amazing journey. I appreciate the support. It is my dream to get 600 REVIEWS on this. So please. I took months out of my life writing this. Can't you take just a few moments to leave a review? Anonymous are enabled.

Once again, thanks everyone so much. To check up with me and my writing, follow me on twitter (xxMusicxSpazzxx).

I love you all, and I look forward to writing for you again some time.