DISCLAIMER: Harry Potter and all known characters are the property of JK Rowling. The only thing I own is the plot.

NOTE: This story is AU, so complaining about the attitudes and personalities of the characters will not make me change my mind. There will be bashing in this story.

SPECIAL THANKS to my BETA StormyFireDragon.

Harriet's Prophecy


May 1959

Tom Riddle and his fiancé, Eileen Prince, were eating Sunday lunch in the dining room of Riddle manor when a house elf belonging to his good friend popped in.

"Sorry Master Riddle sir, I is having an urgent message for yous. Master Malfoy is asking yous to come quickly."

"Tell him I will be there shortly," said Tom.

Standing from the table, Tom kissed his fiancé before flooing over to Malfoy Manor. He exited the floo directly into the study of Lord Malfoy.

"Welcome, my friend" said Abraxus.

"Hello Abraxus, what was urgent that has to be dealt with on a Sunday of all things?" Tom asked the older Malfoy.

"As usual, you want to get straight to the point," said Abraxus. "I have heard from a reliable source that Dumbledore is planning to make you look like the new Dark Lord. Since his defeat of Grindelwald, people look up to him and ask for his advice. Now that it has been some years since there was a threat to our world, not many are looking up to him so that has died down. I personally think that he got too used to the way people looked to him for help on every little thing and he wants that back. No one has ever beaten two Dark Lords before."

"This does not bode well," said Tom. "Eileen announced to me at lunch today that she is pregnant, She is going to be a target once people find out that we are engaged to be married never mind what they will do when they find out that she is carrying my child"

"That is another thing," said Abraxus. "Lord Prince does not want his daughter to marry a Dark Lord. Since she would be at risk and he needs her to have an heir or his estates will go to his cousin, whom has a gambling and drinking problem, when she dies. He has requested a meeting so that we can discuss what to do. He does not want to separate you two, but he wishes to know that his daughter is safe."

"That is understandable," said Tom. "Can you fire call him and see if he is available now? The sooner we get this sorted the better. If he is I will send for Eileen it is only fair that she has a say in this after all."

Within quarter of an hour both Lord Prince and Eileen had arrived and been told of the situation, including the fact that Eileen was a month pregnant. By the end of the meeting nearly hour later they had a plan in place.

Eileen would marry a muggle by the name of Tobias Snape, who has been showing an interest in her for over five years. First she would stun him when they were alone after a night at the local pub. They would then put him in bed naked with her to make it look like they had sex after their date, leading to her finding out she was pregnant a month later and hopefully a quick marriage to save her reputation, explaining the early birth as a premature birth.

January 9th 1960

In the master bedroom of the house Eileen and Tobias Snape shared. Eileen was resting with her newborn twins, while Lady Medea Malfoy whom was a qualified healer, opened the door for Tom, Lord Prince and Abraxus to enter.

"Twins" Tom stated quiet shocked, as on all the scans Lady Malfoy had done only showed one child.

"Yes, our son was born first, once Medea had cleaned him, she was about to take his statistics when I told her I felt like I wanted to push again and then our daughter was born"

"So, what are the statistics and names you have decided on?" Asked Lord Prince

"Well the boy was born at 3:14am, he weighs in at 6lb 8ozs and is 20 inches long and the girl was born at 3:46am she weighs in at 6lb 1oz and she is 16inches," said Eileen. "For names it depends on if we can charm their birth certificates to show only us their real names, others would have to see Tobias as the father."

"Yes, I can do that though the certificate will need a drop of yours and Tom's blood to cast the spell, when the children are older and want to see the real information they will need to add a drop of their own blood to remove the spell," Medea replied. "It is like the Fidelius Charm, once it is cast only you and Tom will know the truth, unless you tell people otherwise."

"Ok then I would like my son's name to be Severus Tom Riddle and daughter's to be Belinda Eileen Riddle," said Eileen. "However their names will show as Severus Tobias Snape and Belinda Eileen Snape," Eileen then faced Tom. "Once the spell has been cast, will you step out of the room with Abraxus, Medea and father to inform them of the truth?" Eileen asked.

"Of course darling, they the right to know," replied Tom. "Abraxus and Medea had already agreed to be the godparents to our child they will just have two godchildren instead of one." Tom informed the two older Malfoys.

Medea cast the spell required then left the room with the other so that Tom could give them the information needed. Once they were back in the room, Eileen realised something that she needed to mention.

"Have you all got time to discuss a problem we are going to have?" she asked and received nods of agreement from them all as they conjured chairs to sit on.

