Thanks for picking Me and My story to read...sooooooo...Enjoy

First in my "House of the Heartbroken" series: Jake and Jasper

Disclaimer...I own none of it...but hey, someday right?

"Why am I here again?" Jasper Whitlock said glumly to his best friend Bella Swan as he ran his hand through his shaggy golden curls; they bounced and fell back. He felt like a chick: sitting here in a cafe, waiting for a date set up by his best girlfriend. Sipping some mocha-choca-non whipped-caffeine free crap excuse for coffee.

I'm a man, God dammit; I drink coffee like one, black, no sugar with a ton of hot thick cream. Jasper chuckled to himself, earning himself a glare and a snort of disgusted amusement. Clearly Bella knew exactly what he had been thinking.

Damn her and that freaky mind reading power of hers. I swear she spends too much time with Edward…well she used to anyways…The thought sobered him a little. But it was Bella's voice that pulled him back to reality.

"Because, I don't like it when you sit around moping." Bella crossed her legs and rested her elbows onto the table and leaned forward. "You can't mope over Emmett forever you know." Her hair fell in front of her eyes.

"Emmett how could you do this to me? I thought you loved me?"

"Don't be stupid Jasper…you…you just warmed my sheets! You and Rosalie! Little Texan sluts the both of you!"

"I love you. We'll work through this I swear!"

"God, give it up Jazz. I'm over you and your little accent; drop the act for Christ's sakes. Don't wait for me. I'm not coming back to you. Never."

Jasper looked into Bella's one visible eye, and he knew she was right, it had been seven months, and it wasn't like Emmett was coming back...but...what if he does? I have to be there for him, what if...his eyes darted to the door. What if Emmett shows up and I'm not home?

"Jasper Whitlock don't even think about leaving. He's not coming back." Bella tone wasn't sweet, it wasn't kind, but it was what he needed. They both knew it. They both had felt it. That…and she had probably seen his eyes dart to the door.

"You bet your ass I saw it." Bella said.

"You really need to not do that Bella. It's down-right annoyin' and frankly creepy." Jasper snapped at her. Yeah, she had been heartbroken too but still…Everyone let go at their own speed.

"Don't….Don't give me that. You and I both know it the truth, so stay."

"Fine." Jasper blew air through his lips and ran his hand through his hair again and gave the place where they sat a look around.

It was a cute little cafe, run by the same family for as long as anyone cared to remember, the walls were a light shade of gray and the furniture was simple and tasteful; dulled, warm, beige leather, the floors were made from pebble and the lighting was low, it was warm and clean like summertime. A welcome relief in the dreary rainy gray of Forks. It was romantic, it was date like, after all each table only accommodated…two people, it was...

"Bella..?" Jasper looked back into Bella's face, his tone suspicious.

"Hmm?" Her tone was innocent, but he knew that she knew that he knew, her ivory skin turned a delicate rose shade with guilt.

"You are staying for this little date aren't you?"

"Uhhh...I would Jazz but you know I have to go home and make dinner and...Huh...sorry?" Her blush increased along with his own annoyance.

"Bella! I can't believe you would do this to me! You know I hate meeting strangers, this will be so awkward, I don't even know this guy." Jasper slouched back into his chair crossed his arms and pouted, a little immature but it worked for the situation.

" do actually know won't be that awkward..."

"Wait, I know who I'm going on a blind date with..." Jasper automatically started mentally going through a checklist of all the men he his knowledge he was the only gay one besides Emmett...well they were the only ones willing to say it out loud anyhow.

"Well...okay so you don't know him, know him, but you've met him once or twice...I think..." Bella drifted as she tried to think about when Jasper might have met...No...I don't think he ever him, but, it will work out. It has too. Just because I have to pay him doesn't mean it won't work out...but what if...?

"Bella!" Jasper snapped his fingers in front of Bella's million-miles-away eyes.

"Huh?" Bella focused her gaze onto Jaspers face. One of his pale hands reached across the small table and took one of her smaller paler hands into his own.

"I need to know Bella, please be honest; does he want to be here? Does he know what happened? Does he..." Even want me for me? Jasper broke off, took a breath then continued, "Does he pity me?" Bella flushed, and suddenly Jasper knew. Bella set me up on a pity date; letting go of Bella's hand and starting to go for the door.

"Jasper wait!" Bella went after him her legs working twice as hard as his did. Outside the shop in the damp air of Forks she caught him, both her hands wrapped around his arm. He spun around looking down at the smaller girl who was still clutching his arm.

"Bella..." his voice held a warning, he needed time, it wasn't enough right now, it was too soon...

"Please Jazz. I know..." She looked away, letting go of his arm she wrapped her arms around herself, "I know it's soon, but I can't stand you being in this kind of pain, I...can't have you end up like me...I just can't." Her voice broke. She cringed at the cold memory...

"Edward, wait! Please let me try to make this work, please!"

"No Bella! Give up and let me go already, Christ, can't you see I don't love you, I hate you for what you've done to me!"...

Bella flinched. And let out one small choked sob.

Jasper felt like shit. It wasn't often that he hurt Bella, she was his best friends she was the world to him, and he had to go and ruin it. "I...Bella, I'm sorry...shit darlin', I'm sorry." He wrapped arms around her and crushed her to him. She wrapped her arms around his middle and gave way to the heart breaking sobs that seemed to be unstoppable.

"I's been a long time but he still..." She mumbled into his chest before breaking off again and choked.

"I know hun, its okay," He stroked her hair and rested his head against her forehead. "Bella...if you really want me to, I will go on this date." Jasper cringed as the words left his mouth but he knew it would help Bella.

She pulled back and wiped her tears away, sniffing, "Really?" She looked up him, hopeful.

"Yeah." He sighed. It wasn't going to be easy, but hey, it's only one date, right?

"Okay, well," She sniffed again and pulled away until she was holding both his hands in hers, "I'm gonna be quick because you need to get in there but...just...remember, this guy was interested in you, he actually wants you, so...go, have fun k? I'll see you, like, tonight?" Bella stumbled through her speech, stopping and hesitating trying to word it simply so she wouldn't burst into tears again.

Jasper gave her a lopsided smile, a heart-breaking, heartbroken, lost smile. "Sure darlin', what was his name again?" He gave her hands a squeeze.

"Jacob." Bella said. She looked into Jasper's eyes almost level with her own, smiling weakly before pulling her hands out of his and walking away, brushing the new tears from her eyes. Please Jasper, give Jake a chance...don't be like me, don't wait for a man who doesn't love you back.

She kept walking down the streets, pulling her hood up on her thin jacket as the rain droplets became heavier.

But it was too late. She was soaking wet. But it didn't matter. She was frozen solid on the inside.

She willed her feet to move, but they were stuck, rooted to the ground by some hateful force. By instinct she knew why she was frozen. She turned around, the rain literally beating down on her and saw, through the window, Jasper sitting in the cafe, coffee in hand keeping his eyes on the door, waiting for someone.

Good.'re on the rise, you won't be in pain for much longer. Soon you will be able to forget Emmett, his smile, his laugh, his face, it will all be gone.

She turned and walked away briskly; knowing she had to get home soon or Alice, Rosalie, and Esme would worry. As she walked tears slide down her face when she passed by a couple holding hands under one umbrella, all the while thinking, don't be like me jasper, forget him move on, don't be like me...oh god, Edward...

So this is Chapter one...really short on purpose Chapter two will be up soon!

R&R my lovelies...I hope to hear all about it soon.