Avatar: The Last Airbender: To Tame a Fire Dragon

Chpater 36: Scream it out

Morning came as the sun shined in my window. I rolled over in bed and looked out the window and I said, "Today is going to be a pretty day. I wonder what everyone wants to do today. I just know if anyone asks me how I am feeling today, I will get really upset. I am fine."

I got out of bed, and I got dressed in some shorts and cute top with two pink and white hearts and I pulled my hair up in a pink clip with a pink and white heart. I petted Fire Lily as I walked out.

I walked to the dining room, and I saw Iroh up drinking some Moon Peach Tea. He looked up at me and he said, "Good morning, Seume, how are you?"

I smiled and said, "I am good."

He asked me, "Do you want some tea?"

I nodded, smiled, and said, "Sure, it looks really yummy."

He handed me a cup and he said, "You look at little bit better. You don't look so pale today."

Igave him a warm smile and said, "Thanks, I do feel a little bit better. I told everyone that I could handle myself."

Iroh laughed and said, "Don't be so sure. You might feel better, but you are still sick."

I nodded as the others woke up and came out. As we all talked, Sokka looked at me and he said, "So,Seume, you still look sick, are you feeling ok?"

I smiled and I said, "Yes, I am fine. Thanks for asking."

We ate and talked. I looked and I said, "So, what will we do today? I mean, we have the whole day."

Aang looked at me and he said, "Well, I can't think of anything, but you still look sick, are you ok?"

I forced a smile and I calmly said, "Yes, I am fine. I am feeling better." As we ate breakfast and talked I coughed a few times.

Zuko looked and he said, "Well, me and Aang can spar. We could work on our firebending a bit."

Aang looked up and he said, "Sure, sounds like a lot of fun."

I coughed and Toph said, "Looks like that cough is sounding pretty bad. Are you ok?"

I formed my hands into balls and said with some anger in my voice, "I am fine, but thanks for asking."

Zuko looked at me and he said, "Well, it's good that you are feeling better, but just take it easy today."

That was the final straw. I threw my hands down on the table as the bowls of food spilled all over the table and yelled, "Look,I am fine! I know you guys are trying to help, but I can take care of myself! I am not a baby anymore! I am fine!"

Everyone looked at me startled. I looked at all of them with a blush and tears in my eyes, and Iran to my room. Zuko got up, but Katara looked at him and said, "No, I will handle this."

I ran to my room and landed on my bed as I started to cry. Midnight Star came up and rubbed my face. I petted her as I cried. Katara walked to my room, knocked, and she said, "Hey, can I come in?" I nodded. As she came over to the bed and rubbed my back, she said, "It's going to be ok."

I looked up and said, "But I made a fool of myself, and Iruined breakfast for everyone," as a few tears fell from my eyes.

She giggled and said, "I have more food, and Sokka can eat like an elephant, and he will be fine."

I gave her a small smile, yawned, and rubbed my eyes. Katara looked at me and she said, "Why don't you take a nap, and then come out later?"

I smiled, yawned, said, "Ok, I will."

Katara covered me up and she said, "You will feel better soon. Don't worry."

She walked out and went back to the dining room. Zuko looked at her and he asked, "Well, is she ok?"

Katara gave a nod and she said, "A little shaken up, but she is fine. I think she was a little tired too."

Zuko smiled as Aang called him to spar, and he said, "I will go see how she is doing later."

Iroh smiled and said, "Katara, would you like to play PaiSho with me? I have been wanting to play since the camp site."

Katara nodded and said, "Sure."

Suki and Sokka also sparred. Suki looked at Sokka and she said, "I won't go easy on you."

Sokka looked at her and said, "That again! I am not going to lose."

As they sparred, Katara looked at them, andIroh looked at Katara and said, "So, how is Seume?"

She looked back and said, "She is fine. She was a little hot, but her fever is going down. I think she just over worked herself this morning, but she will be fine."

I woke up, and I got out of bed. I walked out of my room and walked to the dining room. Suki looked at me and she said, "Well,look who is up."

I smiled and waved. Iroh looked at me and said, "Hey, are you feeling better?"

I nodded and sat down, and I asked, "What is this game?"

Iroh looked at me and said, "Only one of my favorite games ever, but Zuko does not like it at all."

I looked at him and asked, "Why not?It looks like a fun game."

As I watched Katara played, Iroh said, "He just thinks it is not fun."

I smiled as I looked at the board and said, "That should go there, and I think you can win."

Katara moved the piece and said, "Well, that is cool."

Zuko and Aang came back in. He looked at me and he said, "Well, look who is up."

I smiled, waved, and I said, "Yeah,I guess a nap is what I needed."

Katara got up to make dinner, and I played the game with Iroh. I looked at everyone, and I said, "I am sorry for getting so mad. I just didn't want to be treated like a little kid, but if I do need to go to the doctor, I will go and get better."

Rocky hugged me and said, "That is my Water Flower."

I smiled and I said, "Yeah, I know."

As we ate dinner, Zuko looked at me and said, "That was one show today. I didn't know if you had it in you."

I giggled, blushed, and said, "Thanks, Zu-Zu."

I gave him a kiss as we cleaned-up. We got ready for bed, and Zuko looked at me and said, "You will be better in no time. I am sure of it."

I smiled and said, "I night." I walked to my room, and I said, "The doctors, great! Not looking forward to that."