"As far as Tobias is concerned I was only carrying one child," she said. "While I was pregnant he kept going on about not wanting children, but since I was pregnant it had better be a boy to carry on his name or he would kill the child. Now since Medea has been seen out and about, she can't take the child and make out that it is hers. The only thing I can think of is an orphanage or finding someone to adopt and raise the child. The good thing is that Tobias is away due to work, until a week before what he thinks is my due date of February 20th, So we have time to find someone ourselves."

"Honey, I would rather us find someone who, is loving and caring like ourselves than put any of our children into an orphanage," said Tom. "You know I was raised in an orphanage and the staff there looked down on me because I happened to be different to them which lead to the other children being unkind."

"I have to agree with what Tom said," replied Lord Prince. "However rather than look for someone in the Wizarding world we should find a loving muggle family, that way we won't have to tell people who her real parents are. Also if a Wizarding family got her, they would most likely blood adopt her and that would lead to her appearance changing and she is a beautiful baby."

So it was settled they were going to look for a nice muggle family to take Belinda in and not mention her to Tobias, Severus or other unless they needed to.

January 30th 1960

Lord Prince had just apparated into an ally near his daughters home where they were all meeting up to discuss options as time was running out. As he left the ally he saw a woman sobbing her eyes out. After inquiring if she was alright Mrs. Evans told him that she had just come from her son's house where her daughter-in-law had just given birth to a stillborn and that she was walking to get a doctor, from the local surgery, so she could get her emotions in check. Asking Mrs. Evans if she could come with him, as he was on the way to visit his daughter who had a friend that was a midwife, she happily agreed. He left Mrs. Evans in the living room while he proceeded upstairs to fill in the others whom were visiting.

After a quick discussion it was decided that they would modify the memories, of Mrs. Evans, her daughter-in-law and her son, who were the only three people who knew about the stillborn. Leave Belinda there and take the stillborn baby to cremate it.

Mrs. Evans was leading Medea back to the house while being followed by Lord Prince who was carrying Belinda under a disillusionment charm. Upon entering the room with the heartbroken couple and the dead child she quickly confounded them, removed the charm from Belinda and replaced the dead baby. Casting the disillusionment charm on herself she then modified the memories of the three muggles to believe that the younger Mrs. Evans had just given birth to a healthy baby girl.

While Medea and Lord Prince stayed under the disillusionment charm, to make sure the modified memories worked. Mrs. Evans called the local surgery to send a doctor. The doctor started the checks once he was admitted into the room, seeing that the memory modification had worked they left. The only thing they knew of the couple was their family name of Evans.

January 8th 1977

In two different dormitories, in two different houses, two different sixth years were about to go through their magical majority. In the boys sixth year dorms down in the dungeons were Slytherin house is, that person was Severus Tobias Snape. In the sixth year girl's dorm in the tower that houses the Gryffindor dorms that person was Lily Marie Evans.

Severus knowing what was about to happen at the moment of his birth was lying on his bed awake. He had the curtains on his bed closed with charms and spells over his bed to make sure he did not wake his dorm mates.

Lily was in bed sleeping with the curtains closed but only had up a silencing spell over her bed, she was not expecting anything to happen, and was startled awake when her majority started.

At the exact moment the clock stuck midnight to welcome in January 9th. Both teens experienced some minor pain run the entire length of their bodies and were lifted off their beds in a cocoon that glowing three different colours lasting about ten minutes for each colour. The whole ordeal lasted no longer than half an hour.

Severus' cocoon was green with silver swirls; blue with bronze swirls then a mixture of all four colours swirled on dark grey. Severus knew the blue with bronze was his mothers connection as a descendant of Rowena Ravenclaw, he also knew that the dark grey with all four colours was his personal aura but he had no idea why he had the green with silver in it.

Lily's cocoon was green with silver swirls; blue with bronze swirls then a mixture of all four colours swirled on cream. Lily knew the cream with all four colours was her own aura. She did not know why she had the other two colours or why she got her majority twenty-one days early. She decided rather than ask any of the professors, she was going to the library in the morning to see if there were any books with the information she needed.

July 1977

Severus spent most of his time in his childhood home thinking about what he had been told by his mother and what had happened, since coming home at the end of his sixth year, trying to decide what to do.

He was the son of the supposed Dark Lord Voldemort, his mother and father had learned what Dumbledore had planned and as she was pregnant they did not want her at risk. So they had decided on a marriage to Tobias to make it look like the child was his.

Unfortunately Tobias had overheard the talk and got violent with Eileen. Severus stepped in front of his mother to protect her taking the beating himself. Eileen used her telepathic link to her soul mate Tom, who arrived with his poisonous pet snake, whom had bitten Tobias causing him to die. After his funeral that took place a week later, Eileen moved into Riddle Manor with Tom.

At the end of July, Severus entered Riddle Manor via the floo to join his parents. After talking things through it was decided that he would still go by Severus Tobias Snape, as they did not want anyone to know of his real heritage. Severus also took the mark.

August 1977

While in Diagon Alley buying her stuff for her seventh year in Hogwarts Lily approached a goblin in Gringotts, as she could not find the information she wanted about what happened in any books. When she explained what had happened on January 9th the goblin had her do a blood test to find out her heritage. Upon seeing the results she was shocked.

Getting the goblin's oath that he would not reveal anything that happened to anyone, she continued on with her school shopping before returning home.

Once home Lily wrote a letter to Eileen, requesting a meeting with her and if possible Tom then sent it off with her owl. It took just over an hour to receive a reply, which had said they would meet her at Eileen's home the next day.

The next day at the arranged meeting time found Lily knocking on the door of her childhood friend Severus. Eileen explained that Severus was spending time at Malfoy Manor with his friend Lucius and proceeded to make sure that no one could enter the house without her and Tom knowing as they did not want a repeat of what happened with Tobias.

Tom and Eileen then proceeded to tell her about her heritage and what had transpired eighteen years earlier; they also explain that although Severus knew the truth about his heritage he was unaware that he was a twin. All three of them agreed it was best if he was not given that information.

Lily said that she was on their side, but due to the fact that she would still be playing muggle-born and was also in Gryffindor it was not a good idea to get the mark or attend the meetings.

It was decided that Eileen would get a pair of two way journals from Diagon Alley and send one of them to Lily so she could be kept updated, the journals would be keyed into Tom and Eileen's blood so only their descendants could open, read and use them.

Severus and Lily's seventh year

Seventh year went well for both Severus and Lily no one had found out what had happened during the summer.

Lily started dating James Potter, once he decided to act like a grown up and not the arrogant twit he usually was. She became closer to James friends Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. Peter Pettigrew was a different story, although she put up with him, she found that she could not make herself like him. James proposed just after graduation.

Severus got closer to his father. After graduating he applied to Professor Slughorn for an apprenticeship do his masters in potions.

In August of 1978 it was decided that as they needed someone to spy on Dumbledore and his Order. Since Severus would be at the school doing his apprenticeship, he would go to him and make it sound as though he was scared as he was forced to get the mark. Dumbledore took the bait and told Severus that if he agreed to spy on the Dark Lord he would help him stay out of Azkaban.

The only downfall was that Severus had to make an unbreakable vow, the Dumbledore, there were three conditions to the vow. The first, Severus had to be honest in all the reports he gave about the Dark Lord to the leader of the opposing side. The second, Severus had to take over from Professor Slughorn when he had completed his mastery in potions so that Slughorn could retire. The third he had to sign a contract to work at the school for a minimum of twenty years.

Severus was thankful that Dumbledore had not stated either Voldemort or Tom Riddle and had instead referred to him as the Dark Lord, Since it was looking like Dumbledore himself was the real Dark Lord. This meant Severus would only have to be honest in reports given about Dumbledore to his father who was the opposing leader. He was also thankful that the twenty-year contract that he had to sign, included his time spent teaching the younger students at the school while studying for his mastery, as Slughorn's apprentice.

Once Severus had finished with the headmaster he left the school grounds and apparated to Riddle Manor, once he had passed the school gates so that he could tell his father what had taken placed. Tom, Eileen nor Abraxus were happy to hear about the unbreakable vow, but once Severus explained the wording they all laughed and commented on how stupid it was of Dumbledore to word it the way he did.

Lily was still undecided on what to do, Remus had decided to try for his masters in DADA, both James and Sirius was training to become aurors. When they all had some time to spare at the same time, they used it planning the wedding.

It was at the beginning of December once the quartet had finished the evening meal Lily asked the men to make a Wizarding oath not to repeat what she was about to say to anyone and not to attack some visitors she was expecting without first listening to the story. All three men agreed and had just finished giving their oaths when the floo chimed to alert of the arrival of the visitors.

Lily then introduced the men to Tom and Eileen and proceeded to tell the story of her heritage and Dumbledore's plan. Once the three marauders had got over the shock that Lily was not a muggle-born and was also the twin of their school rival, they told Tom that they were on his side, but did not want the mark, which Tom agreed was fine with him. Tom then stated that Severus did not know of his connection to Lily and that for the time being it was for the best.

July 1980

Severus had overheard Dumbledore while interviewing for the divination position at Hogwarts and over heard a woman named Sibyll Trelawney give what sounded like a true prophecy and not a fake. He had reported back to his father what had been said.

Lily, James, the Longbottoms and some trusted members of the Order of the Phoenix had been called into Dumbledore's office so he could inform them of the prophecy. After the meeting James went to inform Tom while Lily went home to rest.

While resting Lily could not help but think of what she had been told by Dumbledore, it was the same thing her father had told her, she also knew both her child and the child of her friends Frank and Alice Longbottom could be the child of the prophecy.

On the 30th of July Lily was inform by fire call that Alice had given birth to a baby boy, whom they had decided to Neville Frank Longbottom. The Longbottom baby, Neville had been ruled out of being the prophecy child as he was a boy. The prophecy stated it would be a girl and not knowing if the child she carried was a girl or boy.

Lily was now hoping that her child would wait until the new month before arriving. However just after 11pm on July 31st she knew that the fates were against her when her water broke, leading to Harriet Belinda Potter being born at 11:58pm on July 31st weighing in at 7lb 8ozs and measuring 18 ½ inches long.

Once Harriet had been settled, James climbed into the bed and pulled Lily to him. He knew that just like him, she was thinking about the prophecy they had been told about.

The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord approaches... Born as the seventh month dies... Born to those that have defied him... The Dark Lord shall try to kill her... Her mentors will be her family... A triad soul bond will ground her...while she fulfils her destiny... The one with the power to defeat the Dark Lord approaches... Born as the seventh month dies...

Halloween 1981

Tom had just received word that his daughter was about to be attacked and rushed to where she was hiding with her husband and daughter hoping to get them out of the house. Upon arriving he found the front door had been blown of its hinges and James lying dead in the hall. Hearing shouting coming from upstairs he rushed to his granddaughters nursery in time to witness his daughter being killed by the Avada Kedavra spell, seeing the spells sickly green colour Tom rushed in front of his granddaughter taking the hit. He was ejected from his body as it crashed into the mobile hanging above the cot causing it to break and cut a lightning bolt onto Harriet's forehead.

Since Tom wanted to keep his spirit until he could regain his body he fled, as the backlash from the spell caused the house to become ruins and leaving Dumbledore alone with his granddaughter.

Dumbledore could not believe what had happened, hearing Sirius arrive with Hagrid he quickly made out a plan.

"Hagrid, Sirius. I arrived to late, Voldemort tried to kill young Harriet after killing James and Lily but the curse bounced back and destroyed him."

Sirius who was not thinking clearly, left to go after Peter the secret keeper. This left Dumbledore, to arrange with Hagrid to deliver Harriet to Privet Drive.

Dumbledore left Harriet on the doorstep of Number Four after placing wards around property that would tell him if she left and for how long, before leaving Privet drive, unaware of the fact that he was being watched by Eileen.

The next morning Sirius was arrested and sent to Azkaban without trial, for being the secret keeper for the Potter's, killing Peter and 13 muggles when he blew up the street in a confrontation with Peter. Not realising until it was too late that Dumbledore should not have known where the Potters where.

Eileen watched as a horse like woman opened the door to get the milk and finding a baby on the doorstep. She went over to the woman and introduced herself. Petunia was not happy that she would have to look after the abnormal child and said as much. Between them they came to an agreement that they would let Harriet have the smallest room and with the use of magic it would be made into a suite of rooms suitable for Harriet. Eileen said she would send someone to stay and care for Harriet and the only time they needed to see her was to take her to and from school. Until it was time for her to go Hogwarts then she would only see her to drop her off and collect her from Kings Cross, if they could not sort something by the end of Harriet's first year.

Petunia led Eileen whom was carrying Harriet up the stairs to the smallest room. It was empty with no furnishings, after thanking Petunia she got to work.

She created a small sitting room that had sofas and chairs arranged around a fireplace.

Against the opposite wall there were two doors with bookshelves between them, one door lead to the bedroom and the other the bathroom. A door also connected the bedroom and bathroom.

Back in sitting room opposite the original window (that was charmed to show those looking in a small bedroom that Harriet slept in) there was an island counter that seated four, which separated the sitting area from the kitchenette.

There was a door leading to a room that was suitable for a house elf. Calling out to Jaxs her house elf that was able to do nearly all jobs she explained the situation.

Leaving Jaxs to deal with Harriet, Eileen went to the fireplace and set up a private floo that was only accessible with a password via the floo in her study at Riddle Manor. That done, she sent Jaxs off to get some muggle clothing for Harriet, food, hygiene items, books, toys and anything else that was needed.

Eileen arranged with Jaxs for someone to be there every Saturday so that Jaxs could go stock up on what was needed for Harriet or the little suite she had made